Flutter Windows Google Authentication Without google_sign_in - windows

The google_sign_in package doesn't seem to support Google authentication on Windows. Is there a way to do Google sign-in on Flutter Windows without this package? I'm guessing that we need to open a web view that takes the user to Google sign-in and then somehow retrieves the token after the user has signed in. A sample would be really awesome.

You can use googleapis_auth.
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
void _lauchAuthInBrowser(String url) async {
await canLaunch(url) ? await launch(url) : throw 'Could not lauch $url';
void _loginWindowsDesktop() {
var id = ClientId(
var scopes = [
var client = Client();
id, scopes, client, (url) => _lauchAuthInBrowser(url))
.then((AccessCredentials credentials) {
final driveApi = DriveApi(client);


How to use TeamsFx useGraph hook to get meeting infos

I would like to use TeamsFx React package to call MS Graph Api.
I tried to do separated component
import { useContext } from "react";
import { useGraph } from "#microsoft/teamsfx-react";
import { TeamsFxContext } from "../Context";
import { TeamsFxProvider } from "#microsoft/mgt-teamsfx-provider";
import { Providers, ProviderState } from "#microsoft/mgt-element";
import * as microsoftTeams from "#microsoft/teams-js";
export function MeetingContext(props: { showFunction?: boolean; environment?: string }) {
const { teamsfx } = useContext(TeamsFxContext);
const { loading, error, data, reload } = useGraph(
async (graph, teamsfx, scope) => {
// Call graph api directly to get user profile information
let profile;
try {
profile = await graph.api("/me").get();
} catch (error) {
// Initialize Graph Toolkit TeamsFx provider
const provider = new TeamsFxProvider(teamsfx, scope);
Providers.globalProvider = provider;
let photoUrl = "";
let meeting =null;
try {
const photo = await graph.api("/me/photo/$value").get();
photoUrl = URL.createObjectURL(photo);
microsoftTeams.getContext(async (context)=>{
try {
meeting = await graph.api(`/me/onlineMeetings/${context.meetingId}`).get();
} catch (error) {
} catch {
// Could not fetch photo from user's profile, return empty string as placeholder.
return { meeting };
{ scope: ["User.Read","User.Read","OnlineMeetingArtifact.Read.All"," OnlineMeetings.Read"], teamsfx: teamsfx }
return (
When I debug my interpreter stops on
profile = await graph.api("/me").get();
Then it does not pass after.
I would like also to know what should I put in scope field ?
Should I put the authorisations listed here ?
Should I also Add them in registered app in Azure Portal ?
I'm getting response from
Failed to get access token cache silently, please login first: you need login first before get access token.
I'm using the teams toolkit and I'm already logged in . I don't know what Should I do to be considered as logged in ?
Update :
I have updated my app api authorisations in azure portal now I'm not getting anymore this error.
But I'm getting a new error :
meeting = await graph.api(`/me/onlineMeetings/${context.chatId}`).get();
"Invalid meeting id
I'll post a new question about this as it not the original problem
You can get the details of an online meeting using videoTeleconferenceId, meeting ID, or joinWebURL.
Instead of ChatID you have to use meeting ID or you have to use filter with videoTeleconferenceId or joinWebURL.
The invalid meeting ID error get because
chatID is not the correct parameter for this graph API.
You can refer below API for getting meeting information.
To get an onlineMeeting using meeting ID with delegated (/me) and app (/users/{userId}) permission:
GET /me/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}
GET /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}
To get an onlineMeeting using videoTeleconferenceId with app permission*:
GET /communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=VideoTeleconferenceId%20eq%20'{videoTeleconferenceId}'
To get an onlineMeeting using joinWebUrl with delegated and app permission:
GET /me/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl%20eq%20'{joinWebUrl}'
GET /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl%20eq%20'{joinWebUrl}'
Ref Doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/onlinemeeting-get?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http

Stripe returns a "No such token" error (Plaid Integration)

