Oracle FlexCube Universal Banking - FLEXCUBE UBS Data Model – DDL scripts location - oracle

I am trying to get Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS Data Model. I am reading the following Oracle documentation:
Oracle documentation to get FlexCube Data Modell
I can't find path location on server. Does anyone know DDL scripts location on Oracle Server?
Any hint how to search ?
FlexCube version is
Thank you in advance

If you are looking for the path for the DDL scripts,
You can find it in this path:
This is for versions before 14.
From 14 Flexcube has split to multiple products and UBS Core DDLS can be found in below path:


I'm currently trying to migrate a large table from cassandra to oraclesql and can't find many solutions

I've been researching and looking for ideas but the only thing close to a solution i've found has been where someone used pyspark to convert an oracle table into hdfs and then from hdfs into cassandra but I was hoping there was another/a clear solution to this data migration.
Title suggests that it is Cassandra > Oracle. Message text says Oracle > HDFS > Cassandra (i.e. the opposite direction). What exactly are you trying to do?
Suppose it is the title that is correct. If there's no tool which would do the migration for you, from my - developer's - point of view, creating a database link in my Oracle schema which points to Cassandra might be a good option. Then I'd just write some SQL code to migrate data I need. Here's how: Access Cassandra Data as a Remote Oracle Database.
connect to Cassandra as an ODBC data source
set connection properties for compatibility with Oracle
configure the ODBC gateway, Oracle Net and Oracle database
write queries

Import the Cognos 10 Trial GOSALES schema (with data) into Oracle Database

I have installed the Cognos 10.2 Trial version. The installation comes a sample schema called "GoSales".
I would like to import the GoSales schema into my Oracle database. This will enable me to view the GoSales Schema in a database query tool (i.e. TOAD)
My ultimate goal is to:
- Understand the GoSales schema.
- Make sure that the reports I develop using Cognos Studio are correct by checking the data in the database.
So, how can I import the "Go Sales" schema into my Oracle database?
There is a compressed file with the Cognos BI samples. I guess you can download this file from IBM. Its name is bi_smps_10.2.1_mp_ml.tar.gz.
You have to uncompress this file and execute the script ...\win\GOSaleConfig.bat (for a Windows machine). This script will ask you the connection parameters of your Oracle database and create the schemas with sample data.

Exporting rows in Oracle

I need to export a number of rows (from different tables- ie, all the related information about an entity - for eg: a Customer) to another DB in Oracle. How do we do this? I am using a windows OS. Please help.
Thank you all,
While connected to database 1 you could also create a database link to database 2 (if you have rights to do so - there were no assumptions on this) and insert to your tables by selecting from your link e.g. like this
CONNECT TO <user> IDENTIFIED BY <password>
USING '<connect string>';
select * from table1#foo;
Further information:
A database link is a connection
between two physical database servers
that allows a client to access them as
one logical database.
See Dabtabase links at Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.
You can use Oracle's export and import utilities
You might want to give Data Pump a try as well (depending on your version). Many options for moving around data from Oracle -> Oracle dbs
Another option is the SQL*Plus copy command. It's not very fast, but it can be very convenient in certain contexts.
Oracle's SQL developer tool has the option to export data as insert statements.

Sample database schema for Oracle

Are there any sample databases for Oracle like AdventureWorks for MS SQL? I've searched Oracle site but didn't find any sample database.
The Oracle database installation includes scripts to install sample schemas. Find out more.
Many online examples use the extremely simple EMP and DEPT tables. These tables are not part of the documented schemas listed above. Finding the script for the beloved SCOTT/TIGER schema is harder than you might think. The demobld.sql used to be under the sqlplus sub-directory. Then in 10g (I think) they moved the schema to $ORACLE_HOME/admin/rdbms/scott.sql. In 11gR2 it's moved again, to $ORACLE_HOME/admin/rdbms/utlsampl.sql.
This question can be of some help(?).
Good Databases with sample data
You can run Oracle Live SQL online without Oracle installed. Menu contains:
SQL Worksheet
My Session
Schema. Includes SCOTT, HR, Order Entry (OE) and others.
Quick SQL
My Scripts
Code Library
Contains a search function, scripts, and tutorials.

oracle express detatach

Hi I am new and I am used to MS SQL Manager's Attach/Detatch functionality to drop a database into a single file so I can move it to other computers/SQL instances. In a nut shell, this is what I want to do.
I have a large Oracle Express database (instance name Zeus) that I need to move onto other Oracle Express instances (brand new installs) and then later I need to keep them updated with Zeus' database.
How do I do this?
I am not understanding how to export the database/schema - user definition/permission, table definitions, and table data.
Thanks guys
I don't believe you can easily do that with Oracle (especially XE edition).
You would usually do an Import/Export. This would give something like :
expdp system/password#XE DUMPFILE=expfull.dmp FULL=y
impdp system/password#XE DUMPFILE=expfull.dmp FULL=y
The expfull.dmp files would be located in a folder named oradata/dpdump in the Oracle XE
You could also use Transportable Tablespaces as described here and summarized here.
Another method involves 10 steps and would have to be adapted to Oracle XE. I mention it here for reference.
