Why XX:G1HeapRegionSize in G1GC must be power of 2? - g1gc

Oracle documentation https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/gctuning/garbage-first-garbage-collector.htm#JSGCT-GUID-98E80C82-24D8-41D4-BC39-B2583F04F1FF says that XX:G1HeapRegionSize must be power of 2 but there is no restriction in setting any value between 1m to 32m.
Question :
1.Can anyone explain why XX:G1HeapRegionSize must be power of 2 ?
2.For applications that deals with lots humongous objects, after extensive testing and analysing GC causes, GC throughput , GC pause time etc.,the setting XX:G1HeapRegionSize=10m seems to be appropriate. Is there any problem in setting 10m heap region for -Xmx12g ?

Can anyone explain why XX:G1HeapRegionSize must be power of 2 ?
Simply because that is how Oracle has implemented the G1 collector.
When implementing something like a garbage collector, you need to make design choices in order for it to work. There are probably a number of detailed reasons why the G1 designers made these particular choices. The general themes will be to optimize performance in critical G1 code paths (e.g. the write barriers) and/or to avoid unnecessary complexity in the G1 code base as a whole.
(For example, if the size of a region is a power of two, and if each one starts on an address that is divisible by the region size, then you can use masking to efficiently compute which region an address belongs in. If you can save some instructions in the write barrier code, that could mean a couple of percentage points of performance for the entire JVM. I won't go into more detail ... but you can look up the literature.)
But the reasons are moot. You either live with the G1 restriction, or you select a different garbage collector that is better for your use-case.
Is there any problem in setting 10m heap region for -Xmx12g ?
Well ... it won't work ... because of the restriction that you have already found.


How could I make a Go program use more memory? Is that recommended?

I'm looking for option something similar to -Xmx in Java, that is to assign maximum runtime memory that my Go application can utilise. Was checking the runtime , but not entirely if that is the way to go.
I tried setting something like this with func SetMaxStack(), (likely very stupid)
debug.SetMaxStack(5000000000) // bytes
The reason why I am looking to do this is because currently there is ample amount of RAM available but the application won't consume more than 4-6% , I might be wrong here but it could be forcing GC to happen much faster than needed leading to performance issue.
What I'm doing
Getting large dataset from RDBMS system , processing it to write out in excel.
Another reason why I am looking for such an option is to limit the maximum usage of RAM on the server where it will be ultimately deployed.
Any hints on this would greatly appreciated.
The current stable Go (1.10) has only a single knob which may be used to trade memory for lower CPU usage by the garbage collection the Go runtime performs.
This knob is called GOGC, and its description reads
The GOGC variable sets the initial garbage collection target percentage. A collection is triggered when the ratio of freshly allocated data to live data remaining after the previous collection reaches this percentage. The default is GOGC=100. Setting GOGC=off disables the garbage collector entirely. The runtime/debug package's SetGCPercent function allows changing this percentage at run time. See https://golang.org/pkg/runtime/debug/#SetGCPercent.
So basically setting it to 200 would supposedly double the amount of memory the Go runtime of your running process may use.
Having said that I'd note that the Go runtime actually tries to adjust the behaviour of its garbage collector to the workload of your running program and the CPU processing power at hand.
I mean, that normally there's nothing wrong with your program not consuming lots of RAM—if the collector happens to sweep the garbage fast enough without hampering the performance in a significant way, I see no reason to worry about: the Go's GC is
one of the points of the most intense fine-tuning in the runtime,
and works very good in fact.
Hence you may try to take another route:
Profile memory allocations of your program.
Analyze the profile and try to figure out where the hot spots
are, and whether (and how) they can be optimized.
You might start here
and continue with the gazillion other
intros to this stuff.
Optimize. Typically this amounts to making certain buffers
reusable across different calls to the same function(s)
consuming them, preallocating slices instead of growing them
gradually, using sync.Pool where deemed useful etc.
Such measures may actually increase the memory
truly used (that is, by live objects—as opposed to
garbage) but it may lower the pressure on the GC.

