Exporting env vars with whitespace outputted by a script (bash) - bash

I have a script that outputs a list of env vars like:
A_PATH="path/to a/directory"
When I try to export these env vars as export `./script`, the A_PATH env var exports as path/to.
If I export the list as plain text like:
export THING=one ANOTHER_THING=two A_PATH="path/to a/directory", it works just fine.
I'm stumped as to why bash treats the white space in the A_PATH differently in these two cases. I've tried various attempts at escaping the whitespace and I've even tried exporting line by line, but in every case it sees the whitespace as a delimiter rather than as a part of the path string.

why bash treats the white space in the A_PATH differently in these two cases
The result of command substitution `...` undergoes word splitting. Do not use ` backticks - use $(....) instead. Check your scripts with shellcheck.net .
Spaces inside string around double quotes are literally preserved. See quoting.
If the file has proper correct shell syntax, and it's meant to be sourced and support shell-ish execution, see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/614568/is-is-possible-to-export-all-variables-obtained-from-sourcing-a-file . If the file contains = separated variable name and optionally quoted string with custom syntax, write a parser for the file for that syntax - see ex. Parsing variables from config file in Bash for a stub to get started.

Without the actual code, it is difficult to understand what is going on. But one workaround that might solve your problem is to output the export command and evaluate it.
Example (script.sh):
echo "export THING=one"
echo "export ANOTHER_THING=two"
echo "export A_PATH='path/to a/directory'"
eval $(./script.sh)


How to inject a bash script with a dollar sign ($) in terraform?

I have a simple bash script that does something like the following:
a=$(curl -s http://metadata/endpoint/internal)
echo "$a - bar"
(this is just a simplification). Note the use of the two $ signs to execute a command and resolve a variable.
Using Terraform, I want to write this file to a GCP instance during startup. Per Terraform's instructions, I'm attempting to avoid using the File Provisioner. Using the metadata_startup_script field in google_compute_instance2, I am including the script so that I can write it to a particular location.
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOF
#!/bin/bash -xe
sudo tee /etc/myservice/serv.conf > /dev/null <<EOI
Terraform is interpolating the $ in the subscript somewhere (either in the loading into the metadata_startup_script, or in the writing out into the script to disk.
So, depending on what I use to try to escape the interpolation, it still fails to write. For example, I have tried (in the subscript):
echo "\$a - bar"
echo "${“$”}a - bar"
echo "$$a - bar"
According to the terraform docs, I'm supposed to use $$, but when I do it in the above, I get:
echo "1397a - bar"
All which fail to replicate the original script.
I’m just looking for the exact bash script, as written, to be written to disk.
My goal would be to do the above without extra escape sequences (as detailed here - Escaping dollar sign in Terraform) so that i can continue to run the original script (for debugging purposes).
I would also prefer not to build a packer image with the original script in it.
I don't think it's Terraform eating your variable interpolations here, because Terraform only understands ${ (a dollar sign followed by a brace) as starting an interpolation, whereas your example contains only $a.
However, you do seem to be embedded one bash script inside another, so it seems plausible to me that the outer bash is resolving your $a before the inner bash gets a chance to look at it. If so, you can use the literal variant of bash heredoc syntax, as described in answers to How to cat <> a file containing code?, so that the outer bash will take the content as literal and leave it to the inner bash to evaluate.
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOF
#!/bin/bash -xe
sudo tee /etc/myservice/serv.conf > /dev/null <<'EOI'
Notice that I wrote <<'EOI' instead of <<EOI, following the guidance from that other question in combination with the main Bash documentation on "here documents" (bold emphasis mine):
This type of redirection instructs the shell to read input from the current source until a line containing only word (with no trailing blanks) is seen. All of the lines read up to that point are then used as the standard input (or file descriptor n if n is specified) for a command.
The format of here-documents is:
No parameter and variable expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, or filename expansion is performed on word. If any part of word is quoted, the delimiter is the result of quote removal on word, and the lines in the here-document are not expanded. If word is unquoted, all lines of the here-document are subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion, the character sequence \newline is ignored, and \ must be used to quote the characters \, $, and `.
If the redirection operator is <<-, then all leading tab characters are stripped from input lines and the line containing delimiter. This allows here-documents within shell scripts to be indented in a natural fashion.
If your machine image is configured to run cloud-init at startup -- this is often but not always what is responsible for executing metadata_startup_script -- you may be able to achieve a similar effect without so much Bash scripting indirection by using Cloud Config YAML instead of a shell script directly.
For example, if your intent is only to write the content of that file into the designated location in the filesystem, you could potentially follow the Writing out arbitrary files example:
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOF
write_files = [
encoding = "b64"
content = filebase64("${path.module}/scripts/simple_bash.sh")
path = "/etc/myservice/serv.conf"
owner = "root:root"
permissions = "0644"
Cloud-init evaluates its modules at various points in the startup lifecycle. The Write Files module used here is specified to run once on the first boot of an instance, which matches how Cloud-init would typically treat a naked shell script too.
I do not think your issue is related to TF interpolation. I think you have problems because of normal bash interpolation, as its bash which is going to try to resolve $ in your /etc/myservice/serv.conf while writing its content.
The regular solution is to use 'EOI', not EOI:
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOF
#!/bin/bash -xe
sudo tee /etc/myservice/serv.conf > /dev/null <<'EOI'

Why are quotes preserved when using bash $() syntax, but not if executed manually?

