ag grid Passing KeyPress/Enter event to apply filter - filter

I want to use the same logic when I press the APPLY button but with the ENTER key.
How do I do that?
filterParams: {
buttons: ['reset', 'apply'],
values: parentCampaignAndNodes.PaymentGroups

As you might have found out by now, you can remove the Apply button (by setting filterParams: { buttons: [] } in your column definitions) and then values are submitted onchange.
The solution you ask for is indeed still not available through the AgGrid API. I do have a workaround, but beware it uses direct DOM bindings which is not recommended when working with React.
const applyFilterOnEnter: AgGridReactProps['onFilterOpened'] = ev => {
const inputElem = ev.eGui.querySelector('.ag-filter-body .ag-input-field');
const applyButtonElem = ev.eGui.querySelector('.ag-filter-apply-panel button[ref=applyFilterButton]');
if (inputElem && applyButtonElem) {
inputElem.addEventListener('keydown', keyEv => {
if ((keyEv as KeyboardEvent).key === 'Enter') {
(applyButtonElem as HTMLButtonElement).click();
return <AgGridReact


How to specify custom transitions for specific routes, not screens (v5)

Question regarding react-navigation v5.
In previous versions, we were able to specify custom transition for specific routes, not screens, by doing the following inside a StackNavigator:
transitionConfig: () => ({
screenInterpolator: sceneProps => {
const {scenes, scene} = sceneProps;
const prevRoute = scenes[0].route.routeName === 'Route A';
// If prev route is A, and then current route is B, then we do a specific transition
if (prevRoute && scene.route.routeName === 'Route B') {
return StackViewStyleInterpolator.forVertical(sceneProps);
// Otherwise default to normal transition
return StackViewStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal(sceneProps);
Now, I'm trying to achieve the same for react-navigation v5. I know I'm able to specify a custom animation per screen by doing something like:
<Stack.Screen name="Route B" component={RouteB} options={{ cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forVerticalIOS }} />
The problem is that I don't want this transition applied every time it is navigated to RouteB, ONLY when the previous route is RouteA, I want this transition applied, just like the previous code block above.
Couldn't find any example in the docs so would appreciate some help in migrating the code over to v5.
Something like this should work:
options={({ navigation, route }) => {
const state = navigation.dangerouslyGetState();
const index = state.routes.indexOf(route);
const previousRoute = state.routes[index - 1];
if (previousRoute?.name === 'RouteA') {
return {
cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forVerticalIOS,
gestureDirection: 'vertical',
} else {
return {};

How to click a menu item present inside an iframe in cypress?

I have a menu item named as Transform table after clicking on it more items are shown for selection. These are all present inside an iframe. I want to click on the options available inside Transform Table, but when I am searching for the options the main pop gets closed. Please suggest some way to keep it open and the select the options in it.
const body = $iframe.contents().find('body');
let getElement = cy.wrap(body);
getElement.find(getdatasourcelocator.SearchBox).should('be.visible', { timeout: 30000 }).type(datasourceType);
getElement = cy.wrap(body);
getElement = cy.wrap(body);
getElement = cy.wrap(body);
getElement = cy.wrap(body);
getElement.find('button').contains('Transform table').click().then(()=>{
cy.contains('li','Use first row as headers').should('be.visible', { timeout: 30000 }).click()
Unfortunately, you cannot target elements or interact with anything in an iframe - regardless of it being the same domain or cross-domain iframe. Here is a known issue.
As workaround, you can try to use something from the comments:
Add custom command.
Cypress.Commands.add('iframe', { prevSubject: 'element' }, $iframe => {
return new Cypress.Promise(resolve => {
$iframe.on('load', () => {
And use this command.
// for <iframe id="foo" src="bar.html"></iframe>
cy.get('#foo').iframe().find('.bar').should('contain', 'Success!');

