How can I get the raw query sent from Kibana? - elasticsearch

When I use kibana to search logs, the response time is very slow. How can I grab the raw query sent to Elasitcsearch from Kibana? I'd like to analyse why the query is very slow and how to improve that.

You can view the raw query, response time, request time etc. from the "inspect" option - in the visualizations or the discover page of Kibana.


Elasticsearch queries in kibana

I want to log all the queries made to Elasticsearch along with their response bodies in kibana.
Is there a way to do that?
I came to know a way to set. t he slowlogs threshold to 0 and log all the queries i slowlogs and then use filebeat to push those queries to kibana.
Is there any other way to do that
As far as I know, this is not available atleast in basic and free version and even if you set search slowlog threshold to 0ms it will just log the search query and other metadata of search query but wouldn't log the search query response.
It would be better to do this in your application which generated the search query and parse the response, then using filebeat you can send the application logs to Elasticsearch.

elasticsearch query statistics and analysis in near real time

I am pretty new to elasticsearch and I want to create statistics and kibana dashboards on queries sent to elasticsearch index , what is the best approach to do so ? Any advice or recommendations will be highly appreciated?
The idea is to analyze all queries sent to the index and do some performance optimisation in the future when the userbase increase ...
I am planning for the moment to store the logs in different index , but parsing seems to be kind of complex activity ...
Ideally I need to have:
-Counting of user queries
-Counting of queries that returned no results
-Logging of all search terms
-Sorting of queries, and queries that returned no results, by most frequently contained search term
-A view of top queries, including the search term not found results for and the exact query
-A view of top queries returning no results, including the search term not found results for and the exact query
There is no OOTB functionality available in Elasticsearch for search analysis. But there are some workaround you can do for same and get information what you are asking.
First option, you can enable slow log in Elasticsearch by executing below command and it will log each and every request to coming to Elasticsearch.
PUT /my-index-000001/_settings
"": "0s",
"": "0s"
Second option, You can log all the query the application layer or intermediate level using which application and elasticsearch talking to each other.
Once you have logs, You can configured Logstash / Filebeat / Fleet to read log and transform and index to Elasticsearch. Logstash provide differnt kind of filter which you can use and easily transofrm your plain text logs to strcture logs (grok filter).

Is there a way to disable pagination in kibana visualizations?

Is there a way to disable paging and just get the top 10 results in kibana. I am able to get the top 10 results but I do not want the pagination to displayed below the report.
(The reason is I am using the REQUEST from this table -- sending python queries to elastic -- parsing the response json -- and finally sending mails and for some reason the pagination is causing the results to appear in unordered nested dictionary)

can kibana used other data source(eg, a cache that contain elasticsearch result) instead of from elasticsearch directly?

I want to use Kibana to visualize data on a dashboard and make a lot of users on the internet can access the dashboard.
The problem is, Kibana will do a query every time, but the data will update about every 30 minutes, so it's a waste of cpu to do query evertime.
So, I want to cache the elasticsearch result in some place like redis and let the kinana to fetch data from the cache.
is there any software that act as a proxy, which can accept kibana request and fetch data from cache and then send response to the kibana? In another word, I only want to use kibana as a UI framework and customize the data source
Is there any other UI framework that can easily visually elasticsearch query result?
There is no need - Elasticsearch will cache the results.

How to plotting aggregated data in kibana?

How do i plot in kibana the data that is returned from an aggregate query in elastic search.
I have tried the existing methods but could not achieve this.
Kibana does not currently have a way to display output of an aggregate request according to the bug tracker on github. It looks like maybe it's coming in 4.0.
