running consecutively thread groups in JMeter dosnt work - jmeter

I need write the following scenario in JMeter
Login via http request and in parallel sending calls for 8 hours.
After that running in parallel Login and Logoff and sending calls again for 8 hours
After that running in parallel Login and Logoff and sending calls again for 8 hours
After that running in parallel Login and Logoff and sending calls again for 8 hours
and after N runs … start everything from beginning.
I created N thread groups , and added parallel controller , and under the parallel controller i added the loop controller of Login , Logout, sending calls
it didn't worked , the test stops after running the first run of thread group, it doesn't run as duration time .
what i m doing wrong , maybe i have to write the test plan different?

We cannot say anything meaningful without seeing your Thread Group configuration, for now I can only state that your test will end when:
the last user finishes the last iteration specified in the Loop Count
the test duration exceeds the "Duration"
whatever comes the first.
So make sure to tick "Infinite" box and specify the desired duration of your test plan
Also be aware that according to the How to Use the Parallel Controller in JMeter the Parallel Controller runs its children in parallel. Once. The main use case for the parallel controller is simulating AJAX requests to bypass JMeter's limitation of "one virtual user = one thread", maybe for your test scenario it makes sense to increase the number of threads in the Thread Group instead of going for Parallel Controller.
And last but not the least, be aware of the Runtime Controller which executes its children for the specified duration.


How to execute multiple parallel controllers simultaneously?

I am having 2 parallel controllers in my thread group, in both parallel controllers I have added 1 simple controller in which there are 10 API requests. When I execute the script with 2 threads and 2 sec ramp up time to check the start time of the thread groups then I observe that script completes 1 thread's parallel controller first then 2nd thread's parallel controller.
Scenario - To scan the barcodes from csv file.
Expected Result: Expected_Result_table_ss
and in the meanwhile when Parallel 2 is processing the barcode, the first controller should also pick the next barcode to scan. For ex when the 2nd parallel controller is scanning 110121 at 12:00:01:190 at the same second or after some milliseconds parallel controller 1 should pick next barcode 110123 to scan.
Actual Result: ActualResult_TABLE_ss
Jmeter Script Flow : Jmeter_Script_Flow_ss
I may be wrong but I think this execution will be more precise if I am able to execute these parallel controllers simultaneously. Please let me know if any other logic can be applied for the same to scan the barcodes simultaneously using script
Parallel Controller executes its direct children in parallel, your "Jmeter Script Flow" means sequential execution of all "API requests" by each thread (virtual user)
I don't think you understand the concept and use case for the Parallel Controller, it was implemented as a JMeter Plugin to overcome JMeter limitation of not being possible to kick off extra threads within the bounds of one virtual user making simulating AJAX calls quite hard. If scanning the barcode really produces 10 requests at exactly the same moment then your setup is good and you just need to move the "API requests" out of the "Simple Controller" so they would be direct children of the
JMeter threads are absolutely independent and know nothing about each other unless you use Inter-Thread Communication Plugin so each virtual user will be executing Samplers upside down as fast as it can
If you want to execute both scenarios at the same time with 2 users - take a look at Synchronizing Timer

How to execute requests sequentially running multiple JMeter Threads

I have a single thread group which has 3 requests and have set the Number of Threads(users) = 2.
I would like all the requests to be executed in sequential order for each user before it repeats these steps for the next user and so on.
Output expected:
HTTP Request 1_Thread 1
HTTP Request 2_Thread 1
HTTP Request 3_Thread 1
HTTP Request 1_Thread 2
HTTP Request 2_Thread 2
HTTP Request 3_Thread 2
However, the output results vary differently for each run and are not in the order I expect. How can this be corrected?
I have tried following but with no luck in achieving my output
1. Enable/disable "Run Thread Groups consecutively
2. Running the test in non-GUI mode
I have attached a screenshot as an image as I am not able to embed into this message yet.
Appreciate if anyone can help me with this query
Output Screenshot
For execution of Sampler Request by only Single Thread at a time use Critical Section Controller.
For more info about Critical Section Controller Critical Section Controller
The Critical Section Controller ensures that its children elements (samplers/controllers, etc.) will be executed by only one thread as a named lock will be taken before executing children of controller.
Critical Section Controller takes locks only within one JVM, so if using Distributed testing ensure your use case does not rely on all threads of all JVMs blocking.
Practical Example:
Place all your request under Critical Section Controller
Run the test for any number of Threads you want
Observe the Result in View Results Tree
Note : If you want to run it sequentially from 1 thread to N, make sure you provide Ramp Up Period properly.