I am getting this error from Stripe when I try to create a new source for the selected bank account. I am using the new (beta) version of the Plaid Node SDK. Here is my code:
let user;
const mode = "sandbox";
const dsService = new CaspioDsService();
// Load the user if not already loaded by cognitoAuth
if (!req.user) {
user = new User(
new CaspioRefDataService(),
new AuthUserService({
organizationId: res.locals.organization.Organization_ID,
isAuthenticated: res.locals.isAuthenticated,
await user.load(req.params.userId);
} else {
user = req.user.userObject;
const configuration = new Configuration({
basePath: PlaidEnvironments[mode],
baseOptions: {
headers: {
"PLAID-CLIENT-ID": config.plaid.clientId,
"PLAID-SECRET": mode === "sandbox" ? config.plaid.secretSandbox : config.plaid.secretProduction,
"Plaid-Version": "2020-09-14",
const plaidClient = new PlaidApi(configuration);
console.log(configuration.basePath); // https://sandbox.plaid.com
// Exchange the public token for the Plaid access token
const plaidTokenRes = await plaidClient.itemPublicTokenExchange({
public_token: req.body.publicToken,
const accessToken = plaidTokenRes.data.access_token;
console.log(accessToken); // access-sandbox-d92396c2-1f49-4780-9ae9-23d50645f364
// Get the Stripe bank account token from Plaid
const stripeTokenRes = await plaidClient.processorStripeBankAccountTokenCreate({
access_token: accessToken,
account_id: req.body.accountId
const bankAccountToken = stripeTokenRes.data.stripe_bank_account_token;
console.log(bankAccountToken); // btok_1JFMGwGq7ejZoSiwGmM8WSSm
let stripeCustomerId = user.getStripeToken();
const stripeClient = await StripeHelper.getStripeClient(mode); // Get Stripe client in sandbox mode
console.log(stripeCustomerId); // cus_Jt7AWZjC8rHPzt
// Add the source to the Stripe customer and get the bank account info
const bankAccount = await stripeClient.customers.createSource(stripeCustomerId, {
source: bankAccountToken,
}); // Error: No such token: 'btok_1JFMGwGq7ejZoSiwGmM8WSSm'
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I expect the issue is with my code, or possibly Plaid (I don't think it is a Stripe problem).
It sounds like you're getting a token from Plaid, but Stripe is rejecting it, which suggests a problem with the relationship between your Plaid and Stripe setups. Are you sure that you enabled the Plaid/Stripe integration in the Plaid dashboard and that the client id / secret you're using matches the Plaid account where the integration is enabled? The Plaid docs also suggest that this error can be caused by using a mismatched set of environments (e.g. using Production with Stripe but Sandbox with Plaid).
The problem was that we had the wrong Stripe account connected. Silly one, but I'm posting this in case anyone else makes the same mistake.