I have the following bash script:
$ echo $(dotnet run --project Updater)
UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a"
$ export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a"
$ export $(dotnet run --project Updater)
Why is it $UPDATE_NEEDED is 0 on the 3rd command, but '0' on the 5th command?
What would I need to do to get it to simply set 0? Using UPDATE_NEEDED=0 instead is not an option, as some of the other variables may contain a space (And I'd like to optimistically quote them to have it properly parse spaces).
Also, this is a bit of a XY problem. If anyone knows an easier way to export multiple variables from an executable that can be used later on in the bash script, that could also be useful.
To expand on the answer by Glenn:
When you write something like export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' in Bash code, this is 100% identical to export UPDATE_NEEDED=0. The quotes are used by Bash to parse the command expression, but they are then discarded immediately. Their only purpose is to prevent word splitting and to avoid having to escape special characters. In the same vein, the code fragment 'foo bar' is exactly identical to foo\ bar as far as Bash is concerned: both lead to space being treated as literal rather than as a word splitter.
Conversely, parameter expansion and command substitution follows different rules, and preserves literal quotes.
When you use eval, the command line arguments passed to eval are treated as if they were Bash code, and thus follow the same rules of expansion as regular Bash code, which leads to the same result as (1).
Apparently that Updater project is doing the equivalent of
echo "UPDATE_NEEDED=\'0\' MD5_SUM=\"7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a\""
It's explicitly outputting the quotes.
When you do export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a",
bash will eventually remove the quotes before actually setting the variables.
I agree with #pynexj, eval is warranted here, although additional quoting is recommended:
eval export "$(dotnet ...)"

MacOS export of env var is being escaped or misinterpreted on shell

Mac OS here. On the terminal, I create the following .env file:
export FIZZ=foo
export BUZZ="$2a$10$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO"
Then I run source .env && echo $FIZZ and I see:
So far, so good. But now I run echo $BUZZ and the output is:
I explicitly put the value for BUZZ in double quotes ("$2a$10$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO"), so why is it outputting as "a0.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO"?
I was able to reproduce what you saw. I'm pretty sure you're having issues with the environment variable substitution that bash does. (triggered by the "$" character.) I know of two ways to "fix" it.
One is to escape the "$" characters with a preceding backslash.
export BUZZ=\$2a\$10\$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO
Another is to change the way you quote the string. Use single quotes instead of double quotes...
export BUZZ='$2a$10$Hk1PB6Eyf5Pu71JLfH6fCexjzOIwkctk.pQJ4oYWP.m4qdRKRQlyO'.
The double quotes allow environment variable substitution to continue, the single quotes prevent that from occurring.

