Cannot convert bash script with if egrep on Makefile - bash

I would like to convert and execute
if egrep -r 'my_pattern' ./template_builder
then exit 1
elif egrep -r 'my_second_pattern' ./template_builder
then exit 1
in a Makefile, without success for now.
To build this:
cd /tmp;
mkdir template_builder;
echo "not_pattern" >> ./template_builder/test.txt
# Do the command at the top, nothing happens
echo "my_pattern" >> ./template_builder/test.txt
# Do the command at the top, terminal stops
touch Makefile
In a Makefile, I thought this would work :
if egrep -r 'my_pattern' ./template_builder
then exit 1
elif egrep -r 'my_second_pattern' ./template_builder
then exit 1
make check
if egrep -r 'my_pattern' ./template_builder
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
make: *** [template] Error 2
How can I fix this?

Your attempt was not far from working!
Add backslashes at the end of every line, and ;s as explicit command separators (and of course use real tabs instead of the 8-space indents below):
if egrep -r 'my_pattern' ./template_builder; \
then exit 1; \
elif egrep -r 'my_second_pattern' ./template_builder; \
then exit 1; \

If I understand you correctly, if the directory template_builder located in /tmp does not contain a file matching the string 'my_pattern' or 'my_second_pattern', you want to exit from make with an error code.
You can achieve this with this rule in Makefile:
egrep -r -v 'my_pattern' /tmp/template_builder || egrep -r -v 'my_second_pattern' /tmp/template_builder
Explanation: the first egrep is going to return an error in the case he finds a match. Due to the presence of the || operator, the second egrep will be invoked. The result of this second command will be the result that make will see. If it returns an error, the execution of make is aborted, which seems to be the behaviour you are expecting.
Caution: I edited my answer. The right boolean operator is || and not &&.

As others have already noted, make runs each separate line in a recipe in a new shell subprocess. (For the record, it uses sh out of the box, not Bash.) The trivial fix is to add a backslash to escape the newline at the end of each line which should be executed in the same shell as the next one. (You need to add a semicolon as well in some places, like before then and else and fi.) But you really want to refactor to use the facilities and idioms of make.
The default logic of make is to terminate the recipe if any line fails. So, your code can be reduced to simply
check: template_builder
! egrep -r 'my_pattern' $<
! egrep -r 'my_second_pattern' $<
The explicit exit 1 is not necessary here (negating a zero exit code produces exactly that); but if you wanted to force a particular exit code, you could do that with
egrep -r 'my_pattern' $< && exit 123 || true
Modern POSIX prefers grep -E over legacy egrep; of course, with these simple patterns, you can use just grep, or even grep -F (née fgrep).
Moreover, if you want to search for both patterns in the same set of files, it's much more efficient to search for them both at once.
check: template_builder
! egrep -e 'my_pattern' -e 'my_second_pattern' -r $<
... or combine them into a single regex my_(second_)?pattern (which requires egrep / grep -E).
Notice also how I factored out the dependency into $< and made it explicit; but you probably want to make this recipe .PHONY anyway, so that it gets executed even if nothing has changed.
(You can't directly copy/paste this code, because Stack Overflow stupidly renders the literal tabs in the markdown source as spaces.)


