Need help looping through Ansible msg output - ansible

I need help going through the output of this task in ansible and ONLY pulling out the path for the "{{ item }}" being found.
Tried multiple ways and having very little success. Still learning ansible, and in this case, I'm trying to create a new directory based on the output of my inventory file. (the tail command for now because I only need to test it on 10 entries)
- name: Get the inventory file printout.
command: tail "{{ build_dir }}{{ inventory_file }}"
register: command_output
- debug:
msg: "{{ command_output.stdout_lines }}"
- name : Find the RPMs in "{{ build_dir }}"
paths: "{{ build_dir }}"
patterns: "{{ item }}.rpm"
recurse: yes
- "{{ command_output.stdout_lines }}"
register: found_pkgs
- name: Just the Path for each Found Pkgs.
msg: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ found_pkgs }}"
"msg": {
"changed": false,
"msg": "All items completed",
"results": [
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"changed": false,
"examined": 15029,
"failed": false,
"files": [
"atime": 1629933434.2974539,
"ctime": 1629814445.3359122,
"dev": 64773,
"gid": 70000,
"gr_name": "engineering",
"inode": 469762133,
"isblk": false,
"ischr": false,
"isdir": false,
"isfifo": false,
"isgid": false,
"islnk": false,
"isreg": true,
"issock": false,
"isuid": false,
"mode": "0644",
"mtime": 1629814445.3359122,
"nlink": 1,
"path": "<REDACTED>/newISO/repos/zeek/packages/zeek-btest-4.0.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm",

You could use json_query filter to extract the path of each file from results[]. A set_fact task such as below should do:
- name: save the files path in file_names var
file_paths: "{{ found_pkgs | json_query('results[].files[].path') }}"
- name: show file names
var: file_paths


Ansible - install oh my fish for each fish user

I'm writing a playbook to install 'oh my fish' for all local fish user.
I want trigger the install for local fish user (default shell set to /usr/bin/fish)
And ONLY if 'omf' is not installed in their home (check the presence ~/.local/share/omf directory)
Here what I produced
- name: Read local user database
database: passwd
- name: List local user of fish
fish_users: "{{ getent_passwd | dict2items | json_query('[? contains(value, `/usr/bin/fish`)].key') }}"
- name: Check if omf install for fish users
path: "/home/{{ item }}/.local/share/omf"
loop: "{{ fish_users }}"
register: omf_user_status
- name: Install omf when absent of fish user home
- name: Get last omf repos
repo: ''
dest: '/tmp/omf'
clone: yes
- name: Installing omf for fish user
become: yes
become_user: "{{ item }}"
command: /tmp/omf/bin/install -y --offline --noninteractive
loop: "{{ fish_users }}"
when: omf_user_status.item.stat.exists == 'False'
So maybe my approach is not good...
Currently I can get 'omf', installed for all fish users.
But I really struggle to generate a usable list , to only install omf for user who haven't it
Obviously the condition doesn't work.
omf_user_status variable is a dict, here an example of the content.
"omf_user_status": {
"changed": false,
"msg": "All items completed",
"results": [
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"changed": false,
"failed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"checksum_algorithm": "sha1",
"follow": false,
"get_attributes": true,
"get_checksum": true,
"get_md5": false,
"get_mime": true,
"path": "/home/test_ansible/.local/share/omf"
"item": "test_ansible",
"stat": {
"atime": 1608164175.7067902,
"attr_flags": "e",
"attributes": [
"block_size": 4096,
"blocks": 8,
"charset": "binary",
"ctime": 1608164176.1907954,
"dev": 1800,
"device_type": 0,
"executable": true,
"exists": true,
"gid": 1343,
"gr_name": "test_ansible",
"inode": 397192,
"isblk": false,
"ischr": false,
"isdir": true,
"isfifo": false,
"isgid": false,
"islnk": false,
"isreg": false,
"issock": false,
"isuid": false,
"mimetype": "inode/directory",
"mode": "0755",
"mtime": 1608164176.1907954,
"nlink": 12,
"path": "/home/test_ansible/.local/share/omf",
"pw_name": "test_ansible",
"readable": true,
"rgrp": true,
"roth": true,
"rusr": true,
"size": 4096,
"uid": 1343,
"version": "3120069218",
"wgrp": false,
"woth": false,
"writeable": true,
"wusr": true,
"xgrp": true,
"xoth": true,
"xusr": true
I finally make it works with this code.
- name: Register users who need omf
list_of_user: "{{ omf_user_status.results | rejectattr('stat.exists') | map(attribute='item') | list }}"
Here the full plabook
# OMF install
- name: Read local user database
database: passwd
- name: List local user of fish
fish_users: "{{ getent_passwd | dict2items | json_query('[? contains(value, `/usr/bin/fish`)].key') }}"
- name: Check if omf is installed for fish users
path: "/home/{{ item }}/.local/share/omf"
loop: "{{ fish_users }}"
register: omf_user_status
- name: Register users who need omf
user_need_omf: "{{ omf_user_status.results | rejectattr('stat.exists') | map(attribute='item') | list }}"
- name: Install omf when absent of fish user's home
- name: Get lastest omf from git
repo: ''
dest: '/tmp/omf'
clone: yes
- name: Installing omf for fish user
become: yes
become_user: "{{ item }}"
command: /tmp/omf/bin/install -y --offline --noninteractive
loop: "{{ user_need_omf }}"
- name: Cleanup omf install files
path: '/tmp/omf'
state: absent
# only run this block if the user_need_omf list is not empty
when: user_need_omf | length > 0

How to msg only the file path in ansible?