How to use a pure string as an argument for python program through bash terminal

I am trying to give an argument to my python program through the terminal.
For this I am using the lines:
import sys
something = sys.argv[1]
I now try to put in a string like this through the bash terminal:
python my_script.py 2m+{N7HiwH3[>!"4y?t9*y#;/$Ar3wF9+k$[3hK/WA=aMzF°L0PaZTM]t*P|I_AKAqIb0O4# cm=sl)WWYwEg10DDv%k/"c{LrS)oVd§4>8bs:;9u$ *W_SGk3CXe7hZMm$nXyhAuHDi-q+ug5+%ioou.,IhC]-_O§V]^,2q:VBVyTTD6'aNw9:oan(s2SzV
This returns a bash error because some of the characters in the string are bash special characters.
How can I use the string exactly as it is?
You can put the raw string into a file, for example like this, with cat and a here document.
cat <<'EOF' > file.txt
2m+{N7HiwH3[>!"4y?t9*y#;/$Ar3wF9+k$[3hK/WA=aMzF°L0PaZTM]t*P|I_AKAqIb0O4# cm=sl)WWYwEg10DDv%k/"c{LrS)oVd§4>8bs:;9u$ *W_SGk3CXe7hZMm$nXyhAuHDi-q+ug5+%ioou.,IhC]-_O§V]^,2q:VBVyTTD6'aNw9:oan(s2SzV
and then run
python my_script.py "$(< file.txt)"
You can also use the text editor of your choice for the first step if you prefer that.
If this is a reoccurring task, which you have to perform from time to time, you can make your life easier with a little alias in your shell:
alias escape='read -r string ; printf "Copy this:\n%q\n" "${string}"'
It is using printf "%q" to escape your input string.
Run it like this:
2m+{N7HiwH3[>!"4y?t9*y#;/$Ar3wF9+k$[3hK/WA=aMzF°L0PaZTM]t*P|I_AKAqIb0O4# cm=sl)WWYwEg10DDv%k/"c{LrS)oVd§4>8bs:;9u$ *W_SGk3CXe7hZMm$nXyhAuHDi-q+ug5+%ioou.,IhC]-_O§V]^,2q:VBVyTTD6'aNw9:oan(s2SzV
Copy this:
2m+\{N7HiwH3\[\>\!\"4y\?t9\*y#\;/\$Ar3wF9+k\$\[3hK/WA=aMzF°L0PaZTM\]t\*P\|I_AKAqIb0O4#\ cm=sl\)WWYwEg10DDv%k/\"c\{LrS\)oVd§4\>8bs:\;9u\$\ \*W_SGk3CXe7hZMm\$nXyhAuHDi-q+ug5+%ioou.\,IhC\]-_O§V\]\^\,2q:VBVyTTD6\'aNw9:oan\(s2SzV
You can use the escaped string directly in your shell, without additional quotes, like this:
python my_script.py 2m+\{N7HiwH3\[\>\!\"4y\?t9\*y#\;/\$Ar3wF9+k\$\[3hK/WA=aMzF°L0PaZTM\]t\*P\|I_AKAqIb0O4#\ cm=sl\)WWYwEg10DDv%k/\"c\{LrS\)oVd§4\>8bs:\;9u\$\ \*W_SGk3CXe7hZMm\$nXyhAuHDi-q+ug5+%ioou.\,IhC\]-_O§V\]\^\,2q:VBVyTTD6\'aNw9:oan\(s2SzV
In order to make life easier, shells like bash do a little bit of extra work to help users pass the correct arguments to the programs they instruct it to execute. This extra work usually results in predictable argument arrays getting passed to programs.
Oftentimes, though, this extra help results in unexpected arguments getting passed to programs; and sometimes results in the execution of undesired additional commands. In this case, though, it ended up causing Bash to emit an error.
In order to turn off this extra work, Bash allows users to indicate where arguments should begin and end by surrounding them by quotation marks. Bash supports both single quotes (') and double quotes (") to delimit arguments. As a last resort, if a string may contain single and double quotes (or double quotes are required but aren't aggressive enough), Bash allows you to indicate that a special- or whitespace-character should be part of the adjacent argument by preceding it with a backslash (\\).
If this method of escaping arguments is too cumbersome, it may be worth simplifying your program's interface by having it consume this data from a file instead of a command line argument. Another option is to create a program that loads the arguments from a more controlled location (like a file) and directly execs the target program with the desired argument array.

When to use brackets when exporting environment variables in bash?

I've been trying to figure out what is the purpose of brackets in the bash environment variables. For example, in the below actual example of code, why are some of the definitions using a {} around the PATH, for example, export ...=.../${PATH}. Note also that some of the definitions are different: some use {$ECLIPSE_DIR} with the $ within the brackets; some use ${PATH} with the $ outside of the brackets, and some omit brackets altogether. This code generally works, although sometimes errors like the one shown at the bottom are shown (they appear to be transient), and I'm not sure why such errors only show up sometimes and not others.
What are the common practices concerning ways to include bash environment variables, when should brackets be used, and what is the difference between putting the $ inside and outside of brackets? Also, why do some lines have an "export" before the variable name, and some do not? What is the difference here?
export GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/gradle
export PATH=$GRADLE_HOME/bin:$PATH</code>
-bash: export: `/usr/bin/ant/bin:/usr/local/bin:{/Users/me/eclipse}:/usr/bin/scala-{/Users/me/eclipse}': not a valid identifier
The braces are usually used for clarity, but a practical use is breaking up text from variable names. Say I had the following:
$ word="ello"
$ echo "h$word"
$ echo "y$wordw" # bash tries to find the var wordw, and replaces with a blank
$ echo "y${word}w"
Variable names are automatically separated by most punctuation (notably . or /).
echo "$word/$word.$word"
Looking at that error you presented, {$ECLIPSE_DIR} gets the variable expanded and then surrounded with literal open and close braces. I think the solution should be changing it to ${ECLIPSE_DIR}
In response to the export question, export is used to make a variable accessible to the shell that called this script. Any variable set up in a script does not exist once the script is finished unless it is exported. Hence, if you want your PATH to change after running that script, export PATH will have to be called before the script is over.
Braces are used with bash variables to disambiguate between variables. For example, consider this:
echo $VAR_and_that
echo ${VAR}_and_that
The first echo prints nothing, since bash thinks you are trying to echo out the var this_and_that which of course doesn't exist. The second echo doesn't have this problem and outputs this_and_that, since bash knows to expand out the VAR variable due to the braces.
