Advice on Setup - performance

I started my first data analysis job a few months ago and I am in charge of a SQL database and then taking that data and creating dashboards within Power BI. Our SQL database is replicated from an online web portal we use for data entry. We do not add data ourselves to the database but instead the data is put into tables based on the data entered into the web portal. Since this database is replicated via another company, I created our own database that is connected via linked server. I have built many views to pull only the needed data from the initial database( did this to limit the amount of data sent to Power BI for performance). My view count is climbing and wondering in terms of performance, is this the best way forward. The highest row count of a view is 32,000 and the lowest is around 1000 rows.
Some of the views that I am writing end up joining 5-6 tables together due to the structure built by the data web portal company that controls the database.

My suggestion would be to create a Datawarehouse schema ( star schema ) keeping as principal, one star schema per domain. For example one for sales, one for subscriptions, one for purchase, etc. Use the logic of Datamarts.
Identify your dimensions and your facts and keep evolving that schema. You will find out that you will end up with a much fewer number of tables.
Your data are not that big so you can use whatever ETL strategy you like.
Truncate load or incrimental.


Where in the stack to best merge analytical data-warehouse data with data scraped+cached from third-party APIs?

Background information
We sell an API to users, that analyzes and presents corporate financial-portfolio data derived from public records.
We have an "analytical data warehouse" that contains all the raw data used to calculate the financial portfolios. This data warehouse is fed by an ETL pipeline, and so isn't "owned" by our API server per se. (E.g. the API server only has read-only permissions to the analytical data warehouse; the schema migrations for the data in the data warehouse live alongside the ETL pipeline rather than alongside the API server; etc.)
We also have a small document store (actually a Redis instance with persistence configured) that is owned by the API layer. The API layer runs various jobs to write into this store, and then queries data back as needed. You can think of this store as a shared persistent cache of various bits of the API layer's in-memory state. The API layer stores things like API-key blacklists in here.
Problem statement
All our input data is denominated in USD, and our calculations occur in USD. However, we give our customers the query-time option to convert the response just-in-time to another currency. We do this by having the API layer run a background job to scrape exchange-rate data, and then cache it in the document store. Individual API-layer nodes then do (in-memory-cached-with-TTL) fetches from this exchange-rates key in the store, whenever a query result needs to be translated into a specific currency.
At first, we thought that this unit conversion wasn't really "about" our data, just about the API's UX, and so we thought this was entirely an API-layer concern, where it made sense to store the exchange-rates data into our document store.
(Also, we noticed that, by not pre-converting our DB results into a specific currency on the DB side, the calculated results of a query for a particular portfolio became more cache-friendly; the way we're doing things, we can cache and reuse the portfolio query results between queries, even if the queries want the results in different currencies.)
But recently we've been expanding into also allowing partner clients to also execute complex data-science/Business Intelligence queries directly against our analytical data warehouse. And it turns out that they will also, often, need to do final exchange-rate conversions in their BI queries as well—despite there being no API layer involved here.
It seems like, to serve the needs of BI querying, the exchange-rate data "should" actually live in the analytical data warehouse alongside the financial data; and the ETL pipeline "should" be responsible for doing the API scraping required to fetch and feed in the exchange-rate data.
But this feels wrong: the exchange-rate data has a different lifecycle and integrity constraints than our financial data. The exchange rates are dirty and ephemeral point-in-time samples attained by scraping, whereas the financial data is a reliable historical event stream. The exchange rates get constantly updated/overwritten, while the financial data is append-only. Etc.
What is the best practice for serving the needs of analytical queries that need to access backend "application state" for "query result presentation" needs like this? Or am I wrong in thinking of this exchange-rate data as "application state" in the first place?
What I find interesting about your scenario is about when the exchange rate data is applicable.
In the case of the API, it's all about the realtime value in the other currency and it makes sense to have the most recent value in your API app scope (Redis).
However, I assume your analytical data warehouse has tables with purchases that were made at a certain time. In those cases, the current exchange rate is not really relevant to the value of the transaction.
This might mean that you want to store the exchange rate history in your warehouse or expand the "purchases" table to store the values in all the currencies at that moment.

Seeking Advice For Oracle Data-Intensive Application

I'm endeavoring to develop an application that uses Oracle as the database back-end. The application will calculate several statistics from the various tables in the database. The front-end will most likely be a web application and this front-end will display various charts and calculated statistics. Now, I imagine that it would be more efficient to perform the calculations in the database rather than in the service layer because said calculations would need to be performed for every web request. That being the case, I'm not sure which mechanism to use. (e.g. stored procedure, function, view) To illustrate what I'm going for, suppose I want to keep statistics of student grades for many students. I would like to have a web interface that lets me view those statistics on student-by-student basis and also an all-inclusive basis. Some of the stats are dependent on aggregates (e.g. average, min, max) of all of the student grades and some stats are dependent only on an individual student. In this situation, every time a record is added or updated, the aggregates would have to be recalculated. So I am speculating that if I had a special table that held all of the calculated values I need and a trigger(s) to recalculate everything when a record is added/updated then all I would need to do from a web request point-of-view is have the service layer pull the desired values from this special table. I'm just not sure if this is the best way to go or not so I am asking the community for any input/advice. Note: Although I'm using Oracle, I'm open to using PostgreSQL or mySQL.
Thanks in advance
The scenario you are describing would be ideal for using materialized views. They can be designed to refresh automatically (and incrementally) every time the source data is updated by your application. The calculations would be built in to the view definition. No triggers required, and likely no stored procedures unless your calculations involve multiple steps. Check here: and here: for more info.

