GraphQL query that excludes results where an array relationship is empty - graphql

I have this query (in Hasura in case that matters):
query MyQuery {
records(distinct_on:[recordId], where: { modelId: {_eq: "2f1f70b8-cb7b-487c-9e4c-ca03624ce926"}}) {
inboundEdges(where: {fromModelId: {_eq: "f0e19461-6d38-4148-8041-54eba6451293"}}) {
fromRecord {
property_path_values(where:{stringValue:{_eq:"2021-08-26"}}) {
I get this result back:
"data": {
"records": [
"recordId": "2fbe37b1-78db-4b22-b713-2388cfb52597",
"inboundEdges": [
"fromRecord": {
"property_path_values": [
"stringValue": "2021-08-26"
"fromRecord": {
"property_path_values": [
"stringValue": "2021-08-26"
"stringValue": "2021-08-26"
"recordId": "7b34e85d-f4e1-4099-89d9-02483128a6cd",
"inboundEdges": [
"fromRecord": {
"property_path_values": [
"stringValue": "2021-08-26"
"recordId": "840f52e2-0f2e-4591-810d-19f9e8840a49",
"inboundEdges": []
I do not want the third result in the response, because it's inboundEdges array is empty.
What I am trying to say is: find me all records that have at least one inboundEdge with a fromRecord that has at least one property_path_value with a stringValue equal to 2021-08-26. I do not want to have to parse the response needing to exclude results with inboundEdges === []

Seems I was confusing the selection set with the place to state the query. The right way to do what I wanted is:
query MyQuery {
records(where: {inboundEdges: {fromModelId: {_eq: "f0e19461-6d38-4148-8041-54eba6451293"}, fromRecord: {propertyPathValues: {stringValue: {_eq: "2021-08-26"}}}}, modelId: {_eq: "2f1f70b8-cb7b-487c-9e4c-ca03624ce926"}}) {
i.e. put the query in the where clause, like a normal person, not the selection set


filtering out zero total from nested result in graphql query

I have the following query that can be run against the github graphql API
query userRepositories($cursor: String, $q: String!, $githubId: String!) {
search(query: $q, type: REPOSITORY, first: 100, after: $cursor) {
pageInfo {
nodes {
... on Repository {
defaultBranchRef {
target {
... on Commit {
history(first: 10, author: {id: $githubId}) {
It returns results like this:
"data": {
"search": {
"repositoryCount": 103,
"pageInfo": {
"endCursor": "Y3Vyc29yOjEwMA==",
"startCursor": "Y3Vyc29yOjE="
"nodes": [
"id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk2MTg1OTczOA==",
"name": "microstates",
"nameWithOwner": "thefrontside/microstates",
"url": "",
"defaultBranchRef": {
"target": {
"history": {
"totalCount": 0
"id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxNTU5MTUyODc=",
"name": "effection",
"nameWithOwner": "thefrontside/effection",
"url": "",
"defaultBranchRef": {
"target": {
"history": {
"totalCount": 16
I am only interested in the nodes array that has a that is greater than 0.
So I am not interested in element 0 of the nodes array but I am of element 1.
Can I filter this in graphql or do I have to do that in code outside of the query?
GraphQL can't filter an array so if the API support filter base on totalCount you can pass this filter otherwise you have to filter in your code. In JS it's very easy:
const filtered = {,
search: {,
nodes: => > 0),

Why is my graphql query return all product?

I'm testing graphql query on Shopify GraphiQL Explorer for filtering products on Storefront API.
My query is like this:
query ProductType {
collectionByHandle(handle: "pants") {
products(first: 10, filters: {
productType: "pants"
}) {
edges {
node {
And got the result like this:
"data": {
"collectionByHandle": {
"handle": "pants",
"products": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"handle": "my-test-product-pants",
"productType": "pants"
"node": {
"handle": "pleated-straight-pants-mens-fashion-elastic-waist-casual-pants-men-streetwear-loose-ice-silk-trousers-mens-wide-leg-pants-s-2xl",
"productType": ""
Basically, the result has all the products that I have for that collection. Can anybody help me with this? This is literally the code I got from shopify website
As we can see in the tutorial filters is an array
"product_filters": [
"productType": "shoes"
"productVendor": "bestshop"
"variantOption": {
"name": "color",
"value": "blue"
So, try this instead
query ProductType {
collectionByHandle(handle: "pants") {
products(first:10, filters: [{ productType: "pants" ]}) {

