Is it necessary to free a mutex created by xSemaphoreCreateMutex()? - esp32

FreeRTOS and ESP-IDF provide xSemaphoreCreateMutex() which allocates and initializes a mutex. Their docs say:
If a mutex is created using xSemaphoreCreateMutex() then the required
memory is automatically dynamically allocated inside the
xSemaphoreCreateMutex() function. (see
However, I can't find any info on whether it is necessary to free the memory created by the mutex. This would be important if using C++ with a mutex member variable, like:
class MyClass
mAccessMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
// What to do here??
SemaphoreHandle_t mAccessMutex;

According to FreeRTOS API reference, the proper way to destroy/delete a mutex is vSemaphoreDelete()
Deletes a semaphore, including mutex type semaphores and recursive
Do not delete a semaphore that has tasks blocked on it.
If you're using heap_1, deleting is not possible. Also, make sure that you fully understand the perils of dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems before using it. If MyClass is going to be created and destroyed in a regular/periodic basis, this may cause problems.
So yes, it's necessary to call vSemaphoreDelete(mAccessMutex) in ~MyClass(). But it's probably best to make sure that MyClass instances never get destroyed. In my projects, I generally use one-time dynamic allocation during initialization and forget to implement a proper destructor (which is a bad habit that I need to fix).


Why finalizer is never called?

var p = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &serveconn{}
func newServeConn() *serveconn {
sc := p.Get().(*serveconn)
runtime.SetFinalizer(sc, (*serveconn).finalize)
fmt.Println(sc, "SetFinalizer")
return sc
func (sc *serveconn) finalize() {
fmt.Println(sc, "finalize")
*sc = serveconn{}
runtime.SetFinalizer(sc, nil)
The above code tries to reuse object by SetFinalizer, but after debug I found finalizer is never called, why?
This may be related:
The above code tries to reuse object by SetFinalizer, but after debug I found finalizer is never called, why?
The finalizer is only called on an object when the GC
marks it as unused and then tries to sweep (free) at the end
of the GC cycle.
As a corollary, if a GC cycle is never performed during the runtime of your program, the finalizers you set may never be called.
Just in case you might hold a wrong assumption about the Go's GC, it may worth noting that Go does not employ reference counting on values; instead, it uses GC which works in parallel with the program, and the sessions during which it works happen periodically and are triggered by certain parameters like pressure on the heap produced by allocations.
A couple assorted notes regarding finalizers:
When the program terminates, no GC is forcibly run.
A corollary of this is that a finalizer is not guaranteed
to run at all.
If the GC finds a finalizer on an object about to be freed,
it calls the finalizer but does not free the object.
The object itself will be freed only at the next GC cycle —
wasting the memory.
All in all, you appear as trying to implement destructors.
Please don't: make your objects implement the sort-of standard method called Close and state in the contract of your type that the programmer is required to call it when they're done with the object.
When a programmer wants to call such a method no matter what, they use defer.
Note that this approach works perfectly for all types in the Go
stdlib which wrap resources provided by the OS—file and socket descriptors. So there is no need to pretend your types are somehow different.
Another useful thing to keep in mind is that Go was explicitly engineered to be no-nonsense, no-frills, no-magic, in-your-face language, and you're just trying to add magic to it.
Please don't, those who like decyphering layers of magic do program in Scala different languages.

Can I explicitly invoke property destructors so that I can see which one causes problems?

I guess this is a really nasty issue - seems like one of the property destructors of my class creates deadlock. Property destructors are called automatically after class destructor. And I'd like to call them manually and make a log entry after every single one succeeds.
The problem only occurs on devices, where debugger can't be used, so I am using log instead.
Client::~Client() {
// Stops io service and disconnects sockets
LOG("io_service stopped"<<endl);
// Destroy IO service
LOG("io_service destroyed"<<endl);
But the code above actually causes exception, because the ~io_service() gets called twice.
So is there a way to do this properly? If not, what's an alternative to debugging destructors?
You can't alter the compiler behaviour like that. the compiler will augment the destructor to destruct nested objects.
What you can do is to declare io as a pointer and allocate it dynamically with new. then call delete io and monitor what happens there.
Other solution is just to put a breakpoint on the io destructor and follow what happens there upon destruction. this is probably the best idea.

C++11 guarantee no concurrent calls

Are std::mutex and std::unique_ptr sufficient to guarantee that there will be no concurrent calls to an object? In the following code snippet will Object not have any concurrent calls?
class Example {
std::mutex Mutex;
static std::unique_ptr<Object> Mutex;
No, you would have to lock and unlock the mutex, when you need it. Just the existance of a mutex in no guarantee. Also a unique_ptr cannot change this!
mutex example is in the reference:
Const however does now guarantee that nothing can change your object at the same time than you are using the const.
This obviously suppose you use a well coded object (like STL containers) and that no one tried to work around the compiler checks.
See :
unique_ptr is mainly related with resources management and RAII idiom. You don't need to use unique_ptr to achieve thread safety even in some scenarios it may prove useful. However, the example that you provided is a bit unusual, you used the identifier Mutex twice to indicate a std::mutex and a std::unique_ptr.
I suggest to get some good books on C++ before to dwelve in more complex topics like concurrency and resources management.
This nice article of Diego Dagum explains what is new regarding concurency in C++11
And an article about unique_ptr:

Can you "pin" an object in memory with Go?

