PDF not generated in laravel - laravel

I'm generating pdf using following code in Laravel but the issue is sometimes data is saved in the database and pdf is not generated when i check the pdf folder there is no pdf files with that name, this does not happens every time i generate the pdf but there are some entries in my database for which the pdf is not generated, i want some way so that i can check whether the pdf has been generated and mark status true in the database if pdf is generated later on recreate pdf and send it to user through cron jobs or is there any other way also, Please suggest some solution Thanks
use PDF;
$DataStore->user_id = $user_id;
$DataStore->description = $description;
if($DataStore) {
$pdf = PDF::loadView('/admin/user_submission_pdf', ['data' => $DataStore]);
$content = $pdf->download()->getOriginalContent();
Storage::put('public/pdfFiles/' . $DataStore->Id . '.pdf', $content);

to download your pdf, change the the line
$content = $pdf->download()->getOriginalContent();
$content = $pdf->download('file-name-you-want.pdf');
then at last line should return:
return $content;


DOMPDF: How to customize the name of the single pdf, relating to a single client, with the information present in the object

I am trying to create the pdf, using the domPDF library, for each single client present in the table of my application. So far everything ok!
When I go to save the pdf I want the name of the pdf document to be saved as:
so if for example I have a client named Alex Haiold, the document must be saved as Alex_Haiold.pdf
To do this, since I am passing the single client in the controller, as shown below, I tried to write
return $pdf->download('client->surname client->name.pdf');
but it is saved as
client-_surname client-_name.pdf (then printing client-_surname client-_name).
Here my code:
public function generatePDF(Client $client)
$data = [
'title' => 'Welcome to LaravelTuts.com',
'date' => date('m/d/Y'),
'client' => $client
$pdf = PDF::loadView('client.clientPDF', $data);
return $pdf->download('client->surname client->name.pdf');
Can anyone kindly help me?
$pdf = PDF::loadView('client.clientPDF', $data);
return $pdf->download($client->surname . ' ' . client->name . '.pdf');
On the first line, we are just making a view file. The file is resources/views/client.clientPDF.blade.php and we are feeding data to the view file by passing the variable $data to it.
After making the view, our next step is to download the pdf file. For doing this, we need to call the download method of the instance.
On the first parameter, we are passing the filename with extension(pdf).

Generate multiple PDF documents with loop with dompdf in laravel

I am trying to download multiple pdf using dompdf in laravel, but below solution just concatenate into one pdf file
$weeks = ['test','test2'];
$html = '';
foreach($weeks as $hours)
$view = view('contract');
$html .= $view->render();
$pdf = PDF::loadHTML($html);
$sheet = $pdf->setPaper('a4', 'landscape');
return $sheet->download('download.pdf');
the server can only return a response, if you want several pdf files you should modify your method so that it accepts some parameter and for each parameter generate a pdf
It is not possible to download more than one file in a single HTTP request.
What you could do is pack the files into o zip and download that. You can try https://github.com/zanysoft/laravel-zip or any other available solution.
Another option would be to save the files and return only paths for the saved files back to the client. Then make a new request and download the file for each of the returned filepaths.
Also if you want to save to separate PDF files you need to move PDF creation into your foreach loop (create a PDF for each parameter).
$weeks = ['test','test2'];
$files = [];
foreach($weeks as $hours)
$view = view('contract');
$html = $view->render();
$pdf = PDF::loadHTML($html);
$pdf->setPaper('a4', 'landscape');
$files[] = 'documents/'.$hours.'.pdf';
return response()->json(['files' => $files]);
In this case the foreach doesn't really do anything other than produce two identical PDF files. If you want to actually apply some kind of changes to your view based on values in $weeks you need to pass that to your view.
$view = view('contract', ['data' => $hours]);
That makes $data available in your view and you can change the resulting PDF in that way (show your contract.blade.php if you need more help regarding that).

