Cypress intercept with not condition - cypress

I have the following service calls on click of an element. I will need to intercept a request that does not have f0000000000 in the endpoint. - GET - GET - GET - GET - GET - GET - GET
How can we achieve this in cypress? Do we have any similar options?
cy.intercept("GET", "**/NOT(f0000000000)/path1*").as('getForecast');
cy.wait('#getForecast').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200)

With regex
You wrap the part to exclude in a negative lookahead group,
but also must add wildcard for any other text in that place after the group, i.e .*
Ensure any domain, but must have /path1 and not have f0000000000
const regex = /((?!f0000000000).*)\/path1/
cy.intercept(regex, {}).as('intercept')
More exact
Specify the domain more exactly
cy.intercept(/^https:\/\/example\.com\/((?!f0000000000).*)\/path1/, {}).as('intercept')
Specify digits more exactly
If you always have f prefix and just want the digits wilcarded, move the f outside the exclusion.
Optionally replace .* with [0-9]{10} to specify exactly 10 digits not matching 0000000000
cy.intercept(/^https:\/\/example\.com\/f((?!0000000000)[0-9]*)\/path1/, {}).as('intercept')
With minimatch
Just change NOT(f0000000000) to !(f0000000000)
const url1 = ''
const match1 = Cypress.minimatch(url1, '**/!(f0000000000)/path1*')
const url2 = ''
const match2 = Cypress.minimatch(url2, '**/!(f0000000000)/path1*')
cy.intercept('**/!(f0000000000)/path1*', {}).as('intercept')
cy.intercept('**/f!(0000000000)/path1*', {}).as('intercept')
But be careful with trailing path parts
const url = ''
const match = Cypress.minimatch(url, '**/!(f0000000000)/path1/*')

You can create a regex for this:
This will intercept the url which doesn't have f0000000000. This is a very basic regex, you can always enhance it as per your needs.
You can also look into the Intercept Cypress Recipe.


Wrong Cypress intercept being hit

I have set up a number of intercepts in the body of my tests. Here they are, pasted from the Cypress log, with the alias added
cy:intercept ➟ // alias: getRecipesSku(971520)
Method: GET
Matcher: "[]=6287&_fields**"
Mocked Response: [{ ... }]
cy:intercept ➟ // alias: getRecipesSku(971520,971310)
Method: GET
Matcher: "[]=6287&tags[]=6289&_fields**"
Mocked Response: [{ ... }]
Our application's tests also mocks a number of routes by default, (coming from an apiClient.initialize) including this one below. FWIW, this is defined earlier than those above:
cy:intercept ➟ // alias: getJustcookRecipes
Method: GET
Matcher: "**"
Mocked Response: [{ ... }]
My test code sets up those first two intercepts, and ultimately calls the routes. Here is the code, heavily abridged:
it('refreshes the recipes when switching protein tabs', () => {
/* do lots of other stuff; load up the page, perform other tests, etc */
// call a function that sets up the intercepts. you can see from the cypress output
// that the intercepts are created correctly, so I don't feel I need to include the code here.
interceptJustCook({ skus: [beefCuts[0].id] }, [beefCut1Recipe])
interceptJustCook({ skus: [beefCuts[0].id, beefCuts[1].id] }, twoBeefRecipes)
// [#1] select 1 item;
// calls route associated with intercept "getRecipesSku(971520)"[0].id)
/* assert against that call */
// [#2] select 2nd item (now 2 items are selected);
// calls route associated with intercept "getRecipesSku(971520, 971310)"[1].id)
In the Cypress logs, the first call (marked by comment #1) is intercepted correctly:
cy:fetch ➟ (getRecipesSku(971520)) STUBBED
However, the second call (marked by comment #2) is intercepted by the wrong route mocker:
cy:fetch ➟ (getJustCookRecipes) STUBBED
You can see for yourself that the URL called at #2 does indeed match the getRecipesSku(971520, 971310) intercept, but it is caught by the getJustcookRecipes intercept. Now, I suppose the URL for that latter intercept would catch my second custom intercept. But it would also, in the same way, catch my first custom intercept, but that first one works.
(update:) I tried commenting out the place in the code where the getJustcookRecipes intercept is created so that it doesn't exist. Now, the call that should hit getRecipesSku(971520,971310) isn't being mocked at all! I checked and the mocked and called urls are a match.
Why is this going wrong and how do I fix it?
Something in the glob pattern for the 2nd intercept #getRecipesSku(971520,971310) is refusing to match.
It's probably not worth while analyzing what exactly (you may not be able to fix it in glob), but switching to a regex will match.
See online test
cy.intercept(/wpsite\.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\?tags\[]=6287&tags\[]=6289&_fields/, {})
The request query string may be badly formed
Looking at the docs for URLSearchParams, the implication is that the query string should be key/value pairs.
But the 2nd request has two identical keys using tags[] as the key.
It looks as if the correct format would be /wp/v2/posts?tags=[6287,6289] since the square brackets don't have a lot of meaning otherwise.
It may be that the server is handling the format tags[]=6287&tags[]=6289, but Cypress is probably not. If you run the following intercept you see the query object has only one tags[] key and it's the last one in the URL.
method: 'GET',
pathname: '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts',
(req) => {
console.log('url', req.url)
console.log('query', req.query) // Proxy {tags[]: '6289', ...
#Paolo was definitely on the right track. The WP API we're consuming uses tags[]=1,tags=[2] instead of tags[1,2] so that's correct, but some research into globs showed me that brackets are special. Why the first bracket isn't messing it up but the second one is, I'm not sure and I kind of don't care.
I thought about switching to regex, but instead I was able to escape the offender in the glob without switching to regex and needing to escape aaaallll the slashes in the url:
const interceptRecipes = (
{ category, skus }: RecipeFilterArgs,
recipes: Recipe[]
) => {
let queryString = ''
if (category) queryString = `categories[]=${CATEGORY_MAP[category]}`
if (skus) {
const tagIdMap = SkuToTagIdMap as Record<number, { tagId: number }>
// brackets break the glob pattern, so we need to escape them
queryString = => `tags\\[]=${tagIdMap[sku].tagId}`).join('&')
const url = `${baseUrl}?${queryString}${otherParams}`
const alias = category ? `get${category}Recipes` : `getRecipesSku(${skus})`
cy.intercept('GET', url, recipes).as(alias)

