GEKKO Inconsistent result with MODE 4 and 7 - gekko

Solving problem with 2 nodes.
Given Problem
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0, 5, 2)
x = m.Var(1)
m.Equation(x.dt() == 1)
If solve with MODE 7
m.options.IMODE = 7
m.options.SOLVER = 2
x = [1.0, 1.0]
If solve with MODE 4
m.options.IMODE = 4
m.options.SOLVER = 2
x = [1.0, 6.0]

It appears that there is a bug with how Gekko reports the solution when there is only 1 time step with IMODE=7. Switching to two time steps gives a consistent and correct solution for both IMODE=7 and IMODE=4.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0, 5, 3)
x = m.Var(1)
m.Equation(x.dt() == 1)
m.options.IMODE = 7
m.options.SOLVER = 2
When IMODE=4 the solution is also [1.0, 3.5, 6.0].


Fastest way to build matrix with concentric "rings" of values

Say I have a vector Q = [Q1 Q2 .... QN].
I would like to create a matrix A such that the kth "ring" of the matrix is equal to Qk, with the following constraint:
if N is odd, the central patch is composed of one number, which is QN
For Q = [12 3 27] this would be :
A =
12 12 12 12 12
12 3 3 3 12
12 3 27 3 12
12 3 3 3 12
12 12 12 12 12
if N is even, the central patch is a 2x2 patch where QN gets repeated
for Q = [12 3] this would be
A =
12 12 12 12
12 3 3 12
12 3 3 12
12 12 12 12
Two for loops
Two for loops work but it is too slow (~13,3s for 5000x5000 matrices) (Code below) :
%% Two for loops :
% Generate random integer vector Q with unique values
N = 5;
n = 15 * N;
Q = randperm(n,N).';
% Double for loop method
if mod(N,2)==1
mSize = 2*N-1;
mSize = 2*N;
A = zeros(mSize);
for ii=1:(mSize)
for jj=1:(mSize)
IDX = min([ii,jj,mSize-ii+1,mSize-jj+1]);
A(ii,jj) = Q(IDX);
Faster approach
I have found a faster approach, which is pretty good (~1.46s for 5000x5000 matrices) but there might still be some room for improvement :
if mod(N,2)==1
mSize = 2*N-1;
I_idx = (1:mSize)-N;
A_fast = Q(end-max(abs(I_idx.'),abs(I_idx)));
I_idx = [(N-1):-1:0 0:(N-1)];
A_fast = Q(end-max(I_idx.',I_idx));
Any ideas?
The logic of the code is lightly simpler if you follow the advice in Wolfie's comment, and compute only one quadrant that you repeat:
I_idx = 1:N;
B = Q(min(I_idx,I_idx.'));
if mod(N,2)==1
B = [B,B(:,end-1:-1:1)]; % same as [B,fliplr(B(:,1:end-1))]
B = [B;B(end-1:-1:1,:)]; % same as [B;flipud(B(1:end-1,:))]
B = [B,fliplr(B)];
B = [B;flipud(B)];
This is 2-2.5 times as fast depending on whether Q is even or odd-sized.
Steve's comment suggest building a triangle first, but I don't see that being any faster, due to the complexity of indexing a matrix's upper or lower triangle.
Testing code:
N = 5000;
n = 15 * N;
Q = randperm(n,N).';
if mod(N,2)==1
mSize = 2*N-1;
I_idx = (1:mSize)-N;
A = Q(end-max(abs(I_idx.'),abs(I_idx)));
I_idx = [(N-1):-1:0 0:(N-1)];
A = Q(end-max(I_idx.',I_idx));
I_idx = 1:N;
B = Q(min(I_idx,I_idx.'));
if mod(N,2)==1
B = [B,B(:,end-1:-1:1)];
B = [B;B(end-1:-1:1,:)];
B = [B,fliplr(B)];
B = [B;flipud(B)];
I came up with a solution using repmat, then flipping along a diagonal to get a quarter of the solution, finally flipping and reversing twice to get the full output matrix.
function A = flip_it_and_reverse_it(Q)
N = length(Q);
QQ = repmat(Q(:), 1, N);
quarter_A = triu(QQ) + triu(QQ, 1).';
half_A = [quarter_A, quarter_A(:, end-1:-1:1)];
A = [half_A; half_A(end-1:-1:1, :)];
There may be improvements that can be made to get faster flips/reverses with some clever transposes.
For the even case in your updated question, the indices in the lines starting half_A and A should be end:-1:1 instead of end-1:-1:1.
Running some quick timings, it looks like my solution is comprable (sometimes slightly slower) to your faster approach:
N = 5000;
n = 15 * N;
Q = randperm(n,N).';
disp('double loop')
disp('faster approach')
double loop
faster approach
Note: sometimes faster_approach wins, sometimes flip - I've got some other jobs running on my laptop.

How to vectorize a dot product of one matrix for every row of another?

