PowerApps M:M relationships with additional attributes - dynamics-crm

I'm new to PowerApps. I'm creating a model-driven app. I've created some custom tables in the DataVerse - Information System, and Business Process. These tables have a M:M relationship. An Information System supports one or more Business Processes and a Business Process can use one or more Information Systems. I need to capture additional attributes that describe the nature of the relationship - what role does the Information System play with respect to the Business Process, and a score indicating how effective the Information System for that Business Process.
I've learned how to create M:M relationships using the built-in functionality in PowerApps but this does not permit me to define additional attributes for the relationship.
I've created my own M:M "middle" table and created M:1 joins from that table to each of the related tables. My "middle" table contains a lookup to each of the other tables and the additional attributes I need.
I need to know how to modify the default form for each of the related tables to include the "middle" table to enable a user to select a row from the "other" table and also to supply values for the additional attributes. I have searched for several days now and have not found any literature explaining how to do this.
I'm hoping there's someone who knows how to do this or can direct me to some literature about how to do it.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

What you did is right, initially you created a native N:N relationship and for your need it should be manual N:N relationship which you created later.
You can add the subgrid of manual N:N intersect entity (two lookups and extra attributes) in both the main entities - this way you can create related records from either side. It can be a related navigation in the form instead of subgrid as well.
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CRM 2016 - How to create a parent-child relationship with multiple parent types?

I have an entity - EntityZ, which has a ParentId where ParentId could be EntityA.Id, EntityB.Id or EntityC.Id. Is it possible to create this in MS Dynamics CRM 2016? If yes, how? I've looked but couldn't find a similar question or any help on the web.
An entity can be the child party in only one full parental relationship. When you are looking for a way to cascade record ownership, deletion a.o. between mutiple parent - child entities you can create configurable cascading relationships.
As Arun Vinoth pointed out you can design your entity as an activity type. However, this may conflict with the semantics of activity records in CRM. Also, doing this would make it possible to associate the child entity to any entity that is enabled for activities.
There’s a trade off to achieve this. Custom entity as Custom Activity
Creating custom entity EntityZ as custom activity and EntityA, B, C can act as parent.
EntityA or B or C can be chosen as RegardingObjectId of EntityZ.
This has security limitation like EntityZ will be visible to everyone as this will be listed like other activities (Email, Phonecall, Task, etc)
I think it is worth nothing that Dynamics 365 does contain and out-of-box "polymorphic" customer field.
This field can link to either an Account or Contact:
And while it can be kludgy, another option would be to create 3 lookups and only populate one. Once one is populated you could hide the other two. Or, you could have a "Parent Type" option set to determine which lookup to show.
It would be a bit messy to show three lookups in a view, with only one populated, so you might also want a Parent Name text field in to which you could concatenate the type and name. You could use a workflow to populate it, and then use it in views and reports.

Achieve one to many relationship Spring MVC

I am trying to achieve one to many relationship. I know how to do basic one to many relationship between requestor id and userid.
My question is How to refer gtlUserId(resourceRequestTable) to gtlUserId (User table) as by default spring is mapping gtlUserId (resourceRequestTable) to userId in user table
It has some Ways.
I think you should give a specific way during all project !
As My experience each many to one must be a Drop Down in Client side .
However in your Table ResourceTypeEntity should be drop down inside ResourceRequesTable when value of option is Id[primary Key].
Also Your table not seems good design why two many to one map to same table? it may cause 3NF problem in DB also pay attention Cascade it when Parent Table related to other Parent is not good Design ,Keep it simple with uni Direction Many to One And force user to delete manually parent is better ,CaseCade Delete when Parent has related to other table will make exception handling and testing too hard.
please take a look https://examples.javacodegeeks.com/enterprise-java/spring/mvc/spring-mvc-dropdown-box-example/

