I'm trying to import a PDF from storage to print values using FPDF and FPDI to download the PDF with the values. My function works perfectly on my local system but fails to open on my staging environment hosted on AWS Lambda. If anyone could assist, it would help me so much. It's so important that I get this done. Even if you could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.
use setasign\FpdiProtection\FpdiProtection;
use setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi;
public function medical_pdf()
// initiate FPDI
$pdf = new FpdiProtection();
// set title
$title = "Outsurance Medical Questionnaire";
// add a page
// set password
$pdf->SetProtection(array(), 'BlueinDecember#2021');
// set the source file
$pdf->setSourceFile(public_path('/PDF/Generic OutSurance SMR .pdf'));
// import page 1
$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
// use the imported page and place it at point 10,10 with a width of 100 mm
$pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, -0, -0, 200);
I'm trying to update a placeholder image with a new image that has an updated URL. The URL in fact is a valid Google Static Map URL that I'm using in other contexts successfully. I'm using the Google Document API to manipulate the document. Following the code I've been using:
var element = body.findElement(DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE).getElement();
var imageMap = element.asInlineImage();
// if there was an image found in document
if (imageMap != null) {
// get current parent and index inside parent
var parent = imageMap.getParent();
var childIndex = parent.getChildIndex(imageMap);
// remove image from paragraph
imageMap = imageMap.removeFromParent();
// get static image url for territory
var url = getStaticMapURLForTerritory(id);
// create a new image
parent.insertInlineImage(childIndex, imageMap)
This seems to work fine in that it does update the image url correctly. However, the image itself (the result of the url) is not updated. When I click on the link URL it does return the correct image.
Is there a way to force a refetch of the image blob associated with the URL? I've also attempted to use UrlFetchApp but that complains about a missing size parameter (google static api) which is certainly included in the url string and within the max 640x640 bounds.
I've exhausted all my options unless....
TIA, --Paul
setLinkUrl only does that: sets the link. To actually add a new image you'll have to get its blob:
function replaceImage() {
// [...]
// get static image url for territory
const url = getStaticMapURLForTerritory(id)
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)
// create a new image
parent.insertInlineImage(childIndex, response.getBlob())
Class InlineImage (Google Apps Script reference)
I have Page X with a SignaturePad on my Xamarin.Forms app and I save the signature into the database in the following way:
if (!sp.IsBlank)
Stream image = await sp.GetImageStreamAsync(SignatureImageFormat.Png);
using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(image))
br.BaseStream.Position = 0;
byte[] SignatureImage = br.ReadBytes((int)image.Length);
I save this byte array in my SQL database table. I navigate to a couple of other pages in my app and then go back to Page X and want to reload all the information into this page from the saved information in the database. How do I reload the Signature? Do I need to save the signature as strokes or points instead? How do I save strokes or points in the database? Some sample code would be really helpful
Thank you.
I am loading image from script to texture from URL. It is loading successfully, but the image is not reflecting on the texture.
How can I fix this?
you should UV unwrapped your model(that you want to put your image on it as a texture) you save the uv and then import it to unity then you can apply texture to it , here is tutorial that will show you how to do it in blender
Alright, if I'm gathering from the image correctly, it looks like you're using NGUI. If so, then you don't use Mesh Renderer. It's been a little bit since I used NGUI, but you need a reference to the game object or to the UITexture component that is on the game object. So I'll provide some code samples below for both scenarios. But you don't use a mesh renderer unless you're wrapping the texture around a 3D model. If this is for the UITexture then you would attach the image on there.
Game Object Reference:
imageObject.GetComponent<UITexture>().mainTexture = textureToUse;
UITexture Reference:
uiTextureReference.mainTexture = textureToUse;
I think that is what you were looking for, otherwise you need to do unwrapping and what not.
It is very easy if you are using NGUI.
Create a UITexture.
Refer it in you class either by declaring it public variable of getting it at runtime.
Import MiniJSON class that is easily available on internet. (Do not hesitate if you failed to find MiniJSON.Json, it could be MiniJSON.Deserialize or only Json.Deseiralize)
Following is the code snippet to get Facebook Display Picture with User_API_ID
string myImageUrl = "https://graph.facebook.com/"+API_ID+"/picture?type=large&redirect=0";
WWW myImageGraphRequest = new WWW(myImageUrl);
yield return myImageGraphRequest;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myImageGraphRequest.error))
Debug.Log("Could not fetch own User Image due to: " + myImageGraphRequest.error);
var myImageData = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize (myImageGraphRequest.text) as Dictionary<string, object>;
var myImageLinkWithData = myImageData["data"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
string myImageLink = (string)myImageLinkWithData["url"];
WWW myImageRequest = new WWW(myImageLink);
yield return myImageRequest;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myImageRequest.error))
Debug.Log("Could not get user facebook image: " + myImageRequest.error);
userDP.mainTexture = myImageRequest.texture;
userDP is your UITexture.
and thanks in advance for your help!
I'm trying to get the 'hosting' URL for public images on my Google Drive, with the intent of pulling the images into a spreadsheet using the Image formula. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the hosting URL from Google Apps Script.
The ID used in the hosting URL isn't the same as the ID of the file on Drive, either, so I can't figure out how to build the URL.
Is there a way to get this URL or ID so I can pull in these images to my spreadsheet?
Thanks again for any help you can provide.
Can the use of permalink be an option for you?
here an exemple:
var baseUrl = "http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=";
function myFunction() {
var images = DriveApp.getFilesByType(MimeType.JPEG);
var img = images.next();
// img.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW); this line can be dangerous!!
var imgId = img.getId();
var pubUrl = baseUrl+imgId; // the public URL
After using the ImagesService to transform an uploaded image, I would like to store it back into a new Blob file and make it available through getServingUrl() as provided by the ImagesService.
Storing the image in a new AppEngineFile as described here works fine and I am able to open and view it locally using the dev server.
However when passing the blobKey for the new AppEngineFile to ImagesService.getServingUrl() a
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not read blob.
exception is thrown. Any ideas what the problem could be? This is the code I use to transform and store an uploaded image (blobKey and blobInfo correspond to the uploaded file, not the newly created one).
/* Transform image in existing Blob file */
Image originalImage = ImagesServiceFactory.makeImageFromBlob(blobKey);
Transform verticalFlip = ImagesServiceFactory.makeVerticalFlip();
ImagesService imagesService = ImagesServiceFactory.getImagesService();
Image newImage = imagesService.applyTransform(verticalFlip, originalImage);
/* Store newImage in an AppEngineFile */
FileService fileService = FileServiceFactory.getFileService();
AppEngineFile file = fileService.createNewBlobFile(blobInfo.getContentType());
FileWriteChannel writeChannel = fileService.openWriteChannel(file, true);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(newImage.getImageData());
/* closeFinally assigns BlobKey to new file object */
BlobKey newBlobKey = fileService.getBlobKey(file);
The above code is correct, the problem was storing a String representation of the new blob key using newBlobKey.toString() instead of newBlobKey.getKeyString().
Why would you want to do that? Once you transform an image it is cached and anyway it is always fast. If you really feel you want to save it just use urlfetch to read the data and store them in the BlobStore ;-)
The following works fine when executed at the end of the code posted in the question:
String url = imagesService.getServingUrl(newBlobKey)
The URL can then be used to scale and crop the new image as described in the docs