source not found for source $(pipenv --venv)/bin/activate - bash

I'm trying to learn how to use pipenv, and while I can start it and use it from the shell, I can't work out how to open in from a script, the tutorial I am using says to write the following file:
export FLASK_APP=./myapp/
source $(pipenv --venv)/bin/activate
flask run -h
as a shell script, but I get the following error:
./ 5: source: not found
* Serving Flask app "./catalogueService/"
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
Usage: flask run [OPTIONS]
Error: Could not import "index".
The could not import index, is fine, I can work with that, what I don't know is what:
source $(pipenv --venv)/bin/activate
Does, and what it should really be so it can find pipenv, I installed it using pip the usual way. Why is it not finding it please

On Linux or macOS:
source "$(pipenv --venv)/bin/activate"
On Windows:
source "$(pipenv --venv)/Scripts/activate"
activate_file=$(pipenv --venv)/bin/activate
if [ -e "$activate_file" ]; then
. $activate_file
# the pipenv shell normally enables these as well
if [ -f "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/.project" ]; then
cd $(cat "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/.project")


cloud-init runcmd (using MAAS)

I'm unable to run bash scripts in "runcmd:" that aren't inline.
- [ bash, -c, echo "=========hello world=========" >> ]
- [ bash, -c, echo "=========hello world=========" >> ]
- [ bash, -c, /usr/local/bin/ ]
The first two lines are successfully run on the deployed Ubuntu instance. However, the doesn't seem to run.
Here is /usr/local/bin/
echo "=========hello world=========" >> has executable permissions for root and resides on the MAAS server.
I've looked at the following but they don't seem to sort out my issue:
Cannot make bash script work from cloud-init
run GO111MODULE=on go install . ./cmd/... in cloud init
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Anything you run using runcmd must already exist on the filesystem. There is no provision for automatically fetching something from a remote host.
You have several options for getting files there. Two that come to mind immediately are:
You could embed the script in your cloud-init configuration using the write-files directive:
- path: /usr/local/bin/
permissions: '0755'
content: |
echo "=========hello world=========" >>
- [bash, /usr/local/bin/]
You could fetch the script from a remote location using curl (or similar tool):
- [curl, -o, /usr/local/bin/,]
- [bash, /usr/local/bin/]

run GO111MODULE=on go install . ./cmd/... in cloud init

I have a bash script which is deployed with cloud init, my bash script contains the following part of code
GO111MODULE=on go install . ./cmd/...
when running my bash script directly in the terminal of the deplyed server, it works as expected. But when i run it with runcmd in the cloud config, this part of the script:
GO111MODULE=on go install . ./cmd/...
does not get executed, anyone knows why?
- [ bash, /usr/local/bin/ ]
A proper shell execution in runcmd would be (as seen in Cloud config examples):
- [ bash, -c, /usr/local/bin/ ]
- [ /usr/local/bin/ ]
Assuming your script starts with a shebang #!/bin/bash
Plus, you need to add any environment variable inside the script, as Cloud config examples do not include any obvious way to set them.
export GO111MODULE=on
export ...
Thanks to the tip from VonC, i was able to fix the issue. i added the following to
export GOCACHE
export GO111MODULE=on
go install . ./cmd/...
- [ bash, -c, /usr/local/bin/ ]
the script now deploys and runs from cloud-init.

What does "noroot" means in Variant Vagrant Vagrant (VVV) scripts

I'm trying to write a custom provisionner for VVV.
I've noticed that many command lines in shell scripts are prefixed by 'noroot'.
Here are a few examples:
noroot mkdir -p "${VVV_PATH_TO_SITE}/log"
noroot touch "${VVV_PATH_TO_SITE}/log/nginx-error.log"
noroot wp plugin install "${plugin}" --activate
I can't figure out what is the purpose of 'noroot'.
Could anyone explain me what is 'noroot' and where to find some doc about it.
thank you.
It turns out that noroot is a specific function defined in VVV core scripts contained in VVV-path/provision/
function noroot() {
sudo -EH -u "vagrant" "$#";
export -f noroot
It runs the command following norootas the user vagrant

