How to model a dependency graph in Laravel - laravel

I am stuck modelling the following relationship in a new application:
A Module can require (many) other Modules.
In Laravel I added the Module model and a ModuleRequirement model with its migrations. The second one has a foreign id field for the module it belongs to:
Schema::create('module_requirements', function (Blueprint $table) {
// How to reference other modules?
The relationship itself is defined by:
// Module.php
public function moduleRequirements()
return $this->hasMany(ModuleRequirement::class);
This method returns a collection of ModuleRequirements as expected. Unfortunately in order to get the real Module objects I need a foreach loop and build my own collection. I wonder if there is a simpler and faster solution. The perfect way I could imagine is sth. like $module->moduleRequirements returning a collection of the actual models instead of its ids.

My understanding that a module has relation with other modules in the same table.
you should use many to many relationship ,in that case you will not need a model for ModuleRequirement just a pivot table would be sufficient.
In your case module_requirements would act as the pivot table and you just need to change the relation in Module.php to :-
public function moduleRequirements(){
return $this->belongsTomany(Module::class,"module_requirements", 'module_id', 'requires');
the migration should be something like :-
Schema::create('module_requirements', function (Blueprint $table) {


Can I create a double-morphed many-to-many relationship in Laravel?

I have two models: Product and Group, which I want to both give a many-to-many 'shown' and a 'recommended' relation with itself and the other (so both have has to be morphed in both ways).
So a 'shown' resource of either type has a set of 'recommended' resources of either type (the Groups are actually acting as a container for grouped Products).
The table should be pretty straightforward:
Schema::create('recommendables', function (Blueprint $table) {
Then relations are defined in the trait 'RecommendableTrait' which is then given to both classes. As far as these relationships are concerned both classes are then handled pretty much the same later on (even to be merged into a single collection), so there is merit in trying to do it this way.
The problem is that the following relation definitions won't work, because it will look for group_id if I call the morphed relations on Group, similarly with `morphedByMany'.
trait RecommendableTrait {
public function recommendedGroups()
return $this->morphToMany(Group::class, 'recommendable', 'recommendables')
public function recommendedProducts()
return $this->morphToMany(Product::class, 'recommendable', 'recommendables')
public function shownGroups()
return $this->morphToMany(Group::class, 'shown', 'recommendables')
public function shownProducts()
return $this->morphToMany(Product::class, 'shown', 'recommendables')
Now I know, I'm looking to create a bit of a weird relation tangle here. But I'm hoping defining a double-morphed many-to-many is possible in Laravel?
If not, I guess I'll have to either split it up in two single-morphed many-to-Many relationship sets for both classes. Which would be annoying because of the code that goes on top of these relations would have to be needlessly duplicated. Or I'll have to forego relations and just DB query the results directly. Thus giving up some of Eloquence's convenience, but at least allowing me to keep the code confined to a single shared trait.

Laravel - is there a library that lets me do a hasManyThrough relationship where my models PK is either value

Is there a library where I am able to use a pivot table that points to the same model twice (i.e User) where I can have the PK as either column 2 or 3 for something like a friending or associating system?
Code Example
Schema::create('friends', function (Blueprint $table) {
public function friends(){
return $this->[LibraryMethod](Friend::class, 'requestor_id', 'requested_id')->where('accepted', 1);
So then I could then either look at 'requestor_id' or 'requested_id' for my PK and get the PK of an associated User.
Ideally this should also work with eloquent functions.
I recognise that friends isn't the best example as you could have a handshake-like system, but for simple associations (i.e, between products) something like this would be pretty useful.

Struggling to define a polymorphic relationship which includes a BelongsTo

I'm working on a text-based, rng-based motorsport "simulator" and I'm now at the point where I want to add qualifying. Since there's many different types of qualifying sessions across real life motorsport, I want to give the user the ability to use whatever format they like.
I have a Season model, to which the a qualifying format will belong. The different formats are defined as separate models themselves, for example ThreeSessionElimination and SingleSession. The migrations for these would look something like this;
Schema::create('three_session_eliminations', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('single_sessions', function (Blueprint $table) {
My initial thought was to add
public function season(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Season::class);
to each qualifying format model, but obviously the inverse can't be a HasOne since there's different tables for each different format.
I've had a look at the "One To Many (Polymorphic)" relation documentation, but I can't quite wrap my head around how I should apply that in my case. Would I have to add a qualifying_format_id and qualifying_format_type to my Season model and remove the season_id column from each format migration to make this work?

