Simple html DOM parser on Laravel 8 - laravel

I have controller, which worked on Laravel 5.2 and used library yangqi/Htmldom (based on simple HTML DOM parser). Now I need to make the same logic on Laravel 8 and I can't find a library, which is based on simple HTML dom parser and working on Laravel 8 (yangqi/Htmldom - not working with Laravel 8).
I have all the need for logic based on simple HTML dom and I don't want to make it again with another library (for example Goutte).
Maybe someone can help me connect a simple HTML dom parser to Laravel 8?

Problem was fixed to next steps:
We need to change one part of code in package yangqi/Html Dom, instruction here.
We need hyphen need to be escaped in all places like wrote here.


Use Nativescript Core plugin in Nativescript Angular project

I am using in my Nativescript Angular app the nativescript-google-maps-sdk plugin which works great.
My issue is that I want to use cached images to display in a custom InfoWindow. For this purpose I am using the nativescript-web-image-cache plugin app-wide. When I use the regular <WebImage> tag in the infoWindow it complains that it is not a registered component:
Module 'ui/web-image' not found for element 'WebImage'
Everywhere else in the app it works just fine. In this issue is it suggested that:
that InfoWindowTemplate content is parsed as Vanilla NativeScript XML, not as Angular XML thus it is not able to find custom Angular Component you created
So the question is how can I still use this plugin? Is there a way I can somehow register the <WebImage> component so it will work in the custom InfoWindow?
Just to make sure there is not another issue, I added the nativescript-web-image-cache plugin to the plain NativesScript nativescript-google-maps-sdk demo project and then the <WebImage> tag works just fine.
Any pointers are highly appreciated!
Anything registered in Angular is not available in Core the same way; so if you have to create a core template; you must also pass in the xmlns:blah="ns-blah" as part of the core template, so that it is registered properly in that core template. The angular registerElement does not do anything for Core. Now you can easily do <IC:WebImage xmlns:IC="nativescript-web-image-cache" ...> and then it is valid in the template. However, I would recommend you put the xmlns:IC on the topmost element you can; as it makes reading the code a lot simpler. But in cases you don't have a parent wrapping element around the item, this is valid code to register it on the same element using it.
NS-Core templates are different than NS-Angular templates; if you attempt to use things that work in Angular like <IC:WebImage [param]="value" (param)="value"/> both the [param] and (param) will totally break template parsing in core. NS-Core's parser is like HTML, nothing is supposed to surround the param and the value should be in quotes. The value can have {{ boundvalue }} to bind a dynamic value into the template.
Normally when passing a NS-Core template into whatever function you need; you want to pass in just the minimal parts; you rarely need to use things like <Page>, <Frame> or any other top level elements. In fact this can cause problems. You normally need just the piece of the layout you are going to have it view. So in this case <StackLayout xmlns:IC=...><IC:WebImage...></StackLayout>
Finally when troubleshooting using Core features in Angular; I highly recommend you put fixed Width/Height and Background colors on each element. This can sometimes show you what is failing.
As InfoWindowTemplate content is parsed as Vanilla NativeScript XML, you could add xmlns:IC="nativescript-web-image-cache" to the root / parent element of your component. Also use <IC:WebImage> instead of WebImage.

Laravel Pagination Foundation Compatibility

According to Laravel Documentation
In other frameworks, pagination can be very painful. Laravel makes it a breeze. Laravel can quickly generate an intelligent "range" of links based on the current page, and the generated HTML is compatible with the Bootstrap CSS framework.
My question is Foundation also compatible with Laravel's pagination?
There is nothing to stop Laravel pagination working with Foundation but the default HTML generated by Laravel is Bootstrap specific. There is no mention in the docs or API to suggest that it can generate Foundation-specific code.
You have two choices. One is to write your own custom code (covered elsewhere on Stack Overflow, although not specifically for Foundation)
The other option is to pull in a specific package that someone else has written:
Laravel 4
Laravel 5
You can easily pass the paginator data to your own view of a paginator. - Meaning you can do the following:
Create a folder named components in your views folder and then create a pagination view; after pass the pagination data to the component created and include it as shown below in any of your views.
Getting a paginated data set:
$yourPaginationData = App\YourModel::orderBy('id', 'desc')->with(['relation'])->paginate(15)
Including the pagination:
#include('components.pagination', ['paginator' => $yourPaginationData])
In the view, one can manipulate the pagination data as needed and create their own design and idea of pagination.
You can also find something open-source for foundation that was custom built to work with laravel here.