Upper bound on speedup

My MPI experience showed that the speedup as does not increase linearly with the number of nodes we use (because of the costs of communication). My experience is similar to this:.
Today a speaker said: "Magically (smiles), in some occasions we can get more speedup than the ideal one!".
He meant that ideally, when we use 4 nodes, we would get a speedup of 4. But in some occasions we can get a speedup greater than 4, with 4 nodes! The topic was related to MPI.
Is this true? If so, can anyone provide a simple example on that? Or maybe he was thinking about adding multithreading to the application (he went out of time and then had to leave ASAP, thus we could not discuss)?
Parallel efficiency (speed-up / number of parallel execution units) over unity is not at all uncommon.
The main reason for that is the total cache size available to the parallel program. With more CPUs (or cores), one has access to more cache memory. At some point, a large portion of the data fits inside the cache and this speeds up the computation considerably. Another way to look at it is that the more CPUs/cores you use, the smaller the portion of the data each one gets, until that portion could actually fit inside the cache of the individual CPU. This is sooner or later cancelled by the communication overhead though.
Also, your data shows the speed-up compared to the execution on a single node. Using OpenMP could remove some of the overhead when using MPI for intranode data exchange and therefore result in better speed-up compared to the pure MPI code.
The problem comes from the incorrectly used term ideal speed-up. Ideally, one would account for cache effects. I would rather use linear instead.
Not too sure this is on-topic here, but here goes nothing...
This super-linearity in speed-up can typically occur when you parallelise your code while distributing the data in memory with MPI. In some cases, by distributing the data across several nodes / processes, you end-up having sufficiently small chunks of data to deal with for each individual process that it fits in the cache of the processor. This cache effect might have a huge impact on the code's performance, leading to great speed-ups and compensating for the increased need of MPI communications... This can be observed in many situations, but this isn't something you can really count for for compensating a poor scalability.
Another case where you can observe this sort of super-linear scalability is when you have an algorithm where you distribute the task of finding a specific element in a large collection: by distributing your work, you can end up in one of the processes/threads finding almost immediately the results, just because it happened to be given range of indexes starting very close to the answer. But this case is even less reliable than the aforementioned cache effect.
Hope that gives you a flavour of what super-linearity is.
Cache has been mentioned, but it's not the only possible reason. For instance you could imagine a parallel program which does not have sufficient memory to store all its data structures at low node counts, but foes at high. Thus at low node counts the programmer may have been forced to write intermediate values to disk and then read them back in again, or alternatively re-calculate the data when required. However at high node counts these games are no longer required and the program can store all its data in memory. Thus super-linear speed-up is a possibility because at higher node counts the code is just doing less work by using the extra memory to avoid I/O or calculations.
Really this is the same as the cache effects noted in the other answers, using extra resources as they become available. And this is really the trick - more nodes doesn't just mean more cores, it also means more of all your resources, so as speed up really measures your core use if you can also use those other extra resources to good effect you can achieve super-linear speed up.

