Spring JPA one to many join - spring

#Getter #Setter
public class IndieApp {
#Column(name = "indie_app_id")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "indieApp")
private List<Genre> genres = new ArrayList<>();
#Getter #Setter
public class Genre {
#Column(name = "genre_id")
private Long genreId;
#Column(name = "description")
private String description; //like "RPG", "Action"
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "indie_app_id")
private IndieApp indieApp;
public class RandomRecDto {
private final Long id;
private final String name;
private final String genres;
public class RandomRecRepository {
private final EntityManager em;
public List<RandomRecDto> findRandomApps() {
return em.createQuery(
"select new study.weba.studyJPA.dto.RandomRecDto(i.id, i.name, g.description)" +
" from IndieApp i join i.genres g", RandomRecDto.class)
Hello seniors!
When i put the dummy data as shown below,
i can get result like this.
randomRecDto = RandomRecDto(id=1, name=App1, genres=Action)
randomRecDto = RandomRecDto(id=1, name=App1, genres=RPG)
randomRecDto = RandomRecDto(id=2, name=App2, genres=FPS)
randomRecDto = RandomRecDto(id=2, name=App2, genres=Sport)
However, result that i want is like this.
randomRecDto = RandomRecDto(id=1, name=App1, genres=Action, RPG)
randomRecDto = RandomRecDto(id=2, name=App2, genres=FPS, Sport)
I want to get description by array.
What should I do?

Why don't you get IndieApp entities and then convert them into your RandomRecDto DTO? This would even simplify your Repository that would handle IndieApp instead of RandomRecDto:
public interface IndieAppRepository extends JpaRepository<IndieApp, Long> {
List<IndieApp> findTop12();
You may want to read more details about Spring Data in the following links:
Spring Data JPA
Spring Data Repositories
Limiting query results with Spring Data JPA
Defining Spring Data Query Methods
Spring Data Repositories Query Keywords

JpaResultMapper jpaResultMapper = new JpaResultMapper();
String sql = "SELECT i.indie_app_id, i.name, group_concat(g.description separator ',') FROM indie_app AS i" +
" JOIN genre AS g ON i.indie_app_id = g.indie_app_id" +
" group by i.indie_app_id, i.name";
Query nativeQuery = em.createNativeQuery(sql);
List<RandomRecDto> results = jpaResultMapper.list(nativeQuery, RandomRecDto.class);


