How to use WebTestClient to connect a http server? - spring

As javadoc of WebTestClient described: This client can connect to any server over HTTP.
But code below doesn't really request over http:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = DEFINED_PORT)
public class HelloControllerTest {
WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void test_hello() {
public void test_hello2() {
webTestClient = webTestClient.mutate().baseUrl("http://localhost:8080").build();// even this does not work
please help how to use WebTestClient to connect a http server?

This code works:
WebTestClient webTestClient = WebTestClient.bindToServer().baseUrl("http://localhost:8080").build();
Thanks for this answer:


Testing Server Sent Event With Rest Assured Framework

I am using spring boot and rest assured to test my REST services
I have a rest controller, such as
#GetMapping(produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
Flux<String> getFlux() {
How do I assert on the response body correctly?
I think the value comes back as "data: " for a stream that terminates after one output.
I also have no idea how to test a stream actual works when trying to affect the data asynchronously?
Reactive Testing
You should use WebTestClient to test your reactive services.
Here is an example
The service method:
public Flux<GithubRepo> listGithubRepositories(String username, String token) {
return webClient.get()
.header("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64Utils
.encodeToString((username + ":" + token).getBytes(UTF_8)))
The Test:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class WebclientDemoApplicationTests {
private WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void test2GetAllGithubRepositories() {
Please find the examples here
Standard MVC Testing
You could use a mock environment where the controller classes are tested without really launching a servlet container:
public class MockMvcExampleTests {
private MockMvc mvc;
public void exampleTest() throws Exception {
.andExpect(content().string("Hello World"));
With a running server:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class RandomPortTestRestTemplateExampleTests {
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
public void exampleTest() {
String body = this.restTemplate.getForObject("/", String.class);
assertThat(body).isEqualTo("Hello World");
Please read more about Spring Boot Testing in the official documentation

Spring Boot Server and Client testing. Is it possible to combine them to achieve something like this?

Combining server testing MockMvc, and client testing #RestClientTest. Is this possible or will they always clash with each other?
public class ApiGatewayControllerTest extends ApiTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private MockRestServiceServer mockServer;
public void get_backend_defs_should_return_200() throws Exception {
mockServer.expect(ExpectedCount.once(), requestTo("/apirepo"))
private ResultActions getJson(String path) throws Exception {
return mockMvc.perform(
Thank you

Spring, webflux: The getRemoteAddress method of the ServerHttpRequest object returns null when request performed from WebTestClient

I have a controller
public class NameController {
private NameService nameService;
public Mono<UploadParamsDto> getName(ServerHttpRequest request) {
return nameService.getNameByHost(request.getRemoteAddress().getHostName());
and i have a test method:
class NameControllerTest {
private WebTestClient webClient;
void nameTest() {
When I run the test in order to check my getName method i got NPE because
request.getRemoteAddress() returns null, could you please tell me how to mock ServerHttpRequest? (I know that there is MockServerHttpRequest, but I couldn't managed with it)
My purpose is make request.getRemoteAddress().getHostName() return mock value.
Thanks to everyone.
Works in next way:
class NameControllerTest {
private ApplicationContext context;
void nameTest() {
WebTestClient webClient = WebTestClient
.webFilter(new SetRemoteAddressWebFilter(""))
Where SetRemoteAddressWebFilter is WebFilter:
public class SetRemoteAddressWebFilter implements WebFilter {
private String host;
public SetRemoteAddressWebFilter(String host) { = host;
public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, WebFilterChain chain) {
return chain.filter(decorate(exchange));
private ServerWebExchange decorate(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
final ServerHttpRequest decorated = new ServerHttpRequestDecorator(exchange.getRequest()) {
public InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress() {
return new InetSocketAddress(host, 80);
return new ServerWebExchangeDecorator(exchange) {
public ServerHttpRequest getRequest() {
return decorated;
Running a test with #WebFluxTest doesn't involve a real server, you've figured that out.
But getting a NullPointerException doesn't feel right still - could you create an issue on about that? I don't think you should have to work around this, but Spring Framework should probably provide some infrastructure to "mock" that information.

Spring boot - integration testing - WebTestClient & HttpServletRequest

I'm having difficulties figuring this out.
I can mock almost everything but for some reason the HttpServletRequest is mocked but not injected into the #ControllerAdvice #ExceptionHandler method.
Any ideas? Thank you for your help in advance!
STR Repo with minimal plug and play test suite / code
public class Config {
private final String url = "";
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleException(HttpServletRequest request, WebClientResponseException ex) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(request.getRequestURL() + " " + ex.getResponseBodyAsString(), ex.getStatusCode());
public class SomeController {
private final Config config;
public SomeController(Config config) {
this.config = config;
public Mono<String> test() {
return WebClient
#SpringBootTest(classes = {
public class SomeControllerTest {
private final static String baseUrl = "http://localhost:9999/";
public #Rule WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(9999);
private #MockBean Config config;
private #MockBean HttpServletRequest request;
private WebTestClient webClient;
private #Autowired SomeController controller;
private #Autowired GlobalExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
public void setUp() {
webClient = WebTestClient
public void test_works() {
.withHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.withBody("200 MOCK")));
.isEqualTo("200 MOCK");
public void test_fails() {
// java.lang.IllegalStateException: No suitable resolver for argument 0
// of type 'javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest' on public
// org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.lang.String>
// com.example.demo.GlobalExceptionHandler.handleException(
// javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
// ...client.WebClientResponseException
// )
.withHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.withBody("404 MOCK")));
.isEqualTo("Http://localhost:8080/test 404 MOCK");
Use below instead of HttpServletRequest
import org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServerHttpRequest;
ServerHttpRequest request

Spring Boot Test MockMvc perform post - Not working

I'm trying to make a Integration test using the Spring Boot but the post request is not working. The method saveClientePessoaFisica is never called and do not return any kind of error! I just tried to make other tests using a get method and it works properly.
public class ClienteControllerIT {
private MockMvc mvc;
public void nao_deve_permitir_salvar_cliente_pf_com_nome_cpf_duplicado() throws Exception {
#RequestMapping(path = "/api/cliente")
public class ClienteController {
private PessoaFisicaService pessoaFisicaService;
#PostMapping(path = "/pessoafisica/post", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Void> saveClientePessoaFisica(#RequestBody PessoaFisica pessoaFisica) throws Exception {;
return new ResponseEntity<Void>(HttpStatus.CREATED);
Your content "teste" is no valid JSON. When I am using your code, I'm getting a JsonParseException complaining about that (By the way, there is a parenthese missing after content("teste") ). Also helpful is using andDo(print()) which will give you the request and response in more detail:
public void nao_deve_permitir_salvar_cliente_pf_com_nome_cpf_duplicado() throws Exception {
Some things to look for :
Enable logging in your mockmvc
Enable your mockmvc properly
When using spring security, initialise it in mockmvc
When using spring security / CSRF / HTTP POST , pass a csrf in your mockmvc
Enable debug logging
Like this :
org.springframework.web: DEBUG DEBUG
Working test :
public class MockMvcTest {
protected ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
public void init() throws Exception {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).apply(springSecurity()).build();
public void adminCanCreateOrganization() throws Exception {
