I have a Spring Boot + JSF (Primefaces) integrated project
git clone https://iva-nova-e-katerina#bitbucket.org/iva-nova-e-katerina/jsf-springboot.git
And build it with mvn package then run with
cd target
java -jar ./JSF-springboot-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
And when I check http://localhost:8080/index.xhtml I can see that there are no messages on the page. The messages are the strings in the properties files, which are bundled into WAR file, but it seems like Primefaces can't see them https://bitbucket.org/iva-nova-e-katerina/jsf-springboot/src/master/src/main/resources/. Could you help me to fetch this properties files inside Spring Boot application?
I have a spring boot project do deploy but when I install my zip file on openliberty I get the message
Context root not found
Where do I set this?
I added spring boot dev tool dependency in current Spring boot application, but when running the application by mvnw spring-boot:run It seems not recognized the change made in Java
I do use Eclipse to make the code change and enable automatically build. and refresh my code. So i think the latest .class file should be under /target directory
So does mvnw supports hot swap at all?
While creating a spring boot project I define property in pom.xml as <packaging>war</packaging> with which I can create a war and thereafter deploy the war into server maybe tomcat or WAS.
But I came across a plugin named spring-boot-maven-plugin whose documentation states that it's use is to package executable jar or war archives and run an application in-place.
My query is why do we need this at all ?
If my packaging can tell me what to create and then can deploy it to run, what is the used of this plugin.
I am trying to understand a new project so wanted to be sure that every line makes sense
The maven plugin will create an "executable" archive. In the case of the war packaging, you would be able to execute your app with java -jar my-app.war. If you intend to deploy your Spring Boot application in an existing Servlet container, then this plugin is, indeed, not necessary.
The maven plugin does more things like running your app from the shell or creating build information.
Check the documentation
The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Apache Maven, letting you package executable jar or war archives and run an application “in-place”.
Refer this - https://www.javaguides.net/2019/02/use-of-spring-boot-maven-plugin-with.html
I want to use Websphere liberty in spring boot application instead of tomcat server. If I am correct it is not supported out of the box. How can I configure spring boot/websphere liberty to achieve this?
Using the Liberty app accelerator you can download a zip containing a Maven buildable 'Spring Boot with Spring MVC' app as your starting point. Just run mvn install and you'll get the app running at http://localhost:9080/myLibertyApp/
Actually, you can now create runnable jar files with WebSphere Liberty. You need v8.5.5.9 or higher. Create a runnable jar this way:
server package {server name} --archive={jar name}.jar --include=minify,runnable
Resultant jar can be run as you'd expect:
java -jar {jar name}.jar
Since very recently (May 2018) you can deploy a Spring Boot jar with Liberty, as it seems. See https://developer.ibm.com/wasdev/blog/2018/05/11/spring-boot-applications-on-liberty/. Haven't tried it out yet, though.
Using spring boot maven plugin we are able to generate executable jars. And we can execute the jar using java -jar ...
In spring boot there is another option for installation . This generates the jar which can be added in init.d.
But is it possible to generate a sh|cmd file which can be used to start|stop|restart spring boot applications?
The executable true flag to create a 'fully executable’ jar actually pre-pends a shell script into the beginning of the jar.
It works outside init.d too. Try this:
./myapp.jar start