If I have a matrix A and I want to get the dot product of A with every row of B.
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 4.0]])
b = np.array([[1.0, 1.0],
[2.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 3.0]])
If the goal was to do it manually (or in a loop):
c = np.array([, b[0])])
c = np.append(c, [, b[1])], axis=0)
c = np.append(c, [, b[2])], axis=0)
c = [[ 3. 7.]
[ 6. 14.]
[ 9. 21.]]
With some transposing and matrix-multiplication using -
With np.einsum -
With np.tensordot -
Runtime test -
In [123]: a = np.random.rand(2000, 2000)
...: b = np.random.rand(3000, 2000)
In [124]: %timeit
...: %timeit
...: %timeit np.einsum('ij,kj->ki',a,b)
...: %timeit np.tensordot(b,a,axes=((1,1)))
1 loops, best of 3: 234 ms per loop
10 loops, best of 3: 169 ms per loop
1 loops, best of 3: 7.59 s per loop
10 loops, best of 3: 170 ms per loop

Segmented Least Squares

Give an algorithm that takes a sequence of points in the plane (x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), ...., (x_n, y_n) and an integer k as input and returns the best piecewise linear function f consisting of at most k pieces that minimizes the sum squared error. You may assume that you have access to an algorithm that computes the sum squared error for one segment through a set of n points in Θ(n) time.The solution should use O(n^2k) time and O(nk) space.
Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you so much!
(This is too late for your homework, but hope it helps anyway.)
First is dynamic programming in python / numpy for k = 4 only,
to help you understand how dynamic programming works;
once you understand that, writing a loop for any k should be easy.
Also, Cost[] is a 2d matrix, space O(n^2);
see the notes at the end for getting down to space O(n k)
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" min-cost split into 4 pieces, dynamic programming k=4 """
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
__version__ = "2014-03-09 mar denis"
def split4( Cost, verbose=1 ):
""" min-cost split into 4 pieces, dynamic programming k=4
min Cost[0:a] + Cost[a:b] + Cost[b:c] + Cost[c:n]
Cost[a,b] = error in least-squares line fit to xy[a] .. xy[b] *including b*
or error in lsq horizontal lines, sum (y_j - av y) ^2 for each piece --
| | | |
0 2 5 9
(Why 4 ? to walk through step by step, then put in a loop)
# speedup: maxlen 2 n/k or so
Cost = np.asanyarray(Cost)
n = Cost.shape[1]
# C2 C3 ... costs, J2 J3 ... indices of best splits
J2 = - np.ones(n, dtype=int) # -1, NaN mark undefined / bug
C2 = np.ones(n) * np.NaN
J3 = - np.ones(n, dtype=int)
C3 = np.ones(n) * np.NaN
# best 2-splits of the left 2 3 4 ...
for nleft in range( 1, n ):
J2[nleft] = j = np.argmin([ Cost[0,j-1] + Cost[j,nleft] for j in range( 1, nleft+1 )]) + 1
C2[nleft] = Cost[0,j-1] + Cost[j,nleft]
# an idiom for argmin j, min value c together
# best 3-splits of the left 3 4 5 ...
for nleft in range( 2, n ):
J3[nleft] = j = np.argmin([ C2[j-1] + Cost[j,nleft] for j in range( 2, nleft+1 )]) + 2
C3[nleft] = C2[j-1] + Cost[j,nleft]
# best 4-split of all n --
j4 = np.argmin([ C3[j-1] + Cost[j,n-1] for j in range( 3, n )]) + 3
c4 = C3[j4-1] + Cost[j4,n-1]
j3 = J3[j4]
j2 = J2[j3]
jsplit = np.array([ 0, j2, j3, j4, n ])
if verbose:
print "split4: len %s pos %s cost %.3g" % (np.diff(jsplit), jsplit, c4)
print "split4: J2 %s C2 %s" %(J2, C2)
print "split4: J3 %s C3 %s" %(J3, C3)
return jsplit
if __name__ == "__main__":
import random
import sys
import spread
n = 10
ncycle = 2
plot = 0
seed = 0
# run a=1 b=None c=[3] 'd = expr' ... in sh or ipython
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( 1, threshold=100, edgeitems=10, linewidth=100, suppress=True )
print "\n", 80 * "-"
title = "Dynamic programming least-square horizontal lines %s n %d seed %d" % (
__file__, n, seed)
print title
x = np.arange( n + 0. )
y = np.sin( 2*np.pi * x * ncycle / n )
# synthetic time series ?
print "y: %s av %.3g variance %.3g" % (y, y.mean(), np.var(y))
print "Cost[j,k] = sum (y - av y)^2 --" # len * var y[j:k+1]
Cost = spread.spreads_allij( y )
print Cost # .round().astype(int)
jsplit = split4( Cost )
# split4: len [3 2 3 2] pos [ 0 3 5 8 10]
if plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
title += "\n lengths: %s" % np.diff(jsplit)
pl.title( title )
pl.plot( y )
for js, js1 in zip( jsplit[:-1], jsplit[1:] ):
if js1 <= js: continue
yav = y[js:js1].mean() * np.ones( js1 - js + 1 )
pl.plot( np.arange( js, js1 + 1 ), yav )
# pl.legend()
Then, the following code does Cost[] for horizontal lines only, slope 0;
extending it to line segments of any slope, in time O(n), is left as an exercise.
""" spreads( all y[:j] ) in time O(n)
define spread( y[] ) = sum (y - average y)^2
e.g. spread of 24 hourly temperatures y[0:24] i.e. y[0] .. y[23]
around a horizontal line at the average temperature
(spread = 0 for constant temperature,
24 c^2 for constant + [c -c c -c ...],
24 * variance(y) )
How fast can one compute all 24 spreads
1 hour (midnight to 1 am), 2 hours ... all 24 ?
A simpler problem: compute all 24 averages in time O(n):
N = np.arange( 1, len(y)+1 )
allav = np.cumsum(y) / N
= [ y0, (y0 + y1) / 2, (y0 + y1 + y2) / 3 ...]
An identity:
spread(y) = sum(y^2) - n * (av y)^2
Voila: the code below, all spreads() in time O(n).
Exercise: extend this to spreads around least-squares lines
fit to [ y0, [y0 y1], [y0 y1 y2] ... ], not just horizontal lines.
from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
def spreads( y ):
""" [ spread y[:1], spread y[:2] ... spread y ] in time O(n)
where spread( y[] ) = sum (y - average y )^2
= n * variance(y)
N = np.arange( 1, len(y)+1 )
return np.cumsum( y**2 ) - np.cumsum( y )**2 / N
def spreads_allij( y ):
""" -> A[i,j] = sum (y - av y)^2, spread of y around its average
for all y[i:j+1]
time, space O(n^2)
y = np.asanyarray( y, dtype=float )
n = len(y)
A = np.zeros((n,n))
for i in range(n):
A[i,i:] = spreads( y[i:] )
return A
So far we have an n x n cost matrix, space O(n^2).
To get down to space O( n k ),
look closely at the pattern of Cost[i,j] accesses in the dyn-prog code:
for nleft .. to n:
Cost_nleft = Cost[j,nleft ] -- time nleft or nleft^2
for k in 3 4 5 ...:
min [ C[k-1, j-1] + Cost_nleft[j] for j .. to nleft ]
Here Cost_nleft is one row of the full n x n cost matrix, ~ n segments, generated as needed.
This can be done in time O(n) for line segments.
But if "error for one segment through a set of n points takes O(n) time",
it seems we're up to time O(n^3). Comments anyone ?
If you can do least squares for some segment in n^2, it's easy to do what you want in n^2 k^2 with dynamic programming. You might be able to optimize that to a single k only.