This is my ansible:
- name: finding files
paths: /etc/nginx
patterns: '{{ my_vhost }}'
recurse: "yes"
file_type: "file"
delegate_to: '{{ my_server }}'
register: find_result
- name: output the path of the conf file
debug: msg="{{ find_result.files }}"
and the output of msg is:
"msg": [
"atime": 1567585207.0371234,
"ctime": 1567585219.9410768,
"dev": 64768,
"gid": 1001,
"inode": 4425684,
"isblk": false,
"ischr": false,
"isdir": false,
"isfifo": false,
"isgid": false,
"islnk": false,
"isreg": true,
"issock": false,
"isuid": false,
"mode": "0644",
"mtime": 1567585219.9410768,
"nlink": 1,
"path": "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/specified-file",
"rgrp": true,
"roth": true,
"rusr": true,
"size": 546,
"uid": 1001,
"wgrp": false,
"woth": false,
"wusr": true,
"xgrp": false,
"xoth": false,
"xusr": false
and I only want this line to be outputed:
"path": "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/specified-file",
I don't really care about the msg, specifically I want to use just this path "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/specified-file" for later usage. There will always be only one result of the file path in my system.
#CzipO2, You can use the below tasks which also sets the file path in a variable which can be used later in the playbook,
- set_fact:
filepath: "{{ find_result.files | map(attribute='path') | list | first}}"
- name: output the path of the conf file
msg: "{{ filepath }}"
I don't really care about the msg, specifically, I want to use just this path "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/specified-file" for later usage.
The filepath fact can be used in the playbook for later use.
Please try as below
- name: output the path of the conf file
path: "{{ item.path }}"
with_items: "{{ find_result.files}}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ path }}"

How to find if string in dict as a part of a key with dots in string

Hello i am trying to find a string as a part of a key in a dictionary.(file list)
In the next step i have to loop over a list of strings and search for it in a dictionary.
Any help out there?
Thanks for advice
Example dict:
"atime": 1564643897.7426093,
"ctime": 1564643891.0105128,
"dev": 64768,
"gid": 3007,
"gr_name": "group",
"inode": 2230336,
"isblk": false,
"ischr": false,
"isdir": false,
"isfifo": false,
"isgid": false,
"islnk": false,
"isreg": true,
"issock": false,
"isuid": false,
"mode": "0644",
"mtime": 1564643891.0105128,
"nlink": 1,
"path": "/home/user/branches/user/roles/manage_users/vars/users/my.user.yml",
"pw_name": "user",
"rgrp": true,
"roth": true,
"rusr": true,
"size": 776,
"uid": 1050,
"wgrp": false,
"woth": false,
"wusr": true,
"xgrp": false,
"xoth": false,
"xusr": false
The match should be in key path: in the dict.
Tried several things but the closest seems to be;
- name: compare lists 1
msg: "item"
when: "item in users_list.files"
- "{{ users }}"
But i cant get any result
Instead i get: Skipped
Expected Msg:
Msg: my.user
Got it by myself:
The trick is to create a list of path objects first with json query.
After that u can use it for comparing:
- name: create list of valid users
module: find
path: "{{ role_path }}/vars/users"
register: users_list
- name: create list existing users
win_shell: |
try {
# powershell supposed way
$users=Get-LocalUser;echo $
} catch {
#fall back
$users=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "LocalAccount='True'" | select name;echo $
register: users
- set_fact:
found_users: []
- name: compare lists
found_users: "{{ found_users + [item[1]] }}"
when: item[0].find(item[1]) != -1
- "{{ users_list.files|json_query(query) }}"
- "{{ users.stdout_lines}}"
query: "[*].path"
- debug: msg="{{ found_users }}"

