Suspeciously long pauses between Click and SendKeys actions in WDS in JMeter - time

I have an action which fills in a form with 2 fields and clicks submit button.
Issue: load time for this sampler grew up during several script runs from 2-3 sec initially (which was visually close to manual execution) to 14-16 sec with no visible reason (no changes in application or script).
Investigation: ~4-5sec pauses between click into a field and sendKeys actions for both 2 fields in script when manually fields are clickable with no visible delays after form appears.
WDS code:
Q: Is there any explanation of such strange behavior with ~5sec + ~5sec pauses in each field?
What should I do to fix this issue with too long and unexplainable pauses which provide unrelevant results?
Should I consider to switch to JSR223/groovy or it is not sampler type & code-related problem?

Your question doesn't tell the full story so I don't think it's possible to come up with the comprehensive answer so far only few generic recommendations:
Take a thread dump at the moment when JMeter is "waiting" and doing nothing, it will allow you to detect what's going on there
Monitor JVM parameters using JVisualVM or equivalent, it might be the case the JVM is doing garbage collections to free up heap memory space, in this case you will have to tune JMeter for maximum performance
You're "finding" the element twice, the second line is absolutely unnecessary so instead of
wait.until(pkg.ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(pkg.By.xpath("some xpath")))
var element = WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.xpath("the same xpath"))
you can do it only once like:
var element = wait.until(pkg.ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(pkg.By.xpath("some xpath")))
XPath is the most powerful but the least performing locator strategy, if it's possible - try to stick to element ID attributes, if it is not possible - go for CSS Selectors
Follow JMeter Best Practices like don't run your test in GUI mode, avoid storing response data, etc.


Jmter, duplicate list of sample result

I had recorded the script using blaze meter plugin, and using ultimate thread group, I am not able to figure out:
Why there is delay in sending first request? I have not set any delayed and start-time is also for 1 second
Also in my result tree I am seeing multiple http requests called. What am I doing wrong here?
We are not telepathic enough to guess why do you have the "delay" without seeing your test plan, most probably there is something like "Think-Time" or other Timer there
having non-zero "Thread Delay" value. This is to simulate real user using the real browser. Real users don't hammer the application under test non-stop, they need some time to "think" between operations so most probably this delay is due to the timer action
If you look at Defaults configuration element at the "Advanced" tab there is a setting instructing JMeter to download so-called "Embedded Resources". In the main HTML response there are multiple referenced elements like images, scripts, styles, fonts, sounds, etc. and JMeter parses the main HTML response, extracts these resources from there and downloads them as this is what real browsers do.

Visual Studio Web Test - Recording background requests

I have a web test where my requirements need a handful of different polling requests to be going on in the background. I have created a WebTestPlugin that looks for a certain context parameter to be set, and once it is, it kicks off a thread that just loops (every X seconds) firing off the configured request.
My issue is that this is not done in the context of the test, therefore the results (# of calls, duration, etc) is not part of the final report.
Is there a way to insert this data?
Rather than starting your own thread to run the background requests I suggest using the facilities of the load test. That way the results will be properly recorded. Another reason is that the threading regime of a load test is not specified by Microsoft and adding your own thread may cause issues.
You could have one scenario for the main test. Another scenario has one or more simple tests for the background polling activity. These tests could be set with a "think time between iterations" or with "test mix based on user pace" to achieve the required background rate. To get the background web tests starting at the correct time start the test with a constant load of 0 (zero) users and use a load test plugin that adjusts the number of users whenever needed. The plugin writes the required number into m_loadTest.Scenarios[N].CurrentLoad for a suitable N. This would probably be done in the Heartbeat plugin but potentially could be in any load test plugin. If may be that the TestFinished plugin can better detect when the number of users should increase.

