Solana - leader validator and incrementing field - solana

As I understand it, Solana will elect a leader each round and there will be multiple validators handling the transactions independently. The leader will then consolidate all the transactions.
From this understanding, I'm curious how Solana actually handles programs which increment a field. So lets say we have this counter field, which increases by 1 each time the program is called. What happens if 10 different users calls this program at the same time, how will this work if the 10 transactions are handled by the ten validators independently. For example at the start of the round, counter=50 and during the round, ten different validators handles the transactions separately so each validator will increase the counter=51. When the leader gets back all the txns, it will say counter=51, what happens in this scenario?
I feel like there is something missing in my assumptions.

So my understanding here seems to be incorrect. It is actually the leader who executes the transactions and the validators who are verifying the transactions.
Page 2 - Section 3 -
As shown in Figure 1, at any given time a system node is designated as
Leader to generate a Proof of History sequence, providing the network global
read consistency and a verifiable passage of time. The Leader sequences user
messages and orders them such that they can be efficiently processed by other
nodes in the system, maximizing throughput. It executes the transactions
on the current state that is stored in RAM and publishes the transactions
and a signature of the final state to the replications nodes called Verifiers.
Verifiers execute the same transactions on their copies of the state, and publish their computed signatures of the state as confirmations. The published
confirmations serve as votes for the consensus algorithm.

The "recent blockhash" is another important part of this. A transaction references a recent blockhash, which is part of the Proof of History sequence. If two transactions reference the same blockhash, they are counted as duplicates by the network, even if they come from two different users.
More information can be found at

There is only one PoH generator(Block producer) at a time. other nodes are just validating.
I cannot comment to Jon C but the answer is wrong. you can use the same recent blockhash otherwise there is no way solana can handle 50000 tps when block time is around 0.4 sec.


Approach to measuring end-to-end latency from a sales transaction to a stock level in a database

I have a system in which sales transactions are written to a Kafka topic in real time. One of the consumers of this data is an aggregator program which maintains a database of stock quantities for all locations, in real time; it will consume data from multiple other sources as well. For example, when a product is sold from a store, the aggregator will reduce the quantity of that product in that store by the quantity sold.
This aggregator's database will be presented via an API to allow applications to check stock availability (the inventory) in any store in real time.
(Note for context - yes, there is an ERP behind all this which does a lot more; the purpose of this inventory API is to consume data from multiple sources, including the ERP and the ERP's data feeds, and potentially other ERPs in future, to give a single global information source for this singular purpose).
What I want to do is to measure the end-to-end latency: how long it takes from a sales transaction being written to the topic, to being processed by the aggregator (not just read from the topic). This will give an indicator of how far behind real-time the inventory database is.
The sales transaction topic will probably be partitioned, so the transactions may not arrive in order.
So far I have thought of two methods.
Method 1 - measure latency via stock level changes
Here, the sales producer injects a special "measurement" sale each minute, for an invalid location like "SKU 0 in branch 0". The sale quantity would be based on the time of day, using a numerical sequence of some kind. A program would then poll the inventory API, or directly read the database, to check for changes in the level. When it changes, the magnitude of the change will indicate the time of the originating transaction. The difference between then and now gives us the latency.
Problem: If multiple transactions are queued and are then later all processed together, the change in inventory value will be the sum of the queued transactions, giving a false reading.
To solve this, the sequence of numbers would have to be chosen such that when they are added together, we can always determine which was the lowest number, giving us the oldest transaction and therefore the latency.
We could use powers of 2 for this, so the lowest bit set would indicate the earliest transaction time. Our sequence would have to reset every 30 or 60 minutes and we'd have to cope with wraparound and lots of edge cases.
Assuming we can solve the wraparound problem and that a maximum measurable latency of, say, 20 minutes is OK (after which we just say it's "too high"), then with this method, it does not matter whether transactions are processed out of sequence or split into partitions.
This method gives a "true" picture of the end-to-end latency, in that it's measuring the point at which the database has actually been updated.
Method 2 - measure latency via special timestamp record
Instead of injecting measurement sales records, we use a timestamp which the producer is adding to the raw data. This timestamp is just the time at which the producer transmitted this record.
The aggregator would maintain a measurement of the most recently seen timestamp. The difference between that and the current time would give the latency.
Problem: If transactions are not processed in order, the latency measurement will be unstable, because it relies on the timestamps arriving in sequence.
To solve this, the aggregator would not just output the last timestamp it saw, but instead would output the oldest timestamp it had seen in the past minute across all of its threads (assuming multiple threads potentially reading from multiple partitions). This would give a less "lumpy" view.
This method gives an approximate picture of the end-to-end latency, since it's measuring the point at which the aggregator receives the sales record, not the point at which the database has been updated.
The questions
Is one method more likely to get usable results than the other?
For method 1, is there a sequence of numbers which would be more efficient than powers of 2 in allowing us to work out the earliest value when multiple ones arrive at once, requiring fewer bits so that the time before sequence reset would be longer?
Would method 1 have the same problem of "lumpy" data as method 2, in the case of a large number of partitions or data arriving out of order?
Given that method 2 seems simpler, is the method of smoothing out the lumps in the measurement a plausible one?

