Can't clone git from GitLab in Windows - windows

I have a problem only with one repository from my GitLab. I think it depends on the count of objects on the repository. Smaller projects were cloned successfully. Https doesn't work neither Linux nor Windows. In Windows I get the error:
remote: Counting objects: 100% (988/988)
error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: protocol error: bad pack header
I also tried to clone the repository in my LAN network (ping < 1 ms). Same issue.
In Linux, I can clone the repository via ssh. But in Windows with the same private key, I get error about Invalid format in the private key. Key is the same as loaded in Linux OS. But if I tried to connect via ssh to GitLab (git#git.domain) the connection will be (Just ssh without git clone). I even see the welcome message.

The solution is a workaround in


Connection Refused

I'm getting the following error when I type git clone --recursive
fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 1080 after 2057 ms: Connection refused
I've been searching for the solution but I haven't find yet.
I also cloned repository with SSH key but while downloading the submodules I get the same message.
Check first your environment variables, looking for any HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY.
For instance, at work, I have mine set to, because I use an intermediate local proxy px, in order to avoid entering my credentials whenever I need to use the company proxy.

Trouble connecting to Git server ( via Win 10 Git Bash

I had to restart my machine but things were working before hand. I was using Git Bash with SSH and hoses on Win 10 to connect to BitBucket which was fine.
I then had to also connect with Git Bash (another instance) to GitHub. This required Putty and Pagent to get setup.
No I try to connect to BitBucket and get this:
git pull origin mybranch
FATAL ERROR: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Is there a simple way to have both working in different shells?
I tried to do a plink.exe to but that made things worse.
Is there a simple way to have both working in different shells?
Yes. You can use any single method (from both) for connecting to HG|BB. Just select preferred way (ssh + ssh-agent OR pageant) and perform needed steps according to relevant docs

git clone SSL protocol error

I am trying to clone a git from a remote server in windows 7.
curl -v https://myserver
works git clone I get a:
fatal: unable to access 'https://myserver': Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to myserver:8080
another user using my computer was able to do it though. It's only my account that doesn't work?
any ideas?

Any available solution for Mac Air : ssh githup operation timed out?

I've searched and tried kinds of solution before I ask this question, but obviously it doesn't work. That may be a common problem of Mac Air:
And the problem is that when I tried to establish new repo for git and type:
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
I got this error:
fatal : unable to access '': failed to connect to githup.com443; Operation timed out.
If I use git like this:
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
I got these:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
I just begin to doubt that ssh service of Mac Air may be not available.
Any useful solution ?
Thanks very much in advance!!!
Have you tried instead of
I guess that is the error.

Cannot clone git repo from ubuntu server with TortoiseGit

I'm facing some problems while git clone a repo from my ubuntu server running gitolite.
First, I got a public key from the developer who wants to clone the repository from the server. It was a rsa key created with putty. So I did the following to parse it from the putty-style to openssh format with:
ssh-keygen -i -f /tmp/ssh2/ > /tmp/openssh/ (taken from
and uploaded the public key along with a new entry for the repo and the new user in the config file to gitolite-admin repo.
So far, so good.
The developer is using **** along with putty to connect to the server, which is running git on a non-standard port and he keeps on getting the same error over and over again:
Cloning into 'D:\path\to\dirctory'...
error: Recv failure: Connection was reset while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed
git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)
Could anyone give me some advice about this issue?
In the meantime, we managed to git clone the repository by addressing it with the ssh:// protocol instead of git://, so it doesn't seem like it is a problem of the rsa_public.key or something like that.
The iptables on the server are accepting connections through the port for git, but it keeps on giving the above mentioned error.
The OP herom initially commented that the developer used git:// as an address.
I asked if there was any firewall issue, preventing the use of the git port (9418), but the OP mentioned:
no, there shouldn't be a firewall issue as iptables is accepting traffic for the git port - the port is forwarded and appears to be another port when connecting from outside...
Now, the developer cloned the repo through ssh:// (and even connecting to the ssh-port!)
I note that the git port can sometime be blocked, as illustrated in this thread.
If not on the client side, maybe on the server side.