how to read from stdin into a makefile variable

I want to write a Makefile to install go program and other assets, so I want a installdir. I want to check if GOBIN, GOPATH is set, if not, want user to enter a installdir.
I wrote the Makefile as following, but the makefile variable installdir is empty. echo output nothing.
installdir:=$(shell echo $(GOPATH) | cut -d':' -f1)
all: *.go
#GO111MODULE=on GOPATH=$(GOPATH) go build -o trpc main.go
ifeq ($(installdir),)
installdir=$(shell echo $(GOBIN) | cut -d':' -f1)
ifeq ($(installdir),)
installdir=$(shell bash -c 'read -s -p "Please input installdir: " tmpdir; echo $$tmpdir')
echo $(installdir)
Please help!
This code:
ifeq ($(installdir),)
installdir=$(shell echo $(GOBIN) | cut -d':' -f1)
ifeq ($(installdir),)
installdir=$(shell bash -c 'read -s -p "Please input installdir: " tmpdir; echo $$tmpdir')
echo $(installdir)
simply cannot work and represents a fundamental misunderstanding of how make operates.
Make works in two distinct stages: first, it reads and parses all the makefiles, included makefiles, etc. Second, it determines which targets are out of date and runs the recipes to update those targets. Recipes will start a shell and pass the recipe text to that shell. When the shell exits make determines whether it worked or not by looking at the exit code. All make variables and functions in the entire recipe are expanded first, the the shell is invoked on the results. Further, every logical line in the recipe is started in a different shell.
So in your makefile, the ifeq options (which are makefile constructs) are parsed during the first stage, as the makefile is read in. The recipe lines are not run until the second stage, so changes to the installdir variable in a recipe cannot impact the ifeq lines. Further, changes to installdir in a recipe cannot even be seen by make because they happen in a shell, then the shell exits and those changes are lost.
You'll have to write this entire thing in shell syntax and put all of it into a recipe, something like this:
installdir='$(installdir)'; \
[ -n "$$installdir" ] || installdir=$$(echo $(GOBIN) | cut -d':' -f1); \
[ -n "$$installdir" ] || read -s -p "Please input installdir: " installdir; \
echo $$installdir
(untested). You have to use shell constructs, not make constructs. You should virtually never use the $(shell ...) make function inside a recipe: a recipe is already running in a shell. And you have to use backslash/newline pairs to ensure make considers the entire recipe one logical line, else variables set on one line will not be set on the next line.
Finally, I should point out that this (reading input during make) is just generally a bad idea. For example, if you run make install with the -j option, only one recipe can have control of stdin and make will choose more-or-less randomly which it is.
Generally instead you want to have the user pass the value on the command line, with something like:
$ make installdir=my/dir
so your check in the makefile should instead be something like this:
installdir='$(installdir)'; \
[ -n "$$installdir" ] || installdir=$$(echo $(GOBIN) | cut -d':' -f1); \
[ -n "$$installdir" ] || { echo "Please add installdir=... on the command line"; exit 1; }; \
echo $$installdir

Does the sed command just append text inline to the first line?

I am going through a setup script that I am attempting to understand; how the sed line works, in this instance. From my understanding, it is editing the src/conf-cc inline at the first line and appending -include /usr/include/errno.h/ to the last line of input? I have been referencing the sed manual to help me break this sed command down.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# A script which installs daemontools
# Run as root!
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "You must be root!" 1>&2
exit 1
mkdir /package
chmod 1755 /package
cd /package
tar -xpf daemontools-0.76.tar.gz
rm -f daemontools-0.76.tar.gz
cd admin/daemontools-0.76
sed -i '1s/$/ -include \/usr\/include\/errno.h/' src/conf-cc
echo -e "start on runlevel [3] \nrespawn \nexec /command/svscanboot" >> /etc/init/svscan.conf
initctl reload-configuration
initctl start svscan
mkdir /var/svc.d
No, it just appends something to the first line. It's a substitution command:
addr s/pattern/replacement/
where addr is 1 (first line), pattern is $ (regex: end of line) and the replacement is the -include ... string. It's not really "replacing" anything as $ has zero width anyway.
Your misunderstanding is interpreting $ as an address instead of a regular expression.

Modifying file extensions using Makefiles

I'm new to Makefiles and I want to modify the extension of a set of files. The following command works on the shell:
for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done
However, I'm not sure how to run this in a Makefile. I tried running
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done)
But this never did what I needed it to do. What do I need to do to make this work on the Makefile? How do I call it in a section?
The immediate answer to your question is that the $ character is special to make: it introduces a make variable. If you want to pass a $ to the shell, you'll have to write two of them: $$.
So, your shell function invocation would have to be written as:
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$$j".ext2";echo mv $$file $$j; done)
However, this is almost certainly not a good way to do what you want. You don't really describe clearly what you want to do, however. If you just want to have a target in a makefile that can be invoked to make this change, you can use:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`; \
j=$$j".ext2"; \
echo mv $$file $$j; \
Or, taking advantage of some useful shell shortcuts, you could just run:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
echo mv $$file $${file%.*}.ext2; \
Now if you run make fixext it will perform those steps.
But, a much more make-like way to do it would be to write a single rule that knows how to rename one file, then use prerequisites to have them all renamed:
TARGETS = $(patsubst %.ext1,%.ext2,$(wildcard path/*.ext1))
fixext: $(TARGETS)
%.ext2 : %.ext1
mv $< $#
Now you can even run make -j5 and do 5 of the move commands in parallel...
you can also add rename blocks at the top of your file eg to change a suffix
output := $(
but this won't work inside a make command as far as I can see
output := $(
$ make check
output := walkthrough.mp4
make: output: No such file or directory
make: *** [check] Error 1

equivalent of pipefail in GNU make?

