My host is a Windows 10 Pro. I installed vagrant on it some time ago. Now I use VPN and proxy and I wanted to install vagrant-proxyconf plugin. It is a result:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf
Installing the 'vagrant-proxyconf' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Vagrant failed to load a configured plugin source. This can be caused
by a variety of issues including: transient connectivity issues, proxy
filtering rejecting access to a configured plugin source, or a configured
plugin source not responding correctly. Please review the error message
below to help resolve the issue:
timed out (
Plugin is installed properly when I disable VPN and proxy. It seems that vagrant does not use system proxy and I have to set proxy somewhere in vagrant configuration but I do not how to do it. I googled this issue but I have found issues with proxy on guest machine.
My question concerns only host and plugin installation. I also have problem with guest but it is separate issue.
I set http_proxy environment variable and plugin is installed properly.
set http_proxy=http://yourproxyserver:port
I found solution here
I am trying to setup Hyperledger fabric on my Windows 7 machine. I installed all the prerequisite for environment setup like: Go, Oracle VM, Vagrant.
I cloned the fabric folder from hyperledger site. While trying to run vagrant up, it throws me error like:
connection aborted ,Retrying ....
It took SSH user name as: ubuntu and SSH password: password
I followed the steps from link1 and link2 for my setup.
Can any one suggest me how to solve this problem?
It would be great help for me if anyone share some solutions.
Please find the error screenshot for your reference.
Have you tried the docker setup? Seems to be the recommenced development environment.
To answer your question, Vagrant wants to use SSH keys for password-less access by default. Your Vagrantfile should point to SSH keys to use. Since you're on Windows you may need to generate these keys.
Background : Chef Server Version 12 and a Windows workstation SDK 0.10 targeting windows nodes
I've created recipes and bootstrapped local windows servers into the Chef manager and applied recipes so the very basics are all working.
Question : when running the bootstrap commands for a hosted server (e.g azure / aws) I need the command to come from the Chef Server not the workstation.
I had hoped that the knife.rb with the Chef_server_url would force all commands to come from there.
WireShark shows the WinRM connections trying to come from my workstation.
Is there any setting I can implement that forces this in the knife.rb or elsewhere?
I had tried to add the following from searches but they've not been successful :
chef_zero.enabled false
local_mode false
Is this resolved through Chef Provisioning rather than Chef knife commands?
many thanks in advance for any assistance you can give.
"when running the bootstrap commands for a hosted server (e.g azure / aws) I need the command to come from the Chef Server not the workstation." is not correct. Knife commands that manipulate servers go directly from your workstation, and this is how it is supposed to work. The way the bootstrap functions is it starts the cloud machine using the relevant provider API, then connects to the new VM via SSH or WinRM and installs Chef, and then launches chef-client using a configuration file based on your knife settings (this is where chef_server_url comes in).
I'm using Vagrant to run an Ubuntu VM with Microsoft Azure provider, but I need to create an endpoint on this VM.
I've done it installing azure command-line tools with
npm install azure-cli -g
and after that
azure vm endpoint create {VM-Name} 80 8080
VM is running fine without problems. But I don't want to configure the endpoint manually anymore. I would like to create it when I run vagrant up. I don't want to use vagrant provision, because this shell instruction should not be executed in my VM, but in my physical machine.
There is no options such as verbose in vagrant, which would have permitted me to see what it really does with the Vagrantfile, and what I should do to implement a shell command like this one in it.
Ansver to initial question, do the following:
in vagrantfile add following string in azure provider section:
azure.tcp_endpoints = '80:8080'
hope this help.
answer to your question about verbose output:
you may run vagrant up --provider=azure --debug
for additional debug information.
if you need to run local scripts you may try to use vagrant-triggers plugin
I am trying to use Vagrant to boot Windows servers on AWS and after the machine starts Vagrant will always try to ssh into the machines. Is there any way to turn this off? There doesn't seem to be any documentation on skipping ssh during the configuration
As far as I know, no there isn't. There are several bugs in the vagrant-aws github repository that cover this, some of which talk about workarounds:
I try to build a Jenkins plugin with IntelliJ Idea and i get the following errors and I can't compile it.
It complains that it can't reconnect to plugins.
Any idea what's going on?
Here is the message:
As you have already used the IPv4 option, try the other solutions from this article Network Connectivity Issues When Running Under Java 1.7 (copied here for future reference):
Add into the list of the IDE JVM options. If you are using IPv6 only network, specify option.
On Windows run netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable to resolve FTP connection issues.
Agnitum Outpost Security Suite and some other firewalls may block even localhost connections, disabling firewall may not help, only uninstalling the firewall will resolve the problem.
If nothing above helps, try running the IDE under JDK 1.6 instead.