how to save dompdf file to storage and name the file dynamicly in laravel

does anyone know how to save generated pdf file and name it dynamicly using dompdf in laravel?
i always encounter this error
failed to open stream: No such file or directory
while trying to generated pdf file and save it to project directory.
here its my controller code
$bills = Tagihan::join('pesanan', 'tagihan.id_pesanan', 'pesanan.id_pesanan')
->join('kendaraan', 'pesanan.id_kendaraan', 'kendaraan.id_kendaraan')
->join('kategori_mobil', 'kendaraan.id_kategori_kendaraan', 'kategori_mobil.id_kategori')
->join('users', 'pesanan.id_pengguna', 'users.id')
->where('pesanan.id_pesanan', $save->id_pesanan)
->select('pesanan.*', 'users.*', 'tagihan.*', 'kendaraan.*', 'kategori_mobil.nama_kategori')
$today = Carbon::now('GMT+7')->toDateString();
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('admin.tagihan.pdf', compact('bills','today'));
file_put_contents('public/bills/'.$noOrder.'.pdf', $pdf->output() );
return redirect()->route('pesananIndex');
i want to save my pdf file with custom string with $noOrder.'pdf', but when i use static name like this
file_put_contents('public/bills/bubla.pdf', $pdf->output());
i had no error, any solution?
You can getOriginalContent from http response into a variable then push it to your file.
$pdf = PDF::loadView('admin.tagihan.pdf', compact('bills','today'));
$content = $pdf->download()->getOriginalContent();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('PDF.Order.OrderPDF-dev', ['invoiceDetail'=>$invoiceDetail]);
$path = 'storage/pdf/order/';
$pdf->save($path . $fileName);
return url($path.$fileName);
In my example first i created folder for PDF. makeDirectory(...) will create folder if exist or not.
$path is location where i want to put my file in Dir. do not use absolute path or public path function here. only define location where you want to create file.
I am creating file in Storage folder. so i added storage/.....

Is there a way to save the pdf created from blade straight to database as a pdf file?

I have created a pdf file of the bill that the customer can download. What i want to do is save the same pdf in my database without having to download it first and then upload again. Is there a way to do this?
public function export(){
$user = Auth::user()['id'];
$now = Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d');
$wherecond = " userid=".$user." and created_at like '%".$now."%' ";
$bill = DB::table('cartitems')->select('cartid','category','menu','price','created_at')->whereRaw($wherecond)->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')->get();
$whereconditn = " userid=".$user." and created_at like '%".$now."%' ";
$cost = DB::table('cartitems')->whereRaw($whereconditn)->sum('price');
$pdf = PDF::loadView('/pages.bill', ['bill' => $bill, 'cost' => $cost]);
return $pdf->stream('bill.pdf');
Here i have created a pdf on blade bill.blade.php and the user can download the file but can i save the same pdf directly to the database without downloading it for admin part?
You can add BLOB type in your database to save PDF. But it's not the best practice due to the amount of storage that is required.
I suggest you the following process :
Step 1) generate your PDF file
Step 2) save your PDF file on your webserver
Step 3) create a link (URL) to your PDF file
Step 4) save link (URL) in your database

shows me blank page when upload a .docx document on a website laravel

Hello I am new to laravel and still learning it and I come across different problems and issues and I cant find a way to solve it. I have been stuck to this since very long. Any help would be much appreciated.
The Problem
Whenever I upload a .docx file to my website i get a blank page without any error or without the content of that docx file. I dont know what the problem is. Please help me out with this.
public function getUploadedFile() {
// $destinationPath = 'uploads';
// $path= public_path()."/". $destinationPath;
// $content = utf8_encode(File::get('/var/www/html/asad/File-Uploader/public/uploads/detailed_period_report_template.xls'));
// return view('/files', compact('path'));
$file = $this->request->file('file_name');
$file_name = $this->request->file_name;
if (File::isFile($file_name))
$file_name = File::get($file_name);
$response = Response::make($file_name, 200);
$content_types = [
'application/octet-stream', // txt etc
'application/msword', // doc
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', //docx
'application/vnd.ms-excel', // xls
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', // xlsx
'application/pdf', // pdf
// using this will allow you to do some checks on it (if pdf/docx/doc/xls/xlsx)
$response->header('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document');
return $response;
I dont have any view for this. Do I need one for this ? If yes what would be it like because every docx file has it's set of properties like font, size, etc unlike excel sheets where we just defines columns. Please help me out. Thank you in advance
I have figured it out after so long finally.
It was sending "null" as a file name so what I did now is got the file name from the database instead of storage and then compared it that if that file is in storage and database then open it. Below is the code running for me now.
Thank you #MATEY for all your help though
$upload = new Upload;
$file= public_path(). "/uploads/" . $upload->file_name = $this->request->file_name;
$files = File::get($file);
$response = Response::make($files, 200);
and changed the content type to $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document');
Thank you for the all help #MATEY. You gave me the motivation to fix it plus your else{...} part missing in if condition actually helped me alot finding out the error.
