Usage of Jooq DSLContext in spring boot - spring

What is the proper way to use DslContext. Does having bean autoconfiguration, or calling DSL.using() method directly before execution; Do they vary in performance ?
#Autowired DataSource dataSource;
#Bean(name = "ExecutorDslContext")
#Scope(value = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE)
public DSLContext executorDslContext() {
return DSL.using(dataSource, SQLDialect.MEMSQL);
Should the Scope be Prototype or Singleton ?
What's the impact of using above mentioned bean for execution vs
Result<Record> result = DSL.using(...).select().from(TABLE);

The correct way is to use org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jooq and inject DslContext.

calling DSL.using() method directly before execution; Do they vary in performance ?
Calling DSL.using() will create a new DefaultConfiguration every time. This isn't a big overhead per se, but you won't profit from reflection caching and some other caches that can be shared among sessions that re-use the same configuration instance. In general, there's no need to create a new Configuration instance for every single query, so ideally just inject the shared and pre-configured DSLContext as suggested by Simon
Additional information can be found in the manual's sections
Performance considerations
Thread safetey


Factory design pattern and Spring

I am wondering what is the current best practice as to the use of factory pattern within the context of Spring framework in using dependency injection. My wonder arises about whether the factory pattern is still relevant nowadays in light of the use of Spring dependency injection. I did some searching and see some past discussion (Dependency Injection vs Factory Pattern) but seem there is different view.
I see in some real life project in using a Map to hold all the beans and rely on autowiring to create those beans. When the bean is needed, it get it via the map using the key.
public abstract class Service {
//some methods
public class serviceA extends Service {
public class serviceB extends Service {
Map<String, Service> services;
But I see there is some difference among the two approaches.
Using the above method, all beans are created on application start up and the creation of object is handled by the framework. It also implies there is only one bean for each type.
While for factory pattern, the factory class creates the object on request. And it can create a new object for each request.
I think a deeper question may be, when Spring framework is used in a project, should it be strived to not create any object inside a class, which means the factory pattern ( or any creational design patterns?) should not be used, as Spring is supposed to be the central handler of the objects dependency ?
The answer to this question can be really deep and broad, I'll try to provide some points that hopefully will help.
First off, spring stores its beans (singletons) in the ApplicationContext. Essentially this is the map you're talking about. In a nutshell, it allows getting the bean by name, type, etc.
ApplicationContext, while being a really important concept, is not the whole Spring, in fact Spring framework allows much more flexibility:
You say, using a map implies that all the beans will be created at the beginning of the application and there is one instance of the bean.
Spring has a concept of Lazy beans, basically supporting a concept of beans being actually created only when they're required for the first time, so Spring supports the "delayed" beans initialization
Spring also allows more than one instance of a bean per type. So this map is more "advanced". For example you can create more than one implementation of the interface and use declare both as beans. As long as you provide enough information about what bean should be injected to the class that might use them (for example with a help of qualifiers suppored in spring), you're good to go. In addition, there are features in spring IoC container that allow injecting all registered implementations of an interface into a list:
interface Foo {}
class FooImpl1 implements Foo {}
class FooImpl2 implements Foo {}
class Client {
List<Foo> allFoos;
Now you say:
While for factory pattern, the factory class creates the object on request. And it can create a new object for each request.
Actually Spring can create objects per request. Not all beans have to be singletons, in general spring has a concept of scopes for this purposes.
For example, scope prototype means that Spring will create a bean upon each usage. In particular one interesting usage that spring supports in variety of ways is Injecting prototype bean into singleton. Some solutions use exactly like a factory (read about annotation #Lookup others rely on auto-generated proxy in runtime (like javax.inject.Provider). Prototype scope beans are not held in the application context, so here again spring goes beyond a simple map abstraction.
Last feature that you haven't mentioned is that sometimes even for singletons the initialization can be a little bit more complicated then calling a constructor with Parameters. Spring can address that by using Java Configurations:
public class MyConfig {
public SomeComplicatedObject foo(#Value("...") config, Bar bar) {
SomeComplicatedObject obj = new SomeComplicatedObject() // lets pretend this object is from some thirdparty, it only has no-op constructor, and you can't place spring annotations on it (basically you can't change it):
return obj;
The method foo here initializes the object SomeComplicatedObject and returns it. This can be used instead of factories to integrate "legacy" code (well, java configurations go way beyond this, but its out of scope for this question).
So bottom line, you Spring as an IoC container can provide many different ways to deal with object creation, in particular it can do everything that factory design pattern offers.
Now, I would like to also refer to your last sentense:
I think a deeper question may be, when Spring framework is used in a project, should it be strived to not create any object inside a class, which means the factory pattern ( or any creational design patterns?) should not be used, as Spring is supposed to be the central handler of the objects dependency ?
Indeed you don't have to use Factory Pattern when using Spring, since (as I hopefully have convinced you) provides everything that factory can do and more.
Also I agree that spring is supposed to be the central handler of the objects dependency (unless there are also parts of the application which are written in a different manner so you have to support both :) )
I don't think we should avoid using "new" altogether, not everything should/can be a bean, but I do see (from my subjective experience, so this is arguable) that you use it much less leaving the creation of most of the objects to Spring.
Should we avoid a usage of any creation design pattern? I don't think so, sometimes you can opt for implementing "builder" design pattern for example, its also a creational pattern but spring doesn't provide a similar abstraction.
I think if your project uses Spring framework you should use it. Although it depends on your project design e.g. You may use creational patterns along side with Spring IoC. e.g when you have abstraction layers not framework dependant (agnostic code)
interface ServiceFactory {
Service create(String type);
class SpringServiceFactory implements ServiceFactory {
#Autowired private ApplicationContext context;
Service create(String type) {
return context.getBean(type)
I use Factory pattern as well when I refactor legacy not unit testable code which also uses Spring Framework in order to implement unit tests.
// legacy service impossible to mock
class LegacyApiClient implements Closeable {...}
class LegacyApiClientFactory {
LegacyApiClient create(String endpoint) {
return new LegacyApiClient(endpoint);
class OtherService {
private final String endpoint
private final LegacyApiClientFactory factory;
OtherService(#Value("${post.endpoint}") String endpoint,
LegacyApiClientFactory factory) {...}
void doCall {
try (LegacyApiClient client = factory.create(endpoint)) {
// a random unit test
LegacyApiClient client = mock(LegacyApiClient.class)
LegacyApiClientFactory factory = mock(LegacyApiClientFactory.class)
OtherService service = new OtherService("http://scxsc", factory);