Force react-select to show all options using Elasticsearch

I'm trying to implement this with elasticsearch and it is working But how i can force this show results which can be different from the searched terms? For example i search ardino, The elasticsearch give me the word arduino but then react-select does not show that result because ardino does not contain arduino. I know the idea of this library is exactly that and it is working ok, but i have most of the things already implemented and it is only missing that part.
The handle is giving the right behavior and it is populating the options correctly.
Thank you
name= {this.state.selectedOption}
onChange = {(val) => {
onInputChange = {(val) => {
I would recommend using the Async component which can simplify your code. You will not need the onChange handler anymore.
isSearcheable is true by default, no need to specify.
In answer to your question: Make sure you are passing in label and value keys with each result option. If you want to customize any of the results, for example adding the search term in the results, you can manually manipulate the options array.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import AsyncSelect from 'react-select/lib/Async';
class Search extends Component {
state = {inputValue: ""}
onInputChange = (inputValue) => {
this.setState({ inputValue });
getSearchResults = async (inputValue) => {
// elastic search results
let options = await fetch(`searchElastic/${inputValue}`);
// input value of drop-down
const inputValue = this.state.inputValue;
// manually add input field as an option in drop-down
if (inputValue.length > 0)
options.unshift({label: inputValue, value: inputValue})
// async handling of new props
return => {
return {label:, value: opt.value}
render() {
return <AsyncSelect
export default Search;

In jQuery, how can I create a custom event with a default?

The Event object in jQuery has this helpful preventDefault() method that prevents the default behaviour, obviously.
This is usually used to prevent click events from performing the browser default behaviour.
It seems like it would also be useful for custom events as well.
The task I'd like to achieve with this behaviour is a separate concern but I will explain it as an example for the behaviour I'm looking for:
I have a simple plugin that creates a popup out of a div. I found it on the internet.
I have hacked it to close when you click on anything but a child of the popup, and to prevent default click behaviour on the clicked element.
function closeInactivePop() {
var foundAny = false;
jQ.each(function (i) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('active') && ! $'activePop')) {
foundAny = true;
return foundAny;
// If we closed any, cancel the propagation. Otherwise let it be.
if (closeInactivePop()) {
return false;
(Now that I paste it I realise I could have done this a bit better, but that notwithstanding).
Now I have added a new plugin that draws a colour picker inside the popup. Except the DOM that this colour picker creates is not inside the popup; it is only inside it visually. The DOM structure is separate.
In the aforementioned hack I would prefer to in fact fire another event, one whose default behaviour is to close the popup.
function closeInactivePop() {
var foundAny = false;
jQ.each(function (i) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('active') && ! $'activePop')) {
foundAny = true;
return foundAny;
$('*').click(function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
// This bit is pseudocode, where the Function is the default behaviour
// for this event.
// It is helpful that $this is actually the clicked element and not the body.
$this.trigger('jQuery.pop.menuBeforeClose', function() {
// if we run default behaviour, try to close the popup, or re-trigger the click.
if (!closeInactivePop()) {
Then I could later do
$('#colour-picker').bind('jQuery.pop.menuBeforeClose', function(e) {
And this would prevent the closeInactivePopup default behaviour running when the target of the original click event was the colour picker or something inside it.
Can I do this somehow, even hackily?
I doubt that there is a native way to do that. However, you can either use "triggerHandler()" instead of "trigger()", which provides the ability to return values from the event handlers. Another relatively simple solution is to pass a custom "event" object that can be used to cancel the planned action:
function Action() {
var status = true;
this.cancel = function() { status = false; };
this.status = function() { return status; };
$('button').click(function() {
var action = new Action();
$(this).trigger('foo', [action]);
if (action.status()) {
// ... perform default action
In the event handler:
$('*').bind('foo', function(event, action) {

Slickgrid - One-click checkboxes?

