NDBaI Index calculation in GEE- JS - threshold

I am having difficulty in generating the NDBaI index using Landsat 8 correctly, the range of values is not ranging from -1 to 1. Either the values are all negative or it has a very small range from 0.8 to 0.9 which is unrealistic wrt the on ground features. My study area is a forest with a buffer around it.
The formula-
The range shows as -1 to 1 but when I click inspector and check on two different land features(forest and builtup) the values are all only in negative.


Speeding up a pre-computed seam carving algorithm

I'm writing a JS seam carving library. It works great, I can rescale a 1024x1024 image very cleanly in real time as fast as I can drag it around. It looks great! But in order to get that performance I need to pre-compute a lot of data and it takes about 10 seconds. I'm trying to remove this bottleneck and am looking for ideas here.
Seam carving works by removing the lowest energy "squiggly" line of pixels from an image. e.g. If you have a 10x4 image a horizontal seam might look like this:
So if you resize it to 10x3 you remove all the 'X' pixels. The general idea is that the seams go around the things that look visually important to you, so instead of just normal scaling where everything gets squished, you're mostly removing things that look like whitespace, and the important elements in a picture are unaffected.
The process of calculating energy levels, removing them, and re-calculating is rather expensive, so I pre-compute it in node.js and generate a .seam file.
Each seam in the .seam file is basically: starting position, direction, direction, direction, direction, .... So for the above example you'd have:
starting position: 2
seam direction: -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 1
This is quite compact and allows me to generate .seam files in ~60-120kb for a 1024x1024 image depending on settings.
Now, in order to get fast rendering I generate a 2D grids that represents the order in which pixels should be removed. So:
(figure A):
contains 1 seam of info, then we can add a 2nd seam:
(figure B):
and when merged you get:
For completeness we can add seams 3 & 4:
(figures C & D):
and merge them all into:
(figure E):
You'll notice that the 2s aren't all connected in this merged version, because the merged version is based on the original pixel positions, whereas the seam is based on the pixel positions at the moment the seam is calculated which, for this 2nd seam, is a 10x3px image.
This allows the front-end renderer to basically just loop over all the pixels in an image and filter them against this grid by number of desired pixels to remove. It runs at 100fps on my computer, meaning that it's perfectly suitable for single resizes on most devices. yay!
Now the problem that I'm trying to solve:
The decoding step from seams that go -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 1 to the pre-computed grid of which pixels to remove is slow. The basic reason for this is that whenever one seam is removed, all the seams from there forward get shifted.
The way I'm currently calculating the "shifting" is by splicing each pixel of a seam out of a 1,048,576 element array (for a 1024x1024 px image, where each index is x * height + y for horizontal seams) that stores the original pixel positions. It's veeerrrrrryyyyy slow running .splice a million times...
This seems like a weird leetcode problem, in that perhaps there's a data structure that would allow me to know "how many pixels above this one have already been excluded by a seam" so that I know the "normalized index". But... I can't figure it out, anything I can think of requires too many re-writes to make this any faster.
Or perhaps there might be a better way to encode the seam data, but using 1-2 bits per pixel of the seam is very efficient, and anything else I can come up with would make those files huge.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
[edit and tl;dr] -- How do I efficiently merge figures A-D into figure E? Alternatively, any ideas that yield figure E efficiently, from any compressed format
If I understand correct your current algorithm is:
while there are pixels in Image:
seam = get_seam(Image)
Image = remove_seam_from_image(Image, seam)
You then want to construct an array containing the numbers of each seam.
To do so, you could make a 1024x1024 array where each value is the index of that element of the array (y*width+x). Call this Indices.
A modified algorithm then gives you what you want
Let Indices have the dimensions of Image and be initialized to [0, len(Image)0
Let SeamNum have the dimensions of Image and be initialized to -1
seam_num = 0
while there are pixels in Image:
seam = get_seam(Image)
Image = remove_seam_from_image(Image, seam)
Indices = remove_seam_from_image_and_write_seam_num(Indices, seam, SeamNum, seam_num)
remove_seam_from_image_and_write_seam_num is conceptually identical to remove_seam_from_image except that as it walks seam to remove each pixel from Indices it writes seam_num to the location in SeamNum indicated by the pixel's value in Indices.
The output is the SeamNum array you're looking for.

Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) Implementation in Document Image Character Patch Identification

My task is to identify character patches within the document image. Consider the image below:
Based from the paper, to extract character patches, the MSER based method will be adopted to detect character candidates.
"The main advantage of the MSER based method is that such algorithm is
able to find most legible characters even when the document image is in
low quality."
Another paper discusses about MSER. I'm having a hard time understanding the latter paper. Can anyone explain to me in simple terms the steps that I should take to implement MSER and extract character patches in my sample document. I will implement it in Python, and I need to fully grasp / understand how MSER works.
Below are the steps to identify character patches in the image document (based from the way I understand it, please correct me if I am wrong)
"First, pixels are sorted by intensity"
My comprehension:
Say for example I have 5 pixels in an image with intensities (Pixel 1) 1, (Pixel 2) 9,(Pixel 3) 255,(Pixel 4) 3,(Pixel 5) 4 consecutively, then if sorted increasingly, based on intensity it will yield an output, Pixel 1,4,5,2 and 3.
After sorting, pixels are placed in the image (either in decreasing or increasing order) and the list of connected components and their areas is maintained using the efficient union-find algorithm.
My Comprehension:
Using the example in number 1. Pixels will be arranged like below. Pixel component/group and Image X,Y coordinates are just examples.
Pixel Number | Intensity Level | Pixel Component/Group | Image X,Y Coordinates
1 | 1 | Pixel Component # 5 | (14,12)
4 | 3 | Pixel Component # 1 | (234,213)
5 | 4 | Pixel Component # 2 | (231,14)
2 | 9 | Pixel Component # 3 | (23,21)
3 | 255 | Pixel Component # 1 | (234,214)
"The process produces a data structure storing the area of each connected component as a function of intensity."
My comprehension:
A column in table in #2 will be added, called Area. It will count the number of pixels in a specific component with the same intensity level. Its like an aggregation of pixels within the component group with the same intensity level.
4."Finally, intensity levels that are local minima of the rate of change of the area function are selected as thresholds producing MSER. In the output, each MSER is represented by position of a local intensity minimum (or maximum) and a threshold."
How to get the local minima of the rate of change of the area function ?
Please help me understand this what and how to implement MSER. Feel free to correct my understanding. Thanks.
In one article the authors track a value they call "stability" (which roughly means the rate of change of area when going from region to region in their data structure), and then find regions corresponding to local minima of that value (a local minimum is a point in which the value of interest is smaller than that in the closest neighbors). If that is of any help, here is a C++ implementation of MSER (based on another article).

OpenCV matchTemplate threshold values for different methods

I searched a lot for finding the threshold values for the below mention methods.
methods = ['cv2.TM_CCOEFF', 'cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED', 'cv2.TM_CCORR',
I also tried to figure them out by myself but I could only find thresholds for 3 methods which have max value of 1.0. The other methods values were in range of 10^5. I would like to know the bounds of these methods.
Can somebody point me in the right direction. My agenda is to loop through all the methods for template matching and get the best outcome.I went through the documentation and source code, but no luck.
These are the values I got , I could understand that *NORMED methods have values 0-1.
cv2.TM_CCOEFF -- 25349100.0
cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED -- 0.31208357214927673
cv2.TM_CCORR -- 616707328.0
cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED -- 0.9031367897987366
cv2.TM_SQDIFF -- 405656000.0
cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED -- 0.737377941608429
As described in opencv documentation matchTemplate result is a sum of differences (varies with method) for each pixel, so for not normalized methods - thresholds would vary with size of template.
You can see formulas for each method and calculate thresholds for your template type considering that max difference between pixels is 255 for CV_8UC1 image.
So lets say you have 2 grayscale images and smallest one is 10x10.
In that case for TM_SQDIFF minimum distance would be 10x10x0^2=0 (images are identical) and maximum would be 10x10x255^2=6502500 (one image is completely black and other is white), which results in [0, 6502500] boundaries.
Of course it is possible to calculate that for the undefined sizes [A, B].
For TM_CCORR it would be AxBxmax(T(x',y')I(x+x',y+y')) = 65025AB
You can go on and calculate that for remaining methods, remember that if you have different from CV_8UC image types (like 32FC or 32SC) - you would need to replace 255 with corresponding values (max(float) max(int32))