Optimizing local memory use with OpenCL

OpenCL is of course designed to abstract away the details of hardware implementation, so going down too much of a rabbit hole with respect to worrying about how the hardware is configured is probably a bad idea.
Having said that, I am wondering how much local memory is efficient to use for any particular kernel. For example if I have a work group which contains 64 work items then presumably more than one of these may simultaneously run within a compute unit. However it seems that the local memory size as returned by CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE queries is applicable to the whole compute unit, whereas it would be more useful if this information was for the work group. Is there a way to know how many work groups will need to share this same memory pool if they coexist on the same compute unit?
I had thought that making sure that my work group memory usage was below one quarter of total local memory size was a good idea. Is this too conservative? Is tuning by hand the only way to go? To me that means that you are only tuning for one GPU model.
Lastly, I would like to know if the whole local memory size is available for user allocation for local memory, or if there are other system overheads that make it less? I hear that if you allocate too much then data is just placed in global memory. Is there a way of determining if this is the case?
Is there a way to know how many work groups will need to share this same memory pool if they coexist on the same compute unit?
Not in one step, but you can compute it. First, you need to know how much local memory a workgroup will need. To do so, you can use clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo with the flag CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE (strictly speaking it's the local memory required by one kernel). Since you know how much local memory there is per compute unit, you can know the maximum number of workgroups that can coexist on one compute unit.
Actually, this is not that simple. You have to take into consideration other parameters, such as the max number of threads that can reside on one compute unit.
This is a problem of occupancy (that you should try to maximize). Unfortunately, occupancy will vary depending of the underlying architecture.
AMD publish an article on how to compute occupancy for different architectures here.
NVIDIA provide an xls sheet that compute the occupancy for the different architectures.
Not all the necessary information to do the calculation can be queried with OCL (if I recall correctly), but nothing stops you from storing info about different architectures in your application.
I had thought that making sure that my work group memory usage was below one quarter of total local memory size was a good idea. Is this too conservative?
It is quite rigid, and with clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo you don't need to do that. However there is something about CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE that needs to be taken into account:
If the local memory size, for any pointer argument to the kernel
declared with the __local address qualifier, is not specified, its
size is assumed to be 0.
Since you might need to compute dynamically the size of the necessary local memory per workgroup, here is a workaround based on the fact that the kernels are compiled in JIT.
You can define a constant in you kernel file and then use the -D option to set its value (previously computed) when calling clBuildProgram.
I would like to know if the whole local memory size is available for user allocation for local memory, or if there are other system overheads that make it less?
Again CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE is the answer. the standard states:
This includes local memory that may be needed by an implementation to
execute the kernel...
If your work is fairly independent and doesn't re-use input data you can safely ignore everything about work groups and shared local memory. However, if your work items can share any input data (classic example is a 3x3 or 5x5 convolution that re-reads input data) then the optimal implementation will need shared local memory. Non-independent work can also benefit. One way to think of shared local memory is programmer-managed cache.

How to select the most powerful OpenCL device?

