Website showing 404 instead of automatically showing index.html - openlitespeed

I use OpenLiteSpeed as a web server, and when I load my website I get a 404 error instead of it automatically loading the index.html page, when I put index.html in manually the page loads without a problem


Ckeditor greyed out when on cloudflare

I cant use ckeditor when on cloudflare. As soon as I edit the node...I get empty wysiwyg editor. Same for comments.
And the console error is
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
It works fine on regular hosting without cloudflare...

My Vue+Laravel App doesn't want to do Vue on Heroku

I have a Laravel+Vue app that I successfully installed on Heroku and Laravel part works here (, but my Vue code for this application doesn't want to work. Code you can see here
Can you help me, please to fix the error of why Vue doesn't work on Heroku?
It works on local environment well.
Try inspect your website and look at the console tab. you will see this error.
Mixed Content: The page at ''
was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
If your website delivers HTTPS pages, all active mixed content delivered via HTTP on this pages will be blocked by default.
The best strategy to avoid mixed content blocking is to serve all the content as HTTPS instead of HTTP. you can use laravel secure_assets method this generates a URL for an asset using HTTPS
<script src="{{ secure_assets('js/app.js') }}?time={{ time() }}"></script>
or simply just set 'url' => '' in config/app.php and .env APP_URL=

How to stop Adsense loading mixed content on https site?

I am getting intermittent mixed content errors on my https site. The site link is
I have checked Chrome Dev tools >Network tab and I am seeing unsecure urls examples below:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure plugin data ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS. ads?client=ca-pub-3370240294319443&format=300x250&output=html&h=250&slotname=8722343817&adk=5159607…
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure plugin data '…'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
But the adslots are using latest code (//
I am pretty certain these are loaded by Adsense. My question is how can I block this or force it to use https?
Ask the users browser to fetch the secure content, if possible:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests" />
If the ad is available via https, then it will fetch that version, otherwise, the content will be blocked and another shown in its place. Put the meta in the <head> section of your pages where all your other meta tags are located.
You can find more information here:

Custom Error Page For [dot] in URL in codeigniter

In my codeigniter project, I have set error page for 404 page not found. It works fine but when I hit url with dot[.] at last or between url, It shows apache's 404 page not found message instead of my error page.
plz help me if anyone can...
Make a new file called .htaccess in project root folder if not exists and add below code in it with 404 url.
ErrorDocument 404 /error/404

Calling https version of TYPO3: content (css, js, ..) is blocked because link to http version

In Chrome I get the following error messages in the console
[blocked] The page at ran insecure
content from
if I call The user gets a page without stylesheets and images. What can I do against this?
The files are included like <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/jquery-1.5.1.min.js"></script> but I don't want to define the domain.
Should I completely switch to https by setting the base URL with https? Which other possibilites do I have?
I used
config {
baseURL =
and adapted all links which had a http in the beginning (otherwise the slider stopped working because Chrome didn't load the other ressources ...). Seems to work now.