Ansible remove blank lines from list

So I've got a playbook that retrieves the members of an AD group and gives me a list of their user IDs like this:
- name: Get group members
member: "{{ item }}"
register: members
- context: group_members
- Jira_Administrators_GG
- name: Get userids
userid: "{{ lookup('ldap', '{{ item.item }}', context='users') }}"
register: userids
with_items: "{{ members.results }}"
- name: Create list of userids
userid_list: "{{ userids.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.userid') | list }}"
Trouble is I end up with a few blank lines in the resultant list:
- name: Show userids
msg: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['userid_list'] }}"
TASK [Show userids] **************************************
ok: [xxxxxxxxx01] => {
"msg": [
Does anyone know how to remove the blank lines from the list? I've had a look through and tried a couple like replace() and rejectattr() in between the map and list but for whatever reason I'm not getting it right.
EDIT - Some attempts that didn't work...
I'm clearly not getting the syntax right with this one:
- name: Create list of userids
userid_list: "{{ userids.results | rejectattr('ansible_facts.userid', 'equalto', '') | map(attribute='ansible_facts.userid') | list }}"
..because the output was:
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: TemplateRuntimeError: no test named ''
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "Unexpected failure during module execution.", "stdout": ""}
I then tried moving rejectattr() before map. This was better, it actually runs but doesn't seem to make any difference to the resultant list:
- name: Create list of userids
userid_list: "{{ userids.results | rejectattr('ansible_facts.userid', 'equalto', '') | map(attribute='ansible_facts.userid') | list }}"
I tried with reject() instead of rejectattr() like this:
- name: Create list of userids
userid_list: "{{ userids.results | reject('equalto', '') | map(attribute='ansible_facts.userid') | list }}"
...and like this:
- name: Create list of userids
userid_list: "{{ userids.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.userid') | reject('equalto', '') | list }}"
I've tried a few permutations, I also tried comparing to '[]' instead of '' because my empty lines show like that in the resultant list. I guess I just don't understand how to apply the filters correctly.
EDIT - Variable contents
Now if I do
- debug:
var: userids
I get this (truncated to show 2 results that have userid populated and 1 with userid blank):
ok: [localhost] => {
"userids": {
"changed": false,
"msg": "All items completed",
"results": [
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"ansible_facts": {
"userid": "xxxxxxxxx55"
"changed": false,
"item": {
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"ansible_facts": {
"member": "CN=Liam Fitzpatrick,OU=My User OU,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com"
"changed": false,
"item": "CN=Liam Fitzpatrick,OU=My User OU,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com"
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"ansible_facts": {
"userid": "xxxxxxxxx58"
"changed": false,
"item": {
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"ansible_facts": {
"member": "CN=Mr Jones,OU=My User OU,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com"
"changed": false,
"item": "CN=Mr Jones,OU=My User OU,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com"
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"ansible_facts": {
"userid": []
"changed": false,
"item": {
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"ansible_facts": {
"member": "CN=Mr Smith,OU=My User OU,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com"
"changed": false,
"item": "CN=Mr Smith,OU=My User OU,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com"
You have a list of strings (e.g. "xxxxxxxxx63") and empty lists ([]) – not empty strings.
You can use Jinja2 select/reject filters, for example:
- name: Create list of userids
userid_list: "{{ userids.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.userid') | select('string') | list }}"
P.S. and avoid nested curly brackets, use:
"{{ lookup('ldap', item.item, context='users') }}"

ansible V2 -> "skip_reason": "Conditional check failed" with_items

I am getting some errors while doing the following:
- name: tomcat_1
shutdown_port: 8005
connector_port: 8080
ajp_port: 8009
- name: tomcat_2
shutdown_port: 8105
connector_port: 8180
ajp_port: 8109
main code:
- name: "Check if tomcat is already installed"
stat: path={{ tomcat_server_dir }}/{{ }}/RELEASE-NOTES
register: status
with_items: "{{ tomcat_servers }}"
- debug: var=status
- name: "Copy tomcat into folder if it is not installed"
command: /bin/tar -zxvf /tmp/{{ tomcat_catalina_base }} -C {{ tomcat_server_dir }}/{{ }} --strip 2
when: not status.results[0].stat.exists
- "{{ tomcat_servers }}"
- "{{ status.results }}"
Debug result:
ok: [VM1] => {
"status": {
"changed": false,
"msg": "All items completed",
"results": [
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"checksum_algorithm": "sha1",
"follow": false,
"get_checksum": true,
"get_md5": true,
"mime": false,
"path": "/opt/tomcat_3/RELEASE-NOTES"
"module_name": "stat"
"item": {
"ajp_port": 8009,
"connector_port": 8080,
"name": "tomcat_1",
"shutdown_port": 8005
"stat": {
"exists": false
"_ansible_item_result": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"checksum_algorithm": "sha1",
"follow": false,
"get_checksum": true,
"get_md5": true,
"mime": false,
"path": "/opt/tomcat_3/RELEASE-NOTES"
"module_name": "stat"
"item": {
"ajp_port": 8109,
"connector_port": 8180,
"name": "tomcat_2",
"shutdown_port": 8105
"stat": {
"exists": false
Now unfortunally I seem to get the error
"skip_reason": "Conditional check failed", "skipped": true
I have been around the "have you googled it" many times but cannot seem to find the solution here. Google ansible check if file exists with_items and you will probably see the same results.
Any one got an idea how to get this working?
Correct second loop:
- hosts: localhost
- item:
ajp_port: 8009
connector_port: 8080
name: tomcat_1
shutdown_port: 8005
exists: false
- item:
ajp_port: 8109
connector_port: 8180
name: tomcat_2
shutdown_port: 8105
exists: false
- item:
name: tomcat_exist
exists: true
- debug:
msg: "name: {{ }}, exists: {{ item.stat.exists }}"
when: not item.stat.exists
with_items: "{{ results }}"
So in your setup you need to loop over status.results and refer to and item.stat.exists.
