Starting generated binary at Windows - go

I created a binary at some Windows 10 machine, and trying to start it in other machines, but keep getting the shown screen every time I launch the app, if I clicked "No" the app will start, but this is annoying and keep the end user confused, any thought how to avoid this?

I found the solution, it is Windows protection issue rather than Binary issue, where windows trying to protect from unknown binaries, the solution is very simple:
Rihgt click the app
Slect Properties
Check the Unlock
Click Apply
Click OK


A program keeps restarting when I close it (Windows 8.1)

Relatively new to intermediate level Windows user here. I recently installed a game which kept restarting (automatically) every few seconds even after I closed it every few seconds. Windows (I use Windows 8.1) kept trying to open the .exe even after I uninstalled. I tried deleting a couple of registry entries of it (I guess I deleted a dll registry related to it)
After deleting a couple of registry entries
but it still keeps trying to open it. What can I do about it?
These guys keep coming up as I close them
Currently doing a CS course. This is my first question on stack overflow!
EDIT: This window keeps popping up every few seconds. (I have uninstalled it)This one. The game is Battlezone(1998) from Microsoft which itself is legit. I found it on a really old CD which I found in my house recently and I just installed it. It is clear on Avast Antivirus. Nothing suspicious there in Task Manager or in Startup
Try using the Taskmanager to stop any process that is related to that programm.
If you have uninstalled it and the programm still starts it probably is still installed -> the .exe file hides somewhere.
Try find and delete it manually.
You can check if you have a system tray icon as well, some programms don't close if you close them but minimize into a system tray icon. These can often be closed using right click -> close.
Does the programm start automatically after pc start? -> check your autostart folder and the autostart tab of your taskmanager and remove it.
Anymore stuff you can provide us with? -> which game, screenshots, you sure it's not maleware?

Common dialogue control seems to keep my programs running after I close them

I currently run a 64bit Windows 10 development box. I have old VB6 source that I have to unfortunately keep updated for the time being. For some reason all the sudden I noticed that one of the applications I have just built seemed to stay running in the background after the GUI was closed.
I started debugging the issue more and more until I found out that the only time it would seem to persistently stay open in the background after the GUI was closed was if I clicked the button on my form that would call the Common Dialog control to show the file open GUI. I only have to show the file open window and then hit cancel for this to happen.
This ONLY seems to happen on ONE of my dev machines (not the other). Every time I use that CD file open box I have to open task manager up and end the task. I also tried to make sure all forms were closed when my main form starts to Unload. Nothing seems to work or shed any clue on what the issue is. I have also double checked that the following files are now all the same coping them from the known working dev machine to my broken one and re-registering them.
Both machines are running the same exact OS Win10 Pro 64bit.
That does sound strange, getting different results on the two machines. Pragmatically, you can work around the problem (without actually understanding it) by making sure that you execute an End statement. (You can put it in the QueryUnload event to make sure it's hit if the user clicks the "X".)

Windows PowerShell.lnk not found

I have a Surfacebook (first generation) running Windows 10 Enterprise and joined to my company's active directory domain. I'm not sure what happened (as best I can tell now updates were installed nor were any GPO applied), but I woke up to a machine that seems to have several core setting reset. All of my apps that were pinned to my Taskbar and Start Menu were gone, and my app auth tokens were reset, and the two powershell related shortcuts off the context menu of the Start button were no longer mapped to .lnk' files. I'm trying to get these powershell menu items working again and I'm having no luck.
Doing this:
Fails with:
This file was indeed gone. I don't know what removed this, but I recreated it:
But still it fails. I've checked the permissions, I own the directory and .lnk. I've rebooted and still it didn't work. Anyone know how to get this back to functional? And I would love to have a clue as to what might have caused all this to go haywire.

WP7 app won't launch from app list

I have a simple Windows Phone 7 application which is working perfectly when started from Visual Studio. However, if I deactivate the app (press Windows button or back button from the application's MainPage) and then click the app's icon to relaunch, the screen will flash and return to the list/home screen. I assumed this was an issue with the emulator but when I got a developer device I have the same issue.
Note that reactivating without a complete tombstone works (pressing Windows button from the app and then back).
I have no idea what causes this or how to proceed with debugging. Hopefully someone else has experienced this and knows a fix.
Turns out there is a bug, i found the solution here
In short, it turns out that the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaLibrary class (which I am using to display pictures on applications main page) is not properly initialized when the user has not opened a media hub prior to you calling it. So picture collection properties are null or empty. The solution is to add a call to MediaPlayer.Queue.ToString(), it will force the initialization of the native media library allowing you to invoke the MediaLibrary later on.
Sounds like an unhandled error on startup is causing the app to crash.
Trap/log/handle/display any unhandled exceptions. Also check what you're doing on startup.
IF you are saving something (to Isolated Storage) after first run and then opening it on subsequent launches then that's where I'd look first.
If it works when launched from Visual Studio then this will probably be due to the way you are rebuilding/redeploying the app before launching it in that case.

Drag and drop on Win7 machine to my app

I have a user that is currently running my Winforms app on Win7. My app allows users to select rows from an open Excel spreadsheet and drag-n-drop them onto the app. However, this user cannot do the drag-n-drop. The cursor changes to the "no" cursor (little circle with line through it) and the operation won't complete.
I was researching drag-n-drop and Win7 and everything I found points to UAC and/or UIPI. I was looking for some solutions and am not sure if any of the below would work:
If the user logs in as admin (and as a result runs my app as admin) would that allow drag-n-drop to work?
Does the user need to turn off or change the settings of UAC/UIPI in order to be able to drag-n-drop?
I am not sure what the issue is. My app usually runs from C:/Documents and Settings/... (C:/Users/... on Win7). Does where it is running from matter? Does drag-n-drop not work because the user is not running my app with enough permissions? Are his Excel and my app on different permission levels? If so, what can be done about that? Note that even though my app allows users to just drag the file directly, that doesn't work either.
Also, is there any way I can have the user reproduce this issue with other apps? Are there apps that come with Win7 that he can see the same problem with. For example, can this be reproduced using Notepad?
Explaining this problem away by UIPI is a very long stretch. It doesn't have anything to do with whether or not the user is logged-in as an admin, that doesn't affect UAC and your program will be running with that same account anyway. The only way UIPI could kick in to stop a D+D is when your program is elevated and Excel is not.
To get yourself elevated requires work and doesn't happen by accident. You'd have to include a manifest so that the user gets the UAC prompt, you'd know about that. Or the user would have to change the desktop shortcut and tick the "Run this program as an administrator" option, she's know about that. While UIPI can be bypassed for Windows messages (ChangeWindowMessageFilter), it cannot for Drag and Drop so if any elevation is going on then your stuck. The ultimate test is to simply ask the user to put the UAC slider all the way down.
The much more likely scenario is that your DragEnter event handler simply isn't happy with the data it sees and therefore doesn't assign the e.Effect property. If you can't get a debugger on-site then write a little test program that logs the values of e.Data.GetFormats() plus whatever else you use to check if the drop is acceptable. And don't forget the obvious: the user simply fumbling the drag somehow.
