Moving a Visual Studio project from a different computer? - visual-studio

I am using Visual Studio 2019, and I am trying to open a project sent by my friend. However, when I tried opening the solution or the project, this error shows up:
An error occurred in '[Unknown]' while attempting to open <filename>
File path: (The path from my friend's computer)
Frame GUID:
Frame mode:
Error code: 0x80004005
I have tried to change the file path, but the file path is correct in my computer, so what is this file path referencing to ?

Close the solution, then delete the folder named .vs (note the dot) in the project directory and restart Visual Studio. This folder contains cached data that's computer-dependent.
You can also just close the window with the error and reopen the file from the solution explorer.


Where does Visual Studio copy the applicationhost.config file in the .vs folder from?

Visual Studio creates a hidden folder in the solution root of web projects named .vs. Inside there is a config sub-folder with an applicationhost.config file. If the .vs folder is missing Visual Studio will create it again either when I open the solution or maybe when I start the debugger.
I assume that this applicationhost.config file is being copied from some default location. I wish to find the source file and make some changes so that my preferred settings will be in effect by default.
I am currently using Visual Studio 2019 16.3.7.
Where does Visual Studio copy this file from?
I found applicationhost.config in these locations on my PC:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer
C:\Program Files\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer
I altered each systematically and found that in my case Visual Studio 2019 is copying the file from path 1.
The applicationhost.config is copied from
You can get %windir% from the set command in a command window. (usually C:\windows)
From Microsoft Forum User lextm...aka Lex Li
You are encouraged to modify this file via appcmd. Run
this command at an elevated command prompt is enough. To edit the file
directly, you need to elevate Notepad.exe and then open it. This is
not recommended unless you are quite familiar with the syntax. The
history folder contains the old copies of the config files, and
editing them does not make changes to current IIS settings.
The help documents iisexpress /? /config help states:
The full path to the applicationhost.config file. The default value is the IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config file that is located in the user's Documents folder.
Of course you can change the path to whatever using the argument as well.

Finding files that are not checked into repo

Is there an easy way to find files that are not checked into my repository in my Visual Studio project?
In the past, there's been times when I get my code base from the repo only to realize that some files -- for some reason -- had not been checked into the repository.
I recently got a new laptop and downloaded the code for my app onto my new machine. I'm now getting an error when I run the app on the new laptop but on the old one it runs perfectly fine. My first thought was that there were configuration differences between two machines so I downloaded the code into a new folder on the old machine and started having the same error that I'm having on the new laptop. If I run the app from the original folder on the old machine, it runs fine.
This makes me think that I may have some differences in the code between what's on the repo and the original folder. As a result, if I get the code from the repo, I have the error. If I try to check in the code from the original folder on the old laptop, Visual Studio tells me that there's nothing to check in.
So, is there an easy way for me to see if there's any file that is not checked into the repo on my old laptop?
BTW, I'm running Visual Studio 2019 -- with the latest updates/patches -- and my repo is on Azure DevOps and uses TFVC.
Running tf vc status /format:detailed /recursive from a Visual Studio Developer Commandline in your workspace root should give you a good overview of files not checked in and files with pending changes.
C:\Users\JesseHouwing\source\Workspaces\xxx>tf vc status /format:detailed /recursive
Detected Changes:
User : Jesse Houwing
Date : zaterdag 27 juli 2019 21:20:00
Lock : none
Change : add
Workspace : SHARKIE
Local item : [SHARKIE] C:\Users\JesseHouwing\Source\Workspaces\xxx\test.txt
0 change(s), 1 detected change(s)
It should auto-detect files unless you specify the /nodetectchanges flag.
Or, if your .tfignore file is well specified, you can run tf vc add * /recursive to automatically create a pending change for all files that are currently not under version control. If needed, edit your tfignore file before running the add command. Add /noignore to bypass the ignore file, but that may add bin and obj and packages folders as well, be careful.
tf.exe is hidden deep in the bowels of Visual Studio, easiest way to get access to it is to use the Developer Command Prompt:
My installation has put it here:
C:\Users\JesseHouwing\source\Workspaces\xxx>where tf
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe

Visual Studio 2013 Publish Error - MSB3231 Unable to remove directory

In Visual Studio 2013 I am attempting to File Publish my website project to a remote web server. I am getting the following error:
Error MSB3231: Unable to remove directory
"obj\Release\AspnetCompileMerge\TempBuildDir". Access to the path
'AdditionalPhotos.aspx' is denied.
I have tried cleaning and rebuilding, with no luck. Restarting VS did not help. I checked the permissions on the directory and file referenced in the error and Windows Explorer would not let me see the file and folder permissions (You do not have permission to view or edit this object's permission settings.) The project is stored on a network drive, and I am administrator of that drive, so I'm not sure why I can't see permissions there.
Any ideas as to how to get around this issue? Thanks for your help!

