Freemarker function string formattting - freemarker

I have the issue related to string formatting in a function of the freemarker. Let's admit there is the next function:
<#function transformWithSign sign amount>
<#--<#local str = amount?string["########.00"]>-->
<#local str = amount?string>
<#local str += sign?string>
<#return str>
So, the commented out line does not work and appears the error is "freemarker.core.NonMethodException: For "...(...)" callee: Expected a method or function, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> amount?string [in template "html/invoiceTemplate.ftlh" at line 52, column 23]"
This row works fine:
<#local str = amount?string>
What is wrong there? Or does the freemarker function not work with string formatting?

The problem is that amount is not a number, but a string that looks like a number. Thus, amount?string will just return the original string as is, and that string doesn't support the [] or () operators. If amount was a number (or date, or boolean), then ?string returns a more fancy string that does support those operators.
To demonstrate the problem:
<#assign amount = 123>
<#-- Works: -->
<#-- Also works: -->
But (note the quotation marks around 123):
<#assign amount = "123">
<#-- Works: -->
<#-- FAILS: -->
Ideally, you should ensure that amount comes as a number. But, you can also ask FreeMarker to convert it if it's a string, although, be sure that the string in amount uses the typical computer language number format (not some localized format):


Replace the last character or number of a string | Freemarker

I need to check if the last number of character of a ${string} is equal to 9.
The string or numbers that I have to handle with is something 831, 519 or 1351.
However I dont know how do do it properly. I tried already something like:
At the end there should be instead of 831 --> 839 or 1351 --> 1359 and so on.
Any sugestions about how I can archive this ?
Oh and by the way. If I use the fuction above this error massage comes up:
Script error: You have used ?number on a string-value which is not a number (or is empty or contains spaces).
And what I tried also was:
code snippet
Because the original number is somethink like 831.896.
You could use string slicing to keep all characters except for the last one like this:
<#assign string = "1234">
<#assign string = string[0..<string?length-1] + "9">
Results in:
Since you want to replace that thing, use ?replace. This replaces the last character with 9, if the last character is a digit that's not already 9:
${s?replace("[0-8]$", '9', 'r')}

Print only 5 line of each having 32 chars using Freemarker

How to print only 5 line of each having 32 chars using Freemarker. Currently i have the below solution. Is there any better way of doing using split or substring
<#assign msg="Tell FreeMarker to convert string to real date-time value Convert date-time value to date-only value Let FreeMarker format it according the date_format setting">
<#assign len=msg?length>
<#list 1..5 as i>
<#assign start=(i-1)*32>
<#assign end=i*32>
<#if (end <len)>
result is
Tell FreeMarker to convert string
g to real date-time value Convert
t date-time value to date-only va
alue Let FreeMarker format it acc
cording the date_format setting
Like this:
<#list msg?matches(".{1,32}")[0..*5] as row>
Note that the "length limited range" operator, ..*, doesn't give error if the length is less than what you asked for. So even with your approach, you can remove the end assignment and the #if/#else, and just use ${msg[start..*32]}.

Ruby format string with variable inside quotes

If I do
template_string = "class=btn submit-button %<additional_classes>"
format(template_string, additional_classes: 'some-class')
it works. However, if I do
template_string = "class='btn submit-button %<additional_classes>'"
format(template_string, additional_classes: 'some-class')
it fails, giving
malformed format string - %'
(Notice the quotation marks surrounding the classes in the second template_string - this is the only difference between the two blocks of Ruby code). How do I make it work? In other words, how do I produce the following?
class='btn submit-button some-class'
I don't believe that I can just use interpolation, because sometimes I need to pass in other variables. In other words, I can't do
additional_classes = 'some-class'
"class='btn submit-button #{additional_classes}'"
because sometimes I want to reuse the same string "template" but pass in other variables, to produce strings such as the following:
class='btn submit-button some-other-class'
class='btn submit-button some-third-class'
From the fine manual:
format(format_string [, arguments...] ) → string
For more complex formatting, Ruby supports a reference by name. %<name>s style uses format style, but %{name} style doesn't.
The documentation isn't as clear as it could be but when you use the %<...> form, it is expecting to see %<name>s where name is the hash key and s is the format type: s for string, d for number, ... If you say:
then format will try to interpret ' as a type when there is no such type specifier so you get an ArgumentError because the format string is malformed.
You probably want to use the %{...} form instead:
template_string = "class='btn submit-button %{additional_classes}'"
Your format string is missing the field type specifier. The field type specifier is mandatory in a format string.
It is not clear to me why the first example does not raise an error, since the mandatory field type specifier is missing. It could be a bug, or I am completely misreading the documentation.
However, it is not clear to me why you consider this example to work:
template_string = "class=btn submit-button %<additional_classes>"
format(template_string, additional_classes: 'some-class')
#=> 'class=btn submit-button %'
# ↑
As you can see, the % is not interpreted as the part of a format string but as a literal %. I would consider this a bug, it should raise an error, just like the second example does.
In the second example, you can clearly see the problem:
ArgumentError: malformed format string - %'
Since a format string must have a field type specifier, and the only character after the % (except the field name) is ', this is interpreted as the field type specifier. And since ' is not a legal field type, format raises an error in which it explicitly tells you that it interpreted the ' as part of the format string.
Since you want to format strings, you should use the s (string) field type specifier:
template_string = "class=btn 'submit-button %<additional_classes>s'"
# ↑
format(template_string, additional_classes: 'some-class')
#=> "class=btn 'submit-button some-class'"
# ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
Alternatively, you can use the %{} form:
template_string = "class=btn 'submit-button %{additional_classes}'"
# ↑ ↑
format(template_string, additional_classes: 'some-class')
#=> "class=btn 'submit-button some-class'"
# ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

How to Convert a string to number in freemarker template

I want to convert a string to number in freemarker. I want to put some conditional check based on the value of the number. ?number doesn't seems to work.
Any suggestions?
Sorry, ?number does work fine. I was not able to compare the converted number with another number.
This didn't work for me:
<#assign num = numString?number>
<#if num > 100>
When I enclosed (num > 100) inside the brackets it worked:
<#if (num > 100)>
Since the comparison was not working, I was assuming that conversion was not happening.
My bad.
In your code, you use the closed bracket, so freemarker is evaluating
<#if num >
you should instead use
<#if num gt 100>
This is discussed at the end of this documentation on if statements
The reason this is working for some and not others is because of the parentheses, which is also explained at the bottom of the documentation
I think you can use it like this:string?eval
Use the below code
<#if num?string > 100?string>
It worked for me.

Convert a hash string to a formatted number?

I'm trying to output prettier numbers from my FreeMarker template in GeoServer:
<#list features as feature>
<#if"lon" ||"lat">
If I take out the ?round, I get things like "-121.469166666667". I simply wish to format that number a bit, say by rounding it to 4 decimal places.
I've tried a couple things:
But those complain of "Expected hash.", so I'm feeling like it's just a syntax issue of conveying the string in the hash to the ? operator correctly, so that I'm actually executing methods on the string... but that has stumped me.
If you always want 4 decimals:
If you want at most 4 decimals, then ?string("0.####")
The ?number part is only needed if value is a string. In that case you should write [...].value?number?string("0.0000"). There's no such thing as ?number.string, hence the "expected hash" error message.
