Ansible: bitwise oprations inside anisble playbook - ansible

I am trying to use bitwise operation inside my ansible playbooks. As sugegsted in this post (How to perform bitwise operations in Ansible?), I have created the .py file for "bitwise or" filter and placed under default filterplugin dir
1)The ansible ansible.cfg file is edited to specify the filter plugin path.
filter_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/filter
2)Ansible version on controller node is: 3.6.10
But unfortunately playbook is not able to find the new defined filter. I am not sure if I am missing anything. Is there anything else I need to do?
Any help with this is appreciate.

The filter plugin I tried is working now. There was a small coding issue inside my filter python file, which was reported by playbook run logs on the console, that I didn't spot.
After carefully looking into the logs, I could fix the coding issue and, after that, the filter operation was found from the filter_plugin path that was specified in the ansible.cfg file.
filter_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/filter
There was no more setting needed apart from specifying the filter path in ansible.cfg.


I'm calling a module, Ansible still complains about "no action"

I'm getting an error with Ansible, "ERROR! No action detected in task." According to Why does Ansible show "ERROR! no action detected in task" error? , it looks like my error should be that I tried to write a role, and put a playbook in my role/tasks/main.yml. And the solution is to specify only a list of tasks in the tasks/main.yml file. Like this:
- name: My first task
parameter1: value1
So my file looks like this:
- name: using a module
ansible.builtin.command: echo hello there
So I am using a module, just like in the example shown elsewhere on StackOverflow, but still I get the error message. What am I missing?
This is for Ansible 2.9 on RHEL 7.7. Thanks.
You are using ansible v2.9.
The (optional) full <namespace>.<collection>.<module_name> you are using in your task is only valid starting from ansible v2.10.
Use the short name: ansible.builtin.command => command.
You can also switch to the ansible v2.9 version on the documentation on the site to prevent this kind of problem when copy/pasting. See the dropdown on the top left
From the information you provided here it doesn't appear that you're using an actual module, but instead you've placed a task list file in a module search path. Modules are implemented as programming language code that gets bundled and piped over the connection plugin to be executed in order to carry out task work on the managed host in the inventory.

Are there any vars that Ansible can merge?

Today I noticed that Ansible won't merge vars.
For example when I have something like
size: '10g'
path: '/var/lib/postgresql'
And in another place I have for example
size: '10g'
path: '/opt/sonarqube'
Ansible won't merge these facts. I am not sure about precedence but I think the first one wins. Without errors or warnings. IMHO a dangerous feature for a configuration management tool.
Are there any vars that Ansible can merge? Lists and hash won't work. Is there a workaround of some sort for this?
This is a significant shortcoming of Ansible. Because "facts" can be dependent on what you are provisioning. The inability to merge "facts" make it necessary to hard code and duplicate the stuff that you wan't to be configurable.
For example when I create one file with
size: '10g'
path: '{{ postgresql_home }}'
size: '10g'
path: '{{ sonar_home }}'
This will not work because sonar_home is not defined on de postgresql node. On the the sonarqube node, postgresql_home is not defined. The ability to flexibly use vars is greatly impacted if merging is not possible.
Extract of a default ansible.cfg file:
# if inventory variables overlap, does the higher precedence one win
# or are hash values merged together? The default is 'replace' but
# this can also be set to 'merge'.
#hash_behaviour = replace
You can therefore change this behavior by setting hash_behaviour = merge.
I would not change that on a system wide basis as it might break other projects/roles that would rely on a default behavior. You can distribute the ansible.cfg at the root of your specific project that really needs this.
Meanwhile, as #dgw pointed out with a specific example, I've always been able to keep the default behavior by carefully choosing where to place my variables (group or host in inventory, included file, playbook...) and eventually merge them myself if needed.

Location to keep Ansible custom modules

In the following directory structure I have to create a zip of "anisble" directory. The idea is to put everything inside the ansible directory like playbook, roles, inventory details and custom modules into a zip package and
its contents should not have any dependency on anything outside "ansible" directory.
| |____myHosts
| |
| |____role1
I cannot use: "/home/$USER/.ansible/plugins/modules/" as this will make solution user specific and "/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules/" is outside of the ansible directory and does need privileges(which user does not have)
Is there any possible place were can be placed so it will automatically get picked by ansible while running? This must be somewhere inside "ansible" directory.
If I do this before running the ansible playbook, it works but is there anyway to programmatically do it from ansible playbook before using the custom module ?
export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=library/
Is there anyway I can provide the path of the custom module relative to "ansible" directory ? either in any conf file or env variable ? Note that I cannot use /etc ,/usr/ etc . Everything had to be inside ansible directory,
Is it even possible ?
You can create a file ansible.cfg inside of your ansible directory and then set the DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH variable (library) in that file:
library = ./library
More info can be found in the Ansible documentation for the Ansible configuration.
Here's what the documentation says about this setting:
Description: Colon separated paths in which Ansible will search for Modules.
Type: pathspec
Default: ~/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules
Ini Section: defaults
Ini Key: library

Sublime Text 3: How to configure rubocop.yml path in sublime settings?

I have installed rubocop package for sublime text 3. I am trying to set custom rubocop configuration by providing rubocop.yml path to Rubocop.sublime-settings. Please find my configuration-snippet
"rubocop_config_file": "./.rubocop.yml"
However rubocop does not work when I give this configuration. It only works for
"rubocop_config_file": ""
How can i fix this and provide the path of my rubocop.yml to rubocop?
After some prodding, I found this :
By default, the linter plugin looks for a config file called
.rubocop.yml in the current directory and its parents
Even though I am not using the linter-plugin, I figured rubocop does the same. So by placing the .rubocop.yml in the current directory or any of its parents, I was able to get my .rubcop.yml file to be picked by rubocop. On a side note, I did not update configuration of the rubocop package, it automatically picks the .rubocop.yml.
Other settings in this Rubocop.sublime-settings seem to use a complete path.
So instead of using the dot to start at the folder where the Rubocop.sublime-settings file is located use a full path like the examples for other Rubocop.sublime-settings configurations.
Hope this helps

Ansible: Can I force include: to use another path

I have the following problem. I'm keeping two separate Ansible project directories for two different technologies. Imagine you have a nice Ansible setup and want to pull an Ansible project and use some of your established structure without integrating it completely.
The first statement does what I want. It gives a fq path.
debug: msg="{{lynx_ansible}}/roles/centos_common/centos_{{jdk_provider}}.yml"
include: "{{lynx_ansible}}/roles/centos_common/centos_{{jdk_provider}}.yml"
The include adds a path to the ansible-project root dir and doesn't expand the variables. Is there a way to do this?
Try $lynx_ansible rather than {{ lynx_ansible }}. Include doesn't seem to support jinja2 syntax.