Is there a way to have ManyToMany relationship in Laravel without creating a third table connecting both entities manually?

I am implementing a Laravel REST API backend and I have two tables, trip_announcements (user announcing their trip) and countries (self explanatory). Each announcement can have multiple countries.
I ended up creating two functions:
public function countries(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Country::class);
public function trips(){
return $this->belongsToMany(TripAnnouncement::class);
Then I created a new migration file:
class CreateTripCountriesTable extends Migration
public function up()
Schema::create('country_trip_announcement', function (Blueprint $table) {
public function down()
It does work as intended but I am a bit confused whether it's a right way to do that. I expected the ORM to kind of link the two tables for me instead of having to create the linking table myself. Is my solution ok or is there a simpler way to do that in Laravel 8?
Many to many relationships require an intermediate table to link your two models together.
In Laravel, the Eloquent ORM is separate from database migrations. You need to create both the intermediate table as a migration, and link the two models via relationships.
The way you've coded your relationship is the correct way of doing it. Have a read of the docs here.

Laravel 5 - defining relationships

everything was working fine with a single Model, but now I am implementing more, I have noticed an issue.
I have several document Models which represent a different type of document. For now, let's say I have DocumentA and DocumentB.
Each Document allows file uploads, so I have created a FileUpload Model. A Document can have many FileUploads.
So, seems pretty straight forward at this point. My FileUpload table has a documentId field, which is a reference to the id field of the Document that is using it.
In DocumentA, I have something like so
public function uploadFile()
return $this->hasMany('App\UploadFile', 'documentId');
So DocumentA can have many UploadFiles, linked by the documentId.
DocumentB has the same function within its Model.
My problem lies with the UploadFiles model. Firstly, this model now has two belongTo events e.g.
public function documentA()
return $this->belongsTo('App\DocumentA', 'documentId');
public function documentB()
return $this->belongsTo('App\DocumentB', 'documentId');
This could be the problem, not sure if I can have multiple belongs to? My immediate problem however is to do with the migration of the doc_file table. At the moment I have this
Schema::table('doc_file', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::table('doc_file', function (Blueprint $table) {
So I am trying to provide foreign keys to my documents. When I try to migrate, it tells me that
Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name documentId
Am I handling my relationships correctly? Essentially, I have many documents, and each document can have many files.
Any assistance with my database relationships appreciated.
Many thanks
Looking at your problem at first glance, it seems that there is a little confusion for you regarding the concept model.
The Model Concept
A model is in fact a conceptualization of a real-world object as it is used to represent a real-world entity.
In other words, it represents a whole class of objects with similar properties. For instance a Car model would represent all cars, whether they are of type Lamborghini or Mercedez. The fact is that they all come under the Car classification.
Same concept goes in Eloquent, and with your use case; therefore a Document model is sufficient to represent both of your documents (DocumentA and DocumentB).
Eloquent Relationships
To refine what you've achieved so far, your models' relationships can be refactored as such:
Document Model
public function fileUploads(){
return $this->hasMany('App\FileUpload');
FileUpload Model
public function document(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Document');
Based on the relationship "EACH document has MANY file uploads", and the inverse "EACH file upload BELONGS to exactly one document", as you can see, there is only one belongsTo() method in the FileUpload model to define the latter part of the relationship.
Similarly, the schema for the tables defining the above relationship are as follows:
// Schema for Document table
Schema::table('document', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('name', 100);
// Schema for FileUpload table
Schema::table('doc_file', function (Blueprint $table) { // file_uploads would have been a more friendly name in my opinion
$table->integer('documentId')->unsigned()->default(0); // note that `documentId` is interpreted as `documentid` in MySQL