How to manage repeated requests on a cached server while the result arrives

In the context of a highly requested web service written in go language, I am considering to cache some computations. For that, I am thinking to use Redis.
My application is susceptible to receiving an avalanche of requests containing the same payload that triggers a costly computation. So a cache would reward and allow to compute once.
Consider the following figure extracted from here
I use this figure because I think it helps me illustrate the problem. The figure considers the general two cases: the book is in the cache, or this one is not in. However, the figure does not consider the transitory case when a book is being retrieved from the database and other "get-same-book" requests arrive. In this case, I would like to queue the repeated requests temporarily until the book is retrieved. Next, once the book has already arrived, the queued requests are replied with the result which would remain in the cache for fast retrieving of future requests.
So my question asks for approaches for implementing this requirement. I'm considering to use a kind of table on the server (repository) that writes the status of a query database (computing, ready), but this seems a little complicated, because I would need to handle some race conditions.
So I would like to know if anyone knows this pattern or if Redis itself implements it in some way (I have not found it in my consultations, but I suspect that using a Redis lock would be possible)
You can design it as you have described. But there is some things that are important.
Use a unique key
Use an unique key for each book, and if the book is ever changed, that key should also change. This design makes your step (6) save the book in Redis an idempotent operation (you can do it many times with the same result). So you will avoid any race condition with "get-same-book".
Idempotent requests OR asynchronous messages
I would like to queue the repeated requests temporarily until the book is retrieved. Next, once the book has already arrived, the queued requests are replied with the result
I would not recommend to queue requests as you describe it. If the request is a cache-miss, let it retrieve it from the database - but design it idempotent. Alternatively, you should handle all requests as asynchronous, and use a message queue e.g. nats, RabbitMQ or something, but the complexity grows with that solution.
Serializing requests
My problem is that while that second of computation where the result is not still gotten, too many repeated requests can arrive and due to the cost I need to avoid to repeat their computations. I need to find a way of retaining them while the result of the first request arrives.
It sounds like you want to have your computations serialized instead of doing them concurrently because you want to avoid doing the same computation twice. To solve this, you should let the requests initialize the computation, e.g. by putting the input on a queue and then do the computation in a serial order (but still possibly concurrently if they have a different key) and finally notify the client, or if the client is subscribing for updates (a better solution).
Redis do have support for PubSub but it depends on what requirements you have on the clients. I would recommend a solution without locks, for scalability.

In Nifi, what is the difference between FirstInFirstOutPrioritizer and OldestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer

User guide has the below details on prioritizers, could you please help me understand how these are different and provide any real time example.
FirstInFirstOutPrioritizer: Given two FlowFiles, the one that reached the connection first will be processed first.
OldestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer: Given two FlowFiles, the one that is oldest in the dataflow will be processed first. 'This is the default scheme that is used if no prioritizers are selected.'
Imagine two processors A and B that are both connected to a funnel, and then the funnel connects to processor C.
Scenario 1 - The connection between the funnel and processor C has first-in-first-out prioritizer.
In this case, the flow files in the queue between the funnel and connection C will be processed strictly based on the order they reached the queue.
Scenario 2 - The connection between the funnel and processor C has oldest-flow-file-first prioritizer.
In this case, there could already be flow files in the queue between the funnel and connection C, but one of the processors transfers a flow to that queue that is older than all the flow files in that queue, it will jump to the front.
You could imagine that some flow files come from a different portion of the flow that takes way longer to process than other flow files, but they both end up funneled into the same queue, so these flow files from the longer processing part are considered older.
Apache NiFi handles data from many disparate sources and can route it through a number of different processors. Let's use the following example (ignore the processor types, just focus on the titles):
First, the relative rate of incoming data can be different depending on the source/ingestion point. In this case, the database poll is being done once per minute, while the HTTP poll is every 5 seconds, and the file tailing is every second. So even if a database record is 59 seconds "older" than another, if they are captured in the same execution of the processor, they will enter NiFi at the same time and the flowfile(s) (depending on splitting) will have the same origin time.
If some data coming into the system "is dirty", it gets routed to a processor which "cleans" it. This processor takes 3 seconds to execute.
If both the clean relationship and the success relationship from "Clean Data" went directly to "Process Data", you wouldn't be able to control the order that those flowfiles were processed. However, because there is a funnel that merges those queues, you can choose a prioritizer on the queued queue, and control that order. Do you want the first flowfile to enter that queue processed first, or do you want flowfiles that entered NiFi earlier to be processed first, even if they entered this specific queue after a newer flowfile?
This is a contrived example, but you can apply this to disaster recovery situations where some data was missed for a time window and is now being recovered, or a flow that processes time-sensitive data and the insights aren't valid after a certain period of time has passed. If using backpressure or getting data in large (slow) batches, you can see how in some cases, oldest first is less valuable and vice versa.

