What is the maximum allowed round trip time (RTT) between 2 nodes? - consul

Consul reference architecture mentions below statement -
"In any case, there should be high-bandwidth, low-latency (sub 8ms round trip) connectivity between the failure domains."
What happens if the RTT is more than 8ms? What is the maximum allowed RTT between 2 nodes in a cluster?

This limitation primarily applies to latency between Consul servers. Excessive latency between the servers could cause instability with Raft which could affect the availability of the server clusters.
Clients, however, can operate with higher latency thresholds. HashiCorp is in the process of updating documentation to clarify this, and also list acceptable latency thresholds for client agents.


Kubernetes throttling JVM application that isn't hitting CPU quota

I am running a Kotlin Spring Boot based service in a Kubernetes cluster that connects to a PostgreSQL database. Each request takes around 3-5 database calls which partially run in parallel via Kotlin coroutines (with a threadpool backed coroutine context present).
No matter the configuration this services gets throttled heavily after getting hit by real traffic after just starting up. This slowness sometimes persists for 2-3 minutes and often only affects some fresh pods, but not all.
I am looking for new avenues to analyze the problem - here's a succinct list of circumstances / stuff I am already doing:
The usual response time of my service is around 7-20ms while serving 300-400 requests / second per pod
New / autoscaled instances warmup themselfes by doing 15000 HTTP requests against themselfs. The readiness probe is not "up" before this process finishes
We are currently setting a cpu request and limit of 2000m, changing this to 3000m does reduce the issue but the latency still spikes to around 300-400ms which is not acceptable (at most 100ms would be great, 50ms ideal)
The memory is set to 2gb, changing this to 3gb has no significant impact
The pods are allocating 200-300mb/s during peak load, the GC activity does not seem abnormal to me
Switching between GCs (G1 and ZGC) has no impact
We are experiencing pod throttling of around 25-50% (calculated via Kubernetes metrics) while the pod CPU usage is around 40-50%
New pods struggle to take 200-300 requests / sec even though we warm up, curiously enough some pods suffer for long periods. All external factors have been analyzed and disabling most baggage has no impact (this includes testing with disabled tracing, metric collection, disabling Kafka integration and verifying our database load is not maxing out - it's sitting at around 20-30% CPU usage while network and memory usage are way lower)
The throttling is observed in custom load tests which replicates the warmup requests described above
Connecting with visualvm during the load tests and checking the CPU time spent yields no striking issues
This is all done on a managed kubernetes by AWS
All the nodes in our cluster are of the same type (c5.2xlarge of AWS)
Any tools / avenues to investigate are appreciated - thank you! I am still puzzled why my service is getting throttled although its CPU usage is way below 100%. Our nodes are also not affected by the old kernel cfs bug from before kernel 5.6 (not entirely sure in which version it got fixed, we are very recent on our nodes kernel version though).
In the end this all boiled down to missing one part of the equation: I/O bounds.
Imagine if one request takes 10 DB calls, each taking 3 milliseconds to fulfill (including network latency etc.). A single request then takes 10*3 = 30 milliseconds of I/O. The request throughput of one request is then 1000ms / 30ms = 33,33 requests / second. Now if one service instance uses 10 threads to handle requests we get 333,3 requests / seconds as our upper bound of throughput. We can't get any faster than this because we are I/O bottlenecked in regards to our thread count.
And this leaves out multiple factors like:
thread pool size vs. db connection pool size
our service doing non-db related tasks (actual logic, json serialization when the response get fulfilled)
database capacity (was not an issue for us)
TL;DR: You can't get faster when you are I/O bottlenecked, no matter much how CPU you provide. I/O has to be improve if you want your single service instance to have more throughput, this is mostly done by db connection pool sizing in relation to thread pool sizing in relation to db calls per request. We missed this basic (and well known) relation between resources!

Elasticsearch application latency investigation

We have an Elasticsearch setup w/ [data, master, client] nodes. Client receives only query traffic, pass query to data nodes, gets the response, sends back to caller (based on my general understanding).
We are seeing that 'took' latency in the query response is around ~16ms, but our application who is measuring latency when calling into client is around ~90ms. Here are some numbers on our setup:
ES Setup: 3 client nodes (60GB/3 cpu/30GB heap each), 3 data nodes (80GB/16 cpu/30GB heap each), 3 master nodes. Its a k8 based helm chart setup.
client/data have enough cpu/mem (based on k8's pod level cpu/mem usages)
QPS - 20 req/sec
Shard size ~ 24GB, 0 replicas. Each shard is on a separate data-node. Indices are using mmapfs/preload "*"
Query types: bool query w/ 3 match clauses and 3 should for boosting on few fields. We have "_source=true".
Our documents are quite bigger with (mean, p90, p99) as (200kb, 400kb, 800kb)
Our response size is of the order of (mean, p99) (164kb, 840kb). We also observed latencies for bigger response sizes is much higher than the baseline.
Can someone comment on following questions:
How can we know more exactly where is this extra latency is
introduced? When reading about "took" here, it includes the querying and response forming stages. But something happens after that so that our application measured latency jumps to ~90ms. Where else can I look to look more into this increase? I have access to Prometheus ES dash and K8 pods usages, but all of them look normal and no spikes.
Are there some ES settings we can play with to optimize this
latency? We feel its mostly due to bigger response sizes. Can there be some compression introduced in ES to help w/ this?
Your question is very broad with very less information on your deployment, like types of search queries, index mapping, cluster/nodes/indices specification, and QPS..it's generally very difficult to suggest anything without looking at the system which has performance issues...
Reg, client nodes, yes, they receive the traffic but they also calculate the Global result from the local result set received from each shard involved in the search request. so they do the heavy processing and should have enough capacity otherwise would become bottleneck, even though your data nodes calculate the local result fast, processing at the client node would take more time and overall took time would increase.
You can also see if you have a room to improve some of the suggestions I wrote in this blog post.
Hope this helps.