Injecting an entitymanager in #ApplicationScoped bean

I am porting an existing JBOSS JEE application to Quarkus. I am using a number of HV custom validators that require injection.
For that purpose I've defined all custom validators that require injection as bean in my libraries like this:
public class SomeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<SomeValidation, AnObject> {
public BeanUsingEntityManager bean;
Note: It is common code, so it should remain working on JBOSS as well
Next I defined a REST service. The REST service makes use of an application scoped bean like this.
public class ApplicationContext {
#PersistenceContext( unitName = "A" )
EntityManager em;
#EnityManagerA // required qualifier to make datasource unique in JEE context (there are more)
public EntityManager produce() {
return em;
// NOTE: quarkus does not allow the #Produces on a field, which is allowed in JBOSS hence the method
public BeanUsingEntityManager createBeanUsingEntityManager () {
// some logic that requires the entity manager.
Now the problem is simplified, but I keep on running into an error message.
Caused by: javax.enterprise.inject.CreationException: Synthetic bean instance for javax.persistence.EntityManager not initialized yet: javax_persistence_EntityManager_b60c51739990fc921960fc78caeb075a811a91a6
- a synthetic bean initialized during RUNTIME_INIT must not be accessed during STATIC_INIT
- RUNTIME_INIT build steps that require access to synthetic beans initialized during RUNTIME_INIT should consume the SyntheticBeansRuntimeInitBuildItem
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.create(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:167)
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.create(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:190)
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext.createInstanceHandle(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext.access$000(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext$1.get(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext$1.get(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.LazyValue.get(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.ComputingCache.computeIfAbsent(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext.get(
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.get(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:222)
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.get(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:238)
... 59 more
I'm new to Quarkus. So, not sure to how to handle this issue or even if I make the correct assumptions. I can imagine that Quarkus wants to give me a fresh entitymanager each request (which I understand), but that poses a problem for my application scoped beans.
What am I doing wrong here?
So, the full answer is that the EntityManager is created at the runtime init phase whereas the ValidatorFactory (and the ConstraintValidators) are created at static init time.
The Quarkus bootstrap goes static init -> runtime init.
So in your case, you can't access a #Singleton bean which uses the EntityManager during static init as it's not yet available.
Making your bean #ApplicationScoped will create a proxy and avoid this chicken and egg problem.
You will have only one BeanUsingEntityManager for your whole application.
The EntityManager is a bit different because we wrap it and you will get one new EntityManager/Session per transaction, which is what is expected as EntityManagers/Sessions are not thread safe.