Log-in users in flutter through social accounts with laravel-socialite backend

I am working on a flutter application, and I want to implement social login (Google and Facebook).
My API is implemented with Laravel and uses Laravel-socialite to authenticate users, there is the backend, web frontend (using VueJs) and now I am working on the mobile application using flutter.
The web application is working good (using the vue-social-auth package).
What I have done till now:
Used flutter_google_sign_in to handle authentication on the flutter app.
Did configure the package and I can successfully get user info through that package.
Problem I am facing:
What I don't seem to get working is to send the user that just logged in to the backend in order to provide an in-app user experience.
This is what the vue-social-auth package provides and what I send to the backend, which is working fine:
{code: "4/0AY0e-g442SMxdtLb_MVdQ63u1ydp48bbCRQco5Azoyf3y1rvYybDabyZGOvwAs7ZFJDQHA", scope: "email+profile+openid+https://www.googleapis.com/au…le+https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email", authuser: "0", prompt: "consent"}
And this is what flutter_google_sign_in gives (aside of the user profile data:
idToken: "",
accessToken: "",
serverAuthCode: "",
serverAuthCode is always null.
How can I make it so that, using the same API logic, log-in users on flutter through social accounts?
Thank you.
Apparently, google sign in doesn't work on flutter except with Firebase/some cloud API backend service. I was using a local Laravel API for user auth so adding google sign in functionality requires setting up a firebase account/profile, downloading and adding the googleservices.json file to flutter project as explained in google_sign_in package installation manual. You also need to import firebase-auth package
Flutter Code (I use flutter modular pattern but same applies with Bloc/Provider if you get the idea as explained by Hamza Mogni above)
import 'package:google_sign_in/google_sign_in.dart';
import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';
final GoogleSignIn _googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn();
final FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
Future<LoginResponseModel> googleLoginResponse() async {
String url = env['API_BASE_URL'] + '/api/auth/google';
//click on google sign in. Get accessToken from google through googlesignin
//Send accessToken to socialite in backend to request/create user data
GoogleSignInAccount googleSignInAccount = await _googleSignIn.signIn();
if (googleSignInAccount == null) {
print('Google Signin ERROR! googleAccount: null!');
return null;
GoogleSignInAuthentication googleSignInAuthentication =
await googleSignInAccount.authentication;
//this is user access token from google that is retrieved with the plugin
print("User Access Token: ${googleSignInAuthentication.accessToken}");
String accessToken = googleSignInAuthentication.accessToken;
//make http request to the laravel backend
final response =
await http.post(
body: json.encode({"token": accessToken}),
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 422) {
return LoginResponseModel.fromJson(
json.decode(response.body), // {'message':'Google signin successful'}
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load data!');
For Logout function, you need to signout of both firebase and google account instance or you will always be logged in by the first known/used google account in subsequent login attempts.
Future<LogoutResponseModel> logout() async {
try {
await _auth.signOut();
await _googleSignIn.disconnect();
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to sign out ' + e.toString());
//api route to destroy sanctum token. santum token is added as authorization header
var url = env['API_BASE_URL'] + "/api/logout";
final response =
await http.post(Uri.tryParse(url), headers: {'Bearer ' $sanctumtoken});
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 422) {
return LogoutResponseModel.fromJson(
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load data!');
Laravel Code (route to controller method is api/auth/google, method expects to receive google access token from flutter app)
public function requestTokenGoogle(Request $request) {
// Getting the user from socialite using token from google
$user = Socialite::driver('google')->stateless()->userFromToken($request->token);
// Getting or creating user from db
$userFromDb = User::firstOrCreate(
['email' => $user->getEmail()],
'email_verified_at' => now(),
'first_name' => $user->offsetGet('given_name'),
'last_name' => $user->offsetGet('family_name'),
'avatar' => $user->getAvatar(),
// Returning response
$token = $userFromDb->createToken('Laravel Sanctum Client')->plainTextToken;
$response = ['token' => $token, 'message' => 'Google Login/Signup Successful'];
return response($response, 200);
I have solved it, after some digging I found out Laravel-Socialite has the functionality to log in users using their token built-in:
Quoting Socialite documentation:
If you already have a valid access token for a user, you can retrieve their details using Socialite's userFromToken method.

Removing cached Google access token that has been revoked

In my c# desktop app, I'm using Google's API to authenticate and retrieve the access token for an API. I noticed that the API will cache this token and use it again until it expires.
Using my browser, I was able to revoke the token using:
I did this to test out how the API handles revoked tokens. As exepected, the API fails. The problem I have though is getting the API to use a new token. It continues to retrieve the cached token, even though it's been revoked. The following code is used to authenticate the use of the API:
credential = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(GoogleClientSecrets.Load(stream).Secrets, Scopes, "user", CancellationToken.None);
How can I get the API to remove the cached token and request a new one?
You have to log out before getting a new token. You can read about OAuth 2.0 here https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/dotnet/guide/aaa_oauth?hl=uk .
Below how I've done that for my windows phone 8 application:
var string const GoogleTokenFileName = "Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses.TokenResponse-user"
public async Task LoginAsync()
await Logout();
_credential = await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(new ClientSecrets
ClientId = _xmlfile.GoogleClientId,
ClientSecret = _xmlfile.GoogleClientSecret
}, new[] { Oauth2Service.Scope.UserinfoProfile }, "user", CancellationToken.None);
return session;
public async Task Logout()
await new WebBrowser().ClearCookiesAsync();
if (_storageService.FileExists(GoogleTokenFileName))
Hope it helps.