Convert OkHttp's HttpUrl to a relative url

How can I convert a HttpUrl to a relative url, e.g. to /fo/o?bar#baz?
There isn't a great solution. Most obviously one of
building it from components your self, like path, query, fragment.
Applying a stripping regex.
Removing a common prefix.
So option 3
val u = "".toHttpUrl()
val u2 = u.resolve("/")
println(u) //
println(u2) //
println(u.toString().substring(u2.toString().length - 1)) // /fo/o?bar#baz

Jmeter - Regular Expression With variable contents

One of my HTTP response header has the following content (as an example) -->
Set-Cookie: __RequestVerificationToken_L0N5YXJhV2ViUG9ydGFs0=-8In3dBVumict4lbSFy8aIkNfMQf1L75qDPmZgb1Gt7CnA8ZDrQ_zeNRB4Hjg0nZrKF8LgHzysJu2Wi8bXIO-s7fAEucytZJ_Q4__Y33_To1; path=/;
I would like to retrieve only whatever is after the = (note between __RequestVerificationToken_ and = sign is variable)
I have added a regular expression Extractor with following information:
Field To Check --> Response Header
Regular Expression: Set-Cookie:__RequestVerificationToken_.*=(.+?);
Template: $1$
but it doesn't work
can you please help?
thank you
It seems that you want to get the string after = and before ; which will return -8....To1 so change your regular expression to make sure you hit the first = using regex to get all characters without equal sign [^=]+, full regex:
and then in Template get group 2 without variable using $2$

How can I create a KOA path with a number?

I have an KOA endpoint. I have a quantify param that can only accept numbers, how can I enforce this directly in the KOA router?
.put('/cart/:product/:quantity', async ctx => {
quantity = ctx.params.quantity;
ctx.body = 'my code here';
Use this regexp:
^ matches quantities that only consist of numbers. \d+ is the regexp, but you have to add another \ for the router to convert it into a proper regexp since the route is a string.

Regular Expression find usage of word after "/" in URL

I am trying to parse through URLs using Ruby and return the URLs that match a word after the "/" in .com , .org , etc.
If I am trying to capture "questions" in a URL such as I also want to be able to capture But I do not want to capture
Currently my expression can match but cannot match with "questions" after another "/", or 2 "/"s, etc.
The end of my regular expression is using \bquestions\.
I tried doing ([a-zA-Z]+\W{1}+\bjob\b|\bjob\b) but this only gets me URLs with /questions and /blah/questions but not /blah/bleh/questions.
What am I doing wrong and how do I match what I need?
You don't actually need a regex for this, you can instead use the URI module:
require 'uri'
urls = ['', '']
urls.each do |url|
the_path = URI(url).path
puts the_path if the_path.include?'questions'
I don't know whether there is any simple way around, here is my solution:
regexp = '^(https|http)?:\/\/[\w]+\.(com|org|edu)(\/{1}[a-z]+)*$'
group_length = "".match(regexp).length
"".match(regexp)[group_length - 1].gsub("/","")
It will return 'questions'.
Update as per you comments below:
use [\S]*(\/questions){1}$
Hope it helps :)
