plot_tree returns empty chart - azure-databricks

Working on python azure databricks, I would like to plot a tree (lightgbm) classifier diagram by using plot_tree. Here is what I did and got:
Apparently, there is no error but an empty chart. I also tried using "create_tree_digraph". Sadly, I can't install graphviz library since after installing by following this all the commands cannot be run. So I've decided to use plot_tree rather than create_tree_digraph.


Can I use \input{file.tex} or similar to efficiently bring content (not a whole document) from a LaTeX file into a Jupyter notebook?

I am new to Jupyter notebooks and Python and have started using these to make materials for a workshop so that I can also produce a handout. I have useful content in various LaTeX files that I would like to include in a notebook.
I would like to know whether there is a command that will allow me to efficiently bring my already modularized content into a notebook. I will be happy to take suggestions on any approach to my problem in case the LaTeX route is the wrong way to proceed.
As a particular case, suppose an external file fig.tex has only a stand-alone tikzpicture (that I have successfully included in another LaTeX document). If I start a notebook code cell with
%%itikz and follow with \input{fig} I obtain error messages.
I can remedy the problem if I add a preamble with \documentclass{}, many necessary \usepackage{} and \usetikzlibrary{} commands (which I have already included at the top of the notebook), and wrap the content with begin/end document commands.
There is more manual handling here than I would like. Is there a more efficient way to include the tikzfigure content?
So it turns out with itikz you have an --implicit-pic option that fills in the preamble for you.
In principle, with this option, your cell would look like the following:
%%itikz --implicit-pic
% my awesome figure
This creates a tex file populated like so:
% my awesome figure
In addition when using an implicit-pic it is usefull to load tikz packages and set options . To quote from the Quickstart guide:
In an --implicit-pic, it's often useful to:
Set the \tikzpicture[scale=X] via --scale=<X> while iterating.
Set the \usepackage{X,Y,Z} via --tex-packages=<X,Y,Z>
Set the \usetizlibrary{X,Y,Z} via --tiz-libraries=<X,Y,Z>
For more info, see items 16-20 in the Quickstart notebook.

How do I include ggplots using pander's live report generation

I am using pander to create docx reports via Windows7, following the examples at
myReport <- Pandoc$new(author="Jerubaal",title="Plot Anything", format="docx")
I've tried the example
and that doesn't work on Windows, but does on Linux.
Previously I got plots appearing using brew files and <%=plot(1:10)=>, but I am trying out the Live Report Generation because that method seems most suited to me.
I've also tried saving a plot to file first and then creating an image link, which again work in Linux, but not in Windows:
I want to include ggplot2 plots - the code works on its own in R but doesn't appear in the docx (although I do get a blank line).
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) -- "Frisbee Sailing"
What am I missing? Thanks.
Edit: I'm back home and this works on Ubuntu:
m=movies[sample(nrow(movies), 1000),]
myReport=Pandoc$new(author="Jerubaal",title="Testing plots in reports",format="docx")
myReport$add.paragraph("There should be a plot after this")
p=ggplot(data=m, aes(x=rating,fill=mpaa)) + geom_density(alpha=0.25)
myReport$add.paragraph("There should be a plot before this")
Q: Would it cause a problem if the png took too long to create or save?

Troubleshooting topojson installation

I'm new at this an essentially have very little idea of what I'm doing.
(FYI I'm working off of this tutorial:
I'm trying to get topojson to work.
I've successfully installed homebrew and node.
I've done the
"npm install -g topojson" part as well.
And then, after that, when I try to type in the "which ogr2ogr" etc -- just, nothing happens.
He says if having trouble to edit path variable environments. I have only a vague idea of what that means, and not sure if that's my problem or not.
Let me know what other information you need. I really just want to make a map. The global install does seem to have worked. I just don't know what to do from here.
The tutorial you linked to is a great starting point. I wish I'd seen it before trying to figure everything out on my own. :)
From what I understand, you probably missed the step in which you install gdal. If you're seeing some other errors, please post them in your question.
You can get ogr2ogr working by running:
brew install gdal
Here's some background info for you, so you'll get a better understanding of what's going on there.
topojson and ogr2ogr are two distinct utilities. ogr2ogr is part of the gdal package and in our case is used to generate GeoJSON from a shapefile.
GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that
is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open
Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single
abstract data model to the calling application for all supported
formats. It also comes with a variety of useful commandline utilities
for data translation and processing.
TopoJSON is used to compress the rather large GeoJSON output from the previous GDAL conversion. It reduces redundancy by specifying paths with arcs rather than discrete points. It's pretty neat, actually:
TopoJSON is an extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology. Rather than
representing geometries discretely, geometries in TopoJSON files are
stitched together from shared line segments called arcs. TopoJSON
eliminates redundancy, offering much more compact representations of
geometry than with GeoJSON; typical TopoJSON files are 80% smaller
than their GeoJSON equivalents. In addition, TopoJSON facilitates
applications that use topology, such as topology-preserving shape
simplification, automatic map coloring, and cartograms.
The output of these two steps (shapefile -> GeoJSON -> TopoJSON) will be a JSON string which is easily interpreted by JavaScript. You'll need to use topojson in your drawing code to convert back to GeoJSON for actually drawing the map.
Recall from earlier the two closely-related JSON geographic data
formats: GeoJSON and TopoJSON. While our data can be stored more
efficiently in TopoJSON, we must convert back to GeoJSON for display.
Breaking this step out to make it explicit:
var subunits = topojson.object(uk, uk.objects.subunits);
For ubuntu, I used this way to have ogr2ogr
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin

Generate line graph for any benchmark?

I had spent so many hours failing to find a line graph generator for my benchmark results that I just wanted to plug in. I tried quite a few like Google's chart API but it still seemed confusing or not graceful looking, I am clueless.
Examples of benchmark images I wished to make something like are this:
What specific applications /web services do you recommend for generating something even close to this? I want something "neat".
You can use python mathplotlib, which generates beautiful graphs like:
(Source code)
I use gnuplot. It is not a lib, but a separate executable file. You can output plotting data to one file, and plotting commands in another - script file, which refer to data file. Then call gnuplot with this script file.
Another way is to use qwt. It is a real library, but it depends on Qt. If you already use Qt in your project, it is very straigth way to plot graphs. If not, then just use gnuplot

how do i create charts from a cvs file using ruby

csv sample:
i want to render this data in a multi-line graph
Well, you first need to parse the CSV. I suggest FasterCSV - the RDoc explains pretty much everything you need to know.
You'll need to have ImageMagick and RMagick installed, then you can use Gruff. Or if you've got an Internet connection on the machine you are running the script on, you can use Google Charts with this Ruby plugin. Or if you want to get back SVG, consider Scruffy.
The page about Gruff has a code sample showing how to create a multi-line graph. Basically, you need to collect together all the data you want in each line into an array. Looks basically like the primary thing you need to do is array mangling.
