How to show keystrokes of dead keys in Visual Studio - visual-studio

In Visual Studio I want to use a character which is composed of a dead key plus another key.
I type this : ` + e -> è
VS takes it as : 96 + 101 -> 232 ( and only shows 232)
or in HEx : 0060 + 0065 -> 00e8 ( and only shows 00e8 )
My problem now is that I want to be able to have access to both input key strokes ( eg 96 / 101 ) not the combined. (232) . How do I do that?
In addition I need to be able to distinguish other dead keys like backspace, linefeed, etc.

You could add a U+FEFF (ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE) between the two characters U+0060 and U+0065 this will keep the two characters separate but will also treat the three of them as a unit for line break opperations.


How to split a string by amount of characters in a batch file?

I have about 6GB of various text files, the files have many lines but each record is missing its commas so all the data is in 1 record. I want to create a batch file where I can add commas at the appropriate places in each "record". I'm hoping to add commas so I can then import this into a database.
For example the file would be structured like this.
Each field has a unique length which I know, and it's static between all files.
For example
ID - 10 characters
NAME - 40 characters
ADDRESS - 30 characters
This will need to be run on an ongoing basis as new files come in so I'm hoping for something I can give a non technical person they can just run.
Any quick way to do this in a bat file?
Using your example above. Note we count the characters starting from 0, then tell the set to use letters starting at a certain count, counting the word length from there. See bottom for layout.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (filename.txt) do (
set str=%%a
set id=!str:~0,2!
set na=!str:~2,4!
set add=!str:~6,7!
set ph=!str:~13,5!
set em=!str:~18,5!
set etc=!str:~23,3!
echo !id!,!na!,!add!,!ph!,!em!,!etc!
Characters assigned in a string as:
I D n a m e A D D R E S S p h o n e E M A I L e t c
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
ID starts at Character 0 and is 2 characters, including itself :~0,2
name starts at character 2 and is 4 characters long :~2,4
For many files just add another loop as a main loop or give a list of files.
Based on your provided example, here is a quick powershell command, (despite no tag):
(GC 'Report.txt' | Select -First 1).Insert(10,',').Insert(51,',').Insert(82,',') > 'Fixed.txt'
It takes the first line of Report.txt…
After 10 characters insert ,(0 + 10 = 10) + 1
After another 40 characters insert ,(11 + 40 = 51) + 1
After another 30 characters insert ,(52 + 30 = 82) + 1
…then outputs the line complete with insertions to Fixed.txt
Just continue the .Insert(<number>,',') sequence for your other fixed width column sizes and ensure you've changed the filenames to suit your circumstances.
The following as an update to your comment and subsequent edit should work for all lines in the file.
GC 'Report.txt' | % {($_).Insert(10,',').Insert(51,',').Insert(82,',')} | Out-File 'Fixed.txt'

Different Code 128 barcode symbols representing the same data

I'm currently using software called LineView. It generates downtime reason codes for our factory lines. An operator scans the barcodes with an RS232 scanner and it goes into our XL board system.
The software itself generates the barcodes within an internet browser, but I am trying to make it so our own labeling machine can also print out the barcodes. However, the barcodes that are produced by the labeler (and the many online barcode generators I've tried) look longer and do not work.
The data for the example 128 barcode that I am trying to replicate is [SOH]1[STX]65;1067[ETX].
According to the manual:
- The Start of Header character (ASCII 0x01) starts the XL Command packet.
1 - The Serial Address of the XL device (the default is 1).
- The Start of Transmission character (ASCII 0x02) marks the start of the actual command.
65; - The ID of the Production State > Set Reason Code command.
The Reason Code ID (which can range from 1 to 999 for system reasons or 1000 to 1999 for user defined reasons). In my case it is 1067
- The End of Transmission character (ASCII 0x03) ends the XL Command packet.
I have attatched the pictures of what LineView produces (which is what I want it to look like) and what it is currently printing like on our labeller.
When I scan them they both come up with the [SOH]1[STX]65;1067[ETX] code despite them looking different.
Any help with this would be very much appreciated.
Your intended barcode is constructed internally using the following series of Code 128 codewords which correctly represent the ASCII control characters:
103 Start-in-Mode-A (Upper-case and control characters)
65 [SOH] (ASCII 1)
17 1
66 [STX] (ASCII 2)
22 6
21 5
27 ;
99 Switch-to-Mode-C (Double-density numeric)
10 10
67 67
101 Switch-to-Mode-A
67 [ETX] (ASCII 3)
67 Check-digit
106 Stop
Your label printer is printing a barcode representing the literal string [SOH]1[STX]65;1067[ETX] with no ASCII control characters (i.e. left-bracket, S, O, H, right-bracket, ...) using the following internal codewords:
104 Start-in-Mode-B (Mixed-case)
59 [
51 S
47 O
40 H
61 ]
17 1
59 [
51 S
52 T
56 X
61 ]
22 6
21 5
27 ;
99 Switch-to-Mode-C (Double-density numeric)
10 10
67 67
100 Switch-to-Mode-B
59 [
37 E
52 T
56 X
61 ]
57 Check-digit
106 Stop
So you need to work out how to correctly specify ASCII control characters in the input to your labelling machine.