Business Data Preparation for Reporting and BI

I am doing some research about what the best possible state that data should be in so that reporting and BI analytics perform well but can be produced by business users from a set of various data collections which align with a business data glossary that I have worked through.
We have not chosen a specific BI tool but have been playing around with Power BI and Sisense
We have not decided on a data store technology to use for reporting purposes
Origin Data
Our business application that the data will originate from has a normalised SQL relational database. There are quite a few tables and joins to consider which work fine from an application perspective but I have recommended supplying the output of those queries as a flat denormalised set of data to increase redundancy and remove the joins entirely.
Business Data Glossary
As we go through defining the business data glossary, the number of columns increases but I do not anticipate there being any more than 100 columns per row as a complete reporting set of data. I wanted to ensure that each row of data is at a transactional depth (level 0) and that the roll up through the data would be done through aggregations by distinct key values and dimensional taxonomy.
I want some advice around what a modern architecture looks like and what works for business users rather than users who are comfortable with SQL queries and a myriad of joins on a physical data model.
I read an article about setting up data flows for Power BI which looked like they type of thing I want to do from a data availability perspective but it doesn't advice on how the data should be stored and what type of database to use.
Data Sets
The data we have that needs to be reported on are transactions where level 0 is trade positions (individual transactions from either a local or counterparty entity), level 1 is reconciliations (relating local and counterparty entities and trade linking identifier) and level 2 would be where it can be rolled up by taxonomy like asset type or status.
The current data set size would be a snapshot of positions every business day so, its duplicated every day with a snapshot date applied. The reports would be able to move across dates and show changes over time.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how to tackle reporting and BI in 2020. Oooh, one last thing, there is the possibility that we won't be allowed to process this type of data in the public cloud, we have our own infrastructure which is on private cloud so, that might need to be a consideration. Thanks

what is more efficient in performance of hbase,multiple tables of same structure or a single table containing large set of data?

I had earlier created a project of storing daily data of particular entity in RDMS by creating a single table for each day and than storing data of that day in this table.
But now i want to shift my database from RDMS to HBase. So my question is whether I should create a single table and store data of all days in that table or I should use my earlier concept of creating a individual table for each day.I want to compare both cases on basis of performance of hbase.
Sorry if that question seems foolish to you.Thank you
As you mentioned there are 2 options
Option 1: Single table of all days data
Option 2: multiple tables
I would prefer Namespaces (introduced in version 0.96 is a very important feature) with option 2 if you have huge data for single day. This will support multi tenancy requirements also...
See Hbase Book
A namespace is a logical grouping of tables analogous to a database in relation database systems. This abstraction lays the groundwork for
upcoming multi-tenancy related features: Quota Management (HBASE-8410)
Restrict the amount of resources (ie regions, tables) a namespace can consume.
Namespace Security Administration (HBASE-9206) - Provide another level of security administration for tenants.
Region server groups (HBASE-6721) - A namespace/table can be pinned onto a subset of - RegionServers thus guaranteeing a course level of
below are commands w.r.t. namespaces
alter_namespace, create_namespace, describe_namespace,
drop_namespace, list_namespace, list_namespace_tables
Advantage :
Even if you use column filters, since its less data(per day data), data retrieval will be fast for full table scan compared to single table approach(full scan on big table is costly)
If you want authentication and authorization on a specific table then it could also be achived.
Limitation : you will end up with multiple scripts to manage tables rather single script(option 1)
Note : In any afore mentioned options above,your rowkey design is very imp for better performance & prevent hotspoting.
For more details look at hbase-series

Windows Azure Application high volume of records insertions

We are meant to be developing a Web based application based on Azure platform, though I’ve got some basic understanding but still have many questions
The application that we are to develop will have lot of database interaction and would need to insert a large volume of records every day.
What is the best way to interact with db here is via Queue (ie work role and then worker role reads queue and save data in db)or direct to SQL server?
And should it be a multi-tenant application?
I've been playing around with windows azure SQL database of a little while now and this is a blog post i wrote about inserting large amounts of data
my recipe is as follows: to Insert/Update data I used the following dataflow
◾Split your data into reasonably sized DataTables
◾Store the data tables as blobs in Windows Azure Blob Storage Service
◾Use SqlBulkCopy to insert data is into write tables
◾Once you have reached reasonable a amount of records in your write tables, merge the records into your read tables using reasonably sized batches. Depending on the complexity and indexes/triggers present on the read tables, batches should be of about 100000 to 500000.
◾Before merging each batch, be sure to remove duplicates by keeping the most recent records only.
◾Once a batch has been merged remove the data from the write table. Keeping this table reasonably small is quite important.
◾Once your data has been merged, be sure to check up on your index fragmentation.
◾Rince &repeat