My computer has both an Intel GPU and an NVIDIA GPU. The latter is much more powerful and is my preferred device when performing heavy tasks. I need a way to programmatically determine which one of the devices to use.
I'm aware of the fact that it is hard to know which device is best suited for a particular task. What I need is to (programmatically) make a qualified guess using the variables listed below.
How would you rank these two devices? Intel HD Graphics 4400 to the left, GeForce GT 750M to the right.
GlobalMemoryCacheLineSize 64 vs 128
GlobalMemoryCacheSize 2097152 vs 32768
GlobalMemorySize 1837105152 vs 4294967296
HostUnifiedMemory true vs false
Image2DMaxHeight 16384 vs 32768
Image2DMaxWidth 16384 vs 32768
Image3DMaxDepth 2048 vs 4096
Image3DMaxHeight 2048 vs 4096
Image3DMaxWidth 2048 vs 4096
LocalMemorySize 65536 vs 49152
MaxClockFrequency 400 vs 1085
MaxComputeUnits 20 vs 2
MaxConstantArguments 8 vs 9
MaxMemoryAllocationSize 459276288 vs 1073741824
MaxParameterSize 1024 vs 4352
MaxReadImageArguments 128 vs 256
MaxSamplers 16 vs 32
MaxWorkGroupSize 512 vs 1024
MaxWorkItemSizes [512, 512, 512] vs [1024, 1024, 64]
MaxWriteImageArguments 8 vs 16
MemoryBaseAddressAlignment 1024 vs 4096
OpenCLCVersion 1.2 vs 1.1
ProfilingTimerResolution 80 vs 1000
VendorId 32902 vs 4318
Obviously, there are hundreds of other devices to consider. I need a general formula!
You can not have a simple formula to calculate an index from that parameters.
First of all let me assume you can trust collected data, of course if you read 2 for MaxComputeUnits but in reality it's 80 then there is nothing you can do (unless you have your own database of cards with all their specifications).
How can you guess if you do not know task you have to perform? It may be something highly parallel (then more units may be better) or a raw brute calculation (then higher clock frequency or bigger cache may be better). As for normal CPU number of threads isn't the only factor you have to consider for parallel tasks. Just to mention few things you have to consider:
Cache: how much local data each task works with?
Memory: shared with CPU? How many concurrent accesses compared to parallel tasks?
Instruction set: do you need something specific that increases speed even if other parameters aren't so good?
Misc stuff: do you have some specific requirement, for example size of something that must be supported and a fallback method makes everything terribly slow?
To make it short: you can not calculate an index in a reliable way because factors are too many and they're strongly correlated (for example high parallelism may be slowed by small cache or slow memory access but a specific instruction, if supported, may give you great performance even if all other parameters are poor).
One Possible Solution
If you need a raw comparison you may even simply do MaxComputeUnits * MaxClockFrequency (and it may even be enough for many applications) but if you need a more accurate index then don't think it'll be an easy task and you'll get a general purpose formula like (a + b / 2)^2, it's not and results will be very specific to task you have to accomplish.
Write a small test (as much similar as possible to what your task is, take a look to this post on SO) and run it with many cards, with a big enough statistic you may extrapolate an index from an unknown set of parameters. Algorithms can become pretty complex and there is a vast literature about this topic so I won't even try to repeat them here. I would start with Wikipedia article as summary to other more specific papers. If you need an example of what you have to do you may read Exploring the Multiple-GPU Design Space.
Remember that more variables you add to your study more results quality will be unstable, less parameters you use less results will be accurate. To better support extrapolation:
After you collected enough data you should first select and reduce variables with some pre-analysis to a subset of them including only what influences more your benchmark results (for example MaxGroupSize may not be so relevant). This phase is really important and decisions should be made with statistic tools (you may for example calculate p-value).
Some parameters may have a great variability (memory size, number of units) but analysis would be easier with less values (for example [0..5) units, [5..10) units, [10..*) units). You should then partition data (watching their distribution). Different partitions may lead to very different results so you should try different combinations.
There are many other things to consider, a good book about data mining would help you more than 1000 words written here.
As #Adriano as pointed out, there are many things to take into considerations...too many things.
But I can think of few things (and easier things that could be done) to help you out (not to completely solve your problem) :
OCL Version
First thing first, which version of OCL do you need (not really related to performance). But if you use some feature of OCL 1.2...well problem solved
Memory or computation bound
You can usually (and crudely) categorized your algorithms in one of these two categories: memory bounded or computation bounded. In the case it's memory bound (with a lot of transfers between host and device) probably the most interesting info would be the device with Host Unified Memory. If not, the most powerful processors most probably would be more interesting.
Rough benchmark
But most probably it wouldn't be as easy to choose in which category put your application.
In that case you could make a small benchmark. Roughly, this benchmark would test different size of data (if your app has to deal with that) on dummy computations which would more or less match the amount of computations your application requires (estimated by you after you completed the development of your kernels). You could log the point where the amount of data is so big that it cancels the device most powerful but connected via PCIe.
GPU Occupancy
Another very important thing when programming on GPUs is the GPU occupancy. The higher, the best. NVIDIA provides an Excel file that calculates the occupancy based on some input. Based on these concepts, you could more or less reproduce the calculation of the occupancy (some adjustment will most probably needed for other vendors) for both GPUs and choose the one with the highest.
Of course, you need to know the values of these inputs. Some of them are based on your code, so you can calculate them before hands. Some of them are linked to the specs of the GPU. You can query some of them as you already did, for some others you might need to hardcode the values in some files after some googling (but at least you don't need to have these GPUs at hands to test on them). Last but not least, don't forget that OCL provides the clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo() which can provide you some info such as the amount of local or private memory needed by a specific kernel.
Regarding the info about the local memory please note that remark from the standard:
If the local memory size, for any pointer argument to the kernel
declared with the __local address qualifier, is not specified, its
size is assumed to be 0.
So, it means that this info could be useless if you have first to dynamically compute the size from the host side. A work-around for that could be to use the fact that the kernels are compiled in JIT. The idea here would be to use the preprocessor option -D when calling clBuildProgram() as I explained here. This would give you something like:
#define SIZE
local myLocalMem[SIZE];
And what if the easier was:
After all the blabla. I'm guessing that you worry about this because you might want to ship your application to some users without knowing what hardware they have. Would it be very inconvenient (at install time or maybe after by providing them a command or a button) to simply run you application with dummy generated data to measure which device performed better and simply log it in a config file?
Or maybe:
Sometime, depending on you specific problem (that could not involve to many syncs) you don't have to choose. Sometime, you could just simply split the work between the two devices and use both...
Why guess? Choose dynamically on your hardware of the day: Take the code you wish to run on the "best" GPU and run it, on a small amount of sample data, on each available GPU. Whichever finishes first: use it for the rest of your calculations.
I'm loving all of the solutions so far. If it is important to make the best device selection automatically, that's how to do it (weight the values based on your usage needs and take the highest score).
Alternatively, and much simpler, is to just take the first GPU device, but also have a way for the user to see the list of compatible devices and change it (either right away or on the next run).
This alternative is reasonable because most systems only have one GPU.

