JMeter: Extract Multiple values from JSON responses and store it in variable(comma seperated) - jmeter

Can you please let me know efficient way to extract all ItemID from below Json response and store extracted values in a variable with coma separated.
Example: JsonResponse of a request.
"ItemID": "ITM40400002",
"deliveryId": "1",
"ItemID": "ITM40400003",
"deliveryId": "2",
"ItemID": "ITM40400002",
"deliveryId": "3",
Extracted Variable
Items = ITM40400002,ITM40400003,ITM40400002

Add JSON Extractor as a child of the request which returns the above JSON
Configure it as follows:
Names of created variables: anything meaningful, i.e. foo
JSON Path Expressions: $..ItemID
Match No: -1
Tick Compute concatenation var
That's it, the JSON Extractor will extract all the ItemID attributes values and store them into foo_ALL JMeter Variable
More information: API Testing With JMeter and the JSON Extractor


JMeter - How to add data to request body in every loop?

I'm working with an API that returns response in the following format:
"products": [
"name": "ABC"
"id": "ABCDEFG"
"name": "XYZ"
"id": "LMNOPQ"
} ]
The number of products varies and so does the number of IDs generated. I need to extract all id values which I'm doing using a JSON extractor and setting the match number to -1.
I need to pass these ID values in this request:
"products": [
"id": "id1"
"id": "id2"
} ]
If there are 5 IDs then the request needs to contain 5 id values.
I've tried using loops but I can't figure out how to add a { "id": } to the request body on every iteration of the loop. Is there any way to simulate this?
Instead of using JSON Extractor you could do everything with JSR223 PostProcessor and extract the IDs and build the next request body in one shot.
Example code:
def ids = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).products.collect { product -> }
def payload = [:]
def products = []
ids.each { id ->
products.add([id: id])
payload.put('products', products)
vars.put('payload', new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(payload).toPrettyString())
You will be able to refer generated value as ${payload} where required.
More information:
Apache Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

JMeter JSON Extract to extract random value which is not null

I am using below JSON Extractor to extract random ItemID. It works fine but it also picks "null" value. Is there any way to extract random value from below json which is not null (i.e IT01 or IT02 in below example)
JSON path expression: $..ItemID
Match No (0 for Random) : 0**
"ItemID": "null",
"deliveryId": "1",
}, {
"ItemID": "IT01",
"deliveryId": "2",
}, {
"ItemID": "IT02",
"deliveryId": "3",
The following JSONPath expression will give you all ItemID attribute values which are not null:
$.[?(#.ItemID != "null")].ItemID
So you can get a random match by providing 0 as the "Match No."
More information:
JSONPath Operators
JSONPath Filter Operators
JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin - Advanced Usage Scenarios

How to use array from response1 in request2 in jmeter?

I am trying to extract a jsonArray from response of request1 and use it in request2. I am using JSONextractor the steps in this question but I am getting the array as different variables instead of 1 jsonArray.
My JsonExtractor:
Output of debug sampler:
"items": [
"id": "asd"
"id": "def"
"id": "hij"
I don't know what I'm doing wrong that is extracting values in different variables instead of 1 jsonArray.
You can generate a JSON request body from the JMeter Variables which are coming from the JSON Extractor using JSR223 PreProcessor
Add JSR223 PreProcessor as a child of the request which you want to parameterize
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def payload = [:]
def items = []
1.upto(vars.get('userIds_matchNr') as int, { index ->
items.add([id: vars.get('userIds_' + index)])
payload.put('items', items)
vars.put('payload', new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(payload).toPrettyString())
You should be able to put the ${payload} JMeter Variable reference into the request "Body Data" tab
More information:
Apache Groovy - Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

Extract JSON value based on condition using Jmeter from an HTML page

I want to extract JSON value based on condition using jmeter from an HTML page.
<!doctype html>
var list_data_obj = [{
"list": [
"field1": "123",
"field2": "xyz"
"field1": "456",
"field2": "abc"
"field1": "789",
"field2": "asdf"
"other1": "qwerty",
"other2": "asdfgh"
have tried JSON Path Extractor as below but returned NULL.
$.list[?(#.field2 == 'abc')].field1
You won't be able to use JSON Path Extractor as response data is not a valid JSON, it looks like a mix of HTML and JavaScript therefore you will need to use Regular Expression Extractor instead.
The relevant Regular Expression will look like:
"field1": "(.+?)",\s.*"field2": "abc"
JMeter: Regular Expressions
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) With JMeter
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet
The key is to first extract a valid json using a regular expression, then apply a json path extractor on the previously extracted json.
You can perform a 2-step extraction to do this:
First Extract the Json from the page by performing a regexp extractor with "list": ([^^]+}\]), group $1$,
Then perform a Json Extractor on the extracted variable by selecting JMeter variable, then apply your json path $.list[?(#.field2 == 'abc')].field1.
Useful resources:
How to extract data from Json with JMeter

jmeter regular expression extracting specific

I want to extract : children from "name":"recordInstanceId" from the following JSON.
The output should give me "lQBfjAu....P0tk" . How do I do it using Regex Extractor?
If you need to extract lQBfjAu....P0tk from the following response:
"name": "recordInstanceId",
"attributes": {
"xmlns": ""
"children": [
It could be done with JSON Path Extractor (available via JMeter Plugins) with a simple JSON Path Expression like:
It isn't recommended to use Regular Expressions for dealing with JSON data, I would recommend extracting data from JSON responses with the JSON Path Extractor.
JSON Path Syntax
Plugin installation instructions and XPath to JSON Path mapping
If you have any troubles - update your question to show complete response