Performance Difference bet RAFT Orderer and Orderer with Kafka(Latency, Throughput, TPS)

Did anyone compare performance(Latency, Throughput, TPS) between orderer with Kafka and RAFT Orderer?
I could see here a considerable difference in terms of latency, throughput, and TPS.
I tried with the same setup with the same resource configuration on two different VM(the Only difference is the orderer system).
Note: Used Single orderer in both networks.Fabric Version: 1.4.4
Orderer with Kafka is more efficient than RAFT. I am using the default configuration for RAFT and Kafka.
I tried with a load generator at a rate of 100 TPS. WIth Kafka all parameters are fine(latency- 0.3 to 2 sec) whereas using RAFT, latency is gradually increasing 2 to 15+ seconds, the tx failure rate is also high.
What could be the reason for this considerable difference in terms of TPS, throughput, and latency?
Please correct If I am doing something wrong.
For starters I would not run performance tests using a single orderer. These fault tolerance systems are there to handle distribution and consensus of a distributed system, so by running a single orderer you are fundamentally removing the reason they exist. It's as if you are comparing two sports cars on a dirt road and wonder which is the fastest.
Then there are other things that come into play, such as if you connect the services over TLS, the general network latency as well as how many brokers/nodes you are running.
Chris Ferris performed an initial performance analysis of the two systems prior to the release of Raft, and it seemed it was both faster and could handle almost twice as many transactions per second. You can read his blog post here: Does Hyperledger Fabric perform at scale?
You should also be aware of the double-spending problem and key collisions that can occur if you run a distributed system under high load. You should take necessary steps to avoid this, which can cause a bottle-neck. See this Medium post about collisions, and Hyperledger Fabric's own documentation on setting up a high throughput network.

How many concurrent connections can MarkLogic server process?

Is there an upper limit on how many concurrent connections that MarkLogic can process? For example, ASP.NET is restricted to processing 10 requests concurrently, regardless of infrastructure and hardware. Is there a similar restriction in MarkLogic server? If not, are there any benchmarks that give some indication as to how many connections a typical instance can handle?
Given a large enough budget there is no practical limit on the number of concurrent connections.
The basic limit is the application server thread count, although excess requests will also pile up in the backlog queue. According to groups.xsd each application server is limited to at most 256 threads. The backlog seems to have no maximum, but most operating systems will silently limit it to something between 256-4096. So depending on whether or not you count the backlog, a single app server on a single host could have 256-4352 concurrent connections.
After that you can use multiple app servers, and add hosts to the cluster. Use a load balancer if necessary. Most operating systems will impose a limit of around 32,000 - 64,000 open sockets per host, but there is no hard limit on the number of hosts or app servers. Eventually request ids might be a problem, but those are 64-bit numbers so there is a lot of headroom.
Of course none of this guarantees that your CPU, memory, disk, and network can keep up with the demand. That is a separate problem, and highly application-specific.

Block Replication Limits in HDFS

I'm currently rebuilding our servers that have our region-servers and data nodes. When I take down a data node, after 10 minutes the blocks that it had are being re-replicated among other data nodes, as it should. We have 10 data-nodes, so I see heavy network traffic as the blocks are being re-replicated. However, I'm seeing that traffic to be about only 500-600mbps per server (the machines all have gigabit interfaces) so it's definitely not network-bound. I'm trying to figure out what is limiting the speed that the data-nodes send and receive blocks. Each data-node has six 7200 rpm sata drives, and the IO usage is very low during this, only peaking to 20-30% per drive. Is there a limit built into hdfs that limits the speed at which blocks are replicated?
The rate of replication work is throttled by HDFS to not interfere with cluster traffic when failures happen during regular cluster load.
The properties that control this are dfs.namenode.replication.work.multiplier.per.iteration (2), dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams (2) and dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams-hard-limit (4). The foremost controls the rate of work to be scheduled to a DN at every heartbeat that occurs, and the other two further limit the maximum parallel threaded network transfers done by a DataNode at a time. The values in () indicate their defaults. Some description of this is available at https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/hdfs-default.xml
You can perhaps try to increase the set of values to (10, 50, 100) respectively to spruce up the network usage (requires a NameNode restart), but note that your DN memory usage may increase slightly as a result of more blocks information being propagated to it. A reasonable heap size for these values for the DN role would be about 4 GB.
P.s. These values were not tried by me on production systems personally. You will also not want to max out the re-replication workload such that it affects regular cluster work, as recovery of 1/3 replicas may be of lesser priority than missing job/query SLAs due to lack of network resources (unless you have a really fast network that's always under-utilised even under loaded periods). Try to tune it till you're satisfied with the results.