Fortran 90 - reading format

I'm trying to read that string in a formatted file: " PARAMETER (NE_M=10,NL_M=12)".
I want to replace the 12 by 11.
I tried to read the sting like this :
integer :: i
character(len=30) :: text
10 format(6x,24a,2i) text,i
read(text_data,10) text, i
write(6,100) text, 11
But it doesn't work. Any idea?
The reading and writing you have written will not do what you want. The input statement you presented for reading is 33 characters wide, and your formatting only accounts for 32 of those characters and your write will not contain the closing ).
Consider the following code, if you do not need to capture the 12 in the input.
program test
character(len=30) :: text
101 format(a30, i2, ')')
open(unit=10, file='testinput.f')
read(10,101) text
write(*,101) text, 11
end program
and the input (with 6 leading spaces) in file testinput.f:
when run, produces the output:
% ./test
This code was compiled and tested with GNU gfortran 4.8.2.
assuming test_data is a unit number of an open file and 100 is a
format statement number.
integer :: i
character(len=30) :: text
10 format(6x,a24,i2)
read(text_data,10) text, i
write(6,100) text(:24), i
fixing those other issues:
integer :: i
character(len=30) :: text
10 format(6x,a24,i2)
read(20,10) text, i
write(6,10) text(:24), i

Displaying whole ORACLE 8-bit CHARSETS in UNICODE

I maintain an Java EE web application against an eight bits charset oracle database.
The application will be used from abroad and I want to be able to check strings -for example with UNICODE regexps, and both from Java and from Javascript- to see if they fit into the database CHARSET.
One function in GDK -globalization developer kit- gives the equivalent Java name of the oracle charset -I think it was ISO-8859-15-. But I'm not certain the correspondence will be exact.
What I wanted is to display the whole charset -NOT ISO..., but the ORACLE one- char by char to use both from Java and Javascript, even to display the UNICODE points and to tell apart the control characters from printable ones.
There is a funcion in Oracle's GDK to that end?
Thank you.
I think I've found it! (Eureka!)
A little JAVA JDBC program resulted in exactly the characters in ISO-8859-15 that are distintc to ISO-8859-1 (by the way, I've learned that ISO-8859-1 occupies from 0x00 to 0xff in UNICODE).
Program output:
CHR: 164 UNICODE: 8364 euro sign
CHR: 166 UNICODE: 352
CHR: 168 UNICODE: 353
CHR: 180 UNICODE: 381
CHR: 184 UNICODE: 382
CHR: 188 UNICODE: 338
CHR: 189 UNICODE: 339
CHR: 190 UNICODE: 376
Program code (not using GDK at all):
NOTE: the statement "SELECT CHR(i using nchar_cs) FROM DUAL" just gave back the same numbers... WHY?
for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
Statement select = con.createStatement();
ResultSet result = select.executeQuery("select CHR(" + i +") from DUAL");
int unicodePoint = result.getString(1).codePointBefore(1);
//int unicodePoint = result.getString(1).codePointAt(0);
if (unicodePoint != i)
System.out.println("CHR: " + i + "\tUNICODE: " + unicodePoint);
result = null;
select = null;

MATLAB: how to display UTF-8-encoded text read from file?

The gist of my question is this:
How can I display Unicode characters in Matlab's GUI (OS X) so that they are properly rendered?
I have a table of strings stored in a file, and some of these strings contain UTF-8-encoded Unicode characters. I have tried many different ways (too many to list here) to display the contents of this file in the MATLAB GUI, without success. For example:
>> fid = fopen('/Users/kj/mytable.txt', 'r', 'n', 'UTF-8');
>> [x, x, x, enc] = fopen(fid); enc
enc =
>> tbl = textscan(fid, '%s', 35, 'delimiter', ',');
>> tbl{1}{1}
ans =
As it happens, if I paste the string directly into the MATLAB GUI, the pasted string is displayed properly, which shows that the GUI is not fundamentally incapable of displaying these characters, but once MATLAB reads it in, it longer displays it correctly. For example:
>> pasted = 'ΓΔΘΛΞΠΣΦΩαβγδεζηθικλμνξπρςστυφχψω'
pasted =
I present below my findings after doing some digging... Consider these test files:
First, we read files:
%# open file in binary mode, and read a list of bytes
fid = fopen('a.txt', 'rb');
b = fread(fid, '*uint8')'; %'# read bytes
%# decode as unicode string
str = native2unicode(b,'UTF-8');
If you try to print the string, you get a bunch of nonsense:
>> str
str =
Nonetheless, str does hold the correct string. We can check the Unicode code of each character, which are as you can see outside the ASCII range (last two are the non-printable CR-LF line endings):
>> double(str)
ans =
Columns 1 through 13
915 916 920 923 926 928 931 934 937 945 946 947 948
Columns 14 through 26
949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 960 961 962
Columns 27 through 35
963 964 965 966 967 968 969 13 10
Unfortunately, MATLAB seems unable to display this Unicode string in a GUI on its own. For example, all these fail:
text(0.1, 0.5, str, 'FontName','Arial Unicode MS')
One trick I found is to use the embedded Java capability:
%# Java Swing
label = javax.swing.JLabel();
label.setFont( java.awt.Font('Arial Unicode MS',java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 30) );
f = javax.swing.JFrame('frame');
As I was preparing to write the above, I found an alternative solution. We can use the DefaultCharacterSet undocumented feature and set the charset to UTF-8 (on my machine, it is ISO-8859-1 by default):
Now with a proper font (you can change the font used in the Command Window from Preferences > Font), we can print the string in the prompt (note that DISP is still incapable of printing Unicode):
>> str
str =
>> disp(str)
And to display it in a GUI, UICONTROL should work (under the hood, I think it is really a Java Swing component):
uicontrol('Style','text', 'String',str, ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0 1 1], ...
'FontName','Arial Unicode MS', 'FontSize',30)
Unfortunately, TEXT, TITLE, XLABEL, etc.. are still showing garbage:
As a side note: It is difficult to work with m-file sources containing Unicode characters in the MATLAB editor. I was using Notepad++, with files encoded as UTF-8 without BOM.