Joomla : Want to build custom form with my own back hand code

I just want to create custom html with good css form with my own php as backhand code and javascript for validation.. Is there any extension for this?
I have seen few extensions but none of them allows me to add my own php backhand code.
If you are not going to use Joomla's framework, then you may as well build the form outside of joomla and insert it into the article via an iframe (you may need to change the editor's permissions to allow you to do this).
It is worth looking into using the framework properly, however, as it does have easy-to-use mail classes and actually makes things easier when you get your head around it.
(Though to answer your actual question - this module appears to allow you to add raw php )

Share templates between Laravel and JavaScript

How do I share template information between my PHP backend and JavaScript / AJAX requests?
Times ago I just sent my AJAX requests and had the HTML generated by the server and sent as such. Today I have my AJAX data as JSON but I have no idea how to use the same template (e.g. a users list) at the server side and (for refreshing, filtering etc.) at client side without creating redundant layout code.
Is there a template language with parsers as well for PHP/Laravel and JavaScript?
The Laravel template engine Blade is obviously not usable in JavaScript.
The only sharing template language I found via Google was Mustache, but the parser for Laravel was outdated.
Is there anything else out there and which approach do you use for that?
Your boiled down question:
Is there a template language with parsers as well for PHP/Laravel and
Laravel and Mustache | server side:
conarwelsh/mustache-l4 is a Mustache.php wrapper for Laravel 4. They seems to keep up very well as opposed to what you tell (I presume you mean michaelenger/mustacheview which is actually a Laravel 3 bundle). I stand corrected if am wrong.
Laravel's Blade doesn't rule out Mustache at all. You just have to create a Mustache partial without using blade.php extension and include it within a regular Blade template using #include (More details here)
Serving Mustache template:
You can even coin any custom Response you need using Response Macros such Response::mustache(...) leveraging Response::make(...) (see here for more details).
Some samples of interest:
Combining Laravel 4 and Backbone.
Sharing Templates Between PHP and JavaScript | PHP but still relevant!
My short answer (Updated):
Don't look elsewhere: Laravel + Mustache + Javascript if a mix of server|client side rendering is part of your requirements.
Get your hands dirty! :)
I had the same issue with Laravel and Angularjs, what I did is that I created a route to return templates
This route will View::make('templates'.$name);, this is an AngularJs template that will be filled with data returned by JSON API. Remember to use non conflicting tags I used {{ for Laravel and <% for Angular.
RENDER YOUR TEMPLATE SERVER SIDE! I'm not sure at what point someone decided you needed to send JSON to the front end, but that's not how they do it in Rails. In Rails, they actually render the template server side, then send it back to the front end and your JS appends it to the page (or, actually sends back the JS + the markup to attach). This saves a ton of time and headache, trust me.

Implementing Django Templates and jQuery Templates Together

I'm working on a website that uses AJAX to retrieve data from the server and display it on the page. Django renders the initial page content using its template engine (so it will be indexed by search engines). When the user takes an action, jQuery fetches the new data via AJAX and the response is returned as JSON. I would like to have jQuery render this new content without violating the DRY Principle. Therefore I would like to use a templating engine that is "shared" between Django and jQuery. I've been running in circles trying to find the best solution but always seem to run into a road block.
Has this already been done? Here are the options I have thought of:
Use regular expressions to transform the Django template into correct jQuery template syntax, and render it in its raw form to the page. jQuery will then pick it up and use it to render the new data.
Extend the jQuery template engine to recognize the Django template syntax, again rendering the raw Django template to the page for jQuery to use.
Has this been successfully done before? Either way seems like a lot of work for anything but the simplest of Django templates because of the plethora of Django tags and filters that would need accounted for.
Your best bet is to pick a template language that has both Javascript and Python support, and use that everywhere.
As far as I know, Mustache is your best bet.
I haven't found a perfect solution since I asked this question, but for the sake of development time I resorted to sending back both JSON and HTML in the AJAX response. This way the django templates still perform the HTML generation, but javascript is still free to utilize the data without having to parse the HTML.
I am sending approximately twice the data over the network, but I'm going to live with it until my application grows to the point where a smaller response is beneficial. At that point I will probably look into something like Mustache as Rob mentioned.