When I create a checkbox column (through use of formatters/editors) in Slickgrid, I've noticed that it takes two clicks to interact with it (one to focus the cell, and one to interact with the checkbox). (Which makes perfect sense)
However, I've noticed that I am able to interact with the checkbox selectors plugin (for selecting multiple rows) with one click. Is there any way I can make ALL of my checkboxes behave this way?
For futher readers I solved this problem by modifing the grid data itself on click event. Setting boolean value to opposite and then the formatter will display clicked or unclicked checkbox.
grid.onClick.subscribe (function (e, args)
if ($(':checkbox') && options['editable'])
var column = args.grid.getColumns()[args.cell];
if (column['editable'] == false || column['autoEdit'] == false)
data[args.row][column.field] = !data[args.row][column.field];
function CheckboxFormatter (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext)
if (value)
return '<input type="checkbox" name="" value="'+ value +'" checked />';
return '<input type="checkbox" name="" value="' + value + '" />';
Hope it helps.
The way I have done it is pretty straight forward.
First step is you have to disable the editor handler for your checkbox.
In my project it looks something like this. I have a slickgridhelper.js to register plugins and work with them.
function attachPluginsToColumns(columns) {
$.each(columns, function (index, column) {
if (column.mandatory) {
column.validator = requiredFieldValidator;
if (column.editable) {
if (column.type == "text" && column.autocomplete) {
column.editor = Slick.Editors.Auto;
else if (column.type == "checkbox") {
//Editor has been diasbled.
//column.editor = Slick.Editors.Checkbox;
column.formatter = Slick.Formatters.Checkmark;
Next step is to register an onClick event handler in your custom js page which you are developing.
grid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var row = args.grid.getData().getItems()[args.row];
var column = args.grid.getColumns()[args.cell];
if (column.editable && column.type == "checkbox") {
row[column.field] = !row[column.field];
Now a single click is suffice to change the value of your checkbox and persist it.
Register a handler for the "onClick" event and make the changes to the data there.
grid.onClick.subscribe(function(e, args) {
var checkbox = $(;
// do stuff
The only way I found solving it is by editing the slick.checkboxselectcolumn.js plugin. I liked the subscribe method, but it haven't attached to me any listener to the radio buttons.
So what I did is to edit the functions handleClick(e, args) & handleHeaderClick(e, args).
I added function calls, and in my js file I just did what I wanted with it.
function handleClick(e, args) {
if (_grid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === _options.columnId && $(":checkbox")) {
//my custom line
function handleHeaderClick(e, args) {
if ( == _options.columnId && $(":checkbox")) {
var isETargetChecked = $(":checked");
if (isETargetChecked) {
} else {
Search for my username in the comments
I used the onBeforeEditCell event to achieve this for my boolean field 'can_transmit'
Basically capture an edit cell click on the column you want, make the change yourself, then return false to stop the cell edit event.
grid.onBeforeEditCell.subscribe(function(row, cell) {
if (grid.getColumns()[cell.cell].id == 'can_transmit') {
if (data[cell.row].can_transmit) {
data[cell.row].can_transmit = false;
else {
data[cell.row].can_transmit = true;
return false;
This works for me. However, if you're using the DataView feature (e.g. filtering), there's additional work to update the dataview with this change. I haven't figured out how to do that yet...
I managed to get a single click editor working rather hackishly with DataView by calling
setTimeout(function(){ $("theCheckBox").click(); },0);
in my CheckBoxCellEditor function, and calling Slick.GlobalEditorLock.commitCurrentEdit(); when the CheckBoxCellEditor created checkbox is clicked (by that setTimeout).
The problem is that the CheckBoxCellFormatter checkbox is clicked, then that event spawns the CheckBoxCellEditor code, which replaces the checkbox with a new one. If you simply call jquery's .click() on that selector, you'll fire the CheckBoxCellEditor event again due because slickgrid hasn't unbound the handler that got you there in the first place. The setTimeout fires the click after that handler is removed (I was worried about timing issues, but I was unable to produce any in any browser).
Sorry I couldn't provide any example code, the code I have is to implementation specific to be useful as a general solution.