How to run a programme inside a virtual environment from a script

I have set up the google assistant sdk on my Raspberry Pi as shown here:
Now in order to re-run the assistant I have worked out the two commands are
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ google-assistant-demo
however I want to automate this process into a script that I can call from rc.local (followed by an &) in order to make the assistant boot from start up.
However if I run a simple script
source env/bin/activate
the assistant does not run inside the environment
my environment path is /home/pi/env/bin/activate
How can I have it so the script starts the environment and then runs the assistant inside the virtual environment?
EDIT: In the end I went with the following method:
using this as a base : – thanks to Eric Parisot
You will need to download the src file he uses and extract its contents into /home/pi/src/
However with a few changes.
I did not run as sudo, as it gave me the following error:
OpenAlsaHandle PcmOpen: No such file or directory
[] Input error
{‘is_muted’: False}
{‘is_fatal’: True}
[] Input error
{‘is_fatal’: True}
Fix: DO NOT run as sudo
If gives an error about RPi.GPIO you need to do
$ cd /home/pi/env/bin
$ source activate
(env) $ pip install RPi.GPIO
(env) $ deactivate
And then I did sudo nano /etc/profile
and the appended this to the end:
#Harvs was here on 24/06/17
if pidof -x "" >/dev/null; then
echo ""
echo "/etc/profile says:"
echo "An instance of Google Assistant is already running, will not start again"
echo ""
echo "Starting Google Assistant..."
echo "If you are seeing this, perhaps you have SSH within seconds of reboot"
/home/pi/src/ &
And now it works perfectly, and inside the virtual enviroment :)
found solution here :
Create a startup shell script in your root directory (I named mine "launch"), make it executable too :
sudo nano
I wrote it that way :
source /home/pi/env/bin/activate
Save the file
Edit the LXDE-pi autostart file
sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Add this to the bottom of that file
Scripts run from rc.local execute in the root directory (or possibly in the home directory of the root user, depending on the distro, I think?)
The easy fix is to code the full path to the environment.
source /home/pi/env/bin/activate
# or maybe /home/pi/google-assistant-demo
There is no need to explicitly background anything in rc.local
In the end I went with the following method:
using this as a base : – thanks to Eric Parisot
However with a few changes.
You will need to download the src file he uses and extract its contents into /home/pi/src/
I did not run as sudo, as it gave me the following error:
OpenAlsaHandle PcmOpen: No such file or directory
[] Input error
{‘is_muted’: False}
{‘is_fatal’: True}
[] Input error
{‘is_fatal’: True}
Fix: DO NOT run as sudo
If gives an error about RPi.GPIO you need to do
$ cd /home/pi/env/bin
$ source activate
(env) $ pip install RPi.GPIO
(env) $ deactivate
And then I did sudo nano /etc/profile and the appended this to the end:
#Harvs was here on 24/06/17
if pidof -x "" >/dev/null; then
echo ""
echo "/etc/profile says:"
echo "An instance of Google Assistant is already running, will not start again"
echo ""
echo "Starting Google Assistant..."
echo "If you are seeing this, perhaps you have SSH within seconds of reboot"
/home/pi/src/ &
And now it works perfectly, and inside the virtual enviroment, and in boot to CLI mode! :)

`require': cannot load such file - Running ruby from bash script

I am trying to run a ruby script as a service on my centos machine. I can run the ruby script direct from the command line and from a bash file without issue.
However, when I try to run it as a service via /etc/init.d I get the error 'require': cannot load such file -- somegem.
#! /home/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.5/bin/ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require "somegem"
I have created an init.d script and placed that in /etc/init.d/
# monitor_endpoint
# chkconfig: 2345 20 80
# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
#Define variables
echo $exec
start() {
echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
# use daemon to start the service
daemon $exec &
return $retval
Would this be a problem with my gems installation path?
Any help would be much appreciated as this is my first attempt at running a ruby script in this way. Thank you.
the problem is in your environment (the env vars).
in the normal environment and after that run it from the init script and pipe the output to a file.
look at the differences.
GOing to guess you are missing all the ruby specific stuff(GEM_PATH and all)