GHC's RTS options for garbage collection

I have a Haskell program which processes a text file and builds a Map (with several million elements). The whole thing can run for 2-3 minutes. I found that tweaking the -H and -A options makes a big difference in running time.
There is documentation about this functionality of the RTS, but it's a hard read for me since I don't know the algorithms and terms from GC theory. I'm looking for a less technical explanation, preferably specific to Haskell/GHC. Are there any references about choosing sensible values for these options?
That's the code, it builds a trie for a given list of words.
buildTrie :: [B.ByteString] -> MyDFA
buildTrie l = fst3 $ foldl' step (emptyDFA, B.empty, 1) $ sort $ map B.reverse l where
step :: (MyDFA , B.ByteString, Int) -> B.ByteString -> (MyDFA , B.ByteString, Int)
step (dfa, lastWord, newIndex) newWord = (insertNewStates, newWord, newIndex + B.length newSuffix) where
(pref, lastSuffix, newSuffix) = splitPrefix lastWord newWord
branchPoint = transStar dfa pref
--new state labels for the newSuffix path
newStates = [newIndex .. newIndex + B.length newSuffix - 1]
--insert newStates
insertNewStates = (foldl' (flip insertTransition) dfa $ zip3 (branchPoint:init newStates) (B.unpack newSuffix) newStates)
Generally speaking, garbage collection is a space/time tradeoff. Give the GC more space, and it will take less time. There are (many) other factors in play, cache in particular, but the space/time tradeoff is the most important one.
The tradeoff works like this: the program allocates memory until it reaches some limit (decided by the GC's automatic tuning parameters, or explicitly via RTS options). When the limit is reached, the GC traces all the data that the program is currently using, and reclaims all the memory used by data that is no longer required. The longer you can delay this process, the more data will have become unreachable ("dead") in the meantime, so the GC avoids tracing that data. The only way to delay a GC is to make more memory available to allocate into; hence more memory equals fewer GCs, equals lower GC overhead. Roughly speaking, GHC's -H option lets you set a lower bound on the amount of memory used by the GC, so can lower the GC overhead.
GHC uses a generational GC, which is an optimisation to the basic scheme, in which the heap is divided into two or more generations. Objects are allocated into the "young" generation, and the ones that live long enough get promoted into the "old" generation (in a 2-generation setup). The young generation is collected much more frequently than the old generation, the idea being that "most objects die young", so young-generation collections are cheap (they don't trace much data), but they reclaim a lot of memory. Roughly speaking, the -A option sets the size of the young generation - that is, the amount of memory that will be allocated before the young generation is collected.
The default for -A is 512k: it's a good idea to keep the young generation smaller than the L2 cache, and performance generally drops if you exceed the L2 cache size. But working in the opposite direction is the GC space/time tradeoff: using a very large young generation size might outweigh the cache benefits by reducing the amount of work the GC has to do. This doesn't always happen, it depends on the dynamics of the application, which makes it hard for the GC to automatically tune itself. The -H option also increases the young generation size, so can also have an adverse effect on cache usage.
The bottom line is: play around with the options and see what works. If you have plenty of memory to spare, you might well be able to get a performance increase by using either -A or -H, but not necessarily.
It is probably possible to reproduce the issue for smaller data sets, where it will be easier to see what is going on. In particular, I suggest to gain some familiarity with profiling:
the profiling chapter in the Real World Haskell book provides a good overview, including typical issues which one might encounter
the profiling chapter in GHC manual documents the available functionality
Then, check whether the memory profiles you see match your expectations (you don't need to know about all the profiling options to get useful graphs). The combination of strict foldl' with a non-strict tuple as the accumulator would be the first thing I'd look at: if the components of the tuple are not forced, that recursion is building up unevaluated expressions.
Btw, you can build up a good intuition about such things by trying to evaluate your code by hand for really tiny data sets. A few iterations will suffice to see whether expressions get evaluated or remain unevaluated in the way that fits your application.
