Rcpp sample sugar function, how to use - random

I am trying to permute the order of elements in a CharacterVector. In R I would simply use:
I am trying the same thing in Rcpp using the sample sugar function, but it keeps throwing 'error: no matching function for call to 'sample(Rcpp::CharacterVector&)'. Other sugar functions I have tried, like intersect or sort_unique work fine with CharacterVector, but sample refuses to work. This is the minimal example I have been experimenting with:
cppFunction('CharacterVector samplefunc() {
CharacterVector v = {"Cat", "Dog", "Fox", "Fish", "Lion"} ;
CharacterVector v2 = sample(v) ;
return v2 ;
What I am doing wrong when trying to use the sample sugar function?

You are just missing the size parameter, which is mandatory for Rcpp::sample:
Rcpp::cppFunction('CharacterVector samplefunc() {
CharacterVector v = {"Cat", "Dog", "Fox", "Fish", "Lion"} ;
CharacterVector v2 = sample(v, v.size()) ;
return v2 ;
#> [1] "Lion" "Fish" "Cat" "Dog" "Fox"
UPDATE (about debugging this kind of errors): Admittedly, the error you see when you do not provide the size argument is kind of obscure (at least with gcc), but you can see:
file1294a34f4734f.cpp: In function ‘Rcpp::CharacterVector samplefunc()’:
file1294a34f4734f.cpp:8:30: error: no matching function for call to ‘sample(Rcpp::CharacterVector&)’
8 | CharacterVector v2 = sample(v) ;
| ~~~~~~^~~
This is the error: no matching function. And then,
In file included from /***/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/sugar/functions/functions.h:89,
from /***/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/sugar/sugar.h:31,
from /***/Rcpp/include/Rcpp.h:78,
from file1294a34f4734f.cpp:1:
/***/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/sugar/functions/sample.h:437:1: note: candidate: ‘template<int RTYPE> Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE, Rcpp::PreserveStorage> Rcpp::sample(const Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE, Rcpp::PreserveStorage>&, int, bool, Rcpp::sugar::probs_t)’
437 | sample(const Vector<RTYPE>& x, int size, bool replace = false, sugar::probs_t probs = R_NilValue)
| ^~~~~~
where gcc is showing you a candidate, and you can see that this function accepts a constant Vector of any RTYPE (numeric, character...), and then it needs a size argument, because there is no default. The others (replace, probs) do have a default. R functions may have missing arguments, C++ functions cannot.


How to implement case insensitive lexical parser in Golang using gocc?

I need to build a lexical analyzer using Gocc, however no option to ignore case is mentioned in the documentation and I haven't been able to find anything related. Anyone have any idea how it can be done or should I use another tool?
/* Lexical part */
_digit : '0'-'9' ;
int64 : '1'-'9' {_digit} ;
switch: 's''w''i''t''c''h';
while: 'w''h''i''l''e';
!whitespace : ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' ;
/* Syntax part */
Calc : Expr;
Expr :
Expr "+" Term << $0.(int64) + $2.(int64), nil >>
| Term
Term :
Term "*" Factor << $0.(int64) * $2.(int64), nil >>
| Factor
Factor :
"(" Expr ")" << $1, nil >>
| int64 << util.IntValue($0.(*token.Token).Lit) >>
For example, for "switch", I want to recognize no matter if it is uppercase or lowercase, but without having to type all the combinations. In Bison there is the option % option caseless, in Gocc is there one?
Looking through the docs for that product, I don't see any option for making character literals case-insensitive, nor do I see any way to write a character class, as in pretty well every regex engine and scanner generator. But nothing other than tedium, readability and style stops you from writing
switch: ('s'|'S')('w'|'W')('i'|'I')('t'|'T')('c'|'C')('h'|'H');
while: ('w'|'W')('h'|'H')('i'|'I')('l'|'L')('e'|'E');
(That's derived from the old way of doing it in lex without case-insensitivity, which uses character classes to make it quite a bit more readable:
[sS][wW][iI][tT][cC][hH] return T_SWITCH;
[wW][hH][iI][lL][eE] return T_WHILE;
You can come closer to the former by defining 26 patterns:
_a: 'a'|'A';
_b: 'b'|'B';
_c: 'c'|'C';
_d: 'd'|'D';
_e: 'e'|'E';
_f: 'f'|'F';
_g: 'g'|'G';
_h: 'h'|'H';
_i: 'i'|'I';
_j: 'j'|'J';
_k: 'k'|'K';
_l: 'l'|'L';
_m: 'm'|'M';
_n: 'n'|'N';
_o: 'o'|'O';
_p: 'p'|'P';
_q: 'q'|'Q';
_r: 'r'|'R';
_s: 's'|'S';
_t: 't'|'T';
_u: 'u'|'U';
_v: 'v'|'V';
_w: 'w'|'W';
_x: 'x'|'X';
_y: 'y'|'Y';
_z: 'z'|'Z';
and then explode the string literals:
switch: _s _w _i _t _c _h;
while: _w _h _i _l _e;