I want to input boolean value in ChallengeDto

public class ChallengeDto {
private Long id;
private Category category;
private String title;
private String subTitle;
private boolean like;
private int totalScore;
private int requiredScore;
public ChallengeDto(Long id, Category category, String title, String subTitle, boolean like, int totalScore, int requiredScore) {
this.id = id;
this.category = category;
this.title = title;
this.subTitle = subTitle;
this.like = like;
this.totalScore = totalScore;
this.requiredScore = requiredScore;
I created challengeDto that include challenge's properties(id, category, title, subtitle, totalScore, requiredScore) and like property(can know that if i like challenge or not).
If I put like button, that information stored challengeLike table.
public class ChallengeLike {
#Column(name = "challenge_like_id")
private Long id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
private User user;
#ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "challenge_id")
private Challenge challenge;
private LocalDateTime createDate;
Now I'm trying to write a code to retrieve challengeDto that checks if I clicked like or not, but I'm having a problem... I can't think of what kind of code to make.
public class ChallengeDtoRepository {
private final EntityManager em;
public List<ChallengeDto> findChallenges(Long userId) {
return em.createQuery(
"select new " +
"com.example.candy.controller.challenge.ChallengeDto(c.id,c.category,c.title,c.subTitle,????,c.totalScore,c.requiredScore)" +
" from Challenge c" +
" left join ChallengeLike cl on c.id = cl.challenge.id" +
" and cl.user.id = : userId", ChallengeDto.class)
.setParameter("userId", userId)
try to rename the field to likeDone or something different than like, it makes the code ambiguous.
However, just simply do:
which means:
return em.createQuery(
"select new " +
"com.example.random.demo.dto.ChallengeDto(c.id,c.category,c.title,c.subTitle,cl.likeDone,c.totalScore,c.requiredScore)" +
" from Challenge c" +
" left join ChallengeLike cl on c.id = cl.challenge.id" +
" where cl.user.id = : userId", ChallengeDto.class)
.setParameter("userId", userId)
However, try to use JPA if you don't have any mandatory condition to use native query or jpql.
JPA implementation:
public interface ChallengeLikeRepository extends JpaRepository<ChallengeLike, Long> {
List<ChallengeLike> findAllByUser_Id(long userId);
Just call the repository method from service layer and map to your required dto:
public List<ChallengeDto> findChallenges(Long userId) {
List<ChallengeLike> entities = this.repository.findAllByUser_Id(userId);
return entities.stream().map(this::mapToDto).collect(Collectors.toList());
The mapToDto() method converts the entity to corresponding ChallengeDto
private ChallengeDto mapToDto(ChallengeLike x) {
return ChallengeDto.builder()
For your convenience, some properties has been added or changed in some classes. The #Builder annotation has been added to the ChallengeDto class. The rest of the corresponding entity and other classes:
a) ChallengeLike.java
public class ChallengeLike {
#Column(name = "challenge_like_id")
private Long id;
#JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
private User user;
#JoinColumn(name = "challenge_id")
private Challenge challenge;
private boolean likeDone;
private LocalDateTime createDate;
b) Challenge.java
public class Challenge {
private Long id;
private Category category;
private String title;
private String subTitle;
private int totalScore;
private int requiredScore;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "challenge", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<ChallengeLike> challengeLikes = new ArrayList<>();
c) Category.java
public enum Category {
If you want to fetch Challenge entity instead of ChallengeLike and map that to ChallengeDto, first implement ChallangeRepository:
public interface ChallengeRepository extends JpaRepository<Challenge, Long> {
Add the fetchType to EAGER in Challange Entity class:
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "challenge", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<ChallengeLike> challengeLikes = new ArrayList<>();
And to map the Challenge to ChallengeDto, you can add another mothod as follows:
private ChallengeDto mapToDto(Challenge x) {
return ChallengeDto.builder()
.like(!x.getChallengeLikes().isEmpty() && x.getChallengeLikes().get(0).isLikeDone())
.userId(x.getUserId()) // if you have user reference in Challenge, remove this otherwise.
finally, to incorporate everything properly, change the caller:
public List<ChallengeDto> findChallenges(Long userId) {
List<Challenge> entities = this.repository.findAll();
List<ChallengeDto> entitiesWithoutChallengeLikes = entities.stream()
.filter(x -> x.getChallengeLikes() == null
|| x.getChallengeLikes().isEmpty())
List<ChallengeDto> entitiesInferredFromChallengeLikes = entities.stream()
.filter(x -> x.getChallengeLikes() != null && !x.getChallengeLikes().isEmpty())
.flatMap(x -> x.getChallengeLikes().stream())
return entitiesInferredFromChallengeLikes;
Final Update
Well, I finally understood properly what you expected. Adopt the following changes to the previous solution and you will get exactly what you want.
Change the 2 occurrence of the following in the findChallanges method:
.map(x -> mapToDto(x, userId))
And the two mapToDto functions will be changed to follows:
private ChallengeDto mapToDto(ChallengeLike x, long userId) {
return ChallengeDto.builder()
.like(x.getUser().getId() == userId && x.isLikeDone())
private ChallengeDto mapToDto(Challenge x, long userId) {
return ChallengeDto.builder()

JPA Failing to produce a proper SQL query when a parameter has a composite primary key

Today I came across a weird bug while trying to test a JPA update query and I'm wondering if this a SpringBoot bug.
I have the following entities
An Entry entity
#NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PROTECTED, force = true)
public class Entry {
private String id;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = User.class)
#JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "username")
private final User username;
private Type type;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = Category.class)
#JoinColumns({#JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "name"),#JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "type"),#JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "username")})
private Category category;
#Size(max = 45)
private String description;
private Double amount;
private final Date createdAt;
private Timestamp lastUpdate;
private Boolean isDeleted;
public enum Type{
A Category entity with a composite key
#NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PROTECTED, force = true)
#EqualsAndHashCode(of = {"id"})
#ToString(of = {"id"})
public class Category {
private CategoryId id;
private final Timestamp createdAt = Timestamp.from(Instant.now());
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = User.class)
#JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "username")
private final User user;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy = "category")
private List<Entry> entries;
public Category(String name, Type type, User user){
this.id = new CategoryId(name,type,user.getUsername());
this.user = user;
A CategoryID that is the embeddable composite key of the Category entity
#NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PROTECTED)
#EqualsAndHashCode(of = {"name","type","username"})
public class CategoryId implements Serializable {
private String name;
private Type type;
private String username;
The following repository
public interface EntryRepository extends JpaRepository<Entry, String> {
Optional<Entry> findEntryById(String id);
#Modifying(clearAutomatically = true, flushAutomatically = true)
#Query(value = "UPDATE Entry e SET e.username = :username, e.type = :type, e.category = :category, e.description = :description, e.amount = :amount, e.createdAt = :date, e.lastUpdate = :lastUpdate, e.isDeleted = :isDeleted WHERE e.id = :id")
void update(#Param("id") String id,
#Param("username") User username,
#Param("type") Entry.Type type,
#Param("category") Category category,
#Param("description") String description,
#Param("amount") Double amount,
#Param("date") Date date,
#Param("lastUpdate") Timestamp lastUpdate,
#Param("isDeleted") Boolean isDeleted);
And finally the following Unit Test
void update() {
User testUser = userRepository.save(new User("testUser#test.com","000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"));
Category testCategory = categoryRepository.save(new Category("Test Category", Entry.Type.Income,testUser));
Entry testEntry = new Entry("testEntry",testUser, Entry.Type.Income,
testCategory, "test",
0.0, new Date(343), from(now()), false);
entryRepositoryUnderTest.update("testEntry",testUser,Expense,testCategory,"testUpdated",1.0,new Date(346), from(now()),true);
Optional<Entry> actual = entryRepositoryUnderTest.findEntryById("testEntry");
When I run the test it fails and I get the following error message:
could not execute update query; SQL [update entry set username_username=?, type=?,category_name=?=category_type=?, description=?, amount=?, created_at=?, last_update=?, is_deleted=? where id=?]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not execute update query
As you can see here when SpringBoot is trying to produce a SQL query statement from my #Query parameter it can not properly extract the Category field from the parameters and inject it's composite embeddable key into the SQL statement. It has no problem extracting the User parameter because the User is an entity with an id that is not composite.
Is this a SpringBoot bug or am I missing something?
This is the structure of the database

