How can I turn page the change animation off in VuePress? - vuepress

The VuePress default theme and also other themes have an animation / transition between page changes:
How can I turn that *** off ?
I found some documentation about some "Switch Animation" but that does not explain anything:


CKEditor 5 - Toggle between dark and light theme/background for the editor on external action/event

I'm using CKEditor5 in a React app and trying to implement a toggle to switch between dark and light theme for CKEditor5.
From their documentation I came across this:
The documentation mainly describes styling the editor theme from scratch and building the ckeditor package which essentially defines the default style theme for the editor.
But what I'm trying to figure out is a way to manipulate the editor background and plugins color via. CSS on-the-fly based on event trigger (when user toggles the UI theme for the entire site via. toggle button) i.e. toggling between light and dark theme for the editor. Is there any way/pointers on how this can be done?
Right now, in my React component I invoke the CKEditor component in the following way to render it on the UI:
onReady={(editor) => {
if (isReadOnlyMode) {
const toolbarElement = editor.ui.view.toolbar.element; = "none";

Laravel 9 + Jetstream - Tailwind Theme Background Color

I am having a difficult time changing the background color of the page. I have attempted Tailwind a few times in the past, but always reverted back to Bootstrap as I know it pretty well.
This is a fresh Laravel 9 with Jetstream installation. It comes with Tailwind v3 ready to go.
On the body tag in the guest layout, I tried bg-red and bg-red-900 classes. It's still grey. Tailwind does at least work, because I added bg-red-900 to the login button itself, and the button turned red. It's just not liking it on the body tag.
In tailwind.config.js I added:
module.exports = {
theme: {
backgroundColor: '#000000',
I also tried:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundColor: '#000000',
I run npm run dev and caching is disabled per Chrome dev tools settings. I even tried a hard reload (right click reload button with dev tools open and choose "Empty cache and hard reload").
I am sure the css is being generated as I can see the tailwind comments in css/app.css. The page works, as it shows the normal breeze login page as it should. It just refuses to change the background color. I get if I am setting it wrong in the config, but for it to not accept bg-something as a class seems weird.
How do I change the background color? It will be the same background color for every page, so like a theme, but I don't want to declare a whole theme palette.
This is probably something simple because I know nothing about Tailwind. I've just searched and dug through the docs and just don't get it.
The background color in Jetstream in the guest layout is actually coming from the authentication-card component.
Once you have published the Jetstream components the authentication-card.blade.php component can be located at:
You should see a bg-gray-100 class in the root div tag which is what you need to change.

Sublime Text 3 Theme: Some sidebar Icons not rendering

I'm writing a custom theme based on kkga's Spacegray theme, and I've run into an issue with the sidebar icons.
These are NOT the file icons feature, but the icons to denote if a folder is open/closed.
It looks like this:
However, when you hover over the rows, the highlighted row's icon renders just fine. Same image, and same path specification - so it's not an issue of the theme being unable to locate the file.
Can somebody more familiar with ST3 themes point me in the right direction to debug this issue?
ST3 Theme Docs can be found here:
Ugh, I feel really silly. Turns out that the icons that were working, were cached versions (you can find the cache at /Cache/<package name> in the ST3 library folder).
I deleted the cache, reloaded the app and found that all the icons were not rendering. Realized that I had moved the whole package into the nested User directory recently, and as a result the texture paths were no longer correct.
Posting this for posterity. Mods, feel free to close this question.

Adding a Class to a Shopware Theme Plugin

We have a theme plugin which is encrypted with CodeIgniter. I only want to change the color of a button but the class does not exist. I assumed the theme pulled the button from the Bare or the Responsive Template. After searching for the button code I find it in the Bare ajax.checkout.tpl and add a class and even an inline style to the button. After clearing the Template cache, I still see no change. Am I wrong in thinking that the button is pulled from the Bare template file or have I simply missed a step?
You should have a look at the theme-inhertance:
Create a new theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" and add an all.less to your individual theme. In this all.less you can override the class with your own styles.
Changing files in a custom plugin or the standard themes is considered bad practise. Since the Bare-Theme is loaded before the plugins, the plugin will override all changes in the bare theme. You need to change this in your own theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" as described in the documentation.

Change PESDK theme change to white

How to switch photoeditor react theme to white. Is there any configuration to change the theme OR need to customize the complete theme with assets.
