Use azure active directory with NEST/ - elasticsearch

We are working on a project where we are authenticating users with Azure Active Directory. Upon the successful authentication, the user's browsers receive an Id and Access token, and then we use the same access token to query other Microsoft products (Sharepoint, OneDrive, etc).
We are planning to use Elastic Search for our search need. We have already set up SAML/ OpenId realms on our ECE Deployment Portal and Cluster. So if any users try to access ECE deployment portal/ Kibana, they will be prompted to authenticate against Microsoft Azure AD, and upon successful authentication, they get redirected to ECE or Kibana.
We are using C# and NEST dll (ElasticSearch.Net) to create queries and search the elastic search end point. We are not sure how exactly should we use the access token received on the UI side with Elastic Search to query out indices. We know, we can use native user credentials or API keys to access the elastic search but we want to use the same azure ad authentication flow(SAML/OpenID) to access Elastic Search.
Is it possible to use the Azure AD access token received on the UI side to access & query Elastic Search Clusters or is there any other way to re-authenticate users while they try to access Elastic Search Cluster?
Is there a way to authenticate the users with elastic search end point and generate an access token that can be used to query elastic search further?
In short, we want to re-authenticate users with Elastic Search while querying the data?
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(mEsQuerySource.Url));
settings.BasicAuthentication("user", "plain text password");
mClient = new ElasticClient(settings);

Thank You Tim for sharing the solution over elastic Portal. I am updating the same answer over here to help other community member.
In current versions of Elasticsearch (as I write this, 7.14 is the latest version) there is no way to use an Azure AD access token to directly access Elasticsearch.
That is, you cannot have your application authenticate directly to AAD and then use the tokens you receive from AAD as a credential to authenticate to Elasticsearch.
There is no authentication provider in Elasticsearch that works with arbitrary tokens from an external issuer.
You can however do the same thing that ECE and Kibana do and perform SAML or OpenID Connect authentication via Elasticsearch, in order to generate Elasticsearch access & refresh tokens (which are separate from the Azure AD tokens).
There is documentation on how to perform SAML 3 or OIDC 2 authentication to Elasticsearch via a custom application.
The high-level overview would be (I assume SAML here, but OIDC would be similar):
When a user accesses your application they would authenticate against AzureAD as normal
Then, you would use the Elasticsearch APIs to perform an additional authentication against an Elasticsearch SAML realm with Elasticsearch as the service provider and AzureAD as the Identity Provider.
Since the user is already authenticated within Azure AD, that second authentication process should be transparent to the user - AAD will simply issue a new SAML assertion with Elasticsearch as the recipient.
Those Elasticsearch APIs will accept the SAML assertion, and return a pair of tokens (access + refresh) that can be used to authenticate to Elasticsearch
Your application will retain the access + refresh tokens for the user's session
The access token will be used to authenticate when accessing Elasticsearch APIs
The refresh token will be used to generate a new access token when the old one expires (or is about to expire).
If your users are in an identity store that Elasticsearch can query (e.g. something that supports LDAP search), then another option is to use the Elasticsearch run-as capability.
In this case your application would authenticate to Elasticsearch using a single system credential (probably a user in the native realm). That user would have permission to run-as all other users and this can be used to perform searches on behalf of your end users without needing them to authenticate directly to Elasticsearch.
The final option would be to implement a custom realm, if you have engineers who are comfortable writing Java
Reference: Use azure active directory with NEST/ - Elastic Stack / Elasticsearch - Discuss the Elastic Stack


How can I use a SAML Provider with an nginx proxy to access a VPC-Based Elasticsearch Kibana?

I am trying to provide end-users access to a VPC-Based Elasticsearch Cluster hosted on AWS. Users hit an nginx proxy which re-directs their request to Cognito, Cognito is configured to use AD FS. After a user authenticates Cognito cannot re-direct correctly as cross-origin cookies are not supported. This is documentation I was following DOCUMENTATION
Is there a way to make this system work?

OAuth 2.0 Client IDs enable access only a groups of users in my internal organisation

I created a reverse proxy with Apache on CentOS 7.
I configured access to this site using OAuth 2.0 Client IDs on GSuite.
Now works good, and all users in my internal organization can be access on my site.
Now, my question is:
Is it possible to restrict access only to a group?
If an user is member of this group is allowed to access otherwise can't access.
It isn't possible because google API OAuth2.0 don't manage groups.