Can not map native sql result into dto using #Query annotation

I have followed JPA interface projection process to map native SQL result into a custom DTO but still, I am getting result in AbstractJpaQuery$TupleConverter$TupleBackedMap format. How can I map the result into desired DTO class?
This is the repository class
public interface SubjectMarkingCriteriaRepository extends JpaRepository<SubjectMarkingCriteria,Long> {
value = "select smc.id as id ,c.class as academicClass,s.subject as subject,mc.criteria as criteria " +
"from subject_marking_criteria smc " +
"join subject s on smc.subject_id = s.id " +
"join marking_criteria mc on smc.marking_criteria_id = mc.id " +
"Join class c on s.class_id = c.id ",
nativeQuery = true)
List<ResultDTO> findAllByParam();
DTO interface
public interface ResultDTO{
Long getId();
String getAcademicClass();
String getSubject();
String getCriteria();
Entities are :
#Table(name = "subject_marking_criteria")
public class SubjectMarkingCriteria {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Long subjectId;
private Long markingCriteriaId;
#Table(name = "subject")
public class Subject {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String subject;
private String bnSubject;
#Table(name = "marking_criteria")
public class MarkingCriteria {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String criteria;
private String bnCriteria;
Result found as below
results = {ArrayList#12758} size = 2
0 = {$Proxy210#12766} "org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.AbstractJpaQuery$TupleConverter$TupleBackedMap#1c56a65c"
1 = {$Proxy210#12767} "org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.AbstractJpaQuery$TupleConverter$TupleBackedMap#31c7eaa"

Spring Data Jpa One To One mapping with where clause

I have two tables and I need OneToOne mapping with where clause.
select * from person_details inner join address_details
on address_details.pid=person_details.pid AND person_details.exist_flag = 'Y' AND address_details.address_exist_flag = 'Y'
Table 1
public class PersonDetails {
private String pid;
#Column(name = "first_name")
private String firstName;
#Column(name = "last_name")
private String lastName;
#Column(name = "exist_flag")
private String existFlag;
#OneToOne(mappedBy = "personDetails", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#Where(clause = "addressExistFlag = 'Y'")
private AddressDetails addressDetails;
Table 2
#Table(name = "address_details")
public class AddressDetails {
private String pid;
private String street;
#Column(name = "address_exist_flag")
private String addressExistFlag;
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "pid", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private PersonDetails personDetails;
I need data to be fetched if both addressExistFlag = 'Y' and existFlag = 'Y'.
With current scenario If I am trying to fetch data via spring batch read repository as below, only existFlag = 'Y' is considered. Is it because of incorrect mapping or the way I have used in spring batch
ReadRepository looks like below
public interface PersonDetailsRepository extends JpaRepository<PersonDetails, String> {
Page<PersonDetails> findByExistFlag(String existFlag, Pageable pageable);
Spring batch read repository looks like below
RepositoryItemReader<PersonDetails> personDetailsItemReader() {
Map<String, Sort.Direction> sort = new HashMap<>();
sort.put("ExistFlag", Sort.Direction.ASC);
return new RepositoryItemReaderBuilder<PersonDetails>()
You are only querying for existsFlag.
You have to add the other Flag too:
public interface PersonDetailsRepository extends JpaRepository<PersonDetails, String> {
Page<PersonDetails> findByExistFlagAndAddressDetailsAddressExistFlag(
String existFlag, String addressExistFlag, Pageable pageable);
RepositoryItemReader<PersonDetails> personDetailsItemReader() {
Map<String, Sort.Direction> sort = new HashMap<>();
sort.put("ExistFlag", Sort.Direction.ASC);
return new RepositoryItemReaderBuilder<PersonDetails>()
.arguments("Y", "Y")