I have a Go object whose address in memory I would like to keep constant. in C# one can pin an object's location in memory. Is there a way to do this in Go?
An object on which you keep a reference won't move. There is no handle or indirection, and the address you get is permanent.
From the documentation :
Note that, unlike in C, it's perfectly OK to return the address of a
local variable; the storage associated with the variable survives
after the function returns
When you set a variable, you can read this address using the & operator, and you can pass it.
tl;dr no - but it does not matter unless you're trying to do something unusual.
Worth noting that the accepted answer is partially incorrect.
There is no guarantee that objects are not moved - either on the stack or on the Go heap - but as long as you don't use unsafe this will not matter to you because the Go runtime will take care of transparently updating your pointers in case an object is moved.
If OTOH you use unsafe to obtain a uintptr, invoke raw syscalls, perform CGO calls, or otherwise expose the address (e.g. oldAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%p", &foo)), etc. you should be aware that addresses can change, and that nor compiler nor runtime will magically patch things for you.
While currently the standard Go compiler only moves objects on the stack (e.g. when a goroutine stack needs to be resized), there is nothing in the Go language specification that prevents a different implementation from moving objects on the Go heap.
While there is (yet) no explicit support for pinning objects in the stack or in the Go heap, there is a recommended workaround: allocate manually the memory outside of the Go heap (e.g. via mmap) and using finalizers to automatically free that allocation once all references to it are dropped. The benefit of this approach is that memory allocated manually outside of the Go heap will never be moved by the Go runtime, so its address will never change, but it will still be deallocated automatically when it's not needed anymore, so it can't leak.

When using CoTaskMemAlloc, should I always call CoTaskMemFree?

I'm writing some COM and ATL code, and for some reason all the code uses CoTaskMemAlloc to allocate memory instead of new or malloc. So I followed along this coding style and I also use CoTaskMemAlloc.
My teachers taught me to always delete or free when allocating memory. However I'm not sure if I should always be calling CoTaskMemFree if I use CoTaskMemAlloc?
Using the CRT's provided new/malloc and delete/free is a problem in COM interop. To make them work, it is very important that the same copy of the CRT both allocates and releases the memory. That's impossible to enforce in a COM interop scenario, your COM server and the client are practically guaranteed to use different versions of the CRT. Each using their own heap to allocate from. This causes undiagnosable memory leaks on Windows XP, a hard exception on Vista and up.
Which is why the COM heap exists, a single predefined heap in a process that's used both by the server and the client. IMalloc is the generic interface to access that shared heap, CoTaskMemAlloc() and CoTaskMemFree() are the system provided helper functions to use that interface.
That said, this is only necessary in a case where the server allocates memory and the client has to release it. Or the other way around. Which should always be rare in an interop scenario, the odds for accidents are just too large. In COM Automation there are just two such cases, a BSTR and a SAFEARRAY, types that are already wrapped. You avoid it in other cases by having the method caller provide the memory and the callee fill it in. Which also allows a strong optimization, the memory could come from the caller's stack.
Review the code and check who allocates the memory and who needs to release it. If both exist in the same module then using new/malloc is fine because there's now a hard guarantee that the same CRT instance takes care of it. If that's not the case then consider fixing it so the caller provides the memory and releases it.
The allocation and freeing of memory must always come from the same source. If you use CoTaskMemAlloc then you must use CoTaskMemFree to free the memory.
Note in C++ though the act of managing memory and object construction / destruction (new / delete) are independent actions. It's possible to customize specific objects to use a different memory allocator and still allow for the standard new / delete syntax which is preferred. For example
class MyClass {
void* operator new(size_t size) {
return ::CoTaskMemAlloc(size);
void* operator new[](size_t size) {
return ::CoTaskMemAlloc(size);
void operator delete(void* pMemory) {
void operator delete[](void* pMemory) {
Now I can use this type just like any other C++ type and yet the memory will come from the COM heap
// Normal object construction but memory comes from CoTaskMemAlloc
MyClass *pClass = new MyClass();
// Normal object destruction and memory freed from CoTaskMemFree
delete pClass;
The answer to the question is: Yes, you should use CoTaskMemFree to free memory allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc.
The other answers do a good job explaining why CoTaskMemAlloc and CoTaskMemFree are necessary for memory passed between COM servers and COM clients, but they didn't directly answer your question.
Your teacher was right: You should always use the corresponding release function for any resource. If you use new, use delete. If you use malloc, use free. If you use CreateFile, use CloseHandle. Etc.
Better yet, in C++, use RAII objects that allocate the resource in the constructor and release the resource in the destructor, and then use those RAII wrappers instead of the bare functions. This makes it easier and cleaner to write code that doesn't leak, even if you get something like an exception.
The standard template library provides containers that implement RAII, which is why you should learn to use a std::vector or std::string rather than allocating bare memory and trying to manage it yourself. There are also smart pointers like std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr that can be used to make sure the right release call is always made at the right time.
ATL provides some classes like ATL::CComPtr which are wrapper objects that handle the reference counting of COM objects for you. They are not foolproof to use correctly, and, in fact, have a few more gotchas than most of the modern STL classes, so read the documentation carefully. When used correctly, it's relatively easy to make sure the AddRef and Release calls all match up.
