IntelliJ Not Displaying Values in Debug Mode - debugging

For the last weeks, I am having problems when debugging in IntelliJ (java/groovy) and I am not able to see the values of the different variables.
I see "head", "tail", "accessorder". In each of these entries I can access the key / value of separately. Therefore, in order to see the complete item (e.g hashmap or arraylist), I need to open each entry separately, which is very inefficient.
This description may not be clear, so I include a screenshot of what I currently see.
I have tried the following:
Resetting the settings
Using IntelliJ 2020 version (having deleted the settings and cache)
Using IntelliJ 2021 version (having deleted the settings and cache)
Thank you,
After having tried #Satyen Shimpi useful reply, I am not able to change the view type in the variables.

I think your settings are showing the Map as Object and you need to change the view settings to Auto.
Following will help you.
The reason you are seeing the head, tail etc is
From Above, you can see that LinkedHashMap is being rendered as Object in View as menu because I had selected Object
And you can solve it by changing View to Auto. Then it will show Map in a way that you are expecting where you don't need to expand each entry.
Note: When you select Auto, it will automatically change to Map. For the same reason, my image has Map checked and not the Auto


UFT is waiting the entire object sync timeout before clicking a webelement

Alright, in my web application there's a dropdown that UFT picks up as a 'WebElement' instead of a 'WebList'. The options available in this dropdown are all just 'divs' and the data within the div is dynamic. Has anyone had to deal with this before? I even tried using the absolute xpath within the object repository, but that seems to be inconsistent. Whenever I run my test the first time it interacts with the dropdown it will wait the entire object sync timeout before selecting the element. Then I have it going back to select another item from the dropdown and it goes instantly. This isn't the approach I want to take with this as the abs xpath could break at any time. I've been reading blog posts etc from as far back as 2008, and tried every person's suggestion but I can't reliably click a dropdown and select something. I can give more detail if needed, but any help here would be appreciated.
When UFT waits the object synchronization timeout and then succeeds to perform the action it's usually because it has been using smart identification. Look in the report to see if this is the case (or just disable smart identification and see what happens).
If this is the case, you should try to fine-tune the description to succeed on the description and not resort to smart identification.
I got it! This behaviour was being caused by the 'browser' being different in that part of my code. I think this happened due to some of the same items being added into the OR from different pages.
Instead of having:
Browser("Browser1").Page("Page1").WebElement("Element I want").
It was:
Browser("Browser2").Page("Page1").WebElement("Element I want").
Once this was corrected in the OR everything worked as expected.

how to remove image from image field?

I created check box with ON and OFF option. When click on "ON" option then image show. I want to when click on "OFF" option then image remove or image filed empty
How to achieve this target in oracle forms 10g?
I don't think you can do this.
As someone suggested it, you could have thought using SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY (this one only applies to the current record). However, you cannot modify all the properties, only few of them : BORDER_BEVEL, INSERT_ALLOWED, NAVIGABLE, REQUIRED, UPDATE_ALLOWED and VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE.
Check the documentation of this method here (Oracle Forms v6i) :
One of the best solution you may find should be to make a custom Java Bean item which would handle this behavior. However be careful, Java Beans don't work correctly when used in a multi-records blocks. If your checkbox is used within a single-record block, it should be OK.
Here are some of my references to create your own Java Beans :

how to mask/unmask a field by changing type and retaining all old events (using dojo in IE)

I am trying to mask/unmask a dojo text field upon clicking a mask/unmask-link..
On clicking this link I am changing the type property of the dojo-text field to "password" and vice versa..
but this is not working in IE8,9,10 versions.. works in IE11/Firefox though..
when searching google the advice was to recreate the same field with the existing properties and events with the needed type..
I can recreate the field, but I am just wondering how to get all the existing-events(dojo) of the current field.
Can somebody help me ?
I am also looking for any other approach other than this to handle this mask/unmask use-case, but considering using Dojo.
I'm using Dojo 1.4.
In older versions of Internet Explorer the type attribute of an input field is considered readonly (IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9?) and the browser will not let you change it. (This may also be the case if not running in Standards Mode - though I haven't tested this)
To overcome this you may need to remove it from the DOM, and create a new input of the type you want, and re-insert it.

How to modify the imperia cms user interface?

How can the user interface of an imperia 9 CMS be changed without
loosing the changes with the next update or hotfix?
There is a rather safe way to do it.
Say C:/imperia/dev/ is the path of your imperia development system,
then you find the imperia default views
in C:/imperia/dev/site/view/imperia. You can create your
own views in a directory next to it C:/imperia/dev/site/view/mycustomviews.
Now copy a view from the /view/imperia tree to your
/view/mycustomviews tree, keeping the structure and filename and change the content to your needs.
To let imperia know how to find your views, you have to define your your view-template directory
in the system configuration file system.conf.
"VIEW_TEMPLATE_DIRS" = "C:/imperia/dev/site/view/siau/mycustomviews"
This way is rather safe, because you do not change your default. That's important. Don't touch
the files in C:/imperia/dev/site/view/imperia. You may loose your changes with
the next update.
But you should know that you may do not participate in fixes or changes concering this view. Let's think of a
optimization to the default view (may be to the behavior in a current browser). With your own view you overlay
the default and you do not get the changes in your GUI.
While developing your new views you should add the following lines to your system.conf:
"IMPVIEW_CACHE_POLICY" = "timestamp"
With IMPVIEW_ERRORS you can controll where the view errors are displayed.
IMPVIEW_DEVTOOLS adds some develop methods to your views (e.g. dump).
And with IMPVIEW_CACHE_POLICY set to timestamp your views will no longer be cached. Thats great
for development, but you should remove it for productive usage. (The other two as well.)
If something went wrong and you get unecpected results comment the VIEW_TEMPLATE_DIRS line. Then you
get back the default views and you can try to reproduce the problem.

MFC: Delete elements from GUI

After tinkering and modifying a GUI I have been working on for some time I ended up with a group of EditControllers and Radio Buttons that I do not need any more, so I would like to get rid of them. However, if I simply delete them from the GUI edit, I get assertion errors. How am I supposed to get rid of these elements?
You need to remove all code from your program that refers to the deleted controls. For each control you want to delete, take its ID and search the source for statements that refer to it.
Start like this:
Check the ID of that given control. Copy it. Now remove the control from dialog resource.
Ensure that ID is not used by other dialogs. If not, you can use following.
Delete that ID from resource.h.
When you compile it, you'd get error (around GetDlgItem, DDX_Control etc). Remove or comment them. Remove appropriate CWnd-derived variables (like CEdit, CComboBox etc).
You are done!
If given ID is used by other dialogs (check it from Resource View's context menu Resource Symbols...), then you cannot directly remove it from resource editor. You, however, need to remove it from appropriate implementation file (of CDialog/CPropertyPage-derived class).