How to connect to source control server using TF command line utility

I'm trying to run a commands using Tf Command-Line Utility I'm getting errors when trying to connect to TFS server. I'm not sure what tf tool is expecting as far as parameters.
It tells me to connect to workspaces by running tf /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl'
To get the TeamProjectCollectionUrl I went into Visual Studio Team Explorer, looked at properties of a project and copied URL property. The url starts with vstfs://
You want to use the standard HTTP or HTTPS URL to specify your project collection. (This is the same URL that's shown in the connection dialog in Visual Studio.) For example:
TFS installs on port 8080 by default, and (beginning in TFS 2010), the name of your project collection is the suffix.
Alternately, you shouldn't need to specify the project collection - if you run the tf resolve command from one of your working folders, it will determine the server information automatically. That is, if you have the workspace mapping:
$/Project/Source -> C:\Work\Source
If your current working directory is C:\Work\Source and run the tf command line client, it should locate your TFS workspace automatically.
1- Add "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE" path into Environment variable path.
2 - Create a batch file (simply copy and modify the below commands and save into file with ext .bat)
tf get $/Project/Source /recursive /force
3- Copy .bat file and place into your local Mapped folder and run.

Problem Unblocking Assemblies in Windows 7 Home Premium

I am getting the following error trying to load a basic project template:
Error 12 Could not load the assembly file://\\psf\home\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\WindowsPhonePivotApplication1\WindowsPhonePivotApplication1\obj\Debug\WindowsPhonePivotApplication1.dll. This assembly may have been downloaded from the Web. If an assembly has been downloaded from the Web, it is flagged by Windows as being a Web file, even if it resides on the local computer. This may prevent it from being used in your project. You can change this designation by changing the file properties. Only unblock assemblies that you trust. See for more information. WindowsPhonePivotApplication1
I don't have the Security tab when I try and modify the DLL to unblock the assembly. Any advice?
Did you try copying this assembly locally? Currently it seems to be loaded from a network share. You will need to trust that network location if you want to work this way.
Drive:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol.exe -m -ag 1 -url "file:////\computername\sharename*" FullTrust -exclusive on
Check this KB for details...
I just ran into this very same problem - trying to compile a Silverlight application inside Parallels Desktop 8 virtual machine on a Mac - where the SL output directory was located on the emulated drive (appears in Windows as a network drive).
Very simple fix. You can open up devenv.exe.config located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE and add this line inside the <Runtime> node:
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
<?xml version ="1.0"?>
<section name="msbuildToolsets" type="Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.ToolsetConfigurationSection, Microsoft.Build.Engine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
To edit the devenv.exe.config file you will also need to open NotePad as administrator. After doing the above I can compile my SL application inside Parallels Virtual Machine, but the above also applies to Silverlight applications hosted on a network drive.
I ran into this. These were the steps I took:
Downloaded a file, WP7PiChartsFromDBSOUP.dll, to my downloads folder (everything locally).
Copied this file to c:/Program Files/ referenced it and attempted to build.
Got this error message.
Removed the reference, and followed the steps to unblock.
Referenced and attempted to build: still same error.
Went back to c:/Program files and noted that the file was still blocked. Somehow my attempt to block didn't take. So I tried to unblock, closed the properties dialog, then reopened. Somehow my attempt to unblock didn't appear to be working.
Went to the downloads folder and unblocked the file that was downloaded to this location, tried to unblock, and it seemed to work. So I felt like I was out of the woods. I copied this file over the file in c:/Program Files and reference it in VS2010, closing and reopening VS2010.
Same error message. I rebooted the machine and tried again. Same error message. And I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I renamed the dll from that long name to PieChart.dll.
And it finally worked.
So, either there was a problem with the name, or maybe changing the name somehow caused the change in blocked status to kick in.
I had the same problem trying to build an application on parallels.
I just copied the whole project in a folder under c:/ and works
it seems that parallels shares certain folders (i.e. desktop, documents) between the OS running on the vm and your mac user home folder. because of that windows treats these folders as network shared folder and forbids you to access them.
It's on the General tab in file properties from explorer. Either via the DLL in question, or you can do it on the zip file before you extract if it was a download, there will be an unblock button at the bottom right.
Make sure it's from a trusted source.
I've tried many solutions also with coping file to external usb drive with FAT32 file format, and some other ideas. But finally I've found post by caliban here: Topic about this problem. He links to a program called Streams which helped solving this problem :)
Run this line in the command line
streams -s -d directory
download Streams exe
Add to the project a text file named ServiceReferences.ClientConfig having the following contents:
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
Re-build the project.
If you still didn't get your answer, I just found the solution. You are saving the application into the network hardrive. So while creating the application, change the location to something like your local disk e.g.,
Then you will be able to run it.
I had the same problem over VMWare using a mac to load windows 7, if you see the path it starts like a network path, that's why VS gives out about the security.
Take the entire folder project and put it in a physical path starting with C://program files... , then open and compile, it will work.
Right click on the dll and select properties. You should see a button to unblock the assembly.