spring/tomcat-jdbc pool - new connection listener

I am using tomcat-jdbc pool in default spring-boot setup. I would like to run some custom Java code each time new JDBC connection is established in the pool and before it is used for the first time. How to do it, and if there are several possibilities which one is the best?
To extend already accepted answer, you can use Spring AOP without full AspectJ if you use pointcut as this one:
#AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(* org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceProxy.getConnection())")
public void afterConnectionEstablished() {
Well, I can think of two options:
Create your own wrapper class - either by extending Tomcat's DataSource class or by implementing Java's DataSource interface and delegating to the wrapped DataSource - and then add the logic you want to the desired methods and register a bean in a #Configuration class by manually instantiating your tomcat-jdbc DataSource (for examples on how to do so, refer to DataSourceConfiguration.Tomcat class) and wrapping it with your class.
Create an aspect and use Spring's AOP support to intercept calls to getConnection. Since DataSourceclass is in the javax package, I think you'll have to use AspectJ, and for some examples refer to this link
My suggestion would be to go with the first option, it should give you fewer headaches, here's a small example how you'd define your wrapper bean:
public DataSource dataSource(DataSourceProperties properties) {
return new MyDataSourceWrapper(tomcatDataSourceFrom(properties));
private org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource tomcatDataSourceFrom(
DataSourceProperties properties) {
// manual instantiation like in DataSourceConfiguration.Tomcat class

Flush MyBatis Cache externally (outside of mapper)

I'm using MyBatis with second level cache activated via <cache/> in xml mapper files.
Suppose I want to interact with the underlying DB/DataSource decoupled from MyBatis, for instance via direct jdbcTemplate.
How can I assure, that the MyBatis cache gets flushed appropriateley when I Insert/Update/Delete via jdbcTemplate on a table for that MyBatis holds cached query results.
In other words, how can I force MyBatis to flush its cache from outside of MyBatis mappers for certain cache namespace?
I'm aware of #Options(flushCache=true) annotation, but this seems not to work outside of mapper interfaces.
you can get cache from configuration and then get by namespace and clear it.
SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
public void clearCacheByNamespace(){
Configuration config = sqlSessionFactory.getConfiguration();
Cache cache = config.getCache("com.persia.dao.UserInfoMapper");
if(cache != null){
Hi i have used another approach, because we used spring. Use autowire the Session implementation and call appropriate method
public class SomeServerClass{
private org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate sqlSessionTemplate;
private void someClearMethod(){
If I use interface org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession it refers to same instance

Spring - How can I destroy my prototype-scoped beans?

I've got a singleton bean that has a method that creates instances of a prototype bean. I'm using the method documented here to get instances of the prototype bean.
public class SingletonService implements ApplicationContextAware {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void go() {
MyPrototypeBean prototype = applicationContext
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
At first I thought that this was good enough, that my instance of 'prototype' would go out of scope when the 'go' method returned, meaning that the instance would have not reference and would be garbage collected.
However, a peer pointed out the following statement from the documentation:
The client code must clean up prototype-scoped objects and release
expensive resources that the prototype bean(s) are holding.
So it sounds like Spring will retain a reference, and so the gc will never pick it up? If that's the case how do I tell Spring to release the reference? The documentation mentions that I can use a 'custom bean post-processor', but it's not clear where that processor would fit in and what code it would run.
Thanks all in advance for helping out,
I think you're misunderstanding the documentation. It's just saying Spring won't manage the lifecycle of the prototype bean, so #PreDestroy (etc.) methods need to be called by your own code. Spring won't retain a reference.
Just to add some clarity to artbristol's answer above: artbristol is correct. Spring will create the prototype bean required by your code, but will not destroy it. This behaviour is by design as it is considered to be more effective to allow the garbage collector to 'pick up' your prototype dependency once it goes out of scope. If it was not done this way, then the only other alternative would be for Spring container to retain a reference to each and every instance of your prototype bean as they are created. Given that your code creates a NEW instance of MyPrototypeBean bean each time it is called, this means you could potentially have too many instances of MyPrototypeBean being generated, collecting but not being destroyed because destruction only occurs with the closing of the Spring Container. You can appreciate that this could very easily lead to a rapid memory leak.
As a result, it is by design that prototype beans are handled by the garbage collector, being destroyed as and when they go out of scope OR when their destruction methods are manually called.
What the documentation is saying is that IF MyPrototypeBean is holding onto any resources such as a database connection, then this will prevent that resource being properly released. It therefore becomes the coder's responsibility to manage this.
