Pytorch Lightning limit_val_batches and val_check_interval behavior - pytorch-lightning

I'm setting limit_val_batches=10 and val_check_interval=1000 so that I'm validating on 10 validation batches every 1000 training steps. Is it guaranteed that Trainer will use the same 10 batches every time validation is called?
I tried search the source code for limit_val_batches but couldn't figure out how it was being used to obtain the validation batches.

The answer doesn't have much to do with PyTorch Lightning and its flags (--limit_val_batches and --val_check_interval). The exact batches of data provided by Lightning inside any of the
def *_step(self, batch, ...):
methods (* is training/validation/test) is determined by the underlying PyTorch DataLoaders returned by
def *_dataloder(...):
return DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=..., sampler=..., batch_sampler=...)
If the dataloader returned by these functions DO NOT have shuffle=True or any randomized Samplers, the batches will be same.
As far as --limit_val_batches=N is concerned, it fetches first N batches from the underlying dataloader. Lightning doesn't do any data selection by itself. It is confirmed by a core developer here.


How to go about parallelizing my processing using tbb::parallel_for and tbb::dataflow?

I have a source of files that I need to process.
From each file, my code generates a variable number of data objects, let's call it N.
I have K number of processing objects that can be used to process the N data objects.
I'm thinking of doing the following using Tbb:dataflow:
Create a function_node with concurrency K and put my K processing objects into a concurrent_queue.
Use input_node to read file, generate the N data objects, and try_put each into the function_node.
The function_node body dequeues a processing object, uses it to process a data object, then returns the processing object back to the concurrent_queue when done.
Another way I can think of is possibly like so:
Create a function_node with serial concurrency.
Use input_node to read file, generate the N data objects, put the data objects into a collection and send over to the function_node.
At the function_node, partition the N objects into K ranges and use each of the K processing objects to process each range concurrently - not sure if it is possible to customize parallel_for for this purpose.
The advantage of the first method is probably lower latency because I can start sending data objects through the dataflow the moment they are generated rather than have to wait for all N data objects to be generated.
What do you think is the best way to go about parallelizing this processing?
Yes, you are right that the first method has this advantage of not waiting all of the data objects to start their processing. However, it also has an advantage of not waiting completion of processing all of the data objects passed to parallel_for. This becomes especially visible if the speed of processing varies for each data object and/or by each processing object.
Also, it seems enough to have buffer_node followed by (perhaps, reserving) join_node instead of concurrent_queue for saving of processing objects for further reuse. In this case, function_node would return processing object back to the buffer_node once it finishes processing of the data object. So, the graph will look like the following:
input_node -> input_port<0>(join_node);
buffer_node -> input_port<1>(join_node);
join_node -> function_node;
function_node -> buffer_node;
In this case, the concurrency of the function_node can be left unlimited as it would be automatically followed by the number of processing objects that exist (available tokens) in the graph.
Also, note that generating data objects from different files can be done in parallel as well. If you see benefit from that consider using function_node instead of input_node as the latter is always serial. However, in this case, use join_node with queueing policy since function_node is not reservable.
Also, please consider using tbb::parallel_pipeline instead as it seems you have a classic pipelining scheme of processing. In particular, this and that link might be useful.

Network shuffle in streaming

So,keyBy or groupBy causes a network shuffle that repartitions the stream. It is said that it is pretty expensive, since it involves network communication along with serialization and deserialization etc.
For an example, if I run the following operators:
with a parallelism of 2, I would get something like this:
Mapper1(1) -\-/- Mapper2(1)
Mapper1(2) -/-\- Mapper2(2)
And in the end all records with the same key within the Mapper1 are assigned to the same partition in Mapper2.
My question is:
I want to know what happens during the keyBy or groupBy in streaming. Every processed element is serialized and deserialized by every sub task ? How can I compare the cost of keyBy or groupBy with an another operation ?
Also, I am familiar with the concept of partitioner in batch systems, but I am getting a bit confused when I am trying to apply that in streaming.
Thank you !
So Apache Flink buffers the outgoing of a task and after that sends it to the next task for processing. setBufferTimeout is a parameter on the job-level which can be configured via the StreamExecutionEnvironment and the default value for this timeout is 100 ms. After this time, the buffers are sent automatically even if they are not full.
Also the following links are really helpful to understand the details:

