How to build external HTTPS webhook for Google Action builder - https

I want to build a simple conversation with a scene calling an external webhook :
In action Builder, "Scene" tells me to link with a webhook name :
Action Builder Scene
but in the webhook tab I can give the https url, but not any name ?
What did I miss ?
How do i manage to call an external API from Actions Builder ???

First of all, you are right on your way. Just confused.
Now, It is asking you to name your webhook for the current scenario so that later you can take action according to that scenario.
A webhook can be called multiple times in different scenes.
It helps us to handle at backend like.
Let's say you have used webhook at three scenes named respectively
Following code can be useful at your webhook
app.handle('example1'); // For 'A' actions
app.handle('example2'); // For 'B' actions
app.handle('example3'); // For 'C' actions
That is why it is asking to name it.
you can call external API(s) inside your webhook.


Slack Workflow API Call to get Data

I want to create a Slack Workflow that is triggered via an Emoji. As part of the Workflow, I need to make an API call to get some data as one of the steps. Specifically, I am looking for a Workflow where you can react with a help emoji on a question, the workflow would find out who is oncall, and then ping that person to help with the request.
Is this possible?

How to add a dynamic results section to Laravel

I made a laravel app which uses an index method that delivers a collection of the client's available appointments (think hairdresser) to the page (as an api), which I then display using vue/vuetify.
The client is saying they would like the appointments on the page to be dynamic/live eg if someone books an appointment, then all other logged in users will see that appointment disappear from the list on their screen.
I have no idea how I would do this, although I have had one idea - I somehow incorporate node/non-blocking on the server, like a chat room, but only for this part of the app.
Or is there a way to do this with laravel/nginx?
Thanks in advance - I don't know what to search for!
I believe you are looking for Broadcasting (Documentation Link). You would need to:
Configure your broadcasting driver (you could give pusher a try for quick setup and tinkering)
Configure your Laravel backend to dispatch a new event whenever a new appointment is made, (e.g. event(new AppointmentCreated($appointment)) where AppointmentCreated implements the ShouldBroadcast interface. You can combine this with Model Events
Update your frontend to receive your broadcast (Check Laravel Echo). Once you receive a broadcast, update the UI to mark this appointment as unavailable i.e, make it disappear

Passing state data with google actions

I am developing a Google Actions project for Google Home using
Is it possible to pass a state parameter as part of the response to and have it included in the next request?
The Amazon Alexa API handles such a flow and it came in handy.
I did not mention this before: I have sending requests to a webhook after google assistant triggers my intents. The response expects is defined here. I've tried including extra fields in the response but these are not included in any future intent requests from I've also tried adding fields and values to the google specific portion of the response (defined here) to no avail.
As an example of what I am interested in, when responding to Alexa requests we can include a json field "sessionAttributes" which are then passed by Amazon in any future requests that are part of that interaction.
In this instance I query a database key on the first intent (which is subsequently used to pull a record) and pass that key in sessionAttributes to avoid performing that lookup for every intent request I receive.
The equivalent that you are looking for to sessionAttributes in Alexa dev depends on whether you are using an webhook or a conversation webhook. Reference this doc for more info on the differences.
Since you are using, assuming you are using the Node.js client library, use the snippet below. 'Contexts' can store data, not just serve as a flag of sorts to establish where you are in a conversation. Call setContext just before you call 'ask' and close out your webhook fulfillment.
app.setContext('<context name>', <lifespan of context>, <JSON to store>)
Then for the next round of fulfillment, retrieve the JSON from the parameters object within the Context. Get it with:
var myContext = app.getContext('<context name>')
Reference the examples in these docs for more info.
You could create an optional parameter in to catch/store this value and append any message being sent to with a marker and then the database value you want to cache, so recognizes from the marker the value to be cached as the parameter, and this would be passed back out of as well, so if you needed to chain/loop this, on your side you again just check if it has the special 'append' parameter value to append that to the next user message.
That being said, contexts can likely achieve the same end-goal you are trying to achieve in a much more straightforward fashion

Need suggestions in getting the conversation details

I am creating a bot using MS Bot framework - NodeJs. The below information needs to be captured for logging (Using the bot.use method i.e. IMiddleware).
a. UserId
b. UserInput (text)
c. ConversationId
1. Name of Intent or dialog name that handled this (that handled the user input text)
2. Bot output text
3. ConversationId
4. UserId
I am unable to get the required detail for the 'send'. Can anyone provide me some suggestions on this.
I believe your main struggle is to log the name of intent or dialog. You won't know it in your send middleware if you haven't captured it during the routing phase. Once the Bot Framework figured out where to send the incoming message, it just invokes that function.
These two articles may help you get what you want. Just recently I played with capturing the conversation's breadcrumbs and also logging a full transcript:
If you need to build a reliable capture engine, I would suggest that you didn't use the session.privateConversationData like I did and instead built your own storage/log infrastructure to push the events to. Just stream them out with a timestamp and conversationId and reconcile on the other end later. The asynchronous nature of everything the bot framework does internally will be haunting you along the way so that's why. Plus, once you scale out beyond testing on a few users and your bot spans multiple processes, you will be out of the single-threaded event loop.

Can we pass custom values using square connect and have it returned back in webhook notification

I am looking for information on how to pass a custom variable (transaction_logID) to the square API and then have it returned back to me on the webhooks notification URL response.
How can i specifically link a "charge" event with a "notification" event so that I can update my personal SQL record with the transaction result? (Approved, Declined etc)
Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately passing in custom data and getting it back in a webhook isn't possible.
Depending on what exactly you want to link your notification to, you can look up the ID from the webhook in the v1 payments endpoints.