Octave - Split number into matrix

Using Octave I want to take a number for example
x = 14
And split it into a matrix like the following.
m = [1, 4]
So far I've tried converting the number into a string, and then using the str2mat function without result.
Another example would be
x = 23445
Converted to
m = [2, 3, 4, 4, 5]
Thanks in advance for the help.
x = 14;
sprintf('%d',x) - '0'
>> 1 4
If you want to do this via string manipulation, provided there's no decimal parts, this is the way to go:
octave> x = 23445
x = 23445
octave> s = int2str (x)
s = 23445
octave> m = arrayfun (#(x) str2double (s(x)), 1:numel(s))
m =
2 3 4 4 5
Not tested, but the idea is: try to divide the number x = 23445 by 10 and take the decimal part.
For example, iterate:
x = 23445;
t = 23445/10; # t is 2344,5
r = floor(t); # r is 2344
d = x - r * 10 # d is 5 = 23445 - 2344 * 10
d will have value 5 (you have the last digit of x, add it to the array). r will have value 2344. So now:
x = r; # so x = 2344;
t = 2344/10; # t is 234,4
r = floor(t); # r is 234
d = x - r * 10 # d is 4 = 2344 - 234 * 10
d will have value 4. r will have value 234.
And iterate till r = 0.

issue with sub2ind and matrix of matrix in matlab with images

I here by post the code why I came across while exploring one technique.
Y = repmat((1:m)', [1 n]);
X = repmat(1:n, [m 1]) - labels_left;
X(X<1) = 1;
indices = sub2ind([m,n],Y,X);
final_labels = labels_left;
final_labels(abs(labels_left - labels_right(indices))>=1) = -1;
In above code labels left is single channel image.[m n] is the size of that image. I want to know how this sub2ind works in above code.And Iam also facing problem in the last statement which contains
what the above expression evaluates to.Here labels right is also an image
Maybe a smaller example could help understand:
%# image matrix
M = rand(4,3)
[m n] = size(M)
%# meshgrid, and convert to linear indices
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m)
indices = sub2ind([m,n],Y,X)
%# extract those elements
The matrix M:
>> M
M =
0.95717 0.42176 0.65574
0.48538 0.91574 0.035712
0.80028 0.79221 0.84913
0.14189 0.95949 0.93399
the grid of (x,y) coordinates of all points:
>> X,Y
X =
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
Y =
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
converted to linear indices:
>> indices
indices =
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
then we index into the matrix using those indices.
>> M(indices)
ans =
0.95717 0.42176 0.65574
0.48538 0.91574 0.035712
0.80028 0.79221 0.84913
0.14189 0.95949 0.93399
Note that: M(indices(i,j)) = M(Y(i,j)),X(i,j)).
