GraphQl One-Direction Relationship - graphql

I'd like my user to have a list of workouts (they can be active, completed, todo). Do I have to make a link from Workout to user in order to make this work? Is there no other way? Having a link back seems weird because I'd have a loop user>workout>user>workout...
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be done in graphql, I'm new to graphql. I currently have the following schema:
type User {
email: String #unique
fullName: String
birthDate: Date
weight: Int
height: Int
country: String
trainingFrequency: Int
trainingGoal: String
isOnboarded: Boolean
workouts: [Workout]
type Workout {
name: String!
state: State!
enum State {
type Query {
allUsers: [User!]!
findUserByEmail(email: String!): User

With Fauna, a two way relationship is always created for you when you use the #relation directive. In a one-to-many relationship a reference will be stored in all of the many-side Documents (Workout type in your case). Traversing the graph from the one-side (User type) to the many-side is made possible with an Index that is automatically generated for you.
Yes, you can query (nearly) infinitely cyclically, but in practice, there is no benefit to it.
Make sure you include the #relation directive.
type User {
email: String #unique
fullName: String
birthDate: Date
weight: Int
height: Int
country: String
trainingFrequency: Int
trainingGoal: String
isOnboarded: Boolean
workouts: [Workout] #relation
type Workout {
name: String!
state: State!
owner: User! #relation


How to use null safety of data model classes with graphql?

Let's assume we have the following graphql schema:
type Query {
getPost(id: ID!): Post!
getUserProfile(id: ID!): User!
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
gender: String!
dob: Date!
type Post {
id: ID!
creator: User!
caption: String!
Here are the graphql queries that we are making on frontend:
getPost(id:"pid1") {
creator {
getUserProfile(id: "uid1") {
This is the data model class on the frontend side with which we are deserialising the server response:
class UserModel {
String id;
String name;
String? gender; // ? means nullable
String? dob; // ? means nullable
My issue is that we have to mark the gender & dob fields as nullable because we aren't fetching them in the getPost query hence absence of them in the server response will make them null. However, gender and dob are always non-nullable in the backend as well as in the GQL API contract defined above. So we cannot use the null-safety feature of the client-side language for these fields and are forced to check if there are null or not. Is there a workaround or better way to treat such fields as null safe?

How to properly append to an array using Dgraph GraphQL API?

I'm trying to spin up Dgraph, but appears as though to add a node to an array of nodes using the GraphQL api requires an unnecessary amount of work if I understand it correctly:
I have the following simplified schema:
type User #secret(field: "password") {
account: String! #id
email: String! #search(by: [hash])
extension: String! #search(by: [hash])
phone: String! #search(by: [hash])
hasCreated: [Transaction]! #hasInverse(field: from)
hasReceived: [Transaction]! #hasInverse(field: to)
type Transaction {
id: ID!
type: TransactionType! #search(by:[terms])
amount: Float!
assetCode: String! #search(by:[terms])
to: User!
from: User!
initiatedAt: DateTime! #search(by:[hash])
completedAt: DateTime #search(by:[hash])
status: Status!
To me, it appears as though to add a node to the User's hasCreated or hasReceived fields would require me to pull the entire array, append a new Transaction to the array and then use an updateUser mutation to complete the update. But the updateUser mutation would require me to get all the Transactions and all Users attached to these transactions and so on.
Example trying to retrieve an entire user object:
query {
hasCreated {
to {
hasReceived {
to {
Is there another way to append to arrays or update objects using the GraphQL api without having to retrieve whole objects?

Using Apollo Federated GraphQL, is there a way to sort/paginate on a value from an external entity?