Compressed representation of polygons

I have a lot of (millions) of polygons from openstreetmap-data with mostly (more than 99%) exactly four coordinates representing houses.
I currently save the four coordinates for each house explicitly as Tuple of floats (Latitude and Longitude), hence taking 32 bytes of memory.
Is there a way to store this information in a compressed way (fewer than 32 byte) since the four coordinates only differ very few in the last decimals?
If your map patch is not too large, you can store relative coordinates against some base point (for example, bottom left corner). Get these differences, norm them by map size like this:
uint16_diff = (uint16) 65535 * (lat - latbottom) / (lattop - latbottom)
This approach allows to store 16-bit integer values.
For rectangles (you can store them in separate list) there is a way to store 5 16-bit values instead of 8 values - coordinates of left top corner, width, height, and angle of rotation (there might be another sets of data, for example, including the second corner)
Combining both these methods, one might get data size loss upto 3.2 times
As #MBo said, you can store one corner of each house and compress the other three corners as relative to the first corner.
Also, if buildings are so similar you can set a "dictionary" of buildings. For each building you store its index in the dictionary and some feature, like its first corner coordinates and rotation.
You are giving no information on the resolution you want to keep.
Assuming 1 m accuracy is enough, 24 bits can cover up to 16000 km. Then 8 bits should also be enough to represent the size information (up to 256 m).
This would make 8 bytes per house.
More aggressive compression for instance with Huffman coding will probably not work on the locations (relatively uniform distribution); a little better on the sizes, but the benefit is marginal.

Can Someone Explain This Labview Code

I modified some Labview code I found online to use in my program. It works, I understand nearly all of it, but there's one section that confuses me. This is the program:
This program takes 2 images, subtracts them, and returns the picture plus a percentage difference. What I understand is it takes the pictures, subtracts them, converts the subtracted image into an array of colored pixels, then math happens, and the pixels are compared to the threshold. It adds a 1 for every pixel greater than the threshold, divides it by the image size, and out comes a percentage. The part I don't understand is the math part, the whole quotient and remainder section with a "random" 256. Because I don't understand how to get these numbers, I have a percentage, but I don't understand what they mean. Here's a picture of the front panel with 2 different tests.
In the top one, I have a percentage of 15, and the bottom a percentage of 96. This tells me that the bottom one is "96 percent different". But is there anyway to make sure this is accurate?
The other question I have is threshold, as I don't know exactly what that does either. Like if I change the threshold on the bottom image to 30, my percentage is 8%, with the same picture.
I'm sure once I understand the quotient/remainder part, it'll all make sense, but I can't seem to get it. Thank you for your help.
My best guess is that someone tried to characterize difference between 2 images with a single number. The remainder-quotient part is a "poor man" approach to split each 2D array element of the difference into 2 lower bytes (2 remainders) and the upper 2 byte word. Then lower 2 bytes of the difference are summed and the result is added to the upper 2 bytes (as a word). Maybe 3 different bytes each represented different channel of the camera (e.g. RGB color)?
Then, the value is compared against the threshold, and number of pixels above the threshold are calculated. This number is divided by the total number of pixels to calculate the %% difference. So result is a %% of pixels, which differ from the master image by the threshold.
E.g. if certain pixel of your image was 0x00112233 and corresponding master image pixel had a value of 0x00011122, then the number compared to the threshold is (0x11 - 0x01) + (0x22 - 0x11) + (0x33 - 0x22) = 0x10 + 0x11 + 0x11 = 0x32 = 50 decimal.
Whether this is the best possible comparison/difference criteria is the question well outside of this topic.
