How to have version in WAR filename, but not require it in the URL when deployed in Tomcat - maven

I want to version my WAR to make DevOps lives easier, i.e.: foo-3.2.0.war. In pom.xml, I have:
but also
that imparts the current version in pom.xml to the WAR filename. So far, so good.
The problem becomes that the version is required in the URL when deployed to Tomcat. I want my application accessed thus: http://hostname:port/foo and not http://hostname:port/foo-3.2.0 (etc.) because I'd have to annoy my consumer with the version change.
Is it possible to work around this problem without just going back to an unversioned WAR file?

You can use ${project.artifactId}##${project.version} as naming scheme.
The part after ## will not be part of the context name (cf. parallel deployment).


how to hot deploy jsp file using tomcat7-maven-plugin?

I use tomcat7 with the tomcat-maven plugin. I am able to make it hotswap my jsp but it only work if I modify it directly in the target. How can I make tomcat also look for changes in my sources directory?
This depends on how you use/start the maven plugin.
Starting it with
mvn tomcat7:run
should do the trick (in comparison to run-war or any other goal). See details at
This will actually reload the context in your tomcat. I'm not sure actual "Hot replacement" without reloading the context is possible without third party libraries/plugins like jrebel or similar.
You should be able to run the war:exploded maven goal to get your changes copied from your sources directory to the target directory.
Change your workspace in Eclipse to \tomcat\webapps Since it is just for your work, this should work fine. Whatever changes you make in Eclipse is in the same directory tomcat looks for applications to deploy

Wildfly Deploy Maven - Remove Version

I want to deploy a war that I have created using maven to wildfly using the wildfly-maven-plugin.
The final name of the war is something like: my-war-1.0.war
The war also contains a jboss-web.xml specifying the context root (e.g. /my-war)
Problem Description
If I now deploy the war to wildfly I will get a "my-war-1.0.war" deployment.
If I later want to deploy a new version (e.g. the war is now named my-war-1.1.war) I get a conflict as the context root is already known but the deployment has a new name.
Is there a way using the wildfly-maven-plugin to deploy a "my-war.war" instead?
I need to keep the original final build name inside the maven build for versioning and deploying to our nexus.
The simplest solution is to use the <finalName/> element on the <build/> configuration.
You can use the maven war plugin to rename the final war. For Eg:
This will always generate the war with the name my-war.war in your "target" directory.
I found out that I can use the parameters <name/> and <runtimeName/> inside the <configuration/> of the maven-wildfly-plugin.
That way I can specify what the deployment should be called on the server and each time just replace it. It is important to have the two parameters end in ".war", otherwise you will get a 404 error.
Using this method I can keep the original name of the final build result containing the version (my-app-1.0.war) and archive it inside our internal nexus repository.

