Proper way to populate cache from Cassandra - performance

I want to have a memory cache layer in my application. To populate cache with items, I have to get data from a large Cassandra table. Select all is not recommended, because without using partition keys, it's a slow read operation. Prior to that I can "predict" partition keys using other Cassandra table that I'll have to read all again, but relatively it's a smaller volume table. After reading data from user table and creating a list of potential partition keys (userX, userY) that may or may not be present in initial table. With that list try and populate cache by executing select queries with each potential key. That also doesn't sound like a really good idea.
So the question is? How to properly populate cache layer with data from Cassandra DB?

The second option is preferred for warming up or pre-loading your cache.
Single-partition asynchronous queries from multiple client/app instances is much better than doing a full table scan. Asynchronous queries from lots of clients distributes the load efficiently to all nodes in the cluster which is why they perform better.
It should be said that if you've got your data model right and you've sized your cluster correctly, you can achieve single-digit millisecond latencies. I work with a lot of large organisations who have a 95% SLA for 6-8ms reads. Cheers!


How to do small queries efficiently in Clickhouse

In our deployment, there are one thousand shards. The insertions are done via a distributed table with sharding jumpConsistentHash(colX, 1000). When I query for rows with colX=... and turn on send_logs_level='trace', I see the query is sent to all shards and is executed on each shard. This is limiting our QPS (queries per second). Checking with Clickhouse document, it states:
SELECT queries are sent to all the shards and work regardless of how data is distributed across the shards (they can be distributed completely randomly).
When you add a new shard, you don’t have to transfer the old data to it.
You can write new data with a heavier weight – the data will be distributed slightly unevenly, but queries will work correctly and efficiently.
You should be concerned about the sharding scheme in the following cases:
* Queries are used that require joining data (IN or JOIN) by a specific key. If data is sharded by this key, you can use local IN or JOIN instead of GLOBAL IN or GLOBAL JOIN, which is much more efficient.
* A large number of servers is used (hundreds or more) with a large number of small queries (queries of individual clients - websites, advertisers, or partners).
In order for the small queries to not affect the entire cluster, it makes sense to locate data for a single client on a single shard.
Alternatively, as we’ve done in Yandex.Metrica, you can set up bi-level sharding: divide the entire cluster into “layers”, where a layer may consist of multiple shards.
Data for a single client is located on a single layer, but shards can be added to a layer as necessary, and data is randomly distributed within them.
Distributed tables are created for each layer, and a single shared distributed table is created for global queries.
It seems there is a solution for such small queries as in our case (the second bullet above), but I am not clear about the point. Does it mean when querying for a specific query with predicate colX=..., I need to find the corresponding "layer" that contains its rows and then query on the corresponding distributed table for this layer?
Is there a way to query on the global distributed table for these small queries?

Surrogate Key Mapping for large (50 Million) keysets in Apache Flink

I have a use case where the apache flink process must integrate near real-time data streams (events) from multiple sources but due to lack of uniform keys in the different systems I need to use a surrogate key (SK) lookup from an existing data base. The SK data set is very large (50 Million+ keys). Is it possible/advisable to cache such a data set for in-stream transformation (mapping) without a DB lookup? If yes, What are caching limitations? If not, what alternatives are possible with Flink?
There are a few options
Local map
If the surrogate key is never changing, you could just load it in RichMapFunction#open and perform the lookup. That of course means that you will have to adjust the memory settings such that Flink doesn't try to take all memory for its own operations.
Some quick math: assume both keys are strings of length 10. They will each need 40 bytes of chars in memory. With some object overhead, we are getting to ~50 bytes per entry. With 50M entries, we are needing 2.5 GB RAM to store that. Because the hash map will have some overhead, I'd plan with 3 GB RAM.
So if you task manager has 8GB, I'd set taskmanager.memory.size to 4 GB.
Ofc, you need to ensure that different tasks of the same task manager are not loading the same map twice. Also I'd choose a format that is suited to load the data as quickly as possible (e.g., Avro) because a slow parsing will greatly reduce startup and recovery time.
If memory is an issue or data is changing, you can also model the lookup data as a map-state. I'd add a second input for that lookup data and use a KeyedCoProcessFunction. The feed whatever comes from the second input into the map-state. The state should use a rocks-db backend, such that the data effectively resides on disk.
Joining data
A lookup can also be modeled as a join. If you are already using Table API, have a look at Join with Temporal Table. This will internally use the state-based approach but is much more concise. You can also mix DataStream with Tables.