Is it possible to mark a field in an input to a query as requiring a field extended by a different service?
Using the federation-demo to illustrate my question, but keeping a little bit more simple. Having just an Account service and a Reviews service, and adding a karma field to the User, is it possible to filter reviews based on User karma.
Account service, adding a karma int to a User:
extend type Query {
me: User
type User #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String
username: String
karma: Int!
Reviews service, adding a reviews Query:
extend type Query {
reviews(minKarma: Int): [Review!]!
type Review #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
body: String
author: User #provides(fields: "username")
product: Product
extend type User #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID! #external
username: String #external
karma: Int! #external
reviews: [Review]
extend type Product #key(fields: "upc") {
upc: String! #external
reviews: [Review]
In my resolver for, I want to filter out any review where is less than the specified minKarma.
How do I tell the gateway that when minKarma is specified in the Query input, I want the Account service to be queried first and a representation of users to be passed into the Reviews service, with the karma of each user attached to the review as the author, so that I can do the filter?
Circling back to the question at the top of this post, can I mark the minKarma field as requiring User.karma?
This is the questions plaguing me as well.

How to resolve subselections / relations in prisma (nested lists)

Let's take an example from the github repo of prisma:
We have a user, the user could have multiple posts, and one post could have multiple links.
My goal is, to retrieve all posts and all links.
This means, my response is a list (links) in a list (posts).
I want to map the values I get back as two nested lists.
type User {
id: ID! #id
email: String! #unique
name: String
posts: [Post]!
type Post {
id: ID! #id
createdAt: DateTime! #createdAt
updatedAt: DateTime! #updatedAt
published: Boolean! #default(value: false)
title: String!
content: String
author: User!
links: [Link]!
type Link {
id: ID! #id
url: String
title: String
post: Post!
type Query {
type Mutation {
type Link {
id: ID!
url: String
title: String
post: Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
published: Boolean!
title: String!
content: String
author: User!
type User {
id: ID!
email: String!
name: String
posts: [Post]!
I want to query all posts of a user, and all of the links for every post in the response.
How would I query this request?
user {
posts {
links {
The above code snipper would not work.
I want to use the following:
User: {
listPosts: (parent, args, context, info) {
return context.prisma.posts().links()
So in my response (data in front-end via react-apollo Query Component), I want to map over posts AND the links in each post.
BUT the links attribute in posts is null.
Is there another way to achieve this?!
According to the docs:
Prisma client has a fluent API to query relations in your database. Meaning you can simply chain your method calls to navigate the relation properties of the returned records. This is only possible when retrieving single records, not for lists. Meaning you can not query relation fields of records that are returned in a list.
In order to get around that limitation, you can use the $fragment method:
const fragment = `
fragment UserWithPostsAndLinks on User {
posts {
links {
const userWithPostsAndLinks = await prisma.user({ id: }).$fragment(fragment)

Graphql with nested mutations?

I am trying to figure out how to mutate a nested object with graphql mutations, if possible. For instance I have the following schema:
type Event {
id: String
name: String
description: String
place: Place
type Place {
id: String
name: String
location: Location
type Location {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
type Query {
events: [Event]
type Mutation {
updateEvent(id: String, name: String, description: String): Event
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
How can I add the place information inside my updateEvent mutation?
Generally speaking, you should avoid thinking of the arguments to your mutations as a direct mapping to object types in your schema. Whilst it's true that they will often be similar, you're better off approaching things under the assumption that they won't be.
Using your basic types as an example. Let's say I wanted to create a new event, but rather than knowing the location, I just have the longitude/latitude - it's actually the backend that calculates the real location object from this data, and I certainly don't know its ID (it doesn't have one yet!). I'd probably construct my mutation like this:
input Point {
longitude: Float!
latitude: Float!
input PlaceInput {
coordinates: Point!
type mutation {
name: String!
description: String
placeId: ID
newPlace: PlaceInput
): Event
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
placeId: ID
newPlace: PlaceInput
): Event
A mutation is basically just a function call, and it's best to think of it in those terms. If you wrote a function to create an Event, you likely wouldn't provide it an event and expect it to return an event, you'd provide the information necessary to create an Event.
If you want to add a whole object to the mutation you have to define a graphql element of the type input. Here is a link to a small cheatsheet.
In your case it could look like this:
type Location {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
type Place {
id: String
name: String
location: Location
type Event {
id: String
name: String
description: String
place: Place
input LocationInput {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
input PlaceInput {
id: ID!
name: String!
location: LocationInput!
type Query {
events: [Event]
type Mutation {
updateEvent(id: String, name: String, description: String, place: PlaceInput!): Event
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