JMeter Add Think Time to children feature

In JMeter when I right click Thread/Controller I have an option: Add Think Time to children feature , when I click on it I get after every Sampler Test Action Pause with Uniform Random Timer with Random Delay 100 and Constant Delay 1000.
I didn't find in documentation any reference to it and why/how it should be used.
Is it configurable and how? is there a special case for it or should it be used for loading best practice ?
Also you can add several times think times I'm not sure is it on purpose (add more delays after request)
Configurable using
# Default implementation that create the Timer structure to add to Test Plan
# Implementation of interface org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.thinktime.ThinkTimeCreator
# Default Timer GUI class added to Test Plan by DefaultThinkTimeCreator
# Default constant pause of Timer
# Default range pause of Timer
When it comes to web applications load testing the idea is to represent a real user sitting in front of computer using a real browser as close as possible.
Well-behaved JMeter test needs to mimic this real user with all its stuff like:
embedded resources
AJAX requests
The purpose of using Timers in JMeter tests is simulating real users "think times". Users don't hammer application non-stop, they need some time to "think" between operations, fill forms, type comments, even clicking on a button or link takes some time. So if you are testing if your web application supports X users each JMeter thread must act like a real user so you need to add reasonable think times using Timers. There is no "best practice" or "known good values", it depends only on your web application specifics. See A Comprehensive Guide to Using JMeter Timers for more details.
This feature is made to simplify addition of Think Times, the way it adds them to plan lead to pause between every sampler while if you just add a Timer it will be scoped and thus be applied before all samplers in scope.
As it's a helper, it adds default Pause of 1 second that are configurable by tuning the properties you have mentioned and which are documented :-) :
You can adjust:
The type of Timers you want to create
The constant and variable pause range
You can even create your own class that would work differently.

How do i add a WAIT in a Web Performance Test loop?

Writing a Web Performance Test for a process that will run for an undetermined time, and have to put a refresh command in a while that runs until the process state indicates it is done.
The refresh command consumes about 3 seconds. so do not want it running constantly in the loop. So, am trying to find a sleep/wait function to stop the execution between loops.
The only reference i've found is for Thread.Sleep which seems to do the job.
BUT, this method seems to also stop the test's timers. so, however many times the loop runs, and whatever the actual time taken by the process, the test report will only show the cumulative time of the refresh statements.
Is there another method that will not stop the test's timers?
If the refresh is in a loop within the Web Performance Test then set a suitable "think time" on the request. This will pause the test after the response is received. (Think times are normally used to simulate the time a person spends reading a web page and filling in forms etc before the next request is issued.)
Think times are set via the properties of the request. Think times (also reporting names) for all requests in a test can be viewed and modified using the "Set request detail" command accessed using the (rightmost) command icon in eth web test editor.
Think times can also be set or adjusted in the PreRequest method of a WebTestRequest plugin.

without using DoEvents, how to detect if a button has been pressed?

Currently, I call DoEvents in order to check if Button Foo in Form Bar has been clicked. This approach works but it takes too much processing power, delaying the program.
I believe that the delay could be reduced if I could only check if Button Foo has been clicked, instead of all the other forms that DoEvents has to go through.
Any ideas on how can I check if Button Foo was clicked?
VB6 was not really designed for what you seem to be doing (some sort of long-running straight-line code that does not exit back to give the message loop control). Normally such a task would be delegated to a worker thread, and in VB6 this means some external component implemented in C++ most of the time.
There are only a very few kinds of approaches to take to do this for your ad-hoc logic:
Hacks creating separate threads via API calls, not very reliable in VB6 for a number of reasons.
A tricky thread-per-object ActiveX EXE implementing a class to handle your long-running workload.
A separate non-interactive worker process to be run and monitored by your GUI program.
That's pretty much it.
The prescribed method of doing this sort of thing is described in the VB6 documentation. You break your long-running loop up and invert the logic into a repeatable "quantum" of work (like n iterations of your processing loop), and maintain the state of your workload in Form-global data. Then you use a Timer control with its interval set to 1 or 16 (hardly matters, they normally take at least 16ms to trigger) and run your workload quantum within its event handler.
So if you simply had a loop that currently iterates 100,000 times doing something you might break it up so that it runs 500 times for each Timer tick. The quantum size will probably need to be tuned based on what is done within the loop - 500 is just a value chosen for illustration. You'll want to adjust this until it leaves the UI responsive without starving your background workload too much (slowing completion down).
If your code is heavy enough to not call DoEvents or just finish running periodically, then your app won't even know the button has been pressed. The DoEvents call allows windows, and your application to catch up on all notifications.
The correct way to resolve this is a worker thread (see this article on how to do something like this in VB6) but failing that, a periodic DoEvents is required and in turn, some re-entrancy blocking on the call into the long running code.