Spring data JPA derived query for multiple #OneToMany entities and inner entity localization

I am trying to do a simple task with Spring Data JPA derived queries and am unable to get the desired results from the query. Basically I have a Book which can have one or many Chapters with localization support for the Book as well as the Chapter. I want to create a query which would fetch a language specific book (with chapters) based on the Locale. Here are my four entities.
public class Book {
#Column(name = "ID")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private int noOfPages;
* Both mappings below are unidirectional #OneToMany
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "BOOK_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
private List<BookTranslation> bookTranslations;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "BOOK_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
private List<Chapter> chapters;
* Constructor for JPA
protected Book() {
public Book(int noOfPages, List<BookTranslation> bookTranslations, List<Chapter> chapters) {
this.noOfPages = noOfPages;
this.bookTranslations = bookTranslations;
this.chapters = chapters;
public class BookTranslation {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Language language;
private String name;
* Constructor for JPA
protected BookTranslation() {
public BookTranslation(Language language, String name) {
this.language = language;
this.name = name;
public class Chapter {
#Column(name = "ID")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private int chapterNumber;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "CHAPTER_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
private List<ChapterTranslation> chapterTranslations;
* Constructor for JPA
protected Chapter() {
public Chapter(int chapterNumber, List<ChapterTranslation> chapterTranslations) {
this.chapterNumber = chapterNumber;
this.chapterTranslations = chapterTranslations;
public class ChapterTranslation {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Language language;
private String title;
* Constructor for JPA
protected ChapterTranslation() {
public ChapterTranslation(Language language, String title) {
this.language = language;
this.title = title;
public enum Language {
Below is the sample code, I am using to persist these entities. Ignore the #GetMapping please, this is just a sample.
public void persistBook() {
ChapterTranslation enChapter = new ChapterTranslation(Language.EN, "What is Java persistence?");
ChapterTranslation frChapter = new ChapterTranslation(Language.FR, "Qu'est-ce que la persistance Java?");
List<ChapterTranslation> chapterOneTranslation = new ArrayList<>();
Chapter chapterOne = new Chapter(1, chapterOneTranslation);
List<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<>();
BookTranslation enBook = new BookTranslation(Language.EN, "JPA WikiBook in English");
BookTranslation frBook = new BookTranslation(Language.FR, "JPA WikiBook in French");
List<BookTranslation> bookTranslations = new ArrayList<>();
Book book = new Book(500, bookTranslations, chapters);
My BookRepository looks as follows:
public interface BookRepository extends CrudRepository<Book, Long> {
List<Book> findBooksByBookTranslations_LanguageAndChapters_ChapterTranslations_Language(Language lang1, Language lang2);
Sample code I am using to retrieve the result.
public List<Book> retrieveEnglishBook() {
return bookRepository.findBooksByBookTranslations_LanguageAndChapters_ChapterTranslations_Language(
Language.EN, Language.EN
My expected output is as attached in the image below.
One thing that I noticed from the Hibernate logs is that Hibernate makes a total of four select queries and the first query output is exactly what I need. However, since this a method name based query I don't suppose I can control that.
EDIT 1: Before trying out the answer, I was getting all books with all their locales returned, after changing my query to the one given in the accepted answer I was able to get the Book with the selected locale.
Please note: I also had to change all collections from using a List to a Set, more on this can be read about in the accepted answers link.
What you describe as a desired result is a single database result.
I guess what you mean by that is you expect to get all the books but only with the translations in a single language.
You don't describe what you actually get, so assume you are getting the book with all available translations.
Your desired result is beyond the capabilities of derived queries.
The different predicates of a derived queries all limit the root entities to be returned Book in your case. They should still have all references in tact.
You could achieve your goal with an annotated query like this:
public interface BookRepository extends CrudRepository<Book, Long> {
#Query("SELECT b FROM Book b
JOIN FETCH b.bookTranslations as bt
JOIN FETCH b.chapter as c
JOIN FETCH c.chapterTranslation as ct
WHERE bt.language = :lang
AND ct.language = :lang")
List<Book> findBooksByLanguage(Language lang);
See also How to filter child collection in JPQL query?
Side note: query derivation should only be used when the resulting method name is VERY similar to what you would have named the method anyway.
