how can I add multiple command in jmeter - shell

I'm using jmeter in macOS(Big sur) to test some actions.
Before main test, I am trying to use JMeter naturally.
What I wanna do is to execute multiple commands by jmeter(OS Process Sampler)
The scenario is like this.
I want to print out the current path by "pwd" command.
After that, I want to make Dircetory named dir123 by "mkdir dir123" command.
Finally, I want to see all directories and files by "ls" command.
The screenshot is like this.
OS Process Sampler
And current Result by "View Results Tree" is like this.
View Results Tree
It seems the first command "pwd" is the only command executed.
How can I execute more commands?

You're trying to execute 3 different commands so my expectation is that you should be using 3 OS Process Samplers.
If some reason you want/need/have to do it using single OS Process Sampler - you can use && operator to connect these 3 commands like:
pwd && mkdir dir123 && ls
More information:
How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter
Bash Reference Manual - List of Commands


Proper syntax for bash script line

Writing a script to retrieve various environment parameters back from a list of servers. My script returns no value when ran but the same command returns the desired value outside of a script.
I have tried using a couple of variations to retrieve the same data. One of the commands fails because of restrictions placed on the accounts I have access to. The second command works but only if executed in an elevated mode.
This fails with access denied (pwdx is restricted)
dzdo pgrep -f /some/path | xargs pwdx
This works outside of a script but returns no value within a script
dzdo /bin/readlink -e /proc/"$(pgrep -f /some/path)"/cwd
When using "bash -x" to execute my scriipt, I see the "readlink" code is blank.
Ideally, I would like to return the PID and path of the process running as the "pgrep" command does. I can work with the path alone as returned by the "readlink" version returns. The end goal is to gather the information from several servers for audit purposes. (version, etc.)
Am I using the wrong syntax for the "readlink" command? I'm fairly new to coding bash scripts so I appreciate any guidance to help understand when to to what if I'm using a command in a script vs command line.
If pwdx is the restricted program, you need to run that with dzdo, not pgrep.
pgrep -f /some/path | dzdo xargs pwdx

Error while trying to run shell script using OS process sampler in jmeter

one.jmx file takes command line arguments so i am putting the long command to run one.jmx in a shell script( Now i am using Two.jmx which calls One.jmx via the shell script using OS process sampler.
When i execute Two.jmx it is giving error
1548833794770,4,"Patient_""_id""",500,"Exception occurred whilst executing system call: Cannot run program ""bash /home/ubuntu/HSDP_Suit/TestSuite/JMX_files/"" (in directory ""/home/ubuntu/JMeter/apache-jmeter-5.0/bin""): error=2, No such file or directory",Patient 1-4,text,false,,0,0,6,6,null,0,0,0
I tried putting path in Working directory box also but it is not working
Your syntax is a little bit incorrect you should configure the OS Process Sampler as follows:
Command: /bin/bash
Working directory: /home/ubuntu/HSDP_Suit/TestSuite/JMX_files
Argument #1: -c
Example configuration screenshot:
As per bash man page
-c string
If the -c option is present, then commands are read from string. If there are arguments after the string, they are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.
More information: How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter

Groovy Execute Bash Script in Jenkins

I am trying to run a bash script from Groovy in Jenkins but I am not able to find the lucky commands.
I can run this and it creates my "RJ" directory:
process = "mkdir /app/jenkins/workspace/TEST/RJ"
println process.execute()
But when I try to run my bash it is not creating my output file. I am able to run this bash script on the server directly and it is creating my expected output file.
process = "/app/jenkins/workspace/TEST/"
println process.execute()
why run it through groovy and not directly via a ssh command.
If you do want to do via groovy, you'll need to add a ssh libray, and do the whole connection, auth, execute. process.execute won't run a linux box.
first, you don't check the stderr and not waiting for process to end.
similar problem was here:
Curl request from command line and via Groovy script
with error text it's easier to solve the error.

Jenkins - Execute Shell Build Step Not Working

I'm trying to create a job in Jenkins that will execute a simple shell script. However, it seems that Jenkins isn't actually doing anything with my script. No matter what value I put into the Execute Shell Command section, Jenkins always says that it passes. Even if I put in a bogus filename like "" it'll say the job was a success.
Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong and how I can get Jenkins to actually use my shell script?
The shell script, the job config, and the console output are all shown below. I'm currently trying to do this on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard machine.
My .sh file
File Name:
File Location: /jobs/Jeff Shell Script Test/workspace
Hit a web address and retrieve the HTTP Response. Then print out the HTTP Response.
response_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://SOME-WEBSITE.COM)
echo "The response code is " $response_code
My Jenkins Job Config
Jenkins Console Output
I played with this and found that it worked if I specified the path to the script. If the script is in your job's workspace directory,
should work as Jenkins looks for files relative to the root of the workspace.
It's more common to just put the contents of the script file directory into the job configuration; that way you can see what the job is doing and you'll avoid problems like this one.
You should use run "Execute windows batch command" and not "Execute Shell"

Auto SSH and execute script

I have roughly 12 computers that each have the same script on them. This script merely pings all the other machines, and prints out whether the machine is "reachable" or "unreachable". However, it is inefficient to login to each machine manually using ssh to execute this script.
Suppose I'm logged into node 1. Is there any way to for me to login to node 2-12 automatically using SSH, execute the ping script, pipe the results to a file, logout and proceed to the next machine? Some kind of bash shell script?
I'm afraid I'm at a loss here since I haven't had experience with shell-scripting before.
Since the script is on the other machines, you can just have ssh run the command for you there:
ssh $hostname my_script >> results_file
When you specify a command like that, it's executed instead of the login shell.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to loop over hostnames!
One trick you'll need to use is setting up pre-authorized keys for each host. Then you can run a script on one host, running something like 'ssh hostname command > log.hostname'
This script might be what you are looking for: It allows you to execute one command (which can be your script) on multiple remote machines via ssh. It's a simple script with bash source available, so you should be able to customize it to your needs:
Yes you can
You need actually 2 small scripts as following: ( which takes as first argument the name of the machine and the rest of the arguments are your script that you want to execute with his own arguments)
Example : node5 "echo hello world" as following:
/usr/bin/ssh $FST_ARG bash $FST_ARG pwd $REST_ARG as following :
REM_ARG="$1 $2"
of course you have to get this 2 scripts in your path of all your nodes ( maybe ~/bin/ )
Hope that it's helpful