Determining expiry - distributed nodes - without syncing the clocks

I have the following problem:
A leader server creates objects which have a start time and end time. The start time and end time are set when an object gets created.
The Start time of the object is set to current time on the leader node, and end time is set to Start time + Delta Time
A thread wakes up regularly and checks if the End time for any of the objects are lesser than the current time (hence the object has expired) - if yes then the object needs to be deleted
All this works fine, as long as things are running smoothly on leader node. If the leader node goes down, one of the follower node becomes the new leader. (There will be replication among leader and follower node (RAFT algorithm))
Now on the new leader, the time could be very different from the previous leader. Hence the computation in step 3 could be misleading.
One way to solve this problem, is to keep the clocks of nodes (leader and followers) in sync (as much as possible).
But I am wondering if there is any other way to resolve this problem of "expiry" with distributed nodes?
Further Information:
Will be using RAFT protocol for message passing and state
It will have known bounds on the delay of message between processes
Leader and follower failures will be tolerated (as per RAFT protocol)
Message loss is assumed not to occur (RAFT ensures this)
The operation on objects is to check if they are alive. Objects will be enqueued by a client.
There will be strong consistency among processes (RAFT provides this)
I've seen expiry done in two different ways. Both of these methods guarantee that time will not regress, as what can happen if synchrnozing clocks via NTP or otherwise using the system clock. In particular, both methods utilize the chip clock for strictly increasing time. (System.nanoTime in Javaland.)
These methods are only for expiry: time does not regress, but it is possible that time can go appear to go slower.
First Method
The first method works because you are using a raft cluster (or a similar protocol). It works by broadcasting an ever-increasing clock from the leader to the replicas.
Each peer maintains what we'll call the cluster clock that runs at near real time. The leader periodically broadcasts the clock value via raft.
When a peer receives this clock value it records it, along with the current chip clock value. When the peer is elected leader it can determine the duration since the last clock value by comparing its current chip clock with the last recorded chip clock value.
Bonus 1: Instead of having a new transition type, the cluster clock value may be attached to every transition, and during quiet periods the leader makes no-op transitions just to move the clock forward. If you can, attach these to the raft heartbeat mechanism.
Bonus 2: I maintain some systems where time is increased for every transition, even within the same time quantum. In other words, every transition has a unique timestamp. For this to work without moving time forward too quickly your clock mechanism must have a granularity that can cover your expected transition rate. Milliseconds only allow for 1,000 tps, microseconds allow for 1,000,000 tps, etc.
Second Method
Each peer merely records its chip clock when it receives each object and stores it along with each object. This guarantees that peers will never expire an object before the leader, because the leader records the time stamp and then sends the object over a network. This creates a strict happens-before relationship.
This second method is susceptible, however, to server restarts. Many chips and processing environments (e.g. the JVM) will reset the chip-clock to a random value on startup. The first method does not have this problem, but is more expensive.
If you know your nodes are synchronized to some absolute time, within some epsilon, the easy solution is probably to just bake the epsilon into your garbage collection scheme. Normally with NTP, the epsilon is somewhere around 1ms. With a protocol like PTP, it would be well below 1ms.
Absolute time doesn't really exist in distributed systems though. It can be bottleneck to try to depend on it, since it implies that all the nodes need communicate. One way of avoiding it, and synchronization in general, is to keep a relative sequence of events using a vector clock, or an interval tree clock. This avoids the need to synchronize on absolute time as state. Since the sequences describe related events, the implication is that only nodes with related events need to communicate.
So, with garbage collection, objects could be marked stale using node sequence numbers. Then, instead of the garbage collector thread checking liveness, the object could either be collected as the sequence number increments, or just marked stale and collected asynchronously.

When to use Paxos (real practical use cases)?