shorten the graphql field value

I am trying to fetch image path in an alias field using graphql, I am able to get output like this:
"data": {
"leaders": [
"partyImg": {
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/17a5f020cc974679ac52e56a22b74dd6.png"
"partyImg": {
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/70bd673d41654058847e39c14cda5fef.png"
"partyImg": {
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/c54a0ace0bb34da3985c67945b1d0bf0.png"
When I used the following graphql code:
query Leaders{
partyImg: party{image: Image{ url }},
The output I am trying to get is:
Expected output:
"data": {
"leaders": [
"partyImg": "/uploads/17a5f020cc974679ac52e56a22b74dd6.png"
"partyImg": "/uploads/70bd673d41654058847e39c14cda5fef.png"
"partyImg": "/uploads/c54a0ace0bb34da3985c67945b1d0bf0.png"
Please help me to prepare the graphql input which could generate the expected output.
It appears the graphql schema prevents you from getting the data in the format that you want. Based on your input query, I expect the schema looks something like this:
query {
leaders: [Leader]
type Leader {
party: Party
type Party {
Image: Image
type Image {
url: String
To get the data in the format that you want, you would need a schema that looks more like:
query {
leaders: [Leader]
type Leader {
party: Party,
imageUrl: String
Then you could do:
query Leaders {
leaders {
partyImg: imageUrl
I assume you don't control the schema, so you would have to do post processing. If you are using javascript, the following could work for the above output as a simple mapping exercise.
(function() {
var output = {
"data": {
"leaders": [{
"partyImg": {
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/17a5f020cc974679ac52e56a22b74dd6.png"
"partyImg": {
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/70bd673d41654058847e39c14cda5fef.png"
"partyImg": {
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/c54a0ace0bb34da3985c67945b1d0bf0.png"
var transformed = {
data: {
leaders: flattenUrl(item) {
return {
partyImg: item.partyImg.image.url
document.getElementById('transformedOutput').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(transformed);
<div id="transformedOutput"></div>
If you are the author of this graphql schema, you can structure it in whatever way makes the most sense to your applications and/or consumers.

How to get only the filtered data from Prisma / GraphQL query

I have 2 sets of data (users and events) in many-to-many relation.
I am using the following query to retrieve and filter the data.
where: {
AND: [
{ location: { name: "Test" } }
time: {
startDate_lt: "2018-12-03T13:46:13.021Z"
endDate_gt: "2018-12-03T13:46:13.021Z"
participantList_some: {
participant: { firstName: "Lorem", lastName: "Ipsum" }
) {
participantList {
participant {
location {
So far so good, I'm getting the following outcome:
"data": {
"events": [
"participantList": [
"participant": {
"firstName": "Chuck",
"lastName": "Norris"
"participant": {
"firstName": "Lorem",
"lastName": "Ipsum"
"location": {
"name": "Test"
What I'd like to have would be to get only the participant that I've filtered, ie. "Lorem Ipsum". This way I'm getting all the (2) participants from that event.
So my desired outcome would be:
"data": {
"events": [
"participantList": [
"participant": {
"firstName": "Lorem",
"lastName": "Ipsum"
"location": {
"name": "Test"
At the moment I'm filtering out the unwanted data from code. I've searched how or if I can do this with a query or additional parameters but didn't find something useful. Any help or guide is appreciated.
You can add a filter to any field of the request. Which means you can filter the participants in your found events:
where: {
AND: [
{ location: { name: "Test" } }
time: {
startDate_lt: "2018-12-03T13:46:13.021Z"
endDate_gt: "2018-12-03T13:46:13.021Z"
participantList_some: {
participant: { firstName: "Lorem", lastName: "Ipsum" }
) {
participantList (where: { participant: { firstName: "Lorem", lastName: "Ipsum" } }) {
participant {
location {

prismic graphql querying single user

I'm trying to figure out how to query a single user from graphql schema by id. I'm using the graphiql tool and I'm able to get all Users.
allPrismicUsers {
edges {
node {
data {
Outputs :
"data": {
"allPrismicUsers”: {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "Prismic__User__WzKFwywAABmiZk_4",
"data": {
"name": “John Doe”
"node": {
"id": "Prismic__User__WzKDZywAABmiZkYp",
"data": {
"name": “Jane Doe“
"node": {
"id": "Prismic__User__WzKGDiwAAJSiZlFL",
"data": {
"name": “Cat Doe”
I also have prismicUser() on the schema
query {
prismicUser {
data {
"data": {
"prismicUser": {
"id": "Prismic__User__WzKGDiwAAJSiZlFL",
"data": {
"name": "Cat Doe"
I'm trying to query a user based on a specific id but not sure if I'm querying the wrong way.
I tried this.
query {
prismicLocation(id: "Prismic__User__WzKDZywAABmiZkYp") {
data {
I get an error
{ "errors": [
"message": "Argument \"id\" has invalid value \"Prismic__User__WzKDZywAABmiZkYp\".\nExpected
\"prismicUserIdQueryString_2\", found not an object.",
"users": [
"line": 25,
"column": 23
} ] }
How can I call a specific user based on their id ?
According to the Gatsby GraphQL reference, Gatsby allows you to filter results by any field in GraphQL (using operators such as eq, ne, etc.)
The gatsby-source-prismic plugin provides a field called prismicId (i.e. W1syKSIAAAzdN1Jg).
Here is an example query:
prismicUser(prismicId:{eq:"WzKDZywAABmiZkYp"}) {
data {
But you can also query by id:
