Spring Boot - Rest API not working on LAN - spring

I have a simple Spring Boot application with a Rest API. It only accepts a simple GET request and returns a string.
public class TestController {
#CrossOrigin(origins = "*", allowedHeaders = "*")
public String getTest() {
return "test";
In my application.properties I have only one property set: server.port=29090
If I use my browser on the same device to test this, it works as expected. I go to http://localhost:29090/test, and it shows only the word test.
If I use another device in the same network for the GET request, going to, there is no response and eventually the request times out. The server is running Windows, I checked the firewall and there is indeed an inbound rule specifying port 29090 is allowed for TCP, on private, public and domain networks.
I suspected router misconfigurations, so I started up wireshark on the server machine to check network traffic. I do see the TCP SYN requests coming from the other device toward port 29090, so the router is working correctly, but there is no SYN-ACK reply from the server machine.
I did add the #CrossOrigin annotation in the code above after some googling, to see if that was the issue, but the problem persists. What could be the issue?


Spring Boot End Points are not routing correctly using STOMP

I was running into some issues in terms of getting Postman to correctly send messages over my web-socket via STOMP. I made a new project to do some testing and I am having a hard time understanding why my messages are not being sent over.
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
As you can see, I registered two endpoints. The first end point is being used by Postman. To clarify this code actually works, I have tested it with SockJS() as a fallback and it works as expected.
For the Web Socket connection via Postman, I am using ws://localhost:3000/gs-guide-websocket, which it successfully connects to. However, when sending messages via Postman, it appears as if it's lost and is never correctly handled by the MessageMapping method as seen below.
public MessageResponse send(Message message) throws Exception {
return new MessageResponse(message.getContent());
I am confused through where my messages are actually being sent to, if anywhere at all. I have tried reading through Postman documentation to no avail. Is there a mistake somewhere in my code where I am not correctly handling this sort of end point or is this an error on Postman's part?
Link to the guide I am using for testing: https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/
From countless hours of researching this problem, it seems like Postman does not support the websocket process that STOMP requires.
From a comment via: Springboot websocket testing with Postman
For now, Postman does not support STOMP, only RAW. There is currently not any way to subscribe to a topic.
The problem I was having is that it can connect to the WebSocket without a problem. However, you are unable to send a message to the correct route at this given time.
For testing your WebSockets, I would recommend using JS/TS to perform operations. This is because you are able to subscribe to a topic via Stomp.over(socket).

Spring cloud gateway proxy to controller in same application

I want to achieve the following with a spring boot webflux application:
I have an endpoint api/test. I would like the same controller to be available on dynamically configured sub paths. E.g. if configured a sub-route "app" then a request to app/api/test should end up in the same controller.
To facilitate this I did the following using a RouteLocatorBuilder:
route(id = "proxy_api_test") {
path("/${location.route}/api/test/**" )
In case of testing on localhost for example location.host would be "localhost:8080" and location.route could be "app" and location.uri would be "http://localhost:8080".
And createSetPathConfig is given as:
fun createSetPathConfig(template: String): SetPathGatewayFilterFactory.Config{
val config = SetPathGatewayFilterFactory.Config()
config.template = template
return config
When running the application that would work like a charm because requests to http://localhost:8080/app/api/test would be redirected to http://localhost:8080/api/test with the help of spring cloud gateway. I have chose this approach also because it could be various sub paths at the same time, so the same controller must be available from different entry paths.
Now what I see is that this does not work in unit-tests using an #Autowired val client: WebTestClient because when executing the unit-test in fact no web-server is running. Is there a way to indicate with the uri in with RouteLocatorBuilder that the request should be executed on the same host such that unit-test would also work with the same logic? Because in fact in this case I would like spring cloud gateway not to forward to another host but to just change the routes dynamically.

Camel: Calling a HTTPS REST endpoint with a proxy

I'm consuming data from a REST endpoint with in the middle of the route a proxy. I'm having CNTLM running locally (localhost:3128 ): it will authenticate for me on the corporate proxy, so I don't need to pass my credentials.
I have been unable to get my rest call to work, despite numerous attempts. For e.g., getting:
SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message
Connection handshake abruptly terminated
Connection reset
you name it, have got it
Below the simplest version of the many attempts made.
Apparently (from internet reading), that should work, but it doesn't.
How should Camel be configured, in particular camel-http ?
The REST API I'm calling is using HTTPS but doesn't require a certificate.
The code works on my local machine when no proxy is involved. It fails on the intranet where there is a proxy
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder
public void configure() throws Exception {
//Tried different way to set the proxy, including inline with toD(...)
System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "localhost");
System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "3128");
getCamelContext().getGlobalOptions().put("http.proxyHost", "localhost");
getCamelContext().getGlobalOptions().put("https.proxyPort", "3128");
getContext().getGlobalOptions().put("https.proxyHost", "localhost");
getContext().getGlobalOptions().put("https.proxyPort", "3128");
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))
.to(baseUrlApi +"/v1/auth/tokens/?bridgeEndpoint=true")
.unmarshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, AuthResponseDto.class)
.setHeader("Authorization", simple("Bearer ${body.data.accessToken.token}"))
// etc..

Having trouble sending data to my websocket created in Spring-Boot from Flutter

I am attempting to send data through IOWebSocketChannel in Flutter.io to a WebSocket created in Spring-Boot.
In spring-boot I have created the typical WebSocket config and controllers that are dealing with client's manipulation of my servers WebSocket. I will post them below just for reference.
public class WebSocketConfiguration implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer{
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry){
.setAllowedOrigins("*") // allow us to connect to ws://localhost:8080/websocket with the default Spring port configuration.
.withSockJS(); // allows a client which does not support WebSocket natively mimic a WebSocket over an HTTP connection
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry){ //The configureMessageBroker method sets up a simple (in-memory) message broker for our application
registry.enableSimpleBroker("/topic"); //topic to be routed back to client
registry.setApplicationDestinationPrefixes("/app"); //This configuration allows Spring to understand that any message sent to a WebSocket channel name prefixed with /app should be routed to a #MessageMapping in our application.
public class WebSocketController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebSocketController.class);
public Message send(Message message) {
LOGGER.info(String.format("Received message [%s]", message.toString()));
LocalDateTime timestamp = LocalDateTime.now();
return new Message(message.getFrom(), message.getMessage(), timestamp);
Now When I try using IOWebSocketChannel I perform the typical protocol of connecting to my configured websocket. Below is the code
final channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(
I have then created a method that is supposed to send data to my websocket so I attempt to connect to that endpoint which you see is created in WebSocketController.java called app/send/. Below is the code:
void _sendMessage() {
IOWebSocketChannel channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://');
"message": "bars",
Now when I check my Spring-Boot server nothing is logged, however, whenever I hot reload in Flutter Spring Boot and my connection to the websocket times out, tomcat server returns this:
So my question is if anybody has been able to make a breakthrough with sending data through websockets from Flutter into Spring-Boot using IOWebSocketChannel? I am also wondering if anyone has found a way to successfully use a STOMP protocol in Flutter.io? I was using stomp_client as it seemed like it was going to do the trick, however correct if I'm wrong, but flutter was giving me errors saying that there doesn't exist any html files, so I'm assuming that library is only for dart in the web.
Your Spring configuration looks good. But client-side you need some tweaks.
I spent some time to figure this out with the https://pub.dev/packages/stomp package. Use a modified version of the connect function provided here. Make sure to use this custom implementation of the connect function.
Future<StompClient> client = customStomp.connect('ws://', ...)
Once connected, according to your configuration, you can then send message on the following destination: /app/send.

Handling of requests locally by Zuul Gateway server

How do I make Spring Boot Zuul Proxy Server handle a specific request locally, instead of proxying it to some other Server?
Let's say I want to do a custom health check of Zuul Proxy Server itself through an API which should return a local response, instead of returning a proxied response from some other remote server.
What kind of route configuration is required to forward the request?
Following is what I figured out and it worked for me:
1) Create a local request handler:
Add a regular Controller/RestController with a RequestMapping in a file in Zuul proxy Server code
public class LocalRequestHandler {
#GetMapping(path = "/status", produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE);
private static ResponseEntity<String> getServiceStatus() {
String status = "I am alive";
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(status);
2) Create a local forwarding route in the configuration file (application.properties or as the case may be) where other routes are defined. In my case, Spring Boot Zuul Proxy server is running on Jetty container with GatewaySvc as the application context.
For a standalone Spring Boot, which I have not tested, you may have to remove the context path from the above configuration.
Strangulation Patterns and Local Forwards