Could someone give me a list of real use cases of Paxos. That is real problems that require consensus as part of a bigger problem.
Is the following a use case of Paxos?
Suppose there are two clients playing poker against each other on a poker server. The poker server is replicated. My understanding of Paxos is that it could be used to maintain consistency of the inmemory data structures that represent the current hand of poker. That is, ensure that all replicas have the exact same inmemory state of the hand.
But why is Paxos necessary? Suppose a new card needs to be dealt. Each replica running the same code will generate the same card if everything went correct. Why can't the clients just request the latest state from all the replicated servers and choose the card that appears the most. So if one server had an error the client will still get the correct state from just choosing the majority.
You assume all the servers are in sync with each other (i.e., have the same state), so when a server needs to select the next card, each of the servers will select the exact same card (assuming your code is deterministic).
However, your servers' state also depends on the the user's actions. For example, if a user decided to raise by 50$ - your server needs to store that info somewhere. Now, suppose that your server replied "ok" to the web-client (I'm assuming a web-based poker game), and then the server crashed. Your other servers might not have the information regarding the 50$ raise, and your system will be inconsistent (in the sense that the client thinks that the 50$ raise was made, while the surviving servers are oblivious of it).
Notice that majority won't help here, since the data is lost. Moreover, suppose that instead of the main server crashing, the main server plus another one got the 50$ raise data. In this case, using majority could even be worse: if you get a response from the two servers with the data, you'll think the 50$ raise was performed. But if one of them fails, then you won't have majority, and you'll think that the raise wasn't performed.
In general, Paxos can be used to replicate a state machine, in a fault tolerant manner. Where "state machine" can be thought of as an algorithm that has some initial state, and it advances the state deterministically according to messages received from the outside (i.e., the web-client).
More properly, Paxos should be considered as a distributed log, you can read more about it here: Understanding Paxos – Part 1
Update 2018:
Mysql High Availability uses paxos:
Real world example:
Cassandra uses Paxos to ensure that clients connected to different cluster nodes can safely perform write operations by adding "IF NOT EXISTS" to write operations. Cassandra has no master node so two conflicting operations can to be issued concurrently at multiple nodes. When using the if-not-exists syntax the paxos algorithm is used order operations between machines to ensure only one succeeds. This can then be used by clients to store authoritative data with an expiration lease. As long as a majority of Cassandra nodes are up it will work. So if you define the replication factor of your keyspace to be 3 then 1 node can fail, of 5 then 2 can fail, etc.
For normal writes Caassandra allows multiple conflicting writes to be accepted by different nodes which may be temporary unable to communicate. In that case doesn't use Paxos so can loose data when two Writes occur at the same time for the same key. There are special data structures built into Cassandra that won't loose data which are insert-only.
Poker and Paxos:
As other answers note poker is turn based and has rules. If you allow one master and many replicas then the master arbitrates the next action. Let's say a user first clicks the "check" button then changes their mind and clicks "fold". Those are conflicting commands only the first should be accepted. The browser should not let them press the second button it will disable it when they pressed the first button. Since money is involved the master server should also enforce the rules and only allow one action per player per turn. The problem comes when the master crashes during the game. Which replica can become master and how do you enforce that only one replica becomes master?
One way to handle choosing a new master is to use an external strong consistently service. We can use Cassandra to create a lease for the master node. The replicas can timeout on the master and attempt to take the lease. As Cassandra is using Paxos it is fault tolerant; you can still read or update the lease even if Cassandra nodes crash.
In the above example the poker master and replicas are eventually consistent. The master can send heartbeats so the replicas know that they are still connected to the master. That is fast as messages flow in one direction. When the master crashes there may be race conditions in replicas trying to be the master. Using Paxos at that point gives you strong consistently on the outcome of which node is now the master. This requires additional messages between nodes to ensure a consensus outcome of a single master.
Real life use cases:
The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems
Apache ZooKeeper
Paxos is used for WAN-based replication of Subversion repositories and high availability of the Hadoop NameNode by the company I work for (WANdisco plc.)
In the case you describe, you're right, Paxos isn't really necessary: A single central authority can generate a permutation for the deck and distribute it to everyone at the beginning of the hand. In fact, for a poker game in general, where there's a strict turn order and a single active player as in poker, I can't see a sensible situation in which you might need to use Paxos, except perhaps to elect the central authority that shuffles decks.
A better example might be a game with simultaneous moves, such as Jeopardy. Paxos in this situation would allow all the servers to decide together what sequence a series of closely timed events (such as buzzer presses) occurred in, such that all the servers come to the same conclusion.