Debugging <<loop>> error message in haskell

Hello i am encountering this error message in a Haskell program and i do not know where is the loop coming from.There are almost no IO methods so that i can hook myself to them and print the partial result in the terminal.
I start with a file , i read it and then there are only pure methods.How can i debug this ?
Is there a way to attach to methods or create a helper that can do the following:
Having a method method::a->b how can i somehow wrap it in a iomethod::(a->b)->IO (a->b) to be able to test in in GHCI (i want to insert some putStrLn-s etc ?
P.S My data suffer transformations IO a(->b->c->d->......)->IO x and i do not know how to debug the part that is in the parathesis (that is the code that contains the pure methods)
Types and typeclass definitions and implementations
data TCPFile=Rfile (Maybe Readme) | Dfile Samples | Empty
data Header=Header { ftype::Char}
newtype Samples=Samples{values::[Maybe Double]}deriving(Show)
data Readme=Readme{ maxClients::Int, minClients::Int,stepClients::Int,maxDelay::Int,minDelay::Int,stepDelay::Int}deriving(Show)
data FileData=FileData{ header::Header,rawContent::Text}
(>>?)::Maybe a->(a->Maybe b)->Maybe b
(Just t) >>? f=f t
Nothing >>? _=Nothing
class TextEncode a where
fromText::Text-> a
getHeader (Rfile _ ) = Header { ftype='r'}
getHeader (Dfile _ )= Header{ftype='d'}
getHeader _ = Header {ftype='e'}
instance Show TCPFile where
show (Rfile t)="Rfile " ++"{"++content++"}" where
content=case t of
Just c -> show c
show (Dfile c)="Dfile " ++"{"++show c ++ "}"
instance TextEncode Samples where
fromText text=Samples (map (readMaybe.unpack) cols) where
cols=splitOn (pack ",") text
instance TextEncode Readme where
fromText txt =let len= length dat
dat= case len of
6 ->Prelude.take 6 .readData $ txt
_ ->[0,0,0,0,0,0] in
Readme{maxClients=Prelude.head dat,minClients=dat!!1,stepClients=dat!!2,maxDelay=dat!!3,minDelay=dat!!4,stepDelay=dat!!5} where
instance TextEncode TCPFile where
fromText = textToFile
module Main where
import Data.Text(Text,pack,unpack)
import Data.Text.IO(readFile,writeFile)
import TCPFile(TCPFile)
dat<-readTcpFile "test.txt"
print dat
readTcpFile::FilePath->IO TCPFile
readTcpFile path =fromText <$> Data.Text.IO.readFile path
textToFile input=case readHeader input >>? (\h -> Just (FileData h input)) >>? makeFile of
Just r -> r
Nothing ->Empty
readHeader::Text->Maybe Header
readHeader txt=case Data.Text.head txt of
'r' ->Just (Header{ ftype='r'})
'd' ->Just (Header {ftype ='d'})
_ -> Nothing
makeFile::FileData->Maybe TCPFile
makeFile fd= case ftype.header $ fd of
'r'->Just (Rfile (Just (fromText . rawContent $ fd)))
'd'->Just (Dfile (fromText . rawContent $ fd))
_ ->Nothing
readData =catMaybes . maybeValues where
maybeValues=mvalues.split.filterText "{}"
#all the methods under this line are used in the above method
mvalues::[Text]->[Maybe Int]
mvalues arr=map (\x->(readMaybe::String->Maybe Int).unpack $ x) arr
split =splitOn (pack ",")
filterText chars tx=Data.Text.filter (\x -> not (x `elem` chars)) tx
I want first to clean the Text from given characters , in our case }{ then split it by ,.After the text is split by commas i want to parse them, and create either a Rfile which contains 6 integers , either a Dfile (datafile) which contains any given number of integers.
I have a file with the following content: r,1.22,3.45,6.66,5.55,6.33,2.32} and i am running runghc main 2>err.hs
Expected Output : Rfile (Just (Readme 1.22 3.45 6.66 5.55 6.33 2.32))
In the TextEncode Readme instance, len and dat depend on each other:
instance TextEncode Readme where
fromText txt =let len= length dat
dat= case len of
To debug this kind of thing, other than staring at the code, one thing you can do is compile with -prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts, and run your program with the cmd line options +RTS -xc. This should print a trace when the <<loop>> exception is raised (or if the program loops instead, when you kill it (Ctrl+C)). See the GHC manual https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/runtime_control.html#rts-flag--xc
As Li-yao Xia said part of the problem is the infinite recursion, but if you tried the following code, then the problem still remains.
instance TextEncode Readme where
fromText txt =let len= length [1,2,3,4,5,6] --dat
dat= case len of
The second issue is that the file contains decimal numbers but all the conversion function are expecting Maybe Int, changing the definitions of the following functions should give the expected results, on the other hand probably the correct fix is that the file should have integers and not decimal numbers.
--readData xs = [1,2,3,4,5,6,6]
readData =catMaybes . maybeValues where
maybeValues = mvalues . split . filterText "{}"
--all the methods under this line are used in the above method
mvalues::[Text]->[Maybe Double]
mvalues arr=map (\x->(readMaybe::String->Maybe Double).unpack $ x) arr
data Readme=Readme{ maxClients::Double, minClients::Double,stepClients::Double,maxDelay::Double,minDelay::Double,stepDelay::Double}deriving(Show)