How does GreenPlum handle multiple large joins and simultaneous workloads?

Our product is extracts from our database, they can be as large as 300GB+ in file format. To achieve that we join multiple large tables (tables close to 1TB in size in some cases). We do not aggregate data period, it's pure extracts. How does GreenPlum handle these kind of large data sets (The join keys are 3+ column keys and not every table has the same keys to join with, the only common key is the first key and if data would be distributed by that there will be a lot of skew since the data itself is not balanced).
You should use writable external tables for those types of large data extracts because it can leverage gpfdist and write data in parallel. It will be very fast.
Also, your use case doesn't really indicate skew. Skew would be either storing the data by a poor column choice like gender_code or processing skew where you filter by a column or columns where only a few segments has the data.
In general, Greenplum Database handles this kind of load just fine. The query is executed in parallel on the segments.
Your bottleneck is likely the final export from the database - if you use SQL (or COPY), everything has to go through the master to the client. That takes time, and is slow.
As Jon pointed out, consider using an external table, and write out the data as it comes out of the query. Also avoid any kind of sort operation in your query, if possible. This is unnecessary because the data arrives unsorted in the external table file.

Cache huge data in-memory

I am looking for an in-memory cache solution which can handle big data (<5GB). For a user inputted search term, the database (elasticsearch) will return a large amount of data which the tool will analyze and show via different webpages of the tool. Now my problem is that I want to cache this big data temporarily till the user session gets over so that I don't have to fetch it again from elasticsearch every time the user opens a new page. It will have to be in-memory because disk based will take over a minute which would be very slow.
I initially thought memcached but it has a max limit of 128MB. After reading quite a bit, Redis seems suitable but it is unclear to me whether a bunch of Redis nodes can work in tandem or not. Is it possible to set up a pool of many Redis nodes so that a suitable node will be automatically chosen on SET and the data returned upon GET without me having to specify the node?
Problem: Cache big data (<5GB) in an in-memory cache
Possible solution: Redis
Question: Can I pool a bunch of Redis nodes so that I can fetch a key stored in any of them without specifying a particular node. I don't need to distribute my data since data for a single user will fit into the RAM of a single node.
A Redis Cluster sounds like a good fit for your usecase!
Redis cluster provides a mechanism for data sharding by means of hash slots. These slots are equally distributed over the nodes in your cluster when setting it up.
Whenever you store a value in the cluser, the corresponding hash slot for the given key is calculated and the data is forwarded to the responsible node. And the same way you can afterwards query your data again. So the answer to your question is certainly yes.
However, the max value size per key is 512MB. I'm not sure if I got your storage requirement correctly. I assume 5GB is the estimated total amount over all users.
Checkout the redis cluster tutorial.
You can also look into NCache(.net) / Tayzgrid(java) by Alachisoft,
Both of these solutions provide distributed caching with dynamic clustering which allows to add or remove nodes in cluster at runtime with out losing any data. Also intelligent client makes sure to refer to appropriate node to fetch/store a record against any key.

Composite indexes on fact tables in a data warehouse - datamart

Is it a best practice to keep composite unique indexes on fact tables in a Oracle EDW - data mart for avoiding duplicates? will it impact ETL data load performance? Please provide your thoughts on this topic. What are other alternative ways to gain SLA for ETL load?
Each insert into a table that has an index will cause that index to be updated causing IO and slowing it down a bit. So loading into a table with indexes whether unique or not will be a bit slower. You can drop that index, load and then create it again. It will reduce index fragmentation and usually will be faster with large loads.
I'm surprised to see a unique index on a fact table. Usually there is not so much uniqueness required there and in general data warehouses denormalize and duplicate data.
It all depends on your case. If you can use ETL to avoid undesired duplicates do it instead of using an index. Don't create this index if the sole purpose is data integrity/consistency. Indexes get huge so they better be useful for your queries.
