How manage payment in Google Action using Transactions API - google-api

I have developed a Google Actions Application to buy physical goods. I followed this guide:
I get the correct request / response flow:
"paymentInfo": {
"displayName": "Mastercard *ommited for security*",
"googleProvidedPaymentInstrument": {
"instrumentToken": "*ommited for security*"
"paymentType": "PAYMENT_CARD"
and finally Google returns me an instrumentToken in base64, which I think I can decode and use the ID inside it to call the Stripe API: I tested it and it works, but seems extrange to me... Do I have to do this for every order that is successful?
My question is: Do I have to call the Stripe API myself? Is there no way Google will do it for me? In case I have to send it, should I do it when I receive the request with this field "userDecision": "ORDER_ACCEPTED" and then update the order if the payment is successful?
I have read all the official Google documentation for Actions and I cannot understand the entire flow of interaction.

As #taintedzodiac mentioned in the comment, if you use Stripe as your payment processor then you will have to use Stripe explicitly each time. This is not something that the platform will do automatically.


PayPal REST API not returning recurring payment information in laraval

I am working on Paypal webhook (subscription) section to insert recurring payment information into the database. I have done coding based on the link "" but Paypal webhook always return “payment_status: Pending” on sandbox image and its not inserting recurring payment information into the database (insert option added in PayPalController - function webhooksPaymentSaleCompleted ).
I think the problems related with routes/api.php file but I can't figure out what exactly is going wrong.
Another URL that I have referred and tried was ""
Laravel version 5.8
paypal/rest-api-sdk-php: "^1.14"
Please suggest a feasible solution to this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Verify that the sandbox account's email is confirmed, by logging into the sandbox business account receiving the payment and navigating to:
Resend the confirmation message. Open the message via , and confirm the sandbox email.
The v1 PayPal-PHP-SDK is deprecated and there is no reason to be using it for a new integration. Use the v2 Checkout-PHP-SDK for payments.
You'll need two routes on your server, one for 'Set Up Transaction' and one for 'Capture Transaction', documented here;
The best approval flow to pair it with is

Hot to enable Cloud Elements Microsoft Graph Calendar webhooks for all calendars?

By default, when I integrate my Microsoft account with cloud elements:
I only get notifications for my default calendar. But, in fact, I have like 5+ calendars. I want to get notifications about changes in all of them.
For now, I can only think of making a new end-point that accepts calendar ID and then I invoke this endpoint with the result of invocation:
GET /calendars
But, this looks like a hack. Is there a better solution to listen to all the calendars that I have using Cloud Elements?
According to your description, I assume you want to get the notifications for your calendar when the calendar changed.
We can use the subscription endpoint to get the notifications. For more detail about this endpoint, we can refer to this document
In the Cloud Elements UI, if you select the instance and click the api docs you will see four sections "information", "setup", "resources", and "models". Select resources and you will see one that has POST /webhooks
This is the call the Cloud Elements sends on webhook provision. If you want to change the body of the webhook go to the PreRequest Hook where you will see javascript that is creating a post body that will be sent to Microsoft.
By default the body you see in the javascript looks like:
var body={
"changeType": "created,updated,deleted",
"notificationUrl": "{webhookCallbackUrl}",
"resource": "/me/events",
"expirationDateTime": newDate
If you want to change what resources you get notification for you can do so in this body and using the documentation that was provided in the previous answer

Using to receive Trello webhooks

1. Goal
I want to use to receive Trello webhook.
1a. Why?: Because I want to monitor my trello model and receive say a push notification on my android device and do neat things from the push notficiation (I'm an Android Dev)
2. What I've tried
2a. Setup on
I've created an app on
Obtained the keys (REST keys for the REST api)
Checked the above endpoint with Postman, works perfectly.
2b. Setup on
I've obtained an api appkey and secret; with full write on all boards, never expires
Tested the above with Postman, works perfectly fine.
PROBLEM: Posted to the following using Postman (of course with proper details for key, token, model, etc.
$.post("[USER_TOKEN]/webhooks/?key=[APPLICATION_KEY]", {
description: "My first webhook",
callbackURL: "",
idModel: "4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c",
Response Try=
URL ( did not return 200 status code, got 401
3. What is the problem? expects auth keys, etc as header. AFAIK Trello can NOT DO that.
How do I get a trello webhook to call a cloud function ?
Use a proxy (a simple web app will do)
This is how I did it:
Receive the webhook on a simple web app and make the necessary post call to
I used heroku for hosting
I used MeteorJS for the web app
Note: An issue you could encounter: sends calls to webhooks in proper order i.e. a card was created, the same card was updated, etc.
When you receive the webhook and make (proper) post calls, they will be received out of order at i.e. a card was updated and then it was created. This is just due to the way internet works, if you need an explanation, it's another SO question. ;)
This took me a while to figure out; mentioning so that you don't also spend your time with this.
A Fix: I don't know a simple/efficient way to fix this. Please let me know if you do. One possible solution is to queue all POST calls i.e. make POST call 1 and when a successful callback is gotten do the next one. seems to do this in a more quicker fashion, it doesn't seem like they wait for a callback given how quick successive calls are received.

Can't cancel a stripe subscription through Parse API when user has more than one subscription

I am building site that allows users to signup for multiple subscriptions. The / Stripe API we use allows me to create multiple subscriptions for each user. However, if a user has more than one subscription, and I attempt to cancel any of them, I get an error that the user has more than one subscription and that I must identify which subscription I am referring to. The problem is, that I do attempt to pass the subscription ID to into the API (see below) but it just seems to get ignored. Stripe clearly supports this second parameter in their API, but the Parse documentation does not show a second "subscriptionId" parameter.
The following Parse Cloud Code (which works perfectly as long as the user has only one subscription)
Parse.Cloud.define("cancelStripeSubscription", function(request, response) {
Stripe.Customers.cancelSubscription(request.params.customerId, request.params.subscriptionId, true, {
success: function(httpResponse) {
response.success("Cancellation Complete");
error: function(httpResponse) {
response.error("Error: " + httpResponse.message);
Here is the relevant Parse/Stripe Cloud Code API -
Here is the equivalent Stripe API clearly showing a second "subscriptionId" parameter.
I'm hoping that the Parse/Stripe module does support multiple subscriptions.
Thanks for any help!
Unfortunately, Parse's Stripe API library is pretty old and was built against an old version of the API when only 1 subscription was possible. You'd either just have to do 1 subscription per customer or generate the web request to Stripe's API yourself not using the library.

Trigger script on Google calendar event

I want to trigger some script when new calendar event is created in Google Calendar (say calling some rest API that enters event information to my database). I do not want any kind of UI that triggers the script. Is it possible to achieve this using Google gadget since I do not want any UI? I would really appreciate the help as I am new to Google API.
Thanks a lot
Calendar API has something like notifications. See this link: Push Notifications. From documentation:
The Google Calendar API provides push notifications that let you watch
for changes to resources. You can use this feature to improve the
performance of your application. It allows you to eliminate the extra
network and compute costs involved with polling resources to determine
if they have changed. Whenever a watched resource changes, the Google
Calendar API notifies your application.
Google Calendar API (relevant docs) provides a watch endpoint that allows you to specify a webhook upon certain events.
To set up the webhook, you can call the Calendar API endpoint a POST request to with the body
"id": string
"type": string,
"address": string
The "address" field tells Calendar what endpoint to call when there is a new Calendar event. You'll need to create and host this endpoint yourself.
Another option is to use a service like Zapier, which has fantastic integrations for Google Calendar and makes setting up a listener (i.e. a trigger) and corresponding action very simple.