Restrict Login Email with Google OAuth2.0 to Specific Domain Name

I can't seem to find any documentation on how to restrict the login to my web application (which uses OAuth2.0 and Google APIs) to only accept authentication requests from users with an email on a specific domain name or set of domain names. I would like to whitelist as opposed to blacklist.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this, documentation on the officially accepted method of doing so, or an easy, secure work around?
For the record, I do not know any info about the user until they attempt to log in through Google's OAuth authentication. All I receive back is the basic user info and email.
So I've got an answer for you. In the OAuth request you can add hd=example.com and it will restrict authentication to users from that domain (I don't know if you can do multiple domains). You can find hd parameter documented here
I'm using the Google API libraries from here: http://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/wiki/OAuth2 so I had to manually edit the /auth/apiOAuth2.php file to this:
public function createAuthUrl($scope) {
$params = array(
'redirect_uri=' . urlencode($this->redirectUri),
'client_id=' . urlencode($this->clientId),
'scope=' . urlencode($scope),
'access_type=' . urlencode($this->accessType),
'approval_prompt=' . urlencode($this->approvalPrompt),
if (isset($this->state)) {
$params[] = 'state=' . urlencode($this->state);
$params = implode('&', $params);
return self::OAUTH2_AUTH_URL . "?$params";
I'm still working on this app and found this, which may be the more correct answer to this question. https://developers.google.com/google-apps/profiles/
Client Side:
Using the auth2 init function, you can pass the hosted_domain parameter to restrict the accounts listed on the signin popup to those matching your hosted_domain. You can see this in the documentation here: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/reference
Server Side:
Even with a restricted client-side list you will need to verify that the id_token matches the hosted domain you specified. For some implementations this means checking the hd attribute you receive from Google after verifying the token.
Full Stack Example:
Web Code:
gapi.load('auth2', function () {
// init auth2 with your hosted_domain
// only matching accounts will show up in the list or be accepted
var auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: "your-client-id.apps.googleusercontent.com",
hosted_domain: 'your-special-domain.example'
// setup your signin button
auth2.attachClickHandler(yourButtonElement, {});
// when the current user changes
auth2.currentUser.listen(function (user) {
// if the user is signed in
if (user && user.isSignedIn()) {
// validate the token on your server,
// your server will need to double check that the
// `hd` matches your specified `hosted_domain`;
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
auth2.then(function() { auth2.signOut(); });
Server Code (using googles Node.js library):
If you're not using Node.js you can view other examples here: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth
const GoogleAuth = require('google-auth-library');
const Auth = new GoogleAuth();
const authData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(your_auth_creds_json_file));
const oauth = new Auth.OAuth2(authData.web.client_id, authData.web.client_secret);
const acceptableISSs = new Set(
['accounts.google.com', 'https://accounts.google.com']
const validateToken = (token) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!token) {
oauth.verifyIdToken(token, null, (err, ticket) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
const payload = ticket.getPayload();
const tokenIsOK = payload &&
payload.aud === authData.web.client_id &&
new Date(payload.exp * 1000) > new Date() &&
acceptableISSs.has(payload.iss) &&
payload.hd === 'your-special-domain.example';
return tokenIsOK ? resolve() : reject();
When defining your provider, pass in a hash at the end with the 'hd' parameter. You can read up on that here. https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OpenIDConnect#hd-param
E.g., for config/initializers/devise.rb
config.omniauth :google_oauth2, 'identifier', 'key', {hd: 'yourdomain.com'}
Here's what I did using passport in node.js. profile is the user attempting to log in.
//passed, stringified email login
var emailString = String(profile.emails[0].value);
//the domain you want to whitelist
var yourDomain = '#google.com';
//check the x amount of characters including and after # symbol of passed user login.
//This means '#google.com' must be the final set of characters in the attempted login
var domain = emailString.substr(emailString.length - yourDomain.length);
//I send the user back to the login screen if domain does not match
if (domain != yourDomain)
return done(err);
Then just create logic to look for multiple domains instead of just one. I believe this method is secure because 1. the '#' symbol is not a valid character in the first or second part of an email address. I could not trick the function by creating an email address like mike#fake#google.com 2. In a traditional login system I could, but this email address could never exist in Google. If it's not a valid Google account, you can't login.
Since 2015 there has been a function in the library to set this without needing to edit the source of the library as in the workaround by aaron-bruce
Before generating the url just call setHostedDomain against your Google Client
$client->setHostedDomain("HOSTED DOMAIN")
For login with Google using Laravel Socialite
use Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite;
return Socialite::driver('google')
->with(['hd' => 'pontomais.com.br'])