Maven: Force Jersey to use specific artifact version

I have a Maven repository where I load Jena TDB 0.9.3 (which depends on Jena ARQ 2.9.3), Jersey 1.8 and RMOnto 1.0. The point is, as you expected, to do some analysis on semantic datasets.
It looks like RMOnto has ARQ 2.8.7 built in, as in "hardwired". There isn't any explicit dependency in its pom file, yet the jar file contains a ARQ.class. It's very tricky because you won't notice it with Maven Enforcer Plugin and the like.
It looks like this causes Jersey to use RMOnto's ARQ version instead of the one defined in pom.xml. Here is a minimal example. When you run the test (checks whether or not ARQ.VERSION equals 2.9.3), it succeeds. When you build the project and deploy it on a Tomcat 7, you should see 2.8.7 as output.
Is this behaviour expected and why?
How could one force Jersey to use ARQ 2.9.3?
In case it's not possible, could one isolate RMOnto to use 2.8.7 while the rest of the source uses 2.9.3?
Thanks in advance!
You should define the ARQ 2.9.3 first in the dependencies list. By doing that you force your build to use that specific version. The dependency order is relevant when choosing what artifact to use.
OK, I understand what the problem is.
The RMOnto jar is obviously shaded according to the pom:
Tomcat 7 loads the jars in WEB-INF/lib in an undefined order. This means that even if you define ARQ 2.9.3 to be first in your dependencies it will not be the case when the application is run in Tomcat.
Good thing is that Tomcat always look in WEB-INF/classes before WEB-INF/lib for dependencies.
So what you can do as a work around is to make sure that the ARQ 2.9.3 version is added to the WEB-INF/classes folder. This can be done using the maven-dependency-plugin:
Your war as well as your exploded war will now contain all the classes from ARQ 2.9.3 in the WEB-INF/classes folder. They will be loaded before any jar-file that is in WEB-INF/lib folder.
NB: I have not tested this on Tomcat but I cannot see that it would not work.
NB2: This is a hack. Best thing would be to remove the ARQ packages out of the RMOnto jar.
You should file a defect report against RMOnto. Hard-wiring library code into a jar, instead of including it as a dependency you can manage in the POM, is definitely a bad idea that the code maintainer should fix.
If the files have been copied directly to the RMOnto .jar, the behaviour is expected.
In that case, I'd say the best bet is to hardcode it away, aka remove the ARQ files directly from the package. Opening up the RMOnto-1.0.jar package one can see arq files in the arq folder. What you'd need to do is open up the jar file (it's just a .zip), remove the ARQ files from there, store the edited RMOnto package in your version control / repository and refer to the edited package from there. Also, you'd need to add excludes statement to your pom for the old version of ARC and keep the dependency to the new version.
If you feel like it, it would be also good practice to remove the other dependencies that haven't been mentioned in the RMOnto's pom file, then add them in the RMOnto pom file (and rebuild, if you have the source code). This way Maven mechanism would be aware of them. The file seems to contain a lot of dependencies like this, which will cause headaches in the future.

Deploying Maven project to JBoss AS7 (standalone)

I am new to JBOSS AS7, and am strictly using MAVEN 3 via command line. I would like to deploy the *.war of my project to JBOSS AS7 without ECLIPSE. I have spent couple of days Googling and trying out difference approaches. I am able to deploy the *.war to Tomcat. I would highly appreciate any help on this. So far this is what I have done:
I have entered the server info(Jboss) to C:\maven\conf\settings.xml
I have included the plugin to the POM
I think I may be declaring the path to JBoss AS7 within my JBOSS plugin wrong.
This is how I am including the plugin in the POM file:
Did you have a look at the README on the corresponding GitHub page:
When deploying to your localhost (which is the default value) you don't need to define the <url> in the <configuration>, as well as the <server> and <path> elements (besides: I haven't seen a folder named wep-app in AS7).
We run a project where this works even without touching the settings.xml.
So when you have checked this, post what exactly goes wrong, what is the concrete failure message and what is the maven command you use (mvn jboss-as:deploy).

Where should a custom Netbeans Platform conf. file be so that maven finds it?

Applications built on top of the NetBeans platform have a <myappdir>/etc/<myapp>.conf file determining, among other things, application JVM parameters. Historically, this file was a part of the NetBeans IDE installation (as far as I could tell), but starting with NB 6.9, custom files are now supported.
I am having trouble packaging a custom configuration file using Maven to build the application.
I imagine the app.conf property should have been set in the project's pom under project/build/pluginManagement/plugins like so:
The maven module representing my application contained no prior source, so I created the src/main/nbm folder and placed myapp.conf in src/main/nbm. This isn't picked up by nbm-maven-plugin. and putting the conf file into src/main/resources doesn't make a difference.
So, can anyone explain how a NetBeans Platform application with a custom configuration file can be built using maven?
With Tim's prod in the right direction, I found the answer documented on Geertjan's blog. The solution is to configure the nbm-maven-plugin like so in the application module pom:
BTW, if you need a second name with Geertjan, you're not really a NetBeans platform developer. ;)
Have a look at the documentation of the nbm:cluster-app plugin, specifically the part on the conf file.
As per my understanding that should allow you to replace the default one with a custom one that you create.