Consisntent N1QL Query Couchbase GOCB sdk

I'm currently implementing EventSourcing for my Go Actor lib.
The problem that I have right now is that when an actor restarts and need to replay all it's state from the event journal, the query might return inconsistent data.
I know that I can solve this using MutationToken
But, if I do that, I would be forced to write all events in sequential order, that is, write the last event last.
That way the mutation token for the last event would be enough to get all the data consistently for the specific actor.
This is however very slow, writing about 10 000 events in order, takes about 5 sec on my setup.
If I instead write those 10 000 async, using go routines, I can write all of the data in less than one sec.
But, then the writes are in indeterministic order and I can know which mutation token I can trust.
e.g. Event 999 might be written before Event 843 due to go routine scheduling AFAIK.
What are my options here?
Technically speaking MutationToken and asynchronous operations are not mutually exclusive. It may be able to be done without a change to the client (I'm not sure) but the key here is to take all MutationToken responses and then issue the query with the highest number per vbucket with all of them.
The key here is that given a single MutationToken, you can add the others to it. I don't directly see a way to do this, but since internally it's just a map it should be relatively straightforward and I'm sure we (Couchbase) would take a contribution that does this. At the lowest level, it's just a map of vbucket sequences that is provided to query at the time the query is issued.

Java8 Stream or Reactive / Observer for Database Requests

I'm rethinking our Spring MVC application behavior, whether it's better to pull (Java8 Stream) data from the database or let the database push (Reactive / Observable) it's data and use backpressure to control the amount.
Current situation:
User requests the 30 most recent articles
Service does a database query and puts the 30 results into a List
Jackson iterates over the List and generates the JSON response
Why switch the implementation?
It's quite memory consuming, because we keep those 30 objects in memory all the time. That's not needed, because the application processes one object at a time. Though the application should be able to retrieve one object, process it, throw it away, and get the next one.
Java8 Streams? (pull)
With java.util.Stream this is quite easy: The Service creates a Stream, which uses a database cursor behind the scenes. And each time Jackson has written the JSON String for one element of the Stream, it will ask for the next one, which then triggers the database cursor to return the next entry.
RxJava / Reactive / Observable? (push)
Here we have the opposite scenario: The database has to push entry by entry and Jackson has to create the JSON String for each element until the onComplete method has been called.
i.e. the Controller tells the Service: give me an Observable<Article>. Then Jackson can ask for as many database entries as it can process.
Differences and concern:
With Streams there's always some delay between asking for next database entry and retrieving / processing it. This could slow down the JSON response time if the network connection is slow or there is a huge amount of database requests that have to be made to fulfill the response.
Using RxJava there should be always data available to process. And if it's too much, we can use backpressure to slow down the data transfer from database to our application. In the worst case scenario the buffer/queue will contain all requested database entries. Then the memory consumption will be equal to our current solution using a List.
Why am I asking / What am I asking for?
What did I miss? Are there any other pros / cons?
Why did (especially) the Spring Data Team extend their API to support Stream responses from the database, if there's always a (short) delay between each database request/response? This could sum up to some noticeable delay for a huge amount of requested entries.
Is it recommended to go for RxJava (or some other reactive implementation) for this scenario? Or did I miss any drawbacks?
You seem to be talking about the fetch size for an underlying database engine.
If you reduce it to one (fetching and processing one row at a time), yes you will save some space during the request time...
But it usually makes sense to have a reasonable chunk size.
If it is too small you will have a lot of expensive network roundtrips. If the chunk size is too large, you are risking to run out of memory or introduce too much of a latency per fetch. So it is a compromise, and the right chunk/fetch size depends on your specific use case.
Regarding reactive approach or not, I believe it is not relevant. Like with RxJava and say Cassandra, one can create an Observable from an asynchronous result set, and it is up to the query (configuration) how many items should be fetched and pushed at a time.

SubSonic AddMany() vs foreach loop Add()

I'm trying to figure out whether or not SubSonics AddMany() method is faster than a simple foreach loop. I poked around a bit on the SubSonic site but didn't see much on performance stats.
What I currently have. (.ForEach() just has some validation it it, other than that it works just like forEach(.....){ do stuff})
records.ForEach(record =>
if (cleanUp) oldRepository.Delete<T>(record);
Which would change too
if (cleanUp) oldRepository.DeleteMany<T>(records);
If you notice with this method I lose the count of how many records I've processed which isn't critical... But it would be nice to be able to display to the user how many records were moved with this tool.
So my questions boil down to: Would AddMany() be noticeably faster to use? And is there any way to get a count of the number of records actually copied over? If it succeeds can I assume all the records were processed? If one record fails, does the whole process fail?
Thanks in advance.
Just to clarify, AddMany() generates individual queries per row and submits them via a batch; DeleteMany() generates a single query. Please consult the source code and the generated SQL when you want to know what happens to your queries.
Your first approach is slow: 2*N queries. However, if you submit the queries using a batch it would be faster.
Your second approach is faster: N+1 queries. You can find how many will be added simply by enumerating 'records'.
If there is a risk of exceeding capacity limits on the size of a batch, then submit 50 or 100 at a time with little penalty.
Your final question depends on transactions. If the whole operation is one transaction, it will commit of abort as one. Otherwise, each query will stand alone. Your choice.