How to enforce run Once Only Controller in Jmeter

I'm a newcomer to Jmeter and want to be able to run some setup requests once only, in which some variables are setup, before I then run a set of further requests for as many users as I set in the Number of Users Thread Group. These users are passed the variables created in the Once Only Controller.
I've inherited a script as follows, using a Once Only Controller:
If I set the Number of Threads as 10 to ramp up to 10 in one second and run for one minute, I expect the number of Samples (requests) made in the Once Only Controller to show as 1. I only want these requests to run once then subsequent requests to use the setup data.
Why then, when I run, do I see the samples as 10 in the requests that are set in the Once Only Controller:
Bear in mind there may be some fundamental misunderstandings given my I'm a newcomer to Jmeter.
I found the setUp Thread Group Controller which seems to be what I need. However, this does not seem to pass variables extracted using the JSON extractor into the next Thread Group 'Load Test'
Use Once Only Controller for running specific samplers for every thread
The Once Only Logic Controller tells JMeter to process the controller(s) inside it only once per Thread
You can add samplers to setUp Thread Group so it'll be executed once before test
execute before the test proceeds to the executing of regular Thread Groups.
Note keep its default (especially Number of Threads = 1)
As per Once Only Controller documentation:
The Once Only Logic Controller tells JMeter to process the controller(s) inside it only once per Thread, and pass over any requests under it during further iterations through the test plan.
So each your Thread will execute Once Only Controller's children only once, no matter how many loops your thread group will have.
As you have 10 threads each of 10 threads will execute the requests once.
If you want to execute the request by only one thread, no matter how many requests are in the Thread Group - I would recommend going for If Controller instead
Substitute Once Only Controller with an If Controller
Use the following condition:
${__groovy(ctx.getThreadNum() == 0 && vars.getIteration() == 1,)}

How to run jmeter samplers sequentially for multiple requests

I am trying to run http samplers sequentially for multiple requests. Where the output of 1 API response is the input of next API request. My concern is when I run with 5 users (for. e.g), then at given point of time it first executes 1st API with 5 users then second API with 5 users, in this process the API where input is required gets lost. Please help me on this. I need a solution, where all the samplers are first executed for first user, then for second thread all the samplers are executed and so on.
Dzizu is correct, threads are independent so you are going to run into problems with this approach.
Since you are using 5 users across the test, it would be better to have one thread group with 5 users, and then have Simple controllers (or Transaction controllers) that hold the HTTP samplers and whatever else you are using. This will ensure that the samplers are executed concurrently, but they can still share data if required.
Simple example below:
Threads usually are independent. The easiest way in my opinion is to put full process in one thread and then multiply threads in thread groups.
Eventually I tried to solve this by using loop count option. For example if I want to simulate 5 users in 1 second, I set values as loop count=5,threads=1,ramp-up=.2.
This worked for me so give it a try.
Use the Transaction Controller or Simple Controller to group your samplers together and run them in sequence without worrying about the number of threads. For me, it is working as expected :).

Jmeter execute Logout Action during ramp down

I'm trying to run a scenario that ramps up each thread by logging them in once, loops through an business action for an hour with pacing, and logouts as it ramps down.
Ideally the threads should not log out all at once, as such it I wanted to find a way to execute a logout action for each thread ramping down.
I have tried using stepping and ultimate thread groups, however for ramp down, the threads are being stopped.
In addition, I have tried the following scenario: 1) login, 2)runtime controller scheduled for one hour with the business action, 3) logout. This however, results in premature aborts for the threads that are still executing the business action once it reaches one hour.
Any help, even implementing this in beanshell, would be greatly appreciated.
You can just use a TearDown Threadgroup. That will always be executed once your test is over.
You can use a thread group which sets a jmeter property, let's call the property "isRunning", in a pre or post processor, next that thread has a test action set to pause for the duration of the test. After the pause set the property "isRunning" to false.
When the user logs on in another thread group (your test case) grab the "isRunning" property and store the value in a jmeter variable for the thread. Once the user logs in put your business case in a while loop with the jmeter variable created using the "isRunning" property as the condtion.
Get the value of the "isRunning" property somewhere towards the end of your business case and update your jmeter variable. Put the log out controller outside of the while loop. When the first thread group sets the "isRunning" to false, the while loop in your other threads will finish executing the use case and log out when it sees that the while condition is no longer met.
If you use any type of random think timers and ramp time, the threads should essentially step down on their own, due to ramp time offsetting the start of the use case and random think times.
Not sure if this is the best way to go about this, but I needed to do the same thing you are looking for and this proved to be a feasible workaround.