How to write Jmeter script for AWS cognito login

I am trying to create jmeter script for login in to iphone native app. App is using cognito to authenticate the user.
As response of first page of app I am getting SALT and Secret block.
I am passing this secret block in and other required parameters in next request, however I got error message as "User name or password is in correct".
Did anyone worked successfully on similar things which can help me.
Looking into Amazon Cognito page:
Social and enterprise identity federation
With Amazon Cognito, your users can sign in through social identity providers such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and through enterprise identity providers such as Microsoft Active Directory via SAML.
Standards-based authentication
Amazon Cognito User Pools is a standards-based Identity Provider and supports identity and access management standards, such as Oauth 2.0, SAML 2.0, and OpenID Connect.
You will not be able to record and replay none of the mentioned protocols, depending on underlying identity provider mechanism you will either need to apply advanced correlation or a way to provide the required Bearer Token.
So you need to identify which identity mechanism is used under the hood and amend your JMeter test accordingly.
Reference material:
How to Load Test SAML SSO Secured Websites with JMeter
OpenID Connect - How to Load Test with JMeter
How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter

Azure api management authentication link to web api

Our current API use seesionID for the authentication. We plan to use Azure API management to manage our web api. However Azure web api management has their own authentication. How can we link those two together. Our customer can use the same logon information.
Conversations about authentication and identity in Azure API Management can get tricky because there can be three different identities and then there are the different contexts of runtime requests vs management requests. So, to be sure I'm answering the right question, let me try and get some terms defined.
The three identities:
API Provider: This is the Azure user who has created an API Management instance.
API Consumer: This is a developer who is writing some client software to consume the API.
End User: The user of the application written by the API Consumer and will be the one who actually initiates runtime requests to the API.
I am assuming that you are the API Provider. What I'm not sure about is whether your customers are the API Consumers or the End Users.
Azure API Management provides identity services for API Consumers. Consumers can either manually create a username/password account or use some social identity provider to create an account. They then can get a subscription key that will allow Azure API Management to associate requests to the API Consumer.
I think you are asking if you can connect the sessionID, which I am guessing you use to identify End Users, to a subscription key used to identify API Consumers. If that is correct, then the answer is no (except for the scenario described below), because we need to identify the API Consumer key before any policies are run to ensure we run the correct policies.
You can change our Api Consumer subscription key. So, if you only have a low quantity of customers/End Users you could create an Api Consumer account for each End User. However, you would only be able to map sessionID to API Consumer Subscription Key if sessionID was a constant value. I'm presuming based on the name, that value changes at each login.
Although Azure API Management provides identity services of API Consumers, it does not provide full identity management for End Users. We leave that to external partners like Azure AD, Thinktecture Identity Server and Auth0. I'm assuming that your existing system is already using some kind of identity provider to generate the sessionId. What you can do with Azure API Management is validate that sessionId using policies in the API Management Gateway. To do that we would need to know more about the format of the sessionId.
Sorry for the long post but it is a confusing topic and I wanted to be as clear as possible.

AWS and Shibboleth/SAML

I have been looking into whether it is possible to use Shibboleth/SAML with Amazon Web Services.
I'm finding very little information on this. As far as I can tell, it is possible to install Shibboleth/SAML on an EC2 server as a Service Provider.
What I am not so sure on is whether it is possible to tie all of AWS to Shibboleth - and how this would work.
My knowledge of all three are vaguely fuzzy - I've been doing a great deal of reading, but I'm not really familiar with this technology at all.
If I understand you correctly, what you are trying to do is use identity federation to grant a user temporary security credentials to perform AWS api calls. You would like your users to authenticate to your own identity provider (Shibboleth in this case), and be granted access to AWS services based on that authentication.
A good example of this that you can use as a framework is in this AWS sample code.
In a nutshell:
You need a proxy that the users connect to, passing in their authentication credentials. You would then verify them by authenticating to Shibboleth, AD, LDAP or whatever.
You need a Token Vending Machine that your proxy would then call to get a valid AWS secret key using GetFederationTokenRequest.
Your client would then use the token given to it to make the AWS api calls.
The concepts of federated identity include terms like STS, SP, and IdP, if you are looking for a starting place to research the topic more.