Say I have the following files:
echo "wops, some bug made me exit with failure"
exit 1
buggy_program | gzip -9 -c >$#
Now if I type make, GNU make will happily build file.gz even though buggy_program exited with non-zero status.
In bash I could do set -o pipefail to make a pipeline exit with failure if at least one program in the pipeline exits with failure. Is there a similar method in GNU make? Or some workaround that doesn't involve temporary files? (The reason for gzipping here is precisely to avoid a huge temporary file.)
Try this
SHELL=/bin/bash -o pipefail
buggy_program | gzip -9 -c >$#
You could do:
set -o pipefail; buggy_program | gzip -9 -c >$#
but this only work with bash.
Here's a possible solution that doesn't require bash. Imagine you have two programs thisworks and thisfails that fail or work fine, respectively. Then the following will only leave you with work.gz, deleting fail.gz, ie. create the gzipped make target if and only if the program executed correctly:
all: fail.gz work.gz
( thisworks && touch $#.ok ) | gzip -c -9 >$#
rm $#.ok || rm $#
( thisfails && touch $#.ok ) | gzip -c -9 >$#
rm $#.ok || rm $#
In the first line of the work.gz rule, thisworks will exit with success, and a file work.gz.ok will be created, and all stdout goes through gzip into work.gz. Then in the second line, because work.gz.ok exists, the first rm command also exits with success – and since || is short-circuiting, the second rm does not get run and so work.gz is not deleted.
OTOH, in the first line of the fail.gz rule, thisfails will exit with failure, and fail.gz.ok will not be created. All stdout still goes through gzip into fail.gz. Then in the second line, because fail.gz.ok does not exist, the first rm command exits with failure, so || tries the second rm command which deletes the fail.gz file.
To easily check that this works as it should, simply replace thisworks and thisfails with the commands true and false, respectively, put it in a Makefile and type make.
(Thanks to the kind people in #autotools for helping me with this.)

Grep exit codes in Makefile

I would like to check the result of a grep search in a Makefile. Contrary to this solution, I do not wish to use the shell command.
Also, I don't want the Makefile to raise an error when grep do not find the string (exit code of 1 is treated as an error).
The following tries to ignore the error and check the exit code :
-grep term log*
echo $$?
#case "$$?" in \
echo "found";; \
*) \
echo "not found";;\
Unfortunately, the exit code is always 0.
The separate lines of a series of actions in a makefile are normally executed in separate sub-shells. To code what you're after, then:
if grep term log*; \
then echo found; \
else echo not found; \
That's a single command; it tests the exit status of grep directly. Note the liberal use of semi-colons; that's necessary because it all gets flattened when passed to the shell. Note too that the - is not needed; the statement as a whole exits with status 0 because one of the echo commands is executed, succeeds, and that is the status returned from the sub-shell. But there's another part to the trick; IIRC, the script is invoked with /bin/sh -e so the script exits on the first error (non-zero) status from a shell command — except in explicit conditionals such as an if.
If you want to explicitly capture the status of grep (if only to be sure it's being done right), then:
-grep term log*; \
status=$$?; echo $$status; \
if [ $$status = 0 ]; \
then echo found; \
else echo not found; \
You probably need the - this time because the grep is not executed as part of a shell conditional and a non-zero exit status could trigger the -e processing. I don't recommend futzing with this.
You might note that you can do cd commands in an action and because each action is executed separately, you have to do it repeatedly.
install: ${PROG}
cd ${INSTBIN}; ${RM_F} ${PROG}
Yes, you can do it differently — I'm demonstrating a point, not advocating a style of installing programs.