Store Umbraco Member Properties in Separate Table

I want to create a membership based site in Umbraco 7, following the umbraco.tv videos and reading through the docs have got me quite far.
My members will have custom properties, firstname, lastname, favourite colours, hats owned etc. I have been adding each of these as custom properties and then assigning them to the tab I want. This works fine and I can then access them from code using:
When I looked in my database I noticed that each of these custom properties is a row in the cmsPropertyData table, linked to the cmsMember table by the nodeId column. Is there a way I can set all of this information to store in it's own table?
Ideally, I want each Member to have a one to many relationship with favourite colours, as well as one to many relationships with other tables; each member might have 100 hats for example. What is the best way for me to set this up? Shall I create custom tables in my Umbraco database for HatsOwned and FavouriteColours, then assign each Member a unique ID so I can set my foreign keys up correctly? That way I would only need to store the Members Unique Id in the cmsPropertyTable. Is there a better way to let Umbraco deal with it? Would I have difficulty retrieving Members using either the Umbraco orm, or EF?
Any help or pointers greatly appreciated!
I would store all data in the PROFILE of the member, in the umbraco membership. E.g. timezone, hair color, ... This makes sense for other developers to find back the data.
For all other data, you have a few options:
If you want to link nodes to members, or nodes to nodes, or... Relations link 2 umbraco entities and can be one way or two way. If you have a color node, you can link all members to this node. Just create a "favoriteColor" relationship on the developer section, linking up nodes to members. Do some programming and you are done. Don't forget that a relation is a database record linking 2 umbraco entities. So think of some caching if you use this in your front end to take off some database load. Read more on the Relationship Api in the umbraco documentation.
It's pretty easy to create new nodes using code to store e.g. comments on an article. Because you are republishing the xml cache every time you create (and publish) a node, don't use content nodes for stroring your data if you have a lot of updates.
External data
It is perfectly legit to store data outside of umbraco. Just create your own tables (or content to any service you created). You could use every ORM you want to, but I would recommend PetaPoco. The reason is obvious. Umbraco uses it also. And it will make you a better Umbraco developer. There is a detailed post on stackoverflow on how to work with external data in umbraco.

Oracle ADF many-to-many with additional attribute

I'm developing a ADF Fusion Web Application and have some problems with EntityAssociations and ViewLinks.
I have a database table Project with id, name etc. Also I have a table Technology which only contains a id and the name of the technology, for example "ADF".
The relationship between theese two entities is many-to-many. Means one project can have multiple technologies assigned and inverse a technology can be assigned to multiple projects.
This relationship is described trough a join table named Project_Technology. Columns of this table are Project_FK, Technology_FK and Effort. Project_FK and Technology_FK are a composite primary key, Effort is an additional attribute.
Can someone explain me how to map EntityObject and ViewObjects that I can access the Effort, too? "Regular" many-to-many associations aren't that hard to implement but I am really struggling with the additional attribute.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I could solve my issues. See answer below for details.
I got it working.
The Problem was the composite primary key on my join tables. It seems like ADF doesn't like them. I put a extra column ID on the join tables and now I can insert values by using the CreateInsert Data Controls.

CRM 2013 online Subgrid implementation best practice

I'm new to CRM, and am having difficulties implementing a subgrid onto an account form. I am not a programmer.
I will not bore you with the methods that I have tried to so far; that could take a while. Suffice it to say, I am having no luck.
i have created and imported two sets of records from my SQL database. One set was imported into the standard Accounts entity and the other was imported into a custom entity; let's just call that it Problems.
The relationship between Accounts to Problems is one-to-many. Each Account has a "problemID" and each related Problem has a "problemID" as well.
I need to be able to place a subgrid containing all related Problems onto the Accounts forms. I need to be able to see the old ones and create new ones.
How would YOU handle this?
Many thanks!
For a 1:N relationship between Accounts and Problems you only need a lookup to the Account Entity on the Problem entity. Then you can:
Edit the Account Form
Insert a Sub-grid
Set the sub-grid to look to "Only Related Records" for "Problems"