compilation error: record replacement of macro in Erlang

This is the directory structure.
%% The record definition of animal.
%% The record definition of people.
%% The data file of animal.
%% API
%% The data file of people.
%% API
Notice that, for data_animal.erl and data_people.erl, the parameter of get/1is the record's id of the return value, and the return value of get_ids/0 is a list of get/1's parameters.
%% API
case data_animal:get(Id) of
case data_people:get(Id) of
I want to get the data of animal and people, whose ages are 23, so I write 2 functions, get_animal_list/1, get_people_list/1.
I run
1> c(data_animal),c(data_people),c(test).
2> test:get_people_list(23).
3> test:get_animal_list(23).
Suddenly, I find that the 2 functions share the same pattern. Then I attempt to write a macro get_list, and make 2 calls instead.
%% API
case DataMod:get(Id) of
But I got the compile error:
4> c(test_macro).
test_macro.erl:22: syntax error before: ','
test_macro.erl:25: syntax error before: ','
test_macro.erl:4: function get_animal_list/1 undefined
test_macro.erl:4: function get_people_list/1 undefined
Tell me why~y~y~
Thank you all!
I have 3 questions now.
Is my code really not Erlang-like? It's extracted from my company's project. Am I still thinking in OOP? Or so do the programming guys in my company?
Thanks to #mlambrichs 's advice. It works, but I still wonder why my code get the compilation error? Is it because Erlang preprocessor is a one-pass scanner, so it fails to recognize #Record{age=Age}?
According to #mlambrichs 's suggestion, I try to change the macro
-define(get_list(DataMod, Record, Age),
[P || P <- lists:map(fun(Id) -> DataMod:get(Id) end,
P#Record.age =:= Age]
into a function
get_list(DataMod, Record, Age)->
[P || P <- lists:map(fun(Id) -> DataMod:get(Id) end,
P#Record.age =:= Age].
Then I get the compilation error:
syntax error before: Record
The cause of the error is a misplaced '(' which should be removed:
-define(get_list(DataMod,Record,Age), (
case DataMod:get(Id) of
You added some questions which I would like to start answering now.
Is my code really not Erlang-like?
Usage of macros. There's no real need to use macros in your situation.
In general: you would like to hide the fact what kind of records are used in people and animals. That's implementation and should be shielded by your interface. You can just define a getter function that takes care of that in the right module. Pls. read my rewrite suggestions.
It works, but I still wonder why my code get the compilation error? See top of answer.
....I try to change the macro .... You're right, that function doesn't compile. Apparently a rewrite is needed.
Like this:
get_list(DataMod, Age) ->
[ P || P = {_,_,_,A} <- lists:map(fun(Id) -> DataMod:get(Id) end,
A =:= Age].
Taking up a rewrite. What you want is a concatenation of two list in function test (yours test/0, mine test/1). Using a comma doesn't do that for you. ;-)
?get_list(data_animal,X) ++
Let's fix that get_list macro as well. Your macro definition get_list has 3 parameters, where it only needs 2. Why use Record as a parameter when you already use that in get_people_list/1 and get_animal_list/1? For example, try this:
-define(get_list(DataMod, Y),
case DataMod of
data_animal -> get_animal_list(Y);
data_people -> get_people_list(Y);
_Else -> []
Overall, there is a lot of code replication in your test module. As a follow up to #yjcdll's advice, move the interface functions to animal and people to their own modules.
Let's have a look at your data modules and their get functions, as well.
I would suggest putting all people records in an array, in your case in the data_people module.
people() -> [
#people{ id=1, people_name="John", age=23 },
#people{ id=2, people_name="Ken", age=19 },
#people{ id=3, people_name="Tom", age=23 },
#people{ id=4, people_name="Healthy", age=19 } ].
Next, you would need a getter function to get only the people with a certain age:
get(Age) ->
[X || X <- people(), is_age( X, Age )].
And the is_age/2 function would be:
is_age( Person, Age ) ->
Person#people.age =:= Age.
So in module test your get_people_list/1 would get a lot simpler.
get_people_list(Age) ->
And so on. Always be on the lookout for code that looks pretty much the same like code you've already used somewhere. Just try to behave as a sane, lazy programmer. Lazy = good. ;-)
EDIT: OP has to stick to modules given. So a rewrite of the macro is:
-define(get_list(DataMod, Record, Age),
[P || P <- lists:map(fun(Id) -> DataMod:get(Id) end,
P#Record.age =:= Age]

Debug.EvaluateStatement Microsoft Visual Studio

I am using Intel Fortran along with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. In debug mode with a breakpoint at line 21 for the following dummy program:
program hello
implicit none
integer, dimension(2,2) :: Array
type Test
integer :: a
integer :: b
integer :: c
end type Test
type (Test) :: TestVariable
Array(1,1) = 22
Array(1,2) = 2
Array(2,1) = 22
Array(2,2) = 25
TestVariable%a = 1
TestVariable%b = 2
TestVariable%c = 3
print *, Array(1,1)
print *, Array(2,2)
print *, TestVariable%b
print *, ubound(Array)
end program Hello
At line 21 (my breakpoint) the variable i is defined and accessible from the Locals Window. It is also accessible from the command window using the following command:
Debug.Print i
Now what I am exploring is the Debug.EvaluateStatement functionality.
Debug.EvaluateStatement i returns 1, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement i+i returns 2, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement 1 returns 1, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement 1+1 returns 2, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement i+1 however, throws the following error:
Undefined address
Why does this error occur, and what can I do to prevent it and obtain the (what I think is correct) value of 2?

How can I execute a TensorFlow graph from a protobuf in C++?

I got a simple code form tutorial and output it to .pb file as below:
x = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 784], name='input_x')
y_ = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 10], name='input_y')
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784, 10]), name='W')
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]), name='b')
y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x,W)+b, name='softmax')
cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_*tf.log(y))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01).minimize(cross_entropy, name='train_step')
train_step.run(feed_dict={x:input_x, y_:input_y})
In C++, I load the same graph, and feed in fake data for testing:
Tensor input_x(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({10,784}));
Tensor input_y(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({10,10}));
Tensor W(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({784,10}));
Tensor b(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({10,10}));
Tensor input_test_x(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1,784}));
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
for(int j=0;j<10;j++)
input_x.matrix<float>()(i,i+j) = 1.0;
input_y.matrix<float>()(i,i) = 1.0;
input_test_x.matrix<float>()(0,i) = 1.0;
std::vector<std::pair<string, tensorflow::Tensor>> inputs = {
{ "input_x", input_x },
{ "input_y", input_y },
{ "W", W },
{ "b", b },
{ "input_test_x", input_test_x },
std::vector<tensorflow::Tensor> outputs;
status = session->Run(inputs, {}, {"train_step"}, &outputs);
std::cout << outputs[0].DebugString() << "\n";
However, this fails with the error:
Invalid argument: Input 0 of node train_step/update_W/ApplyGradientDescent was passed float from _recv_W_0:0 incompatible with expected float_ref.
The graph runs correctly in Python. How can I run it correctly in C++?
The issue here is that you are running the "train_step" target, which performs much more work than just inference. In particular, it attempts to update the variables W and b with the result of the gradient descent step. The error message
Invalid argument: Input 0 of node train_step/update_W/ApplyGradientDescent was passed float from _recv_W_0:0 incompatible with expected float_ref.
...means that one of the nodes you attempted to run ("train_step/update_W/ApplyGradientDescent") expected a mutable input (with type float_ref) but it got an immutable input (with type float) because the value was fed in.
There are (at least) two possible solutions:
If you only want to see predictions for a given input and given weights, fetch "softmax:0" instead of "train_step" in the call to Session::Run().
If you want to perform training in C++, do not feed W and b, but instead assign values to those variables, then continue to execute "train_step". You may find it easier to create a tf.train.Saver when you build the graph in Python, and then invoke the operations that it produces to save and restore values from a checkpoint